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Help with info about Trat


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Are there sandy beaches within walking distance from downtown Trat ?

Hope to stay one night in Trat and then get the ferry to Ko Chang in the morning. Is everything within walking distance for this or should we aim for somewhere specific ? If Trat is quite small then i dont care where the minibus drops us off but like to have somewhere to aim for. Decent night market and shops in Trat that sells clothes ?

Also any advice on best shared transport options to get from Sihanoukville to Trat much appreciated ?

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No beaches within walking distance, Trat is about 20 Km. from the sea.

You can visit the night market if you stay only 1 night.

From S.Ville you must go to Koh Kong, close to the border.. You can travel by boat or by minivan, the boat is ok if the sea is not too rough.

Once in Koh Kong, few km. to the border, i did it by mototaxi.. Cross the border, then minivan to Trat, about 100 Km.

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Trat is nothing special. The main town "Meuang" area is several kilometers from the ocean.

I would suggest that you give it a miss and get on the ferry to Ko Chang instead.

The last ferry to KC leaves around 6/6.30 pm, so , assumed the OP comes from S.Ville, probably must spend the night somewhere.

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Thank you people. The reason i'm asking this is that my girlfriend has got it in her head that she wants to do some clothes shopping (yawn) in Trat before we head to Ko Chang but i think we will now get straight on the ferry and do the shopping over there. Much easier and i'll try and buy an ''I dont want a <deleted> Tuk Tuk T shirt''.

Do you think the thai minibus from the border can drop you off at the ferry pier ? How much is the ferry these days ?

Last time i got the ferry to Ko Chang the guy in the pier office looked well pissed off when i had the cheek to insist on one way tickets only.

Is there still some budget areas as we may decide to stay a good while ? A roof, fridge and wifi and i'm happy. Any areas or beach recommendations for what i'm looking for as its been awile since i've been ? Looking for a nice quiet beach with some night life within walking distance if i want it.

And how much for the Songteaw to said beach ?

Thanks again !

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From Trat bus terminal, you'll have to take a shared taxi to the pier.. There are 2 piers, i'd suggest you Ao Sapparot pier.

I can't recommend any resort, probably the best places are all nearly full now.

Better spend a night wherever you get, and the next morning spend some time to get what it fits your needs.

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Clothes shopping?? Anything you GF will be interested in will no doubt be available on Koh Chang

Not sure the ferry price as I usually come through direct from BKK. In town I am sure you will be able to book a ferry ticket, if you wanted. Maybe check with those ticket places in the town to see what times the ferries are so you know which pier to head to

In terms of quiet, Lonely Beach isn't as lonely as it used to be. I stay on White Sand but 'up the hill'. It's going up and away from the beach on the way to next beach. There are places around there. Opposite Paddy Palm there is Koh Chang Hut, nice place. It's about a km to the beach though but I don't mind that.

Can stay further 'up the hill' as there are places tucked away on both sides of the road. There are little guidebooks available in bars there maybe even at the pier, loads of info for free

Check these too: http://iamkohchang.com/

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