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So, what was decided?


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So, after the elections, what was decided?

I'm not remotely interested in the politics of what happened, but what would be great if someone who understands what happened on election day and probably, just as important .. what didn't happen on that day.

Given the above ... where does that leave us (Thailand) now?

Will the election result stand?

Be court challenged?

Fresh Elections?

Some well informed commentary please ... wai.gif

Though I know it will be difficult ... no 'political commentary' please ... otherwise this thread will get simply shutdown so I'm relying on your discretion not to venture into that area*

Just the logistics of the previous events and what flow on effects that will have for Thailand?

Thanks ... thumbsup.gif

* I'm an optimist


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You wouldn't be an optimist if you'd been following events. It doesn't seem likely a govt can be formed out of the election, while in the meantime, Suthep keeps pushing the boundaries of everyone's patience in his demand for the govt to step down. Chalerm is beating the war drum and preparing the police riot forces for a major showdown with the protesters in the next couple of days at Govt House. If the police back off, the stalemate will continue, unless Yingluck steps down, but there are all sorts of legal complications with this. No one seems to know if she really can quit. Meantime, Thaksin apears to have passed his use-by date, the country is heading to financial ruin and growing rice looks like it's going to be a waste of time and money for the foreseeable future. Only us pessimists will win - we'll be happy if we're proved wrong, and happy if we're proved right.

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You wouldn't be an optimist if you'd been following events. It doesn't seem likely a govt can be formed out of the election, while in the meantime, Suthep keeps pushing the boundaries of everyone's patience in his demand for the govt to step down. Chalerm is beating the war drum and preparing the police riot forces for a major showdown with the protesters in the next couple of days at Govt House. If the police back off, the stalemate will continue, unless Yingluck steps down, but there are all sorts of legal complications with this. No one seems to know if she really can quit. Meantime, Thaksin apears to have passed his use-by date, the country is heading to financial ruin and growing rice looks like it's going to be a waste of time and money for the foreseeable future. Only us pessimists will win - we'll be happy if we're proved wrong, and happy if we're proved right.

Have ran out of likes ... thanks for the reply ... a great start ... thumbsup.gif

I know the Prime Minister (CareTaker) Yingluck.

I know the Opposition Leader - Abhisit Vejjajiva

Who are the players 'Suthep' and 'Chalerm' ? Again, just the technicial description and their respecive roles ... not political commentary.

Oh ... I did ask MissFarmGirl ... and she cares little for the events political.


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