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Missionary’s murderer sentenced


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A man has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for the April 2013 murder of Singaporean pastor Wendy Ng, Kampong Speu provincial court officials told the Post yesterday.

The 55-year-old, who served as principal at the New Hope International School, was murdered by Tong Sophal, 24, a workman, on April 30, the court ruled on December 21.

Sophal’s case was sent to the Court of Appeal on January 24, Buninh Bunary, Kampong Speu provincial court investigating judge, said yesterday.

In addition to the 27-year sentence, the court ruled that Sophal must pay the victim’s family compensation.

Sophal was arrested along with Chhen Laleu, 27, Ou Milihoung, 20, and Koe Savuth, 32, who were hired to build Ng’s house. The three other suspects were released after a police investigation found they were not involved in the murder, Bunary added.

Ng was found dead in her room on April 30 at 7pm. The next day, police arrested four construction workers who were engaged to fix her premises.

Whilst searching for valuables, the group startled her and she screamed, Sam Sak, deputy chief of the provincial crime office, told the Post after the men’s arrests.

Sophal smashed Ng’s head on the door, stabbed her three times in the neck during the ensuing struggle, the court was told.



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