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Bomb explosions and gunfire rock PDRC’s Silom rally site


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Bad news. Better to avoid the area altogether; though this is hard for those of us who have to conduct business around these key areas. If their opposition weren't hellbent on violence, at least we could get through an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

Thai news also stated the devices appeared to have been planted from outside the site. ** Hope the posts of how this was done by PDRC don't ensue. One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders.

Also, they attempted to hit them democrat headquarters too on Setthasiri Rd... pretty frickin' obvious who is doing this....

OK Army: PTP and police are both useless and this will con't. Time to step in, toss them out and restart.

"One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders. "

you still don't understand what is going on here! - the only faction who wants to provoke a coup in Thailand is the PDRC and their backers - so yes -

One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of the recent announcement of Suthep's "End Game"!

Or why do you think has the government so carefully avoided using violence against the demonstrators?

And why do you think have there been unreported arrests of heavily armed so called PDRC "guards" almost daily - OUTSIDE the demonstration grounds? You can see pictures of their arrests including their weapons on police websites every day - the biased press does not report these arrests. Do you think these people work for the government? They work for the people behind Suthep! There is a final power struggle going on behind the scenes these people do not care how many they have to kill - for them everything is at stake!

Do you really think Suthep and his puppet masters care about how many of their own they have to kill to achieve their goal? the status quo and BILLIONS are at stake. They have already sliced up the cake - they will do anything to get their hands on the money and remain in the positions they occupy. Read Wikileaks and you understand!

I hope you are not so naive and think these demonstrations are really about a corrupt government and reforms?

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20 explosions? My personal opinion is that it looks like the targeting of someone's business has made someone really mad. whistling.gif

And where are the police again? Months of constant bombings and they're still nowhere close to catching the culprit. I guess seeing how a policeman can go on stage and cheer the deaths at Trat, the police don't really want to catch these people do they? Face it, if this continues and the so called police don't do their jobs, the army might have to.

Perhaps they got the hump with their colleaugue getting his leg blown off? The police are dogs with no teeth. It's perfect timing for people to settle their old scores and blame one side or theother. Sickening is an understatement.

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Bad news. Better to avoid the area altogether; though this is hard for those of us who have to conduct business around these key areas. If their opposition weren't hellbent on violence, at least we could get through an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

Thai news also stated the devices appeared to have been planted from outside the site. ** Hope the posts of how this was done by PDRC don't ensue. One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders.

Also, they attempted to hit them democrat headquarters too on Setthasiri Rd... pretty frickin' obvious who is doing this....

OK Army: PTP and police are both useless and this will con't. Time to step in, toss them out and restart.

"One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders. "

you still don't understand what is going on here! - the only faction who wants to provoke a coup in Thailand is the PDRC and their backers - so yes -

One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of the recent announcement of Suthep's "End Game"!

Or why do you think has the government so carefully avoided using violence against the demonstrators?

And why do you think have there been unreported arrests of heavily armed so called PDRC "guards" almost daily - OUTSIDE the demonstration grounds? You can see pictures of their arrests including their weapons on police websites every day - the biased press does not report these arrests. Do you think these people work for the government? They work for the people behind Suthep! There is a final power struggle going on behind the scenes these people do not care how many they have to kill - for them everything is at stake!

Do you really think Suthep and his puppet masters care about how many of their own they have to kill to achieve their goal? the status quo and BILLIONS are at stake. They have already sliced up the cake - they will do anything to get their hands on the money and remain in the positions they occupy. Read Wikileaks and you understand!

I hope you are not so naive and think these demonstrations are really about a corrupt government and reforms?

I think you're thr first person on TV I've ever agreed with. It's only about one thing - snouts at the trough. End of. No care how many people get bulldozed on the way, sickening.

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Some of you more astute trackers can find the article, but when this shut down BKK movement started rolling the police were specifically told to stay away by Suthep et al, and this was underscored by the army. So now crying for the police to come save them, yet were sent them away with threats, well... you made your bed, now sleep in it. I in no way condone this cowardly bs that is going down, btw.

I refer you to 2010, 2007 and the various Songkran riots. What did the police do? Nothing.

If you want something done call the army. The police are not interested.

Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

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Who knows who is responsible...this could quite easily be a 'statement' from the private sector. Unsurprising that the police are able to do little....a combination of constraints by the courts and the bashing/interrogation they get from the buddhist monk, very difficult for them to function effectively

You have got to be joking. Normal laws are still in place & should be enforced. Shootings & bombings don't just come under emergency decree rules.

Perhaps Prbkk can provide us with some examples of where the police have done their job since the protests began appertaining to arresting and charging anyone with attacks on protesters?

The four men caught with an assortment of weapons including grenades - just had them for self defense. The lady caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters - all gone quiet. The guy caught on cctv lobbing a grenade - all gone quiet. In fact no arrests or charges so far. Cracking effort - almost as selective as their pals at the DSI.

This could be a statement from the private sector - what planet are you from? That's absurd even for you.

"provide us with some examples of where the police have done their job since the protests began";

  • warrants for the arrest of 4 soldiers for the attempted assassination of Kwanchai
  • arrest warrants denied by court for the popcorn terrorists in the Laksi gun battle
  • detention of several PRDC guards with possession of weapons and drugs
  • confiscation of untold weaponry from PRDC protest sights.....sorry list definitely not exhaustive

. being unable to prevent grenade attacks against those bothersome anti-government protesters

. being deaf to not hear four hours of regularly shots and blasts

. being able to blame protesters for all violence against them.

. etc., etc.

It would seem that any violence against the anti-government protesters is to be ignored, "worked on, don't call us, we'll call you" style.

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Shame on the police. Shame on the government. Shame on the Chinese Shin clan. But. . Karma is a bitch when it catches up. Horrified by the police guy in Trat it only goes to show what the people are up against. Still think they all need to look for common ground. There s only one man that can stop this. He doesn t live here.

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Bombing the protesting sites is a one of the strategies to get rip of the protesters. As soon as the farmers left, more explosions started.

There is no physical evidence to these attacks but we can guess who would be motivated to organize these attacks behind the scene.

Both sides are not giving in and these attacks won't help the situation at all.

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Who knows who is responsible...this could quite easily be a 'statement' from the private sector. Unsurprising that the police are able to do little....a combination of constraints by the courts and the bashing/interrogation they get from the buddhist monk, very difficult for them to function effectively

You have got to be joking. Normal laws are still in place & should be enforced. Shootings & bombings don't just come under emergency decree rules.

If you were a cop would you want to go into the PDRC rally areas and risk being beaten to a pulp? Police arrive in numbers and it can only end up in confrontation. Seems like the PDRC guards are armed as well. What do you think is going to happen when police arrive?

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Who knows who is responsible...this could quite easily be a 'statement' from the private sector. Unsurprising that the police are able to do little....a combination of constraints by the courts and the bashing/interrogation they get from the buddhist monk, very difficult for them to function effectively

You have got to be joking. Normal laws are still in place & should be enforced. Shootings & bombings don't just come under emergency decree rules.

If you were a cop would you want to go into the PDRC rally areas and risk being beaten to a pulp? Police arrive in numbers and it can only end up in confrontation. Seems like the PDRC guards are armed as well. What do you think is going to happen when police arrive?

What do I think is going to happen when the police arrive?

I think they will look for ways to make money

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Bad news. Better to avoid the area altogether; though this is hard for those of us who have to conduct business around these key areas. If their opposition weren't hellbent on violence, at least we could get through an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

Thai news also stated the devices appeared to have been planted from outside the site. ** Hope the posts of how this was done by PDRC don't ensue. One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders.

Also, they attempted to hit them democrat headquarters too on Setthasiri Rd... pretty frickin' obvious who is doing this....

OK Army: PTP and police are both useless and this will con't. Time to step in, toss them out and restart.

"One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders. "

you still don't understand what is going on here! - the only faction who wants to provoke a coup in Thailand is the PDRC and their backers - so yes -

One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of the recent announcement of Suthep's "End Game"!

Or why do you think has the government so carefully avoided using violence against the demonstrators?

And why do you think have there been unreported arrests of heavily armed so called PDRC "guards" almost daily - OUTSIDE the demonstration grounds? You can see pictures of their arrests including their weapons on police websites every day - the biased press does not report these arrests. Do you think these people work for the government? They work for the people behind Suthep! There is a final power struggle going on behind the scenes these people do not care how many they have to kill - for them everything is at stake!

Do you really think Suthep and his puppet masters care about how many of their own they have to kill to achieve their goal? the status quo and BILLIONS are at stake. They have already sliced up the cake - they will do anything to get their hands on the money and remain in the positions they occupy. Read Wikileaks and you understand!

I hope you are not so naive and think these demonstrations are really about a corrupt government and reforms?

If you've read the cables then you should know that the other side isn't any better.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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so much for the police doing their job, yl is full of sh*t and we all know that there is no way in hell the police will help arrest any red shirt scum as it will derail the ptp completely to have their "red army" directly shown to be murdering innocent people. Yl, chalerm and the rest of the ptp scum are simply letting the reds terrorize anyone that doesnt agree with them, they dont care about the country, only their personal bank accounts.

What a lot of people do not reealize especially foreigners is that the Police ARE the Red shirts.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Who knows who is responsible...this could quite easily be a 'statement' from the private sector. Unsurprising that the police are able to do little....a combination of constraints by the courts and the bashing/interrogation they get from the buddhist monk, very difficult for them to function effectively

A statement from the private sector?! I would accuse you of "just joking" but I know you would never joke about ongoing indiscriminate attacks leading to the death and dismemberment of innocent people, including children. But if you're not just joking, I find the logic of your speculation unfathomable, because since when have private sectors anywhere encouraged violent disorder and mayhem? Businesses require order, predictability, and the rule of law, implemented justly.

You know perfectly well who the mastermind of these attacks is. And yet you persist in trying to divert attention and muddy the waters even as people are being killed and maimed. I would have a hard time playing such a frankly deceitful and unconscionable role myself; I simply couldn't pull it off. And I suspect most people would find it just as difficult as I would.

Why do you people need to see the 'invisible hand' behind every atrocity? Why cannot this be the work of extremists who support Thaksin or Yingluck but who don't have their support in return?

Please someone explain to me what would either Yingluck or Thaksin have to gain from these acts of violence. Everyone knows they will not cause the protesters to pack up and go home. More likely, they will cause the army to intervene, which, like last time, will benefit the Dems rather than the PTP.

Good point, but I think many of us who understand the culture tend to notice that Thais are usually unable to act or think for themselves and usually require a big boss to tell them what to do. It could be extremists, but given what I know about how Thailand works I would think there probably is an "invisible hand"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A statement from the private sector?! I would accuse you of "just joking" but I know you would never joke about ongoing indiscriminate attacks leading to the death and dismemberment of innocent people, including children. But if you're not just joking, I find the logic of your speculation unfathomable, because since when have private sectors anywhere encouraged violent disorder and mayhem? Businesses require order, predictability, and the rule of law, implemented justly.

You know perfectly well who the mastermind of these attacks is. And yet you persist in trying to divert attention and muddy the waters even as people are being killed and maimed. I would have a hard time playing such a frankly deceitful and unconscionable role myself; I simply couldn't pull it off. And I suspect most people would find it just as difficult as I would.

Why do you people need to see the 'invisible hand' behind every atrocity? Why cannot this be the work of extremists who support Thaksin or Yingluck but who don't have their support in return?

Please someone explain to me what would either Yingluck or Thaksin have to gain from these acts of violence. Everyone knows they will not cause the protesters to pack up and go home. More likely, they will cause the army to intervene, which, like last time, will benefit the Dems rather than the PTP.

Good point, but I think many of us who understand the culture tend to notice that Thais are usually unable to act or think for themselves and usually require a big boss to tell them what to do. It could be extremists, but given what I know about how Thailand works I would think there probably is an "invisible hand"

Sure, I'm not saying a bunch of disgruntled PTP supporters are having some shots of see sip, grabbing their grenade launchers from the back shed, then driving into town to cause havoc. There's clearly been a degree of organisation in some of the attacks (especially the latest). My point is that there will be individuals far down the power structure who see the present circumstances as an opportunity to gain power and influence themselves ... remember that creating a 'follower-ship' can be a big ego-feed for some. They may even believe that the PTP/Red leadership is going too soft on the protesters and have convinced others that things need to be settled in a 'more direct way', or perhaps they just found some like-minded individuals in need of someone to coordinate them.

One can see this sort of process repeatedly in history, especially in decolonisation and civil rights movements, where you can have the main leadership advocating peaceful means while a small 'rogue' element uses violence (e.g., the creation of Israel, the US civil rights movement, the anti-apartheid movement, etc.).

Edited by Docno
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20 explosions? My personal opinion is that it looks like the targeting of someone's business has made someone really mad. whistling.gif

And where are the police again? Months of constant bombings and they're still nowhere close to catching the culprit. I guess seeing how a policeman can go on stage and cheer the deaths at Trat, the police don't really want to catch these people do they? Face it, if this continues and the so called police don't do their jobs, the army might have to.

These people do not target...the bombs have no rhyme or reason. They carelessly toss them and run. Not much thinking involved...and certainly not intelligent person would sympathize with them.

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this is now becoming a daily occurence,often in more than one location,and now we have seen it starting to spread outside Bangkok,as the incidents grow in number the perpertators seem to have no fear of being caught or stopped,this is historically how a lot of civil wars start,attacks and shooting multiply and spread and before you know it you have war.

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Bad news. Better to avoid the area altogether; though this is hard for those of us who have to conduct business around these key areas. If their opposition weren't hellbent on violence, at least we could get through an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

Thai news also stated the devices appeared to have been planted from outside the site. ** Hope the posts of how this was done by PDRC don't ensue. One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders.

Also, they attempted to hit them democrat headquarters too on Setthasiri Rd... pretty frickin' obvious who is doing this....

OK Army: PTP and police are both useless and this will con't. Time to step in, toss them out and restart.

"One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of recent red rallies and leaders. "

you still don't understand what is going on here! - the only faction who wants to provoke a coup in Thailand is the PDRC and their backers - so yes -

One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of the recent announcement of Suthep's "End Game"!

Or why do you think has the government so carefully avoided using violence against the demonstrators?

And why do you think have there been unreported arrests of heavily armed so called PDRC "guards" almost daily - OUTSIDE the demonstration grounds? You can see pictures of their arrests including their weapons on police websites every day - the biased press does not report these arrests. Do you think these people work for the government? They work for the people behind Suthep! There is a final power struggle going on behind the scenes these people do not care how many they have to kill - for them everything is at stake!

Do you really think Suthep and his puppet masters care about how many of their own they have to kill to achieve their goal? the status quo and BILLIONS are at stake. They have already sliced up the cake - they will do anything to get their hands on the money and remain in the positions they occupy. Read Wikileaks and you understand!

I hope you are not so naive and think these demonstrations are really about a corrupt government and reforms?

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you still don't understand what is going on here! - the only faction who wants to provoke a coup in Thailand is the PDRC and their backers - so yes -

One can see the obvious connection between the escalation of more numerous attacks corresponding with the clear intentions of the recent announcement of Suthep's "End Game"!

Or why do you think has the government so carefully avoided using violence against the demonstrators?

And why do you think have there been unreported arrests of heavily armed so called PDRC "guards" almost daily - OUTSIDE the demonstration grounds? You can see pictures of their arrests including their weapons on police websites every day - the biased press does not report these arrests. Do you think these people work for the government? They work for the people behind Suthep! There is a final power struggle going on behind the scenes these people do not care how many they have to kill - for them everything is at stake!

Do you really think Suthep and his puppet masters care about how many of their own they have to kill to achieve their goal? the status quo and BILLIONS are at stake. They have already sliced up the cake - they will do anything to get their hands on the money and remain in the positions they occupy. Read Wikileaks and you understand!

I hope you are not so naive and think these demonstrations are really about a corrupt government and reforms?

I think we might be too naive to think the truth is as obvious and simple as written here.

Could it be what the person whom behind this want us to believe army are responsible for

All the killings? I have my doubt.

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Who knows who is responsible...this could quite easily be a 'statement' from the private sector. Unsurprising that the police are able to do little....a combination of constraints by the courts and the bashing/interrogation they get from the buddhist monk, very difficult for them to function effectively

You have got to be joking. Normal laws are still in place & should be enforced. Shootings & bombings don't just come under emergency decree rules.
Perhaps Prbkk can provide us with some examples of where the police have done their job since the protests began appertaining to arresting and charging anyone with attacks on protesters?The four men caught with an assortment of weapons including grenades - just had them for self defense. The lady caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters - all gone quiet. The guy caught on cctv lobbing a grenade - all gone quiet. In fact no arrests or charges so far. Cracking effort - almost as selective as their pals at the DSI.This could be a statement from the private sector - what planet are you from? That's absurd even for you.
"provide us with some examples of where the police have done their job since the protests began";
  • warrants for the arrest of 4 soldiers for the attempted assassination of Kwanchai
  • arrest warrants denied by court for the popcorn terrorists in the Laksi gun battle
  • detention of several PRDC guards with possession of weapons and drugs
  • confiscation of untold weaponry from PRDC protest sights.....sorry list definitely not exhaustive

All these examples show police force target only on enemy of the government , on the other hand supporters of government are free to release their anger with violent . I would not support this government if this happen

In my own country. Would you?

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Now that the military have decided that enough is enough, normality will return, the Shins thugs will face the reality of the Thai Military in full combat mode. They may burn a few buildings, cause some disruption but Bangkok will return to normal business quickly enough. The courts need to proceed to put the Shins under arrest and freeze the extended family wealth..

One the money stops flowing to the PDP their loaylty to the Shins will evaporate as was evident with the rice debacle.

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