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Foreign media strive to avoid simplistic portrayal of Thai woes


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Everything here is politically motivated and manipulated George, be it real corruption or an anti democratic attempt to install a peoples council. its really not complicated other than the fact there are factions and people that cannot be discussed by law here to fill in the details.

It really is simply the rich few and unelectable just demanding they control the majority because they cant do it democratically. Nothing complicated about the basics of it.

No need for sympathy because the system allowed it to happen due to the many coups and instability of governments over the past 80 years. That people here think the rest of the world dosnt get it just goes to show the effect of draconian laws here on the psyche. They get it pretty well at the basic level everyone else isnt wrong m8 its the ones here with blinkers on turned inwards that dont get it... the rest of the world does.


Which is NOT to say that the angels are on the side of the present thieving incumbents. The 'Amart' thieving bastards allowed this to happen through sheer ignorance of the end game and their perceived 'entitlement. They are as ignorant and self aggrandising as the incumbents. There really is little difference except for the fact that the idiot Taksin (forget his puppets) pushed it way too far and like all nouveau riche are trailer trash, with a LOT stolen money. Nothing more.

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You shouldn't make it sound so easy to resolve and make your claim to have the ultimate answer to this problem, if you don't.

If you are sticking with your equality for farmers 'wish' then you have been won over to the Democrat's side then as that is the ONLY party that this is going to deliver on this!!

Steve, Do tell me where I 'claim to have the ultimate answer' - these words are just not there. This is a forum for discussion, thats all.

Thanks but I haven't been 'won over' by any party. The rice subsidy scheme stinks, I very much doubt that few would disagree but I wouldn't trust the Dems to introduce any equality either. I could just have easily suggested a policy of transparency ( not fully documented of course) for all of the spending within any government. These are basic suggestions if anyone has any understanding of recent events. I am also not interested in a keyboard warrior slanging match with you either.

OK, its an idea of yours I accept - but you do imply that it is simple to come up with a scheme to fix this polarised problem that just doesn't make sense and resolves absolutely nothing.

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HMMMMMM.... But isn't saying the Dems are the PDRC over-simplifying the issue to the point of distortion?

The democrats and the PDRC are totally different don't even totally agree on a lot of issues.

I think you need to explain that the Dems never once voiced support for the blocking of the election. They just didn't agree with it.

This once again demonstrates the narrow vision of the foreign media. They probably don't even realise how much they distort the actual picture to the rest of the world.

Remember that dumba$$ CNN idiot Dan Rivers? That fool just mailed in his reporting without a single care of the actual issues at hand.

Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around.

And I for one am glad we kicked that idiot Dan Rivers so far out of this country he's nowhere to be seen

" Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around. " giggle.gif


Edited by Asiantravel
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You shouldn't make it sound so easy to resolve and make your claim to have the ultimate answer to this problem, if you don't.

If you are sticking with your equality for farmers 'wish' then you have been won over to the Democrat's side then as that is the ONLY party that this is going to deliver on this!!

Steve, Do tell me where I 'claim to have the ultimate answer' - these words are just not there. This is a forum for discussion, thats all.

Thanks but I haven't been 'won over' by any party. The rice subsidy scheme stinks, I very much doubt that few would disagree but I wouldn't trust the Dems to introduce any equality either. I could just have easily suggested a policy of transparency ( not fully documented of course) for all of the spending within any government. These are basic suggestions if anyone has any understanding of recent events. I am also not interested in a keyboard warrior slanging match with you either.

OK, its an idea of yours I accept - but you do imply that it is simple to come up with a scheme to fix this polarised problem that just doesn't make sense and resolves absolutely nothing.

Have another look at the first line of my post. The very first one, it says ' Here's an idea' so there is nothing that mentions 'simple'.

I will not respond further, thanks for the acknowledgement, have the last word if you feel the need.

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There is nothing much to "simplify".

The problem is simply caused by a minority wanting power over the majority.

The rest is just a bunch of cheap excuses to justify the damage they cause to the country.

Simple and easy to summarize in a single phrase :)

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HMMMMMM.... But isn't saying the Dems are the PDRC over-simplifying the issue to the point of distortion?

The democrats and the PDRC are totally different don't even totally agree on a lot of issues.

I think you need to explain that the Dems never once voiced support for the blocking of the election. They just didn't agree with it.

This once again demonstrates the narrow vision of the foreign media. They probably don't even realise how much they distort the actual picture to the rest of the world.

Remember that dumba$$ CNN idiot Dan Rivers? That fool just mailed in his reporting without a single care of the actual issues at hand.

Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around.

And I for one am glad we kicked that idiot Dan Rivers so far out of this country he's nowhere to be seen

" Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around. " giggle.gif


The link is to a Time article that epitomises what I said in my post a short while ago. It is just another shallow piece from a 'journalist' who seems to have copied and pasted some of the Wikipedia half-baked articles on Thai current affairs.

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I used to think that Jonathan Head's pro-Thaksinite reports on the BBC were rock bottoms as far as red foreign journalists were concerned but this one from Thomas Fuller in the NYT now takes the biscuit http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/15/world/asia/thai-police-clear-areas-of-protesters-as-their-numbers-ebb.html?_r=0

He suggests it is unfair for the NACC to probe Yingluck promptly over the rice pledging scandal which is perhaps the most egregious fraud ever perpetrated on 1.4 million poverty stricken farmers with catastrophic results. He even stoops so low as to imply that the Crown Property Bureau is supporting the protests.

I hope that being able to obtain a Thai visa and work permit are not important for his career. Perhaps he can find employment with Robert Amsterdam, if he can no longer travel to Thailand.

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There is nothing much to "simplify".

The problem is simply caused by a minority wanting power over the majority.

The rest is just a bunch of cheap excuses to justify the damage they cause to the country.

Simple and easy to summarize in a single phrase smile.png

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Yes, to simple minds there is nothing much to simplify. The damage caused to the country is squarely in the PTP (Thaksin's in reality) court. The amnesty attempt - carried out with as many lies and subterfuge as the invasion of Iraq - and the rejection (not for the first time) of a court's findings brought their whole house of cards crashing down.

The real damage to Thailand has been done before this crisis erupted. The unsustainable rice subsidies, stupid first car subsidies, mismanaged flood-abatement budget, together with a technical recession in 2013 has done far more damage than any of the current protests.

All it needed to kill the protests stone dead was YL's resignation - how about that for simplicity?

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Not that simple... I already see the yellow faces if Yingluck resigns... and his replaced by Chalerm :)

Or anyone from the PT...

Or any friends of the PT...

Or the friends of the friends...

That was certainly not a solution.

What Suthep and Abhisit want is power. Only power.

To the rest they always gave a very simple answer : "No"...

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Not that simple... I already see the yellow faces if Yingluck resigns... and his replaced by Chalerm smile.png

Or anyone from the PT...

Or any friends of the PT...

Or the friends of the friends...

That was certainly not a solution.

What Suthep and Abhisit want is power. Only power.

To the rest they always gave a very simple answer : "No"...

Sent from my iPhone...

Why is it so difficult for you to actually mention an independent caretaker PM? It certainly was a solution which would have avoided much of the current mess.

What every politician wants is power. Nothing wrong with that but when it is abused - as it was by Yingluck - it needs stopping. Unfortunately what the Shin dynasty want is not just power but total control - above the law - and the consequent money that goes with overarching power.

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just to say that most western media that I follow are telling it as it is and making it very clear for people to understand what it's all about and who is on the stages of the protest and who is behind it all.

Really? Then please let me know where the substance is in yesterday's WSJ report:


It shows Chalerm as a calm, affable individual with a desire to negotiate....???!!!

There is no mention whatsoever of the fraudulent activities that have actually given rise to the current situation in Thailand, nor is there any mention of the rice fiasco and the disturbance that may potentially occur when the farmers reach Government House on Monday and are asked to accept down-payments on the money that they are due...!

The foreign media outlets are currently making fools of themselves. If they fail to report each and every one of the issues that have given rise to the current crisis, then they are demonstrating selective reporting, which is of no use or interest to anyone...!!

Sam and Betty Stryvers in Peoria Illinois with their careers, 2.5 kids, two cars, 3 dogs, mortgage, taxes, medical insurance changes etc etc etc don't give a rat's arse about your burning issues back here in Thailand. They elect a government to deal with these things yet you all the same crap on about that when Washington makes its limited public engagements.

Can't you somehow relate that, for certain reasons called professional journalism, the WSJ knows about Sam and Betty and that you don't have a clue? The WSJ and other Western media around the globe have a professional approach to current developments in Thailand. They don't have a personal agenda nor are they grinding any axes.

Among the several criteria professional journalism gives to news is its proximity, its interest, its significance in the daily lives of readers/viewers, and Thailand fails to ring the bell on just these three of the several determining criteria. So what if it rings all of your bells - who are you in Peoria, Illinois? Or in Washington for that matter.

The WSJ story, written by a women of a Thai name, is a report on the police clearing operation. Precious few in the universe outside of Asean care that you have rice on the brain or that your knickers are in a twist about somebody holed up in a Dubai mansion who's trying to prevent you getting hold of his sister.

Because your universe revolves around the former LOS hardly means the other 8 billion people on the planet need to be brought up to speed to your personal insistent demands and self-indulgent satisfaction.

And oh, BTW, I almost missed the article's brief mention of Chalerm - something about his holding a press conference. I still don't know how many cars or dogs he may have. Whatever are you on about?

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HMMMMMM.... But isn't saying the Dems are the PDRC over-simplifying the issue to the point of distortion?

The democrats and the PDRC are totally different don't even totally agree on a lot of issues.

I think you need to explain that the Dems never once voiced support for the blocking of the election. They just didn't agree with it.

This once again demonstrates the narrow vision of the foreign media. They probably don't even realise how much they distort the actual picture to the rest of the world.

Remember that dumba$$ CNN idiot Dan Rivers? That fool just mailed in his reporting without a single care of the actual issues at hand.

Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around.

And I for one am glad we kicked that idiot Dan Rivers so far out of this country he's nowhere to be seen

" Yes, the word democracy is thrown around conveniently but at least they are trying to dig deeper this time around. " giggle.gif


Whatever makes you feel better, man.

Your posts equating Suthep with Mussolini are ill informed, uneducated, and weakly non-sequitur at best.

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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

He's a fellow Old Alleynian but as a journalist I cannot defend him and I won't.

But let's face it, the BBC isn't what it was any more. sad.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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They also paint a picture of his sister being a good prime minister, which of course, is far from true.

'Good' in this context is subjective.. Your good, my good, whose good..

In a democracy you have the majority choose who they wish to lead, who is then good until the next time a electorate choose who is to lead.. 'Good' is defined by a collective not you, or Suthep, or the Chief of the army.. But collectively.

...and you believe that those who voted for her party, and then saw her appointed as Prime Minister, still believe that she is a good Prime Minister today?

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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

And your post isn't one-sided and totally biased? Jonathan Head can defend himself, but I very glad that the BBC and most of the other foreign media are reporting the situation impartially and not taking sides. Do you really believe that the only corruption and vote buying in Thailand is on one side?

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HMMMMMM.... But isn't saying the Dems are the PDRC over-simplifying the issue to the point of distortion?

The democrats and the PDRC are totally different and don't even totally agree on a lot of issues.

I think you need to explain that the Dems never once voiced support for the blocking of the election. They just didn't agree with it.

the PDRC is mainly the PADocrat faction of the Democrats

Thank you for that very insightful contribution to a debate which was actually proceeding quite well...!!

You say the debate was proceeding well.I can assure you that many reading your earlier brainless comment that Jonathan Head is an embarrassment to us all will have queried that assumption.JH is an excellent journalist and is highly regarded by many influential Thais including Khun Anand Panyarachun.

In truth the original article was fair enough and both the newsmen concerned have sound reputations.However there is even from these guys a suggestion that Thailand is a complex society outsiders struggle to understand.Normally this simply means some Thais can't bear scrutiny of their society's weaknesses and divisions.Far more complex societies such as that of Japan and China have numerous foreign experts and analysts.It is seldom however that locals complain foreigners dont "get it".

...so anything that I have to say that you disagree with is 'brainless'...right?!

Read on McDuff ... you will see several comments supporting my viewpoint, along with others ridiculing yours...!!

BTW, is that jay for Jonathan...?

Edited by GeorgeO
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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

He's a fellow Old Alleynian but as a journalist I cannot defend him and I won't.

But let's face it, the BBC isn't what it was any more. sad.png

No it isn't I'm afraid - it used to the bastion of honesty and impartiality when they had REAL reporters that could do the job.

I joined global minds and I laid into Jonathon Head in the comments section at the end.

I think That the TV forum has put me in good stead for this!!!

I challenged Jonathon Head to reply to me but unfortunately he didn't bother. I would have slaughtered him as he is on the 'losers' side of the fence in supporting the corrupt Shins..

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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

He's a fellow Old Alleynian but as a journalist I cannot defend him and I won't.

But let's face it, the BBC isn't what it was any more. sad.png

No it isn't I'm afraid - it used to the bastion of honesty and impartiality when they had REAL reporters that could do the job.

I joined global minds and I laid into Jonathon Head in the comments section at the end.

I think That the TV forum has put me in good stead for this!!!

I challenged Jonathon Head to reply to me but unfortunately he didn't bother. I would have slaughtered him as he is on the 'losers' side of the fence in supporting the corrupt Shins..

So supporting Suthep's mob would make him impartial? I challenge anyone to post an example of the BBC's bias as far as Thailand is concerned.

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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

He's a fellow Old Alleynian but as a journalist I cannot defend him and I won't.

But let's face it, the BBC isn't what it was any more. sad.png

No it isn't I'm afraid - it used to the bastion of honesty and impartiality when they had REAL reporters that could do the job.

I joined global minds and I laid into Jonathon Head in the comments section at the end.

I think That the TV forum has put me in good stead for this!!!

I challenged Jonathon Head to reply to me but unfortunately he didn't bother. I would have slaughtered him as he is on the 'losers' side of the fence in supporting the corrupt Shins..

So supporting Suthep's mob would make him impartial? I challenge anyone to post an example of the BBC's bias as far as Thailand is concerned.

No!!! he shouldn't be supporting Suthep he should be reporting the news honestly and after having done a bit of 'deep' research into what the true facts are.

I get fed up with this 'democratically elected' prattle, they espouse, they are also supposed to be democratically accountable and not irresponsible (to the extreme), as they have been for their entire tenure!!

If he found out what the situation is really like he wouldn't be casting Yingluck as a fairy godmother and the Democrats as demons not interested in democracy!!

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No!!! he shouldn't be supporting Suthep he should be reporting the news honestly and after having done a bit of 'deep' research into what the true facts are.

I get fed up with this 'democratically elected' prattle, they espouse, they are also supposed to be democratically accountable and not irresponsible (to the extreme), as they have been for their entire tenure!!

If he found out what the situation is really like he wouldn't be casting Yingluck as a fairy godmother and the Democrats as demons not interested in democracy!!

But it's factually correct to say that the government in Thailand is democratically elected. I agree that they've been a bad government, as corrupt and unaccountable as any other Thai government, and had the election been competitive, they may well have been voted out, especially after their mishandling of the rice policy.

Whatever way you want to paint it, overthrowing an elected government and replacing it with a non-elected group is not democracy. I wouldn't expect the BBC or any other rational, unbiased media organisation to say otherwise.

As soon as a government starts abusing it's powers it loses it's legitimacy and the people have a right to protest against them as long as it is done by peaceful means.

The reason the BBC doesn't report it as it is, is because they don't understand the situation (or in Head's case doesn't want to with his pal Thaksin) and haven't researched it well enough.

Why didn't the violent overthrow of Morsi in Egypt get reported the same way, as he was elected democratically after all. Why the double standards in the case of Thailand?

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The democrats and the PDRC are totally different and don't even totally agree on a lot of issues.

Indeed, just because the PDRC is led by a former Democrat deputy prime minister shouldn´t mean that we should associate the PDRC with the Democrats in any way, shape or form.


Edited by Mrgk
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As soon as a government starts abusing it's powers it loses it's legitimacy and the people have a right to protest against them as long as it is done by peaceful means.

The reason the BBC doesn't report it as it is, is because they don't understand the situation (or in Head's case doesn't want to with his pal Thaksin) and haven't researched it well enough.

Why didn't the violent overthrow of Morsi in Egypt get reported the same way, as he was elected democratically after all. Why the double standards in the case of Thailand?

The right to demonstrate peacefully is not at issue. The right to block others from voting, however, is at issue, as is the "right" to execute yet another military or judicial coup (using the effects of the election disruption itself as the pretext, no doubt).

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I had to laugh at the post that said that Jonathan Head is a well respected journalist. He's a complete <deleted> and a pisshead to boot. The only respect is when he buys a round at the FCCT.

Most foreign media I've looked at don't even scratch the surface of Thai politics & social strata. The journalists usually attempt to fit the local events into their home country's way of life. 'It's the lefties versus the righties' has been the BBC's coverage since 2009.

They also don't understand that an election in Thailand is not just people walking to a voting centre & casting their vote. They don't see the kamnan or local party organiser outside ensuring that 'his' people have voted in the way that they were paid to do. Or that in some areas (e'g' red-shirt villages) people are so intimidated that they are afraid to vote. Or that the huge sums of money spent (illegally) on the election has to be recouped afterwards. Or that the rule of law hardly applies in Thailand. I could go on as there are so many deficiencies with everything from voting to governance here that are not looked at by foreign journalists as they do it differently at home.

Overseas friends constantly ask me 'am I ok?' or 'what's happening in Thailand?'. They haven't a real clue because their local media is fed bullshit from the media reps here.

He's a fellow Old Alleynian but as a journalist I cannot defend him and I won't.

But let's face it, the BBC isn't what it was any more. sad.png

No it isn't I'm afraid - it used to the bastion of honesty and impartiality when they had REAL reporters that could do the job.

I joined global minds and I laid into Jonathon Head in the comments section at the end.

I think That the TV forum has put me in good stead for this!!!

I challenged Jonathon Head to reply to me but unfortunately he didn't bother. I would have slaughtered him as he is on the 'losers' side of the fence in supporting the corrupt Shins..

Jonathan Head is not only a great journalist familiar with all aspects of Thai society but also extremely well educated, Cambridge University (my alma mater) if I'm not mistaken.Looking at the feeble quality of your posts and those of others keen to traduce him , I don't think in any kind of dialogue of wits the smart money would be on you guys.JH has explained in detail the challenges of reporting for an international audience.He has never claimed omniscience or that he is free from errors.The bile from you people seems mainly because he believes there are many voices in Thailand worth listening to and reporting on, not just the Bangkok establishment and middle class.

I'm not disputing he isn't well educated, Jayboy... not a bit of it! We share not only the same school but the same university too, although thankfully not the same college. What I do dispute is your description of him as a great journalist. In my opinion he is nothing of the sort and he carries too much baggage to be objective in Thailand. I'm not saying journalists shouldn't have political leanings, most of the notable ones do, but it shouldn't be masked.

Politics (and TV come to that) is all about opinions. England's greatest philosopher, Bertrand Russell, when asked if he would be willing to die for his strongly held political beliefs replied, "Absolutely not. After all, I might be wrong."

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