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Tens of thousands of farmers in hundreds of farm trucks heading to Bangkok


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Yes red snake. . Reality is boring. The farmers have been screwed and borrowed money to survive. At silly rates. From people that are mates with this government. Soon enough they will have coughed up their own total sum. . In interest, to these loan sharks. Its time for this Chinese clan to quit.

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Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

work all year plant your rice ,grow it ,cut it in the sun ,F government steel it thats why there poor ,your comment is a insult to hard working farmers

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I don't know if this has been said already. I have just joined the thread. But I was just wandering, how many of those vehicles and drivers are road legal?


You've already had some well deserved answers. However chances are the farmers operating their tractors, Etan trucks and Iron Buffaloes also have drivers licenses to drive their pickups. However this being Thailand there's a good chance many are operating on the chance they won't get stopped. Road legal is a western term and is more loosely used here.

When you have a convoy of 200 or more carrying hundreds of angry farmers, it would be a brave policeman who would hold them up for such a technicality.

Say high to Jack for me.

Correct me if I am wrong. But I was of the opinion that I only made an observation. Most probably correct. To be road legal more than just a drivers licence is required.

As for mention of Thailand's finest stopping them. cheesy.gif

If someone you know was seriously injured by one of them, would you still see it as only a technicality. Or would it just be a casualty of war. thumbsup.gif


Edited by jimbeam1
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If they are smart, they will see the PDRC closed the bank route firmly.

just gets stranger by the day. keeps us off the streets though.... for now

They are plenty smart and know exactly who has betrayed them, who took their rice and who is responsible for them not being paid. Edited by Bluespunk
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RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy


They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

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RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy


They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

So, having said that, what's yer point?

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englishoak post # 67

Just a thought if these farmers are so poor and skint whos paying for all the fuel ? tractors are not that fuel efficient and its a long way to bangers and back. im no expert on tractor mpg but its got to be pretty awful and expensive on a round trip.

And why do all the tractors look like they came from exactly the same place or hire firm ?

And why do all the tractors look like they came from exactly the same place or hire firm ?

Now suspicion has arisen yet again. If, as you state you actually live in Thailand and in farming country as or rather we do in Anmphur Sangkha in Changwat Surin you would be well acquainted with the fact that the tractors you see are all sold with the front dozer blades and driver shades the stock colour is red, the trailers are locally produced to a standard pattern too. Standard equipment at the point of sale.

It would seem perhaps that your information is sadly lacking as to the reality of rural life here in Thailand. Perhaps due to not actually living where you say and relying on hearsay ?

ummm we dont get a lot of tractors in bangkok, show me where I have ever said i live in or among a farming community ? I asked a simple question .. two actually . Cheap to run are they or buy ? funny because the little i do know is A there is usually a choice even in tractors and B they cost a fair old bit... far more than most poor thai farmers ive come to know can afford .. in fact i cant think of one i do know thats had one but like i say im not a farmer or know many which is why i asked.

I assume there is a lease system for most if they use them which is why i mentioned a hire firm... be nice if people didnt jump down others throats when a simple viable question or two is asked Mr poleeeman whistling.gif

Dear Mr Oak, the story is...Kubota has a very neat plan where you can buy a tractor on very low deposit and on very low monthly payments, the "hook" is that twice a year you have to ante up the interest for the prese(e)ding (oops!) six months, usually about B30k! the interest payments usually coinside with the rice payments or other payments from your crop! Capice? A 3508 with 6 disc plow and blade on the front is about B500-600K or about 20% of what you pay in the West!

I hope that helps?

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Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

well you said it, they are poor and the dirty rich Shins want to cheat them, lock, stock & barrel!

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You watch the support and fear when this lot get close to the jewel in the crown.

Get stocked and stay inside.

RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy


They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

So, having said that, what's yer point?

"You watch the support and fear when this lot get close to the jewel in the crown.

Get stocked and stay inside."

Would you be prepared to elucidate just a tad on your comment? "Jewel in the crown"? Thanks

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RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy


They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

So, having said that, what's yer point?

Matthew Richards @forestmat 4h

Hearing farmers in Korat province comment on how new all those tractors look that are heading into #Bangkok on TV news reports

Some speculation that the tractors were given to them either by Kubota or by the PDRC (suppose they could have also used the money Suthep raised for them).

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RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy

They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

So, having said that, what's yer point?

Matthew Richards @forestmat 4h

Hearing farmers in Korat province comment on how new all those tractors look that are heading into #Bangkok on TV news reports

Some speculation that the tractors were given to them either by Kubota or by the PDRC (suppose they could have also used the money Suthep raised for them).

Too bad Korat farmers have to speculate and arrive at such an absurd conclusion.

These Central plains farmers are genuine and tend to look after their machinery. It is their livelihood. Maybe they washed the mud of the tyres before they came. I am sure Isan farmers are equally meticulous?

Perhaps they also have some pride and cleaned the machines too? As for Kubota donating hundreds of tractors that has to be the second most ridiculous idea of the day.

Edited by ratcatcher
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So, having said that, what's yer point?

Matthew Richards @forestmat 4h

Hearing farmers in Korat province comment on how new all those tractors look that are heading into #Bangkok on TV news reports

Some speculation that the tractors were given to them either by Kubota or by the PDRC (suppose they could have also used the money Suthep raised for them).

Too bad Korat farmers have to speculate and arrive at such an absurd conclusion.

These Central plains farmers are genuine and tend to look after their machinery. It is their livelihood. Maybe they washed the mud of the tyres before they came. I am sure Isan farmers are equally meticulous?

Perhaps they also have some pride and cleaned the machines too? As for Kubota donating hundreds of tractors that has to be the second most ridiculous idea of the day.

Kubuta has a large shareholder in Thailand

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Some posters on this site are an embarrassment!

Too much time on their hands. Not enough grey matter.

If you don't have anything constructive to add about the rice farmers, or indeed any other of the many disputes in Thailand just now. Please be a good observer.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

Who they gonna sell their new harvest to ?

There was a report not so long ago that the current stock in the warehouses would take 5 years to sell.

You should suggest that they go protest, because the more money they invest in planting new crop, the more they will lose when the harvest time comes.

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RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy


They must be very poor to be able to buy the fuel for those gas guzzlers and drive to BKK?

I see the maths as usual is crap, tens of thousands in hundreds of trucks?? 999 trucks even with 10 people in doesnt = tens of thousands

So, having said that, what's yer point?

Matthew Richards @forestmat 4h

Hearing farmers in Korat province comment on how new all those tractors look that are heading into #Bangkok on TV news reports

Some speculation that the tractors were given to them either by Kubota or by the PDRC (suppose they could have also used the money Suthep raised for them).

Maybe they bought them on finance, because the government promised they would be rich in 6 months .

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Matthew Richards @forestmat 4h

Hearing farmers in Korat province comment on how new all those tractors look that are heading into #Bangkok on TV news reports

Some speculation that the tractors were given to them either by Kubota or by the PDRC (suppose they could have also used the money Suthep raised for them).

Too bad Korat farmers have to speculate and arrive at such an absurd conclusion.

These Central plains farmers are genuine and tend to look after their machinery. It is their livelihood. Maybe they washed the mud of the tyres before they came. I am sure Isan farmers are equally meticulous?

Perhaps they also have some pride and cleaned the machines too? As for Kubota donating hundreds of tractors that has to be the second most ridiculous idea of the day.

I guess the farmers in Korat reckoned that tractors don't stay shiny for very long once they start being used. Also someone noticed that, in this picture of Chadchart talking to a farmer at the airport, this tractor still has its stickers on:


I have no idea whether that's unusual or not. I can see why people would think it odd that they have many of these seemingly new tractors, but I doubt they were donated or lent by a Japanese company.

Does it really matter either way anyway? It's obvious the anti-govt need the farmers because it's the one sure way of pressuring the govt. Without the farmers, there's no reason the govt couldn't just let the protesters sit there for a couple more months.The rice pledging non-payment issue is creating the urgency. So even if they did help them, it wouldn't be a surprise, nor would it change the facts of the situation.

Besides, perhaps it's rather that the wealthier farmers pooled their tractors and decided to put the new ones up front. Surely some of them would have new tractors - and that's if they all are new, like you say, could be just well looked after.

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It likes to think of itself as the Land of Smiles but clearly this is not the view inside the land. Different people have different agendas which cloud the issues, but, are these people brave enough to put their face on one side, address the problems and find a way forward?

For a country that sees itself as a leader in the ASEAN they are not doing themselves any favours and thoughout the the rest of the world they are turning away tourists and investors that may never return, such is the insular thinking, they just dont realize how much damage they are doing, but as they are taught that they are superior to all others we will just have to watch and learn how to do things! They may not be the right things and we will still watch in amazement!

It is to be hoped that one day the different factions will grow up and learn the lessons to take the country forward, or will they just sweep them under the carpet as usual, no one loses face, no one made a mistake?

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It could be significant to mention just where these farmers come from. Previous posts have indicated that they are from the following 5 provinces:

Uthai Thani

Nakhon Sawan
Ang Thong
Of those, only Nakhon Sawan and Ang Thong were PT wins in the 2011 election. The other 3 were indecisive or another party. Then too it could be significant that all the adjacent western hills region is "Democrat" territory. So these farmers are not at all from PT heartland (if anyone thought that). It would be much more disturbing for the government if the convoy of vehicles had come from Isaan. They did not, although someone earlier mentioned that a group of farmers were indeed coming from there. That seems unlikely - but we'll see what is the truth.
Frankly the photo of tractors on the road does look rather staged. The new-looking tractors, the identical flag-poles... Again, we'll see. Maybe these are 'spontaneous' farmers, maybe 'arranged'.
But whether the farmers were paid and set-up or not, clearly there is a major propaganda campaign going on.
The old-guard are staking all on this. Suthep is utterly fearless, as only a man can be who knows that the law cannot and will not touch him. He can occupy ministries and order civil servants to leave, threaten the prime Minister, threaten to expel people from Thailand, take over large areas of the capital, defame other Thais, try to bankrupt businesses.
This guy - you've got to hand it to him - is amazing. He really is a "law unto himself".
But God help Thailand if he wins!
We can only pray that PT remains strong. If they manage to remain in office, maybe democracy has a future here. If not, it's back to coups, more calls for secession, etc.
Clearly there should be new elections, maybe later in the year, with an opposition. It would be great if that opposition could win legitimately.
Edited by tilac2
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

In my wife's village, which is 100% red shirt, most have not been paid and have no money to buy supplies for a new crop. Many owe money to illegal money lenders and are in dire straights.

I guess the farmer where I live are smart and have money or been paid by the government

Smart enough to know that they still need to eat , and have held back 'kow bluagk' or seed rice to plant , just as they have always fallen back on for centuries.

But Im sure youre too busy waiting by your computer with the a/c on , to be the FIRST to post your idiocies , to be bothered to go outside and ask them...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

In my wife's village, which is 100% red shirt, most have not been paid and have no money to buy supplies for a new crop. Many owe money to illegal money lenders and are in dire straights.

I guess the farmer where I live are smart and have money or been paid by the government

(I guess) Are all of your posts based on guesswork.

You claim to live in Thailand and represent the red shirts but at the same time you don't even know what is happening on your own doorstep.

If the farmers are smart where you live, why don't you follow suit and try to be at least a little smart?

Is there really any need for this..........?

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Where I live the are just now planting a new crop of rice while these farmers and protesting who planting the rice? No wonder their poor.

You can only plant a crop of rice if you have the money to pay for seeds, tilling, planting, fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, and -- in many cases -- land rent. If you don't have the money, you can't. These farmers are poor because the government has impoverished them by not paying them for their previous crop. You should lower you level of smugness and open your eyes to the reality of the their plight.

What a way to buy land for an incredibly low price though.

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Rumours are circulating online that this group of farmers are coming for other agenda.

The one who lead them coming to Bkk and the airport is a ptp member and a close aide of Thaksin.

Let see what are they up to.

No more causalties pls.

The Thai boards are reporting the same, this lot are up to no good(if thats a credible thing to say in the current chaos) and their agenda is far from clear.

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