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Am i in the wrong?

BKK Blues Brother

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I think it is only little more than 50 years ago that ladies walked topless in the street in Thailand. What has changed so much in such a short period of time that a topless man is now disgusting ?

Chula 5's campaign to "modernize" the Kingdom by adopting Victorian "morality".

Didn't make much of an impression at the grass roots level, but those with pretensions keep trying. . .

AFAIC in either case no problem if you're young fit and attractive but few of us are.

Edited by wym
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What is THIS creature?

The pants, the posture, the hair, the tiger skin on the wall

Thanks that got me a laugh

happy to entertain, fun for me too 8-)

figured he meant butt boy anyway. . .

For me it would be the result of an ungodly cross between a Duran Duran and Prince biggrin.png

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Op was pushing a "double-buggy" with 2 children. Tough !

On the other hand, the old ladies pushing heavy food-carts around all day long ? Never seen anyone of them going topless because it's hot.smile.png


Have you ever spent any time in isaan?
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Basically you're a c***

totster smile.png

Still don't know why you are entitled o have that honorary in your member title, sure it isn't because of pudency in your posts as of lately.

If you don't know, then you haven't been on this forum long enough. Also, please explain what pudency means.

totster :)

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Basically you're a c***

totster smile.png

Still don't know why you are entitled o have that honorary in your member title, sure it isn't because of pudency in your posts as of lately.

If you don't know, then you haven't been on this forum long enough. Also, please explain what pudency means.

totster smile.png

If you don't know how to google the meaning of a word, then you definitely don't deserve the honorary status on an internet based forum smile.png

modesty, unpretentiousness, humility, pudency, sobriety
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Yes, I could have googled it like you did, I was just wondering what you thought it meant.. :D

Hey, here's a thought, why don't you tell us what you think justifies "the honorary status on an internet based forum" (and you can't say "having a really gay username")

totster :)

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Yes, I could have googled it like you did, I was just wondering what you thought it meant.. biggrin.png

Hey, here's a thought, why don't you tell us what you think justifies "the honorary status on an internet based forum" (and you can't say "having a really gay username")

totster smile.png

I don't care what should justify the honorary status, but calling another member a C*** on a public forum is definitely not one of the considerations .

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Yes, I could have googled it like you did, I was just wondering what you thought it meant.. biggrin.png

Hey, here's a thought, why don't you tell us what you think justifies "the honorary status on an internet based forum" (and you can't say "having a really gay username")

totster smile.png

I don't care what should justify the honorary status, but calling another member a C*** on a public forum is definitely not one of the considerations .

Please can you point me towards the list of considerations ? A link will do.


totster smile.png

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Yes you were dead wrong. Would you walk around shirt-less in your home country? I doubt it. You wouldn't dare, you would be yelled at by everybody far worse than the Thai guy did. In some countries you would even get arrested for it.

To even have to ask whether you were wrong means you thought self-righteously that you can act like a disgusting pig in public (something you couldn't in your home country) with impunity in Thailand.

Well, OP was helped out of his dillusional fantasy by the middle aged Thai guy and his puny feelings got hurt and now need venting, so he goes to a forum to get sympathy, in the hope of people saying he was not wrong... well, advice: learn some decency and respect and put a damn shirt on.

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That's a bit extreme isn't it?

I've lived in many farang countries where people might look at you sideways for walking around shirtless in town, but certainly not "disgusting pig" yelling at you.


It's the Thais that are more rigid IMO in this regard, and we need to respect their attitudes. But "in the wrong" much more for the verbal response than to the original "sin".

And PLEASE tell me where you could get arrested, I know places where either sex can walk around fully naked and it isn't illegal.

Edited by wym
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Yesterday i had a verbal altercation with a middle aged Thai man sat at a bus stop.

I was pushing a double buggy with my two babies in, with my t-shirt removed as it was hot and i was sweating buckets.

We where passing the bus stop near a temple not far from the khoasan road.

When a middle age fat Thai man sat there starts mouthing off at me for not wearing a shirt.

I replied in Thai that i would like to see him (bung boy) push a buggy with kids in this heat and told him to go away(by loy).

The aggression and venom of which i dispatched my reply has me on reflection feeling a tag guilty for my outburst.

Don't know why i'm posting this, just wanted to get it off my chest.

you did get it off your chest that's what started it all.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

Go away is not (by loy) in thai
pai Loie.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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That's a bit extreme isn't it?

I've lived in many farang countries where people might look at you sideways for walking around shirtless in town, but certainly not "disgusting pig" yelling at you.


It's the Thais that are more rigid IMO in this regard, and we need to respect their attitudes. But "in the wrong" much more for the verbal response than to the original "sin".

And PLEASE tell me where you could get arrested, I know places where either sex can walk around fully naked and it isn't illegal.

Monte Carlo
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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

Go away is not (by loy) in thai
pai Loie.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If you have been here long enough to actually communicate in the language, you should have known better. First of all, I would have told you to put your shirt back on also if you were walking past my family. Then you were extremely rude to the older man who was suggesting you follow Thai laws and customs. However, I too have done as you did and let my temper go in the wrong situation. Just chalk it up to a lesson and move on.

If you are not a tourist here, then don't act like one.

Go away is not (by loy) in thai
pai Loie.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

jing dee..

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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