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Farmers break into Thai Defence compound Monday


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Can't wait until she is in 'self imposed exile' in Dubai, if the farmers don't get their hands on her first (sure would like to see that, her car cornered, and having to give an in-person, unscripted explanation to her ex-supporters). The most inept defense minister ever- at least she's broken a few world records for sheer incompetency.

imagine all the in exile shins at the dinner table in dubhai.... all bitching at each other..."you started it"

Could be they would need to get a very big table before too long...

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Sez it all " Yingluck declined to meet with the farmers"

If I owed the bank a loan for my car and was far behind in payments,,.... could I say I decline to meet with you ????

The bank would take your car.....

But if there would be a law that the bank can't take your car you could happily decline it.....And per law the farmer can't take Yinglucks money.

Considering she and her ministers stole most of the money, taking YInglucks money would be legal as it did not belong to her in the first placethumbsup.gif

Actually there are rumours that Potjaman (Thaksins (ex) wife) is very angry with Yaowapa (Thaksins other sister) as she caused these problems with her never getting enough....

That let me think that this means Yaowapa took most of the money. But that is just speculation.

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Sez it all " Yingluck declined to meet with the farmers"

If I owed the bank a loan for my car and was far behind in payments,,.... could I say I decline to meet with you ????

The bank would take your car.....

But if there would be a law that the bank can't take your car you could happily decline it.....And per law the farmer can't take Yinglucks money.

Considering she and her ministers stole most of the money, taking YInglucks money would be legal as it did not belong to her in the first placethumbsup.gif

Have you any evidence that Yingluck has stolen money, or is this the first of the three postings needed to turn an allegation into an irrefutable fact?

Incidentally when you have established it as a fact, don't forget to precede any mention of it by writing "FACT" in bold capitals. That ensures that it can not be denied!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So who has the money now? Not Suthep and not the Farmers that is sure.

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It really is simply a very sad state of affairs, simple and a solution anyone? Sutheps peoples council won't go down. New elections with the dems participating and should be game over, only prob is that Abhisit has murder charges before him.. Next idea?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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These farmers have no money right? Haven't been paid ...right? Whose footing the bill for their BKK Holiday...? ... Tha Yang is a pretty heavy farming area ..in fact it is the vegetable and rice bowl for BKK 180 klicks south... near my place... there are no farmers going to BKK to protest...lol they are farming.. they do rice 3-4 times a year and in good years 5 times a year... they feel for their northeastern farmer brothers... but are not gonna go to BKK ( a short hop for these guys) to sit in the street for free... so my guess is those "farmers" that have come along way ( ahem) ...can they really afford to sit in the street for free...? Just a thought...

The farmers in the South were not included in the rice pledging scheme to begin with.

The protestors have donated their facilities such as tents, mobile toilets and so on to the farmers. The volunteer doctors and medics have gone too. Donations of food and water have also been coming in steadily from sympathetic Bangkokians.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The lady boss tells me that Yingluck has posted on her facebook page that she has great sympathy for the farmers and that they can meet with her on her facebook page.

She must know the farmers don't have Skype, suspect a hell of a lot of them cant afford internet either.

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Can't wait until she is in 'self imposed exile' in Dubai, if the farmers don't get their hands on her first (sure would like to see that, her car cornered, and having to give an in-person, unscripted explanation to her ex-supporters). The most inept defense minister ever- at least she's broken a few world records for sheer incompetency.

One thing that has always puzzled me, is how Thaksin is accepted in Dubai (a Muslim country) when he murdered so many Muslims at Tak Bai.

Surely they don't need his money?... and even if they do, would they be so fickle as to put that ahead of their self-respect?

Apparently so!

The emirates are absolute monarchies and money does talk in Dubai. As in Bahrein they are happy to kill Shiite muslims to stay in power. Poor Thai muslims are not important to them.

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These farmers have no money right? Haven't been paid ...right? Whose footing the bill for their BKK Holiday...? ... Tha Yang is a pretty heavy farming area ..in fact it is the vegetable and rice bowl for BKK 180 klicks south... near my place... there are no farmers going to BKK to protest...lol they are farming.. they do rice 3-4 times a year and in good years 5 times a year... they feel for their northeastern farmer brothers... but are not gonna go to BKK ( a short hop for these guys) to sit in the street for free... so my guess is those "farmers" that have come along way ( ahem) ...can they really afford to sit in the street for free...? Just a thought...

The farmers in the South were not included in the rice pledging scheme to begin with.

The protestors have donated their facilities such as tents, mobile toilets and so on to the farmers. The volunteer doctors and medics have gone too. Donations of food and water have also been coming in steadily from sympathetic Bangkokians.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Apart from the spectacularly failed gamble on the global rice price one of the government's miscalculations was that defaulting on the rice payments for a few months wouldn't cause too much trouble because without the red shirt organisation they would be unable to mobilise to Bangkok.

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These farmers have no money right? Haven't been paid ...right? Whose footing the bill for their BKK Holiday...? ... Tha Yang is a pretty heavy farming area ..in fact it is the vegetable and rice bowl for BKK 180 klicks south... near my place... there are no farmers going to BKK to protest...lol they are farming.. they do rice 3-4 times a year and in good years 5 times a year... they feel for their northeastern farmer brothers... but are not gonna go to BKK ( a short hop for these guys) to sit in the street for free... so my guess is those "farmers" that have come along way ( ahem) ...can they really afford to sit in the street for free...? Just a thought...

Same here ,local farmers are working in their fields, know of a couple that went to Bangkok and already returned to the Village!

The ones that are not working in the fields are contemplating leaving rice farming as it is no longer worth their effort. looking for other ways of supporting their families!


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" Yingluck declined to meet the farmers who travelled to the capital to seek an explanation about the scheme as well as the payments they are owed. "

The farmers - after months of anxious pleas - have now finally reached Bangkok, and are now embarked on an ongoing game of hide and seek with Yingluck. Whoever is handling Yingluck's PR, needs to take a closer look at this. This looks really, really bad, and will only look worse by the day. It is hard to imagine a worse Kodak moment for Yingluck.

Now the KEE will hit the fan! This is the day of reckoning.

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PM Yingluck arrives at Office of Defense Permanent Secretary

BANGKOK, 17 February 2014 (NNT) – Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has arrived at the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense amid tight security.

As soon as she arrived at the office in Chaeng Wattana, Miss Yingluck went straight into the building without giving any comments. The Premier was previously scheduled to carry out her duty at the Government House, but as it was surrounded by a number of protesters, she had to change her plan and hold a meeting in Chaeng Wattana instead.

Meanwhile, it is reported that a group of farmers led by President of the Western Rice Community Association Rawee Roongrueng is heading towards the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense, demanding to see the prime minister and asking for clarification on the rice payments.

The police are, however, securing the building to prevent invasion and unexpected incidents.


-- NNT 2014-02-17 footer_n.gif

Just a complete disregard for the people she is supposed to Govern for. The Skype bill is probably starting to add up. this government is just one big comedy show. I see where the protesters were throwing things at Kittiratt as he tried to explain why they weren't paid yet. He should have told them a little white lie to make them feel good. It is an action that Yingluck sanctioned. He could have said I have good news for you all your check's are in the mail.

I wonder how long before members of the PTP start resigning and joining other parties.wai.gif

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Angry farmers want caretaker PM to explain rice payment delay


BANGKOK, Feb 17 – Disgruntled farmers stormed into the compound of Thailand's defence headquarters on Chaeng Wattana Road this morning, demanding that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra tell them directly when they would receive their overdue payments from the rice pledging scheme.

Ms Yingluck has been working at the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence since Government House was seized by anti-government protesters.

At the Commerce Ministry, another group of farmers continued demonstrating for almost 10 days after failed negotiations with caretaker Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn and senior ministry officials.

At the Defence headquarters, farmers broke through wire and cement barricades into the premise at around midday, calling on the prime minister to personally meet and talk to them instead of assigning Cabinet members to the negotiation table.

Prasit Boonchouy, leader of the Thai Rice Farmers Association, said he was promised by a high-level official that the government would pay farmers within 45 days.

Farmers said they would immediately return home after receiving their money, said Mr Prasit, who represents farmers from Ratchaburi, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Pathom and Phetchaburi.

However, another group of farmers said they would not wait that long and decided to move to the Defence HQ. The group was led by Rawee Rungruang, leader of the Western Rice Farmers Centre, and Kittisak Rattanavaraha, leader of the Northern Farmers Group.

Meanwhile, employee union leaders of the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) met with the bank's management this morning, demanding that the Finance Ministry guarantees borrowing from the Government Savings Bank to pay farmers.

The labour union called on the Commerce Ministry to urgently sell rice in the state stockpiles and the BAAC to refrain from using people’s deposits for the rice payments.

In the rice-producing province of Phichit, farmers crowded all 14 BAAC branches to receive payments after money was transferred from the Finance Ministry to the bank today.

In Lop Buri province, only 12 out of the more than 1,000 farmers received their payments, totalling Bt1.25 million, this morning. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2014-02-17

At the Defence headquarters, farmers broke through wire and cement barricades into the premise at around midday, calling on the prime minister to personally meet and talk to them instead of assigning Cabinet members to the negotiation table.

things are bad enough now. But by herself at a negotiating table things would get a lot worse.

Dear farmers, you don't need an explanation from Poo and her brother's cronies because the answer is simple why your payments have been delayed. You've been lied to again. Simple as that. How many more times are you going to allow this corrupt government lie to you?

Won't be long and they will be telling them their checks are in Dubai and can be picked up there just as soon as Thaksin goes to Hong Kong.

One of these days Chalerm is going to come charging in on his ear medicine cloud and proudly announce to the farmers he will have it all cleared up in 90 days. Then he will proceed to tell them of his success in cleaning up the mess in the south.


Sorry about the comedy in my posts or attempt at it. But it is just so funny to watch them and listen to them as the country starts to unite in one body opposing them. Still they think they are the savior's of the nation.

Edited by hellodolly
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Sez it all " Yingluck declined to meet with the farmers"

If I owed the bank a loan for my car and was far behind in payments,,.... could I say I decline to meet with you ????

The bank would take your car.....

But if there would be a law that the bank can't take your car you could happily decline it.....And per law the farmer can't take Yinglucks money.

Considering she and her ministers stole most of the money, taking YInglucks money would be legal as it did not belong to her in the first placethumbsup.gif

Have you any evidence that Yingluck has stolen money, or is this the first of the three postings needed to turn an allegation into an irrefutable fact?

Incidentally when you have established it as a fact, don't forget to precede any mention of it by writing "FACT" in bold capitals. That ensures that it can not be denied!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

FACT: The ONLY words of fact I read in your post were in your footer, "Apparently, I am a brainwashed red moron!"

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Can't wait until she is in 'self imposed exile' in Dubai, if the farmers don't get their hands on her first (sure would like to see that, her car cornered, and having to give an in-person, unscripted explanation to her ex-supporters). The most inept defense minister ever- at least she's broken a few world records for sheer incompetency.

One thing that has always puzzled me, is how Thaksin is accepted in Dubai (a Muslim country) when he murdered so many Muslims at Tak Bai.

Surely they don't need his money?... and even if they do, would they be so fickle as to put that ahead of their self-respect?

Apparently so!

Surely you jest? You must know the trans-national corporatists are 'colorblind' when it comes to their own. Edited by samuidave
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The lady boss tells me that Yingluck has posted on her facebook page that she has great sympathy for the farmers and that they can meet with her on her facebook page.

She must know the farmers don't have Skype, suspect a hell of a lot of them cant afford internet either.

No,she doesn't know and that's the pity of it all and just about sums up what is wrong here

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