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Yingluck blames anti-government protests for rice-pledging problems


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Keep strong PM good luck Yingluck

I believe that PTP must take responsibility for not paying the farmer prior to becoming a care taker government, that being said!

"The EC and the protesters have used every trick they could think of to keep the farmers from being paid" The government has tried everything to pay the farmers and the protesters are fighting that in every way, once they are paid and then they look at what happen with their rice money in their pocket they will see who was behind their non-payment.

Yes, Yinkluck Keep strong,


You are almost as bad as her...! For the last time, the money was due to the farmers before this all started, and the farmers are not that stupid that they can't work that out for themselves...!!

The government said that they had made arrangements to pay all of the farmers' debts in September, but it didn't happen. How is that the fault of the anti-government protesters....?


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Keep strong PM good luck Yingluck

I don't support any party in Thailand however it seems to me that the present Government is a victim of it's own folly.

Before the election they promised a tablet for every child and a 50% increase in minimum wage. Then they promised

the rice farmers a big guaranteed price for their rice.

The rice price if I remember correctly was higher than the world market was willing to pay, so the rice is either still

in storage or has been sold at a loss.

The PM cannot blame the money shortage on paying for the tablets because they have not been given or paid for, in

fact the only thing that has happened is the increase in the minimum wage which the government did not have to pay for.

Of course all this increase did, was to put more people out of work, it did not effect Hi So or Mid So people only

Lo So, who are the ones supporting Yingluck.

It makes no sense for the Lo So's to support anyone.

The people of Thailand deserve better.

One way to help regular citizens, would be to change the stupid business laws. At present a Farage cannot own and control

a S/ME business without giving control of the money to a Thai person. So a Farage invests 1 million baht in starting a

business employing 10 Thai people. Then the Thai "partner" takes all the money and goes away 10 people back out of work.

BUT it is not just that, it's losing an opportunity to see how to grow a small company. In most European countries S/ME companies

are the ones who employ most people. They are the backbone of the economy, lots of entrepreneurs employing millions.

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This PR stunt by Yingluck would have worked no problem 30 years ago, but now all those farmers kids have got their tablets and can connect to the internet, many of the families up North now realise they have been well and truly reamed out by Shinclan. This all kind of happened in a low/no tech way a couple of hundred years ago in .....France. The problem with keeping pitbulls Yingluck is that one day, one of them will bite you...and it's gonna hurt, no doubt about it.

"but now all those farmers kids have got their tablets"

Well kids in your area may have gotten tablets from the government but in my area they have not. Another of Yingluck's scams that went tits up when the Chinese supplier failed to deliver.

I think you misunderstood/didn't read the above post.

Gentleman Jim was not referring to the government tablets, but the fact that the young families of farmers can access social media via their own smart phones/tablets.

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Face the music Ms Yingluck that excuse is pathetic. Explain face to face to the farmers what went wrong and why the farmers are in this situation. Enough lies to the people that gave you the chance to show them something different, try telling the truth for the first time in Thai history.

At least it will be something you will remembered for that has never been heard before in Thailand. Try being the PM you were elected to be and do whats best for Thailand before its to late.

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We read articles on its epic failure in the economist dating back to mid last year. We also knew it was a massive failure and this woman was incompetent as soon as she opened her mouth in 2010, even before the flood mismanagement. Hope she remains here rather than Dubai just so the consequences she reaps are much more harsh and more deserving/fitting for causing hardship in so many people's lives..even investors, business owner, farmers, taxpayers.

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I don't suppose that this young lady realises that not only has she told bare faced lies, but a large tranche of Thai Society know this, which makes her look completely crass. What a thoroughly unpleasant person.

very true she says that suthep blocked banks early january he march on them.

threaten banks, then get his people to take out money when somebody helps them. don't worry my friend. you get a real view of what the world sees once you get off the Bluesky.

I don't see people quoting udd propaganda or red shirt tv or what ever. most who not in suthep corner have a better understanding as we read and know more.

and you say she unpleasant as sutheps men kill a man today and have many arms taken from them again by police.

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The farmers were a political tool from the start. The moment she bought their votes with the rice program they became a political tool. It is only natural that the game is now played in a way she does not like. She should have thought about this from the start. She started the stupid program, she forgot to assign enough funding. She oversaw the program with all its corrupt deals.. and now she is blaming others that say enough is enough no more money in this bottomless pit let the guilty be punished. Typical Shin attitute.

“Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that she is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.”

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just imagine the rice industry collapsing in chaos

It's happening infront of your very own eyes.

Next crops are starting to be harvested already... no money to pay the last 2 crops... which all sitting rotting away... and farmers with no money...

It is in chaos already.. sad.png and could collapse soon... xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kh9vLpJQkU.png

Farmers might be rural, but when it comes to money they are certainly not stupid!

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Why can't she just admit that she was wrong and that this project has failed. Take your losses and time to move on

The pledging didn't fail from her point of view....................it was intended to be as corrupt as it has turned out to be.

The rice pledging scheme became a donation scheme...except that the government forgot to tell the farmers...

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Somebody should buy Yingluck a calender asap. She probably doesn't realize that October(when the money was due) is a few months before January(beginning of the protest). Can't really blame the pupet PM, it's a shocking failure of Kentucky State Uni to not teach the kids about months of the year.

I wonder what they would have to say about her if people started judging the quality of their institution by Yingluck.

What was her Major? I know it was not common sense.

Would not be a bit surprised if they could not find any reference to her in their records.wai.gif

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Somebody should buy Yingluck a calender asap. She probably doesn't realize that October(when the money was due) is a few months before January(beginning of the protest). Can't really blame the pupet PM, it's a shocking failure of Kentucky State Uni to not teach the kids about months of the year.

I wonder what they would have to say about her if people started judging the quality of their institution by Yingluck.

What was her Major? I know it was not common sense.

Would not be a bit surprised if they could not find any reference to her in their records.wai.gif

I am so glad she isn't Alumni from any of my Universities, it would be embarrassing to be associated.

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I have been here for over 20 years and was on the front line on the night of May 17 1992 when Thai security troops under the Suchinda government opened fire at protesters gathering at Sanam Luang.

I am so proud (then and now) to see the heart of the Thai people out on the streets farmers and all.

Expats....do your homework. Do just a little research and you will find a history of a man (Thaksin) who has been a hugely corrupt and an unscrupulous and greedy parasitic megalomaniac who will NEVER be able to steal enough money from this great country.

He is a convicted criminal who has siphoned billions upon billions of baht from the Thai people and now under his own sister has completely ruined the best quality and best producing rice industry in the world!

It is gone with Cambodia winning last years Best Jasmine rice in the world award and India and Vietnam's rice harvests both out producing Thailand.

They have ruined the country and totally divided the Thai people.

For God's sake! These poor rice farmers are the very people the Shinawatra's convinced to vote for them.

Yingluck doesn't even have the integrity or consideration to even show up to appease these poor farmers and Chalerm is running scared and half mad as he knows that if the Shinawatra Regime crashes his career and life is over and that includes his alleged murdering son.

The alleged murdering son comment is simply information taken from public domain (Google it!) and should not be omitted.

Wikipedia: Chalerm Yubamrung: In 2001 Duangchalerm was arraigned for the murder of a police officer. After deserting from the Army and fleeing to Malaysia, he returned and handed himself in. He was released from jail on bail terms in 2003, and finally acquitted as the court considered the evidence insufficient and the witnesses accounts contradictory.[

Notation: In Thailand the word contradictory is often a synonym for purchasable.

Yes, it does seem that you have to organize a band of corrupt thugs to become Prime Minister in Thailand but plundering the nations funds, ruining the country while turning Thai citizen against Thai citizen and then spitting on our King is just NOT in the cards folks.......it ain't gunna happen!

Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

The man is and will go down historically as a super hero and servant to our King and the people of Siam......want to bet?

Stand up Khun Thai! Stand up every Thai farmer that gave their rice harvest and received nothing in return!

Fight this insanely evil piece of dung and through every generation of his family out with him as they have disgraced our King, our country and the very souls of our people.

Yes, I'm white but I'm no expat!

This is my home, my King and my brothers and sisters.

Fight on and drive the snakes out of the land!

A great piece of reality. It should be on the front page of every forign and Thai newspaper in thailand.

I really liked

Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

I was wondering which of us would even admit to some of the places are own shoes have walked. I know there are some dark spots in my life and they are real not allegations.

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Poisoned chalice is what Suthep is creating.

lets imaging Yingluck walks.

1st job on the dest of junta/suthep/dems/ new formed council is the farmers.

Suthep has tanked the economy with the protest and the financial hit won't ease up if Yingluck goes.. this is ingrained as investors will await the protest to bring democracy back.

catch 22, as the harder suthep makes this for yingluck, the harder it is also for his mythical government. he is leaving them in the same dire straits as he is trying to create for PT

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Keep strong PM good luck Yingluck

My heart goes out to her.

@ Yingluck; If I we ever meet, then I'll buy you a drink.

I am suspicious of your intentions.

When some body offers to buy a drink for a person with less than average intelligence that is good looking I get suspicious. Now if she had stopped the rice scam or raised the quality of education in the country or found a way to cut back on the traffic and related contamination to the atmosphere I would also offer her a drink.

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And she actually believes everything her brother tells her to say???

What a BIMBO...

The payments to the Rice Farmers was long over due well before the present troubles started.

If she has an economics or maths degree obviously someone else took her exams for her.
You do not have to be an Einstein to realize you have to have the money in the first place, this governments "creative accounting" if destroying Thailand.
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Yingluk must be next.

Her position is untenable.

Woravit Chailimpamontri resigns as GSB president, takes responsibility for loan to BAAC which shakes customer confidence /MCOT

They need to buy time, to load up their suitcases.

Suthep has outplayed them all the way through. It's only now a matter of days now.

Goodby Poo, good riddance.

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Yingluk must be next.

Her position is untenable.

Woravit Chailimpamontri resigns as GSB president, takes responsibility for loan to BAAC which shakes customer confidence /MCOT

Her position has been untenable for months, but big brother has told her to stay put.

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Poisoned chalice is what Suthep is creating.

lets imaging Yingluck walks.

1st job on the dest of junta/suthep/dems/ new formed council is the farmers.

Suthep has tanked the economy with the protest and the financial hit won't ease up if Yingluck goes.. this is ingrained as investors will await the protest to bring democracy back.

catch 22, as the harder suthep makes this for yingluck, the harder it is also for his mythical government. he is leaving them in the same dire straits as he is trying to create for PT

Bla bla bla, Pipkins. Your non-sequitur attacks on Suthep are getting old. Not everyone agrees with his methods, but he is not the problem.

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