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Yingluck now in Chiang Rai


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Thanks for the new names to add to my Ignore page. Thai Visa's best feature.

When people speak the truth or offer another point of view, then press ignore. That way you can maintain control of your own ideology without having your inhumanity and inner hate for what is right questioned. Press the ignore button? What a good idea!

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ALL Thais should be very offended by this. She follows big brother's orders to a tee and makes a shambles of Thailand, reduces its global economic situation, basically destroys its #1 world rice exporting position, does more to divide the country than any PM in Thailand's history, indirectly kills some citizens, and sets up an extremely difficult situation that could lead to a civil war. Then when she is called on to defend her actions through the legal system, she runs away with her tail between her legs like a soi dog. She is amazingly self-absorbed and egotistical, always looking for people to bolster her fragile ego or a place to bury her head in the sand and pretend everything is okay. She obviously has no conscience, because if she did, we'd be reading about her suicide.

Soi dog? Fragile ego? No conscience? Suicide? Where did you find a trowel big enough to spread all that bile and dung? Disgusting. Shame on you.

I have to admit that I was rather worked up when I wrote that, but the only part I regret is the "suicide" line. The rest I stand by without any regret.

It was sensible of you not to make an attempt at defending the accusations...err, rather facts...that I stated here, though.

Edited by Brevity
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Yingluck in Chiang Rai and her Red Shirts have just locked all entrances of the NACC office. What a coincidence....

Everyone knew something was going to happen. She was supposed to report to NACC tomorrow but decided to go there instead.

Are we about to see the country split in two?

An interesting move. A more standard move would have been to jump on private jet full of boxes of money, and take off to exile in a foreign land... Then a new government can be formed, and then we can move forward. Instead now if she refuses to appear before NAAC, and holes up in the stronghold of Chiang Mai, then things will get really strange...... Guess I will miss the great riding up there, and will just have to content myself with the charms of Pattaya, and the southern islands....

will just have to content myself with the charms of Pattaya,

Ha Ha says it all . .

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what a bunch of mysoginistic whiners! Why should she stay in Bangkok and engage with the corrupt courts and civil service agencies. She is PM elect, like it or not and the whole set-up including the protests is a plan by the ammart to seize back power

Right.. And all the charges are fake and was brought up by wicked witch of the West, right? The rice scheme was never corrupt ridden and the pm was always on the meeting right?

Oh, and all the kids got their tablet in school and the tablets were fully functional because the producing company is a well known phone and tablet maker, right?

And yes.. thailand is still the world leading in rice export too if I remember it correctly. So rice farmer don't have to worries about planting the next batch of rice.

And the amnesty bill that started the protest must be planned by the amart and didn't came from ptp stupidity too. It surely is a set up.

Girl.. ignorance is truely bliss. And u must be in the Wonderland right now.

When you can form grammatically correct sentences I may deign to take you a little more seriously. I have never heard the ammart referred to as the wicked Witch of the west before so congratulations you made one side of my mouth twitch.

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If she has charges to face, she should face them, like any democratic Government would. Why is she running away from them? Only the guilty do that! If she has nothing to hide, then what has she to fear?

She is the Prime Minster, she needs to start acting like one and take on her responsibilities, and stop blaming everyone else, stop acting if their are conspiracies against her. No wonder, her Government wanted a bill to select their own family members for senate, so they can select their own NACC committees, they want everything to go their own way.

By running away from the hearing, she is only making herself look incompetent, cowardly, corrupt and guilty. But, no, like her supporters on here, she's not to blame, someone else always is.

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Have been in Chiang Rai recently and I was pleasantly surprised, that at least in that province the Red shirts don't reign without opposition. I came across several places, where BlueskyTV was on, and not in secret. Or where the newspaper topics were discussed with sympathies for the protesters.

Actually I never understood, how the Northern farmers could support Taksin, as he was the one to push through the bilateral treaty with China, after which Northern Thailand was flooded with cheaper Chinese agricultural produce.

In effect this killed of a lot of northern farming business and income. And nobody dared to complain about it...

You clearly haven't been here in the north long enough to remember the days when you couldn't buy a decent potato or cauliflower or tomato or a whole host of other vegetables. I well remember when potato's were full of worm holes, cauliflowers were black and like most vegetables grown here in the north were not fit for human consumption, thank god for most, if not all Chinese vegetables.

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what a bunch of mysoginistic whiners! Why should she stay in Bangkok and engage with the corrupt courts and civil service agencies. She is PM elect, like it or not and the whole set-up including the protests is a plan by the ammart to seize back power

Right.. And all the charges are fake and was brought up by wicked witch of the West, right? The rice scheme was never corrupt ridden and the pm was always on the meeting right?

Oh, and all the kids got their tablet in school and the tablets were fully functional because the producing company is a well known phone and tablet maker, right?

And yes.. thailand is still the world leading in rice export too if I remember it correctly. So rice farmer don't have to worries about planting the next batch of rice.

And the amnesty bill that started the protest must be planned by the amart and didn't came from ptp stupidity too. It surely is a set up.

Girl.. ignorance is truely bliss. And u must be in the Wonderland right now.

When you can form grammatically correct sentences I may deign to take you a little more seriously. I have never heard the ammart referred to as the wicked Witch of the west before so congratulations you made one side of my mouth twitch.

OK, mr grammar-Hitler. I'm really sorry for not put in enough attention to please your eyes with a perfectly written sentence. second, if my grammar is all you care about, you really need to inspect your brain for other functionality than language skill. like... critical thinking that you seem to be lacking. And please find some humor while you are at it. maybe then you wouldn't look ridiculous in the mirror with one-sided twitching mouth.

still. just to make my point: don't call anyone misogynistic (yes, you misspelled it, mr grammar-Hitler...) when no one was making any comment regarding her being a woman. its her incompetence that everyone hate, not her gender.

i have yet to see her shows any skill of leadership. All i see is her ability to avoiding debate and inability to answer any question without help of her proxy. Time after time, she keep making bad decision that affect her image as a leader.

i don't even know where i could defend and justify her actions even if i was on her side.

can you? if yes, please do try to put up an argument that i can't counter.

Edited by gadeloo
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Thanks for the new names to add to my Ignore page. Thai Visa's best feature.

When people speak the truth or offer another point of view, then press ignore. That way you can maintain control of your own ideology without having your inhumanity and inner hate for what is right questioned. Press the ignore button? What a good idea!

I think you might find Frank James is referring to the personal insults directed against him. More and more of that happening on the Thai News forum these days. Can not post anything on here with a differing opinion to the majority of posters (most from BKK, Pataya & Phuket - see Thai Visa Poll) without being branded a "red shirt".

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