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Why is everyone all of a sudden driving me home?


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NOT unusual at all if u ask me. it's that WALKING thing, thai dont' get it... I had it too ... people I know still offer me lifts for ... 50 or 100 meter. I guess walking is considered low-life, I think they want to save MY face.... well just go with the flow, they offer a lift consider it cool ;)

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and in addition to that, i drive my pushbike every day for a 2 hour trip. one day returning home this guy i know drives by on the country side, approx 9km away from town, he stoppes his pickup and says he will take me home. no way i could explain him i was doing fine and making these bike trips deliberately (recreation!). being alone in the evening on the country side on a bike, thai don't get that either (ghosts, danger, dark) ;-) of course he also asked if I had eaten yet (of course not) so we went to a restaurant first and he paid (of course!) ... or why i love thai so much !!

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of course he also asked if I had eaten yet (of course not) so we went to a restaurant first and he paid (of course!) ... or why i love thai so much !!

You do realize "have you eaten yet" is an empty formality like "how do you do", don't you?

I suppose when you go to an Arab's house you make a point of expressing admiration for his possessions!

Edited by wym
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The rural community I live in is the second fastest growing in northern Thailand. Farmers here have a regular rotation of at least 4 main crops so are not so dependent solely on rice. In farming terms that's progressive. Our nearest city - Nakhon Sawan has just opened its 3rd new shopping centre in the last 3 years. Education and health facilities are excellent and the very large Thai/Chinese business community is tone of the most established in the country. I could go on but the TAT isn't paying a commission.

As for being a nut job - yes, its true, if you work in my field for most of your life it does rub off.

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Thai people do not like to walk much, and feel odd to them that you and like it. I do every morning around my house just for exercise and many times motorbikes are stopping at my side offering me a ride...Thai people rarely do what the do not like to do....if they offers a ride for you it is because they like you, and they want to be useful to you, and also they care about your safety. If you prefer to walk, just tell them that you like the exercise. Anyway, to walk at night on countryside streets is not safe...That drivers do not expect to see people walking for fun...even during the day.

My wife is always worry about my walking routine....

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The rural community I live in is the second fastest growing in northern Thailand. Farmers here have a regular rotation of at least 4 main crops so are not so dependent solely on rice. In farming terms that's progressive. Our nearest city - Nakhon Sawan has just opened its 3rd new shopping centre in the last 3 years. Education and health facilities are excellent and the very large Thai/Chinese business community is tone of the most established in the country. I could go on but the TAT isn't paying a commission.

As for being a nut job - yes, its true, if you work in my field for most of your life it does rub off.

Ah, I hadn't heard the term "progressive" applied to farming, even when I was certifying ing Permaculture landscape design, which now that I think about it would be a relevant application of the term.

My condolences for your past career-induced trauma 8-)

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What are they asking you before, during and after your short trip in their car? They will be asking. They will not be revealing information about themselves.

Astute observation.

And I agree with other comments saying that this is an assessment process to which Thais feel entitled to subject foreigners. It's customarily performed on a one-to-one basis and in private. There IS after all that Thai social dictum suggesting that one should NEVER comment until one has assessed the room for "Who is up and who is down"

Gringos, well-dressed, well-spoken gringos, present a challenge.

Upon fielding "question #3" in this back-footing process, I turn, smile (really smile) and address the man in Thai.

"And what about about you, Col.? Which military institute did you attend ?" (Really ? Fascinating! Would that be the Thai equivalent of West Point ? I have always been interested in Thailand's deeply-rooted military culture.)

(You know, stuff like that.)

He'll either brush off the question of engage you in a fascinating and informative conversation but it's worth a try.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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of course he also asked if I had eaten yet (of course not) so we went to a restaurant first and he paid (of course!) ... or why i love thai so much !!

You do realize "have you eaten yet" is an empty formality like "how do you do", don't you?

I suppose when you go to an Arab's house you make a point of expressing admiration for his possessions!

thx for the update genius...

the question is "kin kaow yang"?

the answer is "yang" or "leow"...

i replied YANG and he said let's eat, i'm hungry too....

as for the arab (or non-arab, u see, berbers for example are not arabs -> u have just learned something) i'd only point at his women (plural)... ;-)

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Many years ago before I met my present wife ....I was dating a very Hi-so Thai. She took me to meet her family. Her father was a very powerful general.

Well ...when the afternoon was over and we were leaving to get a taxi to go back to my hotel ,her father insisted on driving us to the corner to get a taxi (200 meters or so). I tried to politely decline but ....he insisted! So we get in his Mercedes and he takes us to the corner, all the while asking what I think of his car.

Thinking back on it I believe he just wanted to show off his car and how proud he was of it. Maybe that is what these shop owners are doing. Just want to impress you that they have a car and want to show off.

Enjoy the ride!!!!smile.png

"Thinking back on it I believe he just wanted to show off his car and how proud he was of it."

Doubt they were "hi-so" then ... anymore than someone who wanted everyone on this forum to believe he was dating someone whose father had a Mercedes.

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Around the village I try to walk as much as possible as I really need the exercise.

But at first people were always stopping and offering me a lift.

I would thank them but decline, and say "exercise!" in Thai.

Now they just toot and wave.

I think that Thais really dislike walking and think it "unnatural".

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the question is "kin kaow yang"?

u have just learned something) i'd only point at his women (plural)... ;-)

"U" forgot the "reu"

"gin kaow reu yang"

Now u have just learned something!

i'd only point at his women (plural)... ;-)

No thanks! bah.gif

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I remember purchasing an expensive microwave/combi oven from a large store and the salesmen insisting on delivering it to my house he would then telephone me to ask how it was going and was I pleased with the service. A number of weeks later the same person appeared on my doorstep telling me his young daughter was in need of an operation and could I loan him 30,000 baht short term in order that he could have her treated. I explained that I was not in a position to give him any money, I never saw him after that day even tho I still go to the same store

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This is Thailand, people don't walk if they can ride. It might very well be that in your neighborhood, walking from place-to-place suggests either you can't afford to drive or are otherwise in some kind of distress; it may be embarrassing to your neighbors to see you walking. Just one other possibility.

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This is Thailand, people don't walk if they can ride. It might very well be that in your neighborhood, walking from place-to-place suggests either you can't afford to drive or are otherwise in some kind of distress; it may be embarrassing to your neighbors to see you walking. Just one other possibility.

If this was me, I´d have a check with the doctor to see if I´ve got Alzheimer´s. People with that condition are known to be found wandering aimlessly around. The friendly shopkeepers might just want to help you get safely home ;)

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This is Thailand, people don't walk if they can ride. It might very well be that in your neighborhood, walking from place-to-place suggests either you can't afford to drive or are otherwise in some kind of distress; it may be embarrassing to your neighbors to see you walking. Just one other possibility.

Years ago after moving to a new neighbourhood I would go out either for a morning or evening jog and virtually every time, somebody would slow or stop their car and ask me if I needed a lift. Amused me somewhat and occasionally some of them would ask me why don't I go to the Jym if I wanted to exercise.

In their defence there were no other farangs in the area and the only other guy I ever saw exercising was Thai and would whizz around on his bicycle.

Anyway they eventually got use to me and would just drive by smiling or fingering me as they went by.

Anyway, the OP is looking too suspiciously at this, they're just being nice to him, perhaps he's either a pleasant person OR maybe he walks like a gimp and they've noticed ;)

Edited by neverdie
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Always amazes me that when I want to walk somewhere (shop, visit, discover, exercise...) the GF, her familly, Thai friends, passers by, will mobIlize as if I had just said I was walking to North Korea with a mission. Motorcycs will rev up, pick up trucks will cut my path, an escort will start to form...

I just wanted a quiet walk in the glorious morning light, and fresh coffee.

Yes here walking is akin to climbing up escalator stairs.

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