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Thailand: GSB, BAAC unions protest loan to pay rice farmers

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Well I guess Thaksin's chances of this year's Nobel Economics Prize are on their way down the Chao Phraya river faster than Chalerm running from protest meeting. sad.png

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While the current caretaker government is trying it's best to make up for it's very stupid and costly mistakes under the rice scheme, the protestors who claim that they are the voice of the people are trying their very best to bring down Thailand.

If there is a sustained run on GSB, this might very well have a knock on effect on all other Thai banks. Who will be the eventual winner of all this? Answer: no one

Who will be the biggest loser? Answer: Thailand, and it's people.

So, to the protestors, be careful what you wish for. In trying to oust the Shinawatra's, you might end up bringing down your own country.

I'm not so sure they have been mistakes. A lot of money has gone somewhere and a lot of rice nowhere. In Thailand such things normally trace back to politicians.

The banking system isn't going to collapse and neither is Thailand. Depositors have now sent the banks a clear message, which is yet another reason why they will not lend to the pit of corruption formerly known as the rice scheme.


Well I guess Thaksin's chances of this year's Nobel Economics Prize are on their way down the Chao Phraya river faster than Chalerm running from protest meeting. sad.png

His "economic dream team" is on track for an Ignobel Prize though.

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