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foreign police in Chiang Mai


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they have an office in the city police station near wat pra singh they are leasions police for forengners with issues you will know who they are as they have the same light browm uniforms identcal to city police but there logos are forieng police on the sholders

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Looks like some farang wannabe with the blessing of the local police decided to buy himself a police car (must have been some sort childhood dream), like that bloke in Pattaya who drove around tooled-up like rambo in a yellow Hum-V.

Seems a lot of money to waste on a fantasy


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It's a bit of a concern that one volunteer runs a loi kroh boxing bar with girls, and another is a webmaster for a site basically promoting sex tourism. The selection process looks robust smile.png

Didn't one of the muppets in Pattaya get busted for Yaba dealing?

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It's a bit of a concern that one volunteer runs a loi kroh boxing bar with girls, and another is a webmaster for a site basically promoting sex tourism.

Why is that a concern? I'd say it's a good thing as it means he'll have more experience in foreign tourism, specifically nightlife.

Or are you saying that the standards for foreign police are higher than local police? ;)

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It's a bit of a concern that one volunteer runs a loi kroh boxing bar with girls, and another is a webmaster for a site basically promoting sex tourism. The selection process looks robust smile.png

Didn't one of the muppets in Pattaya get busted for Yaba dealing?

Phuket...but same same anyway now as patts

Edited by andreandre
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C'mon...as Homer Simpson says "give the baby its bottle". If these guys feel as if they're contributing to a better relationship to the BIB then more to 'em. What would all of you knockers say if you had an urgent need for their assistance? wai.gif

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Decisions decisions.....

Which article should I read on Constable .... web site....so many informative pieces borne of his commitment to equity, integrity, and professionalism.

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The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

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But he can speak Thai, just ask him, and lets not forget the onslaught of sales pitches on TV at one point. A Trojan in every sense of the word and one wonders how he finds the time for policing given "Since I speak Thai and well I dont do anything much but write this blog, party, screw Thai girls and run a few other websites"

Now nothing wrong with any of this at all......but its hard to see besides a professed language ability how the skills set and ethics relate to policing or assisting police.

This is not anti .... but certainly anti .... policing....and this is not the only star performer they have by any means.

Not a lot in the group I would want help from as far as skill set or maturity...or trust.

Edited by LivinginKata
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For the sake of argument, lets assume for a moment that EVERYONE associated with this group is lowlife pond scum. We won't dicker about that, we'll just start with it.

Next, for the sake of argument, lets assume for a moment that EVERYONE associated with this group has helped other foreigners, be they tourists or locals, with translations when they have a problem and need police assistance. That's what they are about. We won't dicker about that one either.

I think it's probably safe to assume that since they put in regular hours, they have done this more than once or twice... helped total strangers when they need police assistance.

Question: When was the last time you helped a stranger when they needed police assistance? Not helped a friend. Not helped a stranger fix a flat tire or find their way. Helped them when they needed police assistance.

Maybe they are 'wannabe's.' Maybe they are wanke_rs. Maybe they are panderers. Maybe baby-killers and mother-rapers. Maybe

But definitely they are helping strangers when they need police assistance. I know that's more than I do on a regular basis. I'm guessing it's more than most people do on a regular basis.

How about we cut them some slack?

Maybe you are one of them..laugh.png

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These so called volunteers and anybody that would buy into a justification of their antics and their nosy parker tomfoolery should be tied to an elephants tail and ..... ...... .......! (Fill in the missing words and win a bottle of Mekon)

There's a hidden agenda here. I hope we don't find when its too late to do something about it.

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nice sort of a bloke..........

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

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the immigration department should sort this maggot out,

send him back where he comes from.

probably got kicked out of the boy scouts for being a wanke_r

and looks like nothing has changed in his life

I would stay well clear of knobends like these

how do you know? do you even know him? he may just be a clever bloke making money from adverts or page clicks on the internet. he may even be a nice guy. why would immigration care about "this maggot"? nice term for someone you don't even know. i don't know him either... but not so quick to judge.

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nice sort of a bloke..........

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

the immigration department should sort this maggot out,

send him back where he comes from.

probably got kicked out of the boy scouts for being a wanke_r

and looks like nothing has changed in his life

I would stay well clear of knobends like these

how do you know? do you even know him? he may just be a clever bloke making money from adverts or page clicks on the internet. he may even be a nice guy. why would immigration care about "this maggot"? nice term for someone you don't even know. i don't know him either... but not so quick to judge.

Go to his blog site and read his opinions, then report back.

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For the sake of argument, lets assume for a moment that EVERYONE associated with this group is lowlife pond scum. We won't dicker about that, we'll just start with it.

Next, for the sake of argument, lets assume for a moment that EVERYONE associated with this group has helped other foreigners, be they tourists or locals, with translations when they have a problem and need police assistance. That's what they are about. We won't dicker about that one either.

I think it's probably safe to assume that since they put in regular hours, they have done this more than once or twice... helped total strangers when they need police assistance.

Question: When was the last time you helped a stranger when they needed police assistance? Not helped a friend. Not helped a stranger fix a flat tire or find their way. Helped them when they needed police assistance.

Maybe they are 'wannabe's.' Maybe they are wanke_rs. Maybe they are panderers. Maybe baby-killers and mother-rapers. Maybe

But definitely they are helping strangers when they need police assistance. I know that's more than I do on a regular basis. I'm guessing it's more than most people do on a regular basis.

How about we cut them some slack?

Maybe you are one of them..laugh.png

Or maybe he's just got a better imagination than you and doesn't see everything as black or white or everyone as either completely good or bad. The guy at the desk at the station in town was very friendly and helpful when I went there recently. I know nothing else about him besides his name and that he was an Aussie, but I appreciated his help and I will assume he's a good guy until I know for myself otherwise.

Even if one or two of them are unsavoury characters there's still no need to tar them all with the same brush. I'm sure most of them are decent guys, whereas a fair few of the people making snide remarks here probably wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

Don't you just love it when people make stupid remarks and add a smiley at the end, just to let you know how funny they think they are, as if we didn't know?

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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