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Entering Thailand With A 1-way Ticket?

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I'm trying to figure something out, from what I understand, if I don't have either a roundtrip ticket or a ticket with a exit flight out of Thailand I either won't be allowed onto the flight at my point of departure or will be turned away at the Thai incoming checkpoint in Bkk.

But if my plan is to come into the country (on a tourist visa) without a pre-specified travel plan and just leave for Cambodia/Vietnam/Laos etc once my Visa is up then it's a waste of money to buy anything other than a 1-way ticket to Bkk.

I guess the question is, is there anyway around these restrictions, and is it true that I won't be allowed on the flight or into Thailand?

I'm American, and 36.

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I entered with a six month tourist visa on a one way ticket. I had no problems. No one even questioned it. I got the six month tourist visa in the US.

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this is indeed some kind of a nonsense, as there are many other ways to leave the country (bus, train)...... probably the airline will cause more trouble if you cant produce a return-ticket, at the Thai immigration nobody ever asked me to show my return ticket, and I went through the procedure more than 50 times.....

what u can do to be on the safe side, browse the budget airlines websites (particularly Airasia, the do have many flights to Phnom Penh for as low as 399 Baht ++ ) and look for the cheapest flight OUT to any other destination. u should be able to find one for not more than 1500 Baht, incl. surcharges and fees (as the departure tax in Thailand has to be settled in cash prior to departure anyway). though this would be an extra expense, it may be worth the money to be on the safe side when checking in at ur point of departure....

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If you have a visa you will most likely not have any problem. If you do not have a visa the requirement for 30 day entry without visa is onward ticketed travel. So for this a refundable air ticket to Singapore should be all you need. Thai immigration is not likely to be a problem but your airline could be. Get a visa before you travel.

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I ve seen it at Changi many times.

The check in staff will not allow you to board a flight to Thailand unless you have a visa or ticket out of Thailand. No point in telling the checkin staff that on arrival there will be no problem at immigration. The Rules are the Rules they will tell you, so leave plenty of time to buy a full price, and therefore refundable, ticket out of Thailand at the airport. May cost ten times budget flight cost be will at least be fully refundable !!

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my plan is to come into the country (on a tourist visa) without a pre-specified travel plan and just leave for Cambodia/Vietnam/Laos etc once my Visa is up then it's a waste of money to buy anything other than a 1-way ticket to Bkk.
Naut.Sirius, I remember the same question being discussed earlier this week. I you are interested to read it, you can find it here.

The conclusion was the same as in this thread: if anybody at all it would be the airline to raise a question, but with a tourist visa in your passport this is extremely unlikely.



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If you have a pre stamped visa you dont need a return ticket just point this out to check in staff.

If you are going to try with out pre stamped visa and with a oneway ticket ask the airline to get their disclaimer which will say you won't hold them resopnsible and you will pay for any costs in reffused entry to Thailand. I have done this loads of times.

Or simply get a 60 day tourist visa at you locol consulate.

Or try the search button as this has been done and done again LMAO

Goood Luck

Edited by agsnowdon
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I have never been asked to produce a return ticket by Thai immigration - even on the occasions when I came to Thailand quite a few times without a visa.

I once had a problem at Heathrow with Emirates Air. I had a 60 day tourist visa, and a return ticket, but they raised a query because I had booked a flight back for several months after my visa would expire. I explained that when my visa expired I would do a visa run to Singapore, and did not intend to return to England for some months hence. They weren't happy with this, and I was referred up the line to some office where I explained the situation. Eventally I had to go to ticketing where they printed out some blurb to effect that my ticket was fully re-bookable within the visa period, clipped it to the ticket, and I was allowed to check in. It took quite a while and was a big hassle.

Never had any other problems - before or since - maybe I was just unlucky that day. :o

With regards to Thai immigration - I'm sure it helps if you don't look obviously like a back packer.

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Thanks everybody for the info and links!

I'm going to buy my ticket in the next few days (I'm going to be departing from Vancouver B.C.) after I find the best prices from Vancouver to Bkkk and when I call the whatever Airline I go with I'm going to ask about their policy regarding this.

Regardless I'm going to apply for a visa as well - just seems like the smart thing to do, though all I can find info on is the 60 day tourist visa, am still looking for the 6 month Visa.

Buying a refundable exit ticket seems smart too.

This forum rocks :o

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Regardless I'm going to apply for a visa as well - just seems like the smart thing to do, though all I can find info on is the 60 day tourist visa, am still looking for the 6 month Visa.
I’m afraid there’s no visa available for you giving you a permitted stay of six months, if that’s what you mean.

However, there is the tourist visa for two or three entries, and this allows you the corresponding number of entries into Thailand within 6 months from the date of issue of the visa, and each entry gives you a permitted stay of 60 days. If desired, within the last 30 days of each stay you can apply at any Immigration Office in Thailand for a 30-day extension (fee THB 1,900), thus giving you a total of 90 days per entry.



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