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My google has gone Thai


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I opened a gmail account recently.Now when I open my old Google.co.th bookmark it opens in Thai and there's no place to change it to English.

I tried to change it to Google.com and that was in Thai too.

Also when I pay for something in eBay my PayPal account opens in Thai.

I can't get to the root of this problem............any ideas anybody

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Had the same problem on my notebook. If you can't read Thai, please seek assistance. Click on the upper button of Google and look for settings.

Then you'll have to go to "advanced settings." Scroll down and you'l find the "Language and input settings.

Chose English and restart your browser. Takes only a minute. Good luck.-wai2.gif

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I agree with the OP...that all the web-based geolocation stuff is an annoying bother.

I've got all kinds of websites that automatically open in Thai, even though my browser settings are all in English and English only. And I don't read Thai, so opening a Thai language webpage most of the time is pointless..unless I want to do Google Translate.

Sometimes, the website has settings that allow you to change to English. Sometimes, you get an entirely Thai language website with no apparent/visible button or link in English to get out of the Thai language version.

And most of the time, it seems, if you change the settings on a website one time, then you exit out of your browser, and the next day open the same website again, it's back to Thai language again.

One solution, of course, is to use a VPN or proxy that makes the Internet think your PC is in the place/language you want it to be.

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Car77s solution worked straight away so I changed my bookmarks and did a disk C clean up and check for errors and restarted the computer.

Then I could find my settings,not advanced settings and I was down for English.

Randsomesands second link put me through to a link in Thai which I presume was advanced settings so I got the missus to set it to English.

My PayPal still opens in Thai but just until I sign in.

I think Car77s link was the only thing that made the difference.

I will Google the problem if the PayPal issue gets worse but Google-ing a problem can be a wild goose chase some times.Some times it's easier to ask English speaking people who have specific experience of using computers in Thailand and we can all have a chat and learn something at the same time.

You meet the odd grump though but that's life.

Thanks to all who helped

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Below the google search engine window it displays Google.co.th then English. Click on English then the page will switch to English. It will the be showing Thai as the language option if you wish to change to Thai. After setting the search engine page to English go to Internet options on your browser and set http://www.google.com/ as your home page.

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