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PM Yingluck pleads for new dialogue with protesters


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"She expressed condolences to the families of victims and those injured in the violent incidents and said police were ordered to find the culprits.

Ms Yingluck visited an OTOP (One Tambon One Product) shopping complex in Saraburi today only to encounter a protest by PDRC supporters who verbally attacked her using a loudspeaker. She left the scene after a brief visit."

Reads as: "Sorry 'bout that, I'm going shopping now". **Smile Wave Smile Wave**

Does it really read as that? Instead of wasting bandwidth why don't you come up with a solution to Thailand's problems instead of writing silly unfounded comments

That goes for most of the TV posters who like to air their views, not one has come up with a sensible solution since these political problems have started

And you honestly think the gov't will listen to your suggestions. I can't think of a better place to vent your frustrations about the current situation ongoing in Thailand now.

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In an interview with the media on PDRC pressure against Shinawatra family’s businesses, she said in a shaken voice, “Won’t they allow even a space for me to stand? I am here to protect democracy. If I resign, there will be a vacuum which paves the way for an abolition of the Constitution and [bringing in] an undemocratic system. I have to protect democracy in my capacity as leader of the government.

“The election is not complete. If we allow a vacuum, confidence in the country will be jeopardy. I’m ready to cooperate with all quarters. Let us find solutions together. The PDRC has been demanding this for several months". Protect democracy? ”Thaksin her controller once said "The UN is not my father". I don't think the Shinawatra's were ever concerned about democracy. Just money and power.

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One side asks for negotiations and condemns violence. The other side refuses to stray from its obstinate agenda and openly praises armed assailants and taunts opponents.

and teachers need to go back to school to learn about the truth and how morally wrong it is to twist and distort that gem called truth.

Ms. Yingluck keeps telling "we want to talk" and her cabinet and Pheu Thai fellow members keep talking about rebellion, terrorists, mob. The CMPO head Pol. Captain Chalerm says "the protesters do it to themselves". Nightly shootings at protesters, grenades lobbed at them, innocent children die. Ms. Yingluck just wanted peace and clings to power. Ms. Yingluck pleads for a dialogue to tell all what her brother wants. At a OTOP gathering, far away from Bangkok violence. Far away from crying families.

Instead she's crying fro herself and "why can't they leave me alone". Simple, if you want to be left in peace resign now.

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blaze #49

Until you got into Thaksin's 'mindset' I would have agreed with what most of what you said. The way history unfolds has very little to do with the 'mindsets' of the major players- the dynamics of social and economic history create the players. Not the other way around. As far as Thaksin being of the 'neauveau Riche-' did you read my post before you replied to it? This is precisely the conflict- new money fighting for a place at the table with old money without having to play the kow tow game. And old money using all its old tools (connections, the civil service etc) to prevent this 'arriviste' invasion.

If it had not been Thaksin, it would have been someone else- and reasons to demonize that person in the minds of those less educated would be trotted out-- And the best example was the 'new money' of continental Europe after the destruction of the feudal system-- and who represented that urban middle class threat to the strangle hold of the old aristocracies? (hint- they were accused of drinking the blood of Christian babies- at least Thaksin has yet to be accused of THAT).

Thaksin's whole mindset is driven by Kow Tow.

He uses modern tools but his mindset is old school Thai social climbing kow tow.

You can see it at EVERY stage of his life.

Including Manchester City.

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Your a real constitutional expert.. so what your saying is that protesters can sabotage EVERY election simply by rioting at the voting booths and creating a situation where more than 5% of the Parliament seats are not filled because the elections were sabotaged by protesters.. and everytime this happens the PM must resign and we get this 'appointed' government by who??

This is non-sense, there is no 'March 4' firm date, the notion that the election MUST take place on the same day has been addressed and dismissed. The places where the election did not take place must try again until they can create a quorum.

Yingluck can only be thrown out of office if she is voted out, if the biased/activist "Anti Corruption Commision" forces her to step down during her caretaker role, then another PhuaThai MP in the caretaker cabnet steps forward and asumes the helm. That's how democracy works, it protects the state against musolini-putsch type dictatorships from taking over the government.

" I am here to protect democracy. If I resign, there will be a vacuum which paves the way for an abolition of the Constitution and [bringing in] an undemocratic system. I have to protect democracy in my capacity as leader of the government. "

Nonsense from beginning to end. A vacuum is what we have right here and right now. And the constitution is the very instrument that will deal with it. The constitution states that if a parliamentary quorum is not achieved by March 4, the administration folds, and the constitution takes over with the process that follows. Either she steps down now or on March 4 is entirely up to her, but after that the constitution doesn't give her a choice. What she is protecting first and foremost is Thaksin. Thaksin is the only reason she is prime minister, and Thaksin is the only reason she is staying. And instead of going to the province of Saraburi today, why didn't she go to Trat ? Why didn't she go to Ratchaprason ? Is this the example she is setting as prime minister ? Is this how she bonds with the Thai people after such unspeakable crimes against humanity ?

Edited by pkspeaker
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Your a real constitutional expert.. so what your saying is that protesters can sabotage EVERY election simply by rioting at the voting booths and creating a situation where more than 5% of the Parliament seats are not filled because the elections were sabotaged by protesters.. and everytime this happens the PM must resign and we get this 'appointed' government by who??

This is non-sense, there is no 'March 4' firm date, the notion that the election MUST take place on the same day has been addressed and dismissed. The places where the election did not take place must try again until they can create a quorum.

Yingluck can only be thrown out of office if she is voted out, if the biased/activist "Anti Corruption Commision" forces her to step down during her caretaker role, then another PhuaThai MP in the caretaker cabnet steps forward and asumes the helm. That's how democracy works, it protects the state against musolini-putsch type dictatorships from taking over the government.

" I am here to protect democracy. If I resign, there will be a vacuum which paves the way for an abolition of the Constitution and [bringing in] an undemocratic system. I have to protect democracy in my capacity as leader of the government. "

Nonsense from beginning to end. A vacuum is what we have right here and right now. And the constitution is the very instrument that will deal with it. The constitution states that if a parliamentary quorum is not achieved by March 4, the administration folds, and the constitution takes over with the process that follows. Either she steps down now or on March 4 is entirely up to her, but after that the constitution doesn't give her a choice. What she is protecting first and foremost is Thaksin. Thaksin is the only reason she is prime minister, and Thaksin is the only reason she is staying. And instead of going to the province of Saraburi today, why didn't she go to Trat ? Why didn't she go to Ratchaprason ? Is this the example she is setting as prime minister ? Is this how she bonds with the Thai people after such unspeakable crimes against humanity ?

What protects a state from a government acting illegally, telling lies, cheating, ignoring parliamentary procedures, refusing to obey court decisions they don't like, refusing to provide meaningful figures, bullying and intimidating people who dare to challenge them etc.

Oh yes, vote them out at the next election. After all any court or independent organization must be biased. The government wouldn't lie would they?

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In an interview with the media on PDRC pressure against Shinawatra family’s businesses, she said in a shaken voice, “Won’t they allow even a space for me to stand? I am here to protect democracy. If I resign, there will be a vacuum which paves the way for an abolition of the Constitution and [bringing in] an undemocratic system. I have to protect democracy in my capacity as leader of the government.

“The election is not complete. If we allow a vacuum, confidence in the country will be jeopardy. I’m ready to cooperate with all quarters. Let us find solutions together. The PDRC has been demanding this for several months". Protect democracy? ”Thaksin her controller once said "The UN is not my father". I don't think the Shinawatra's were ever concerned about democracy. Just money and power.

She is partly right about the vacuum but what's really needed is a big vacuum cleaner to sweep through government house and suck up all the dirt that's been residing there for the last 30 years

and yes the constitution does need to be suspended while the whole system is reformed by a council of smart people that can actually make the changes required to stop any future government behaving the way PTP has the last 2 1/2 years - lying cheating stealing corruption "abuse of power" - the list goes on, then a referendum and elections, but it must be done right this time

life bans not just 5 years for rotten MP's - complete transparency to the people - forced fiscal discipline - no more immunity for MP's while in office - and stiff jail sentences for those convicted, that would be a good start

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