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Pattaya - Where to buy Music CD's 60's/70's not knockoff


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I work out at the Universal gym and they play CD's over a music system

that broadcasts throughout the facility (and very loud)

and unfortunately for me they play allot of American Black Ghetto Rap CD's

which are foul and disgust me.

I offered to exchange new CD's (of older music) for their Rap CD's

(like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, ABBA, Elton John, Stewart, etcetera)

which they agreed to, but I need to find a place that sells them.

PS: What's happened to British music, I listen to Fabulous 113 (?)

and most of what I hear is garbage?

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I know places you can buy vinyl record albums and 8-track tapes too.

Seriously, get the music you like online and if you really want physical CDs (whatever for?) then just burn them yourself, not as if it's difficult. . .

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Why would you want cd's they are almost as old as cassettes just a couple notches over 8 tracks & beta vhs tapes. Just download the music you want on a nice modern Hard drive. It last a hell of a lot longer without problems does not scratch & packs up in a tiny area. I had over 2000 classic rock cd's I burned onto a hard drive when I moved here in 2004 . Dumped the lot of cd's for $1300.00 & it paid for 3 hard drives & a modest computer. I don't have any super 8 camcorders either. That & a cd player isn't worth anything now without a usb port to play music & definitely not worth fixing. Up to you I had buddies that resisted change from 8 tracks to cassettes & microwaves for years. Just not worth it. Kinda like owning a Yugo automobile. Uncool & outdated.Even in Com city I just have them load the music on a usb stick & add it into the library when I need more tunes. Not meaning to be harsh on you man but Just Sayin................................................

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