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Skin tag removal (again) plus moles & lipoma

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I searched and found the archived thread from 2008-2012, but it seems the places referenced (except Bangkok Hospital for B2500) have gone out of business.

Any current recommendations for a clinic in Pattaya that does reasonably priced, safe and sanitary dermatology work? I have a few skin tags, some moles and a lipoma (on my face...) that I'd like to finally take rid of.

And, I am not interested in self-inflicted removal methods. I'm not a he-man who lives for the opportunity to rip skin tags out with my teeth. whistling.gif


When I went to Phyathai they were strictly only doing beauty treatments. They sent me to a surgeon. Very expensive. Went to International. Don't know if they do this any more

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My wife had some work done by laser at PIH on Soi 4. Good doctor, modern equipment, went fine, not cheap - I think is was around 2500 THB which included the follow-up checks.


My wife had some work done by laser at PIH on Soi 4. Good doctor, modern equipment, went fine, not cheap - I think is was around 2500 THB which included the follow-up checks.

No specialists on duty, but can get appointment for days when the are on. Worth a try. MS>


At first blush, B2500 - 3000 seems like a lot, but not knowing what was done I'm not sure I'm thinking of the old thread where laser zapping of skin tags was a few hundred baht each. I'm not trying to Cheap Charlie this adventure, but let's face it, BP-H is not exactly known for being economical. However, I stand respectful of olddoc's recommendation to avoid clinics. So far, nobody has contradicted that in this thread.

Several years ago when I was at BP-H for something else, I wandered over to the dermatology center. At the front desk was a severely overly made up lady with penciled on eyebrows who sneered over the top of her gossip magazine to see what I wanted. I stared at her for a moment -- I was trying to decide if someone who thought that that appearance was a desirable result, would I want them working on me? laugh.png -- she glared at me the whole time, and I decided to try another day. Maybe that day has come.

Guess,I'll return and ask for Dr. Anna. Thanks for that specific recommendation, reduces the choices to ... one!


On South Pattaya rd near tuk com on the same side of the rd about 50m towards 3rd rd there is 2 clinics that do laser removal.

I have used the one that is closer to tuk com a couple of times. 2 years ago I had a big mole taken off from my groin area and last year I had a blood mole taken off of my chest/shoulder area.

Depends on size and how many you want done at the same time but each time they charged my 500 but these were pretty chunky moles. My brother had a few done on his head and back at once and they gave him a bit of a deal for doing them all at once.

They try and sell you some cream and tablets for 300 baht as well that they say is good for the skin but I think it is just beauty cream, I didn't buy it and mine have healed up nicely without scars.


Agreed. Dr. Anna BPH, also otherwise trying to avoid BPH. Or any dermatologist there. If you drive go to http://www.phyathai-sriracha.com/. Good luck MS>

Saw Dr Anna at BPH and she is great. I wouldn't use anyone else. She knows what she is talking about.

Total charge 3k baht....cheap for the best.

what exactly did Dr. Anna do? i had recently 6 small moles by laser treatment in BPH removed and paid 16,400 Baht.


My wife had some work done by laser at PIH on Soi 4. Good doctor, modern equipment, went fine, not cheap - I think is was around 2500 THB which included the follow-up checks.

thanks for precise specification "some work" dry.png


In the past I have had skin tags removed by tying a fine suture around the base of it. Cuts of the blood, it drys up and falls off inside of a week. No pain, no scar. I am sure any competent doctor could do this.


My wife had some work done by laser at PIH on Soi 4. Good doctor, modern equipment, went fine, not cheap - I think is was around 2500 THB which included the follow-up checks.

thanks for precise specification "some work" dry.png

Well, since the topic is removal of skin tags and moles, it really shouldn't be too difficult for most people to figure out what kind of work was involved.

Perhaps I should have anticipated that there would be those who would have trouble with the use of common sense.

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My wife had some work done by laser at PIH on Soi 4. Good doctor, modern equipment, went fine, not cheap - I think is was around 2500 THB which included the follow-up checks.

thanks for precise specification "some work" dry.png

Well, since the topic is removal of skin tags and moles, it really shouldn't be too difficult for most people to figure out what kind of work was involved.

Perhaps I should have anticipated that there would be those who would have trouble with the use of common sense.

so common sense will suffice to determine whether "some work" means 2 tags and 1 mole or does it mean 36 tags and 21 moles and 2,500 Baht means "not cheap"?

any other ridiculous comments? can't wait to hear your lecture.


Well, I made an appointment for Dr.Anna at BP-H for next Tuesday. I'm erring on the side of caution this time and checking out a hospital vs a clinic due mainly to the lipoma on my face. It probably will involve an incision and some sort of seal/stitches, and just feel more comfortable doing that in a hospital. (Subjective and not objective, I know...)

Will be curious to see what the costs will be. If Naam's experience of B16,400 for six moles is typical, I might check out one of the clinics for the moles, but not sure if Grumbles82's B500 per mole was laser or other method. BP-H might also have cheaper rates for non-laser treatments?


Memorial just hack them our with a knife, after dressing one of mine they removed got home and the bleeding was very bad, had to go back for better dressing.


Just returned from BP-H and my appointment with Dr. Anna. She seems quite competent and has a good command of the English language. To laser off six moles/skin tags cost B11,000. Seemed like a lot, but I've been delaying this for so long, I just said "okay, do it."

She said the lump on my face is not a lipoma (It seemed to fit all the descriptions I found online -- just goes to show...) and preferred that I go to a Plastic Surgeon for its removal as she said they are much more skilled at minimizing scars than she is. I thought it was refreshingly honest for her to admit that.

She referred me to Dr.Terrasut and highly recommended him as the best. He agreed it was not a lipoma. When I asked what it was, he said they wouldn't be sure until they removed it and sent it to histology. How much will this cost? I hope you are sitting down: B37,000 not including medications and histology. I asked for an estimate of histology cost and was told about B3,000. Yikes! US$1,000 to remove an unsightly bump on my face. I made an appointment for Thursday, but am not 100% sure I'll follow through. Left brain is saying "It's not worth it," and right brain is saying "Go ahead, and get it over with."

I saw Dr. Anna again after Dr.Terrasut, and told her I was shocked at the cost. She said she could do it for about B15,000 but that the scar from her procedure would not be nearly as good as a plastic surgeon. I'm not *too* vain about my looks, but not sure just how macabre a scar could be.


Just returned from BP-H and my appointment with Dr. Anna. She seems quite competent and has a good command of the English language. To laser off six moles/skin tags cost B11,000. Seemed like a lot, but I've been delaying this for so long, I just said "okay, do it."

She said the lump on my face is not a lipoma (It seemed to fit all the descriptions I found online -- just goes to show...) and preferred that I go to a Plastic Surgeon for its removal as she said they are much more skilled at minimizing scars than she is. I thought it was refreshingly honest for her to admit that.

She referred me to Dr.Terrasut and highly recommended him as the best. He agreed it was not a lipoma. When I asked what it was, he said they wouldn't be sure until they removed it and sent it to histology. How much will this cost? I hope you are sitting down: B37,000 not including medications and histology. I asked for an estimate of histology cost and was told about B3,000. Yikes! US$1,000 to remove an unsightly bump on my face. I made an appointment for Thursday, but am not 100% sure I'll follow through. Left brain is saying "It's not worth it," and right brain is saying "Go ahead, and get it over with."

I saw Dr. Anna again after Dr.Terrasut, and told her I was shocked at the cost. She said she could do it for about B15,000 but that the scar from her procedure would not be nearly as good as a plastic surgeon. I'm not *too* vain about my looks, but not sure just how macabre a scar could be.

What a ripoff. Pyathai in Sriricha has a plastic surgery dept. I'd consult them first if you want to go the plastic surgery route. Seems it'd be trivial.


How much will this cost? I hope you are sitting down: B37,000 not including medications and histology. I asked for an estimate of histology cost and was told about B3,000. Yikes! US$1,000 to remove an unsightly bump on my face.

Oops. Just noticed a typo: It was B27,000, not B37,000. But, that still seems like a lot of money for vanity repair work...

FYI: this is the thousand dollar not-a-lipoma-but-not-sure-what-it-is:


My older siblings all have them and as they've aged they have gotten much bigger, which is a big part of why I'd like to get rid of it now.


I had a ganglion cyst that was larger than that removed from my hand and the scar is barely noticeable. My GP also did surgery but had the same concerns as your lady doctor does, so he sent me to a plastic surgeon. The work was done in Vancouver so no help in your current situation but perhaps it will allay your concerns about scarring.

27 k baht seems like a lot, but you don't want to look like you placed second in a hatchet fight over an extra couple of hundred dollars. Mind you, it could become the basis for a good story and scars add character....


It seems I was destined for a Happy Ending:

(1) The charge for today's surgical removal of the mass came to "only" B16,252. I was advised the cost would be around B27,000, and in fact the cashier wrote it down for me. I can only surmise that she meant both days' procedures combined would be B27,000, and I misunderstood.

(2) Although I thought both days' procedures would be considered elective and cosmetic, BUPA insurance paid 100%! My cost was zero. When I renewed my policy last October, I dropped the outpatient coverage but upgraded the main policy. I don't know how or why, but insurance paid everything.

Many thanks to moonseeker and Tolley for recommending Dr.Anna at BP-H.

  • 1 year later...

Just returned from BP-H and my appointment with Dr. Anna. She seems quite competent and has a good command of the English language. To laser off six moles/skin tags cost B11,000. Seemed like a lot, but I've been delaying this for so long, I just said "okay, do it."

She said the lump on my face is not a lipoma (It seemed to fit all the descriptions I found online -- just goes to show...) and preferred that I go to a Plastic Surgeon for its removal as she said they are much more skilled at minimizing scars than she is. I thought it was refreshingly honest for her to admit that.

She referred me to Dr.Terrasut and highly recommended him as the best. He agreed it was not a lipoma. When I asked what it was, he said they wouldn't be sure until they removed it and sent it to histology. How much will this cost? I hope you are sitting down: B37,000 not including medications and histology. I asked for an estimate of histology cost and was told about B3,000. Yikes! US$1,000 to remove an unsightly bump on my face. I made an appointment for Thursday, but am not 100% sure I'll follow through. Left brain is saying "It's not worth it," and right brain is saying "Go ahead, and get it over with."

I saw Dr. Anna again after Dr.Terrasut, and told her I was shocked at the cost. She said she could do it for about B15,000 but that the scar from her procedure would not be nearly as good as a plastic surgeon. I'm not *too* vain about my looks, but not sure just how macabre a scar could be.

What a ripoff. Pyathai in Sriricha has a plastic surgery dept. I'd consult them first if you want to go the plastic surgery route. Seems it'd be trivial.

I went to their department and for 20-25 they wanted 150,000 Baht. Yes That's about $5k USD. I'll be looking for someone else. My lipomas are 1-3CM. This was for local anesthesia

In March this year Dr. Anna used co2 laser to burn about 10 spots on my face and neck area for 10,600B.

I asked her to give me a discount she asked why. I said I dont have insurance. She didnt say anything...

I have no idea did she gave me a discount.

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