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How can you explain the difference between a westernized girl and a non-westernized Thai girl?

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I believe my Thai girl is "Westernized" as well as many in her family, and My best friend Thai girl is more "typical" Thai.

Each number has the difference between.

My Thai girl:

1, She like to be in the sun, on the beach in Bikini and getting tanned.

2, She hates thai pling plong music.

3, She never watch Thai TV series with those added bing-boing sounds, Seldom watch Thai TV at all.

4, She does not cook food (that much) prefer to purchase pre-done on the way home.

5, She passes those small white houses with red fanta and food, without paying any attention at all.

6, If there is boobs on TV she tells me so I won't miss.

7, She is not noticeable jealous, (just a tiny bit during our first years together).

8, She loves karaoke, but has to be western music.

My Friend's Thai girl.

1, She hates the sun, sit in the shade, if out in the water it is with cloths on.

2, She loves Pling Plong Music

3, Always watch Thai tv series with added sound effects, and only TV to watch is Thai

4, Cooks food all the time. And cooks food for 10 people even if they are only two in the household.

5, She stops and bows for a few sec at all those small houses for the spirits. Hunks the horn if passes with a car on the countyside.

6, If there is boobs on TV she covers my friends eyes.

7, She is quite jealous.

8, She loves karaoke, but has to be Thai music.

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How can you explain the difference between a westernized man (1) and a non-westernized man (2)?

(1) average 5 inches erected

(2) average 3 inches erected

so i was told giggle.gif


What OP really wants to know is how bad are Thai girls compared to others

Or maybe how good, or even better than others they are?

I am pretty happy with my Thai born, Thai girl.

I plan to hang on to her.


My late wife, Sarah -RIP. She liked me. One of the first of the women secrets she shared was, woman is woman. They just don't all look the same, unless you love them.


My wife is very westernized,but then we lived in the west for 12 years so i guess she would be ,oh ,she likes marmite as well,how westernized can one get?


To get interesting and useful answers you must ask a coherent question.

At first I thought you were asking for a definition, how do Thai girls become "westernized"?

But then it seems "westernized" to you simply means a mentality present in more economically developed subcultures, being more familiar with modern ideas, exposed to "global culture", simply of a more wealthy background?

Finally, perhaps you're asking - what are the differences between the rural upcountry uneducated girl and the more worldly/educated ones from OUR POV, in other words, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each as a gf/wife?

Personally I avoid any girls that have had any significant exposure to the world outside their poor upcountry village, no smartphone, no Internet experience, no English at all.

But that's me, probably not of interest to most so I'll leave it at that unless you want to ask questions - ideally specific, clear and coherent questions please.

hasn't taken you long to get back on form has it?


It's hard to list the differences (Too many) between Western and Non Western girls. But having dated dozens (and married a few) Western girls and having dated a few Non Western Girls. I can honestly say that i would NEVER look at a Western girl again.


One difference I always see is when a non westernised Thai woman eats with a knife and fork in a restaurant and holds the knife like a dagger.

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Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter


Find it hard to believe as the question is irritating. Many countries nowadays are "westernized."

Do you mean those girls who are looking for foreigners to dump them once they've got what they wanted, or those who don't want to use a condom ,as many want to have a "westernized" baby>

Or are you talking about those who wear a fake Rolex and fake tits? Or the ones you see kicking bananas out of something, others really want to have es well?

Wait. Or the ones who tell you that they love you too much, when sitting on aeeh chatting on your face book.? What was the question again?-w00t.gif


Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

Dear Dino hunter,

Go and grow some extra big balls to be able to deal with both genders. It ain't working without them.

You should make your own topic how evil those reckless driving ones really are. My wife is the sweetest woman on this planet. Please don't accuse her.

Hope you only had a bad dream, a real nightmare that you'd dirty sex with Yingnoluck's older brother..-coffee1.gif

P.S. Please page me when you'd found a T. Rex, our son's toys are too old.


Ignore them completely. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. .

That's fine for those like yourself who are gay and prefer the company of men. The majority of men prefer sex with females. I understand this is difficult for you (as a gay mysoginist)


I just had to comment on this one.

Interesting subject actually and have baffled me more than once.

There's a difference already when it comes to how much education and what quality the girls/womens education had.

The better eduaction, the more modernized way of thinking, but mind you, even the best schools in Thailand are way below the average in western countries.

I'm not talking about farrang schools in Thailand.

So, my conclusion is that with better education you have girls acting more western and also may be able to communicate with any English speaking person

directly as on the other hand, farmers daughters most often don't have much education and need to learn the basics in order to be able to comminate with anyone non speaking Thai.

Now to what baffles me, regardless what background, everyone seems to screw their head on right when leaving Thailand to go to their husbands/boyfriends country, they actually start to think and use reasoning.

As soon as they come back to Thailand, it's like they don't bring back their Brains, old patterns from Before emerges and hence they are Thais again, 100%.

Every rule has to have its exception and it has to exist that someone have another opinion than me about their wife or girlfriend but I haven't met any man/farrang that doesn't

complain about this behaviour from their spouse,

I do have the same experience with my wife.

I used to blame the heat, but now I'm not so sure anymore as it's been rather cold the last month or so here in Thailand.

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How can you explain the difference between a westernized man (1) and a non-westernized man (2)?

(1) average 5 inches erected

(2) average 3 inches erected

so i was told giggle.gif

Is that a reference to when one uses their brain in full capacity?


Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

I Think you made a grave error here Turok.

First of all, the women didn't take their rights and made us into whimps, we men let us become ones.

And secondly and more importantly, my mother isn't what you say, far from it, she gave birth to me and I'm bloody happy about that, my sisters aren't either what you call women in general, Scandalous Skanks.

My wife isn't, my grandmother isn't, my friends wifes aren't and I bet you, the absolute majority aren't.

Maybe the problem is you not the women. We man have one purpose in Life and one only and that's to protect women and Children against men who abuse them.

Without men like you the rest of us wouldn't have to and we could actually live on equal terms.

We do have to be the White Knights of poon as you call it, just look at what happens around you, in countries with war, rape and abuse of women and Children is more standard than not.

In india, men gangrape women just because the state haven't taken the problem seriously enough. Don't you get it, it's our (mens) responibility to protect them, with Words or action.

I feel sorry for you that you obviously have been hurt in one or more relationships with a woman but it doesn't give you the right to verbally attack and call more than half of the Worlds population scandalous Skanks.

Grow up and be a man, that's my advise, stop feeling sorry for yourself.

People with bad intentions exists everywhere and has no gender.

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Depends what you mean by Westernised.

To me it means the girl has spent enough time either overseas or at least in an International school that she reads, writes and speaks fluent English.

Her exposure to western thinking means she can think for herself and doesn't get all girly around Hello Kitty merchandise and cuddly toys.

Has been educated out of believing in ghosts, spirits and religious mumbo jumbo.

Likes foreign food and is open to trying new things.

Is independent and no longer thinks she has to please her family at every turn.

Is willing to leave Thailand and go live somewhere else.

By virtue of the fact that she will have studied and therefore lived overseas, she is also probably not from some poor family.

Genuinely wants to date a Western guy, for no reason other than she likes them.

Will never want to live in the boonies.

In short she's a lot more desirable as a girlfriend.

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I read that 25 % of USA citizens believe that the sun revolves around the earth.

When you see a OP like this, you understand why.

The difference between the women.. Depends on the individual

The difference between the women with a man.. Depends on the prick she is with

I better stop now.. I feel my IQ is dropping on this forum


many a bg is a farmgirl.

Believe me, just a few days, two weeks max after arriving to work the bars of Pattaya/Patong etc that naive fresh-off-the-farm sweetheart has been irretrievably transformed into a lying scamming predator.

Not all to be sure, but the exceptions are pretty hard to find.

hasn't taken you long to get back on form has it?

Dunno, when was I "off form"?


In short she's a lot more desirable as a girlfriend.

Wow, nearly every single thing in your list leads me to the opposite conclusion.

But isn't that what's great, makes the world go round, we don't have to all fight over the same girls.


Depends what you mean by Westernised.

To me it means the girl has spent enough time either overseas or at least in an International school that she reads, writes and speaks fluent English.

Her exposure to western thinking means she can think for herself and doesn't get all girly around Hello Kitty merchandise and cuddly toys.

Has been educated out of believing in ghosts, spirits and religious mumbo jumbo.

Likes foreign food and is open to trying new things.

Is independent and no longer thinks she has to please her family at every turn.

Is willing to leave Thailand and go live somewhere else.

By virtue of the fact that she will have studied and therefore lived overseas, she is also probably not from some poor family.

Genuinely wants to date a Western guy, for no reason other than she likes them.

Will never want to live in the boonies.

In short she's a lot more desirable as a girlfriend.

You have just described the typical farang woman. Yet, so many on this forum are negative towards farang women. I wonder why that is?

  • Like 1

Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

Should it not just read Turok, Dinosaur?

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Mr. Kamal:

Protecting women is a man's purpose in life? Not my purpose. I think many other men would agree also. Not today's woman. You are speaking like a true WKOP (White Knight of Poon). Women want their equal rights. Let them protect themselves. Women want equality only when it is in their favor. And when it is not, they will cry out.

Women are going to open doors for me!! Being a gentleman gets you no where today. Ladies want the Bad Boys.

A sinking ship. I am fighting for that life preserver. Living equally as you said. Is a man's life less valuable than a woman's and he should give up his life up for her? No way. Not anymore. Women making men pay outrageous vaginamony after a divorce when she is perfectly capable of working leaving him with nothing! Is this correct? This just the way the world works. Best to avoid today's females and marriage.

I will agree with you on one point. Men have allowed this to happen. And now men need to take the world back. Men need to fight for their rights. Men as a whole have become so weak and pussified. I for one will live my life without the interference from today's so called feminazi style woman and be much happier.

Read some interesting stuff on www.maskedwriter.com This should wake men up.

Western or non western. Who care!!! It doesn't matter. Avoiding a relationship with a woman is a good bet. Enjoying the sexual pleasures of a woman is ok. Just no dating, no marriage, no movies, no trips, no coffee dates, no shopping etc... Sex only. Pump, dump and move on! .

Leave you with something my Dad taught me:

How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?

She usually starts the sentence with "A man once told me...."

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter


Depends what you mean by Westernised.

To me it means the girl has spent enough time either overseas or at least in an International school that she reads, writes and speaks fluent English.

Her exposure to western thinking means she can think for herself and doesn't get all girly around Hello Kitty merchandise and cuddly toys.

Has been educated out of believing in ghosts, spirits and religious mumbo jumbo.

Likes foreign food and is open to trying new things.

Is independent and no longer thinks she has to please her family at every turn.

Is willing to leave Thailand and go live somewhere else.

By virtue of the fact that she will have studied and therefore lived overseas, she is also probably not from some poor family.

Genuinely wants to date a Western guy, for no reason other than she likes them.

Will never want to live in the boonies.

In short she's a lot more desirable as a girlfriend.

You have just described the typical farang woman. Yet, so many on this forum are negative towards farang women. I wonder why that is?

For the record I'm an English guy in my 40's who was born in Libya, lived 35 years in Hong Kong and aside from 7 years at a British public school, I've never lived in the UK (and I don't count spending school terms in school as living there, my home was and still is HK).

I have zero interest in a relationship with someone who I can't completely communicate with, nor do I want relationships with girls who don't have the education and life experience to be able to fit in to any social situation. Case in point, I took a girl to Bed Supper Club once only to discover she was petrified because in her words 'everyone look down on me'. Yes I felt sorry for her, but I realised then that there is no point trying to date girls like her unless I wanted to never go to nice places.

Everyone's looking for different things of course.

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