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PCAD guard arrested, identified as Thai Navy officer


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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

To protect is AGAINST violence.

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Having no real information on the individual, I would venture he was moonlighting for the pay???

If he was a part of a bonified 'seal' operation, (which has been denied earlier by his commander) with the record of violence over the past week, the normal weapons issued as well as normal operation do not involve a single individual, I would be surprised.

I would have envisioned a primeter of seal teams around the protest sites at vantage points to target anyone who was observed as having made or appeared to have intention to harm innocents.But then I am not privey to the thinking or lack thereof which seems to closely follow those concerned

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Astonishing. It could not get any simpler than this. The day after clearly deranged UDD leader publicly 'warned' the army, navy seals in particular not to protect the peaceful protesters Thai police miraculously arrested, guess who, an active Navy Seal . There is ongoing smear campaign against the army and navy seals in particular.

And what does it mean if the UDD demands that someone, whoever, stops protecting them. So the UDD can shoot grandma and granddaughter with less risk?

Everyone should protect peaceful protester.

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

You know it is not illegal to have guns in Thailand you can possess guns quite legally with a license.

Having a gun and violence are mutually exclusive ideas.

Thailand has over 6 million privately registered legal guns out there.

source http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/thailand

So perhaps it is unsurprising they do turn up.

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TV Gerry, I'm pretty new to the country, but I'm also well aware of whom the Military ultimately answers to, and whom we're not allowed to discuss here either, however even if I wasn't new to the country, calling someone an ignoramus is rich coming from someone who clearly doesn't know how the Armed Forces work, and if you had ever served, you'd be more "educated" as to their roles responsibilities and duties, but I'll refrain from calling you an ingnoramus due to your lack of subject knowledge then wink.png

Oh and the Thai Military if I'm not mistaken used the British Military as their role model, often sending their officers to RMA Sandhurst.
I'm sure you already knew this though eh? wink.png

However, I fully agree that the Police are inept, but unless you get rid of the lot of them, and have a fully trained force ready to replace them, then you had just better get used to thier lack of motivation towards the PDRC. You still need to maintain a Force able to coduct basic Law and order, again I seen it all go to ratshyt in Iraq during the de baathification process, there was a huge void where law and order was concerned.

Without having a Police Force that is relaible, what you're alluding to is Martial Law, imposed by the Military, and I gues you would need a coup to do that... funny that's what some people seem to be driving towards??

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i have to wonder were the pictures of the guns and ID's are..There usually ALWAYS pictures.. strange, no?

yes there are pics including his ID's weapons and ammo - I don't know how many times i have to post this link to the police page - according to the pic and the guns and ammo on the table it looks like the guy wanted to start a war.


And to all those who argue here - even if he is in the navy - it is ILLEGAL for him to carry weapons in public, it is illegal to work as a guard for a group who assembles illegally according to current laws in place and who tries illegally to topple an elected government - now caretaker government!

I don't know which part of illegal you people don't get.

Or why did you think he got arrested? These are Suthep's backers people who send out soldiers to kill they have no problem killing their own protesters to achieve their goals!

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Golly, this really is the stuff of conspiracy theories; with so much smoke some will think there must be fire. The interesting thing is that the SEALs keep being mentioned, and sometimes on both sides. Is it at all conceivable that Andrew MacGregor Marshall was on to something when he speculated that the MIB were SEALs? I must admit that I've been puzzled by what appear to be low powered non-standard grenades in use in some incidents on both sides. Guess it is best not to let one's imagination run away, but the stories continue to surprise.

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.


This is the problem if you can't work it out for yourself. Rear Admiral Karn lying through his teeth earlier;

"Let me stress that all Navy servicemen ... are neutral and not involved in politics," the spokesman said in an interview.

The Royal Thai Navy had been previously accused of having a hand in political violence in Bangkok when a group of Navy officers were arrested last month with firearms and ammunition at a checkpoint in Bangkok, along with ID cards for anti-government protest security guards.

The navy eventually denied the allegation and claimed that the suspects were undercover navy agents on a mission to track down narcotics dealers."

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Michael Yon is reporting on his FB page that a credible source spoke to him yesterday and said that the Red Brigade/Anti PDRC are going to go on a killing spree aiming to kill as many as 500, using "bombing" quoting this as a magic number that would avoid an all out civil war, if Yingluck doesn't step down tomorow.

He also states that it will not come in the form of ground attacks, so that leaves either several VBIED's or using aircraft to drop ordnance onto protestors.. quite frankly I find what he reported quite disturbing and digusting, and it's a sure fire way to stir up the entire situation..

I agree the people need protecting, but it's simple, go home and you'll not risk being blown to bits,if that attack has any credibility, then Suthep needs to get everyone off the streets now, empty streets = No high impact attacks or casualties.

Use other means to remove Yingluck, her time is about done as it is, but IF people are stupid enough not to heed such warning s and a huge los of life happens as a result, well sorry, I'm all out of symapthy and you let Karma happen!!

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.


This is the problem if you can't work it out for yourself. Rear Admiral Karn lying through his teeth earlier;

"Let me stress that all Navy servicemen ... are neutral and not involved in politics," the spokesman said in an interview.

The Royal Thai Navy had been previously accused of having a hand in political violence in Bangkok when a group of Navy officers were arrested last month with firearms and ammunition at a checkpoint in Bangkok, along with ID cards for anti-government protest security guards.

The navy eventually denied the allegation and claimed that the suspects were undercover navy agents on a mission to track down narcotics dealers."

If the police did their job and actually protected the protestors from getting attacked nightly, would you say they're getting involved in politics on the side of the protestors? Similarly, just because we have armed Navy guards protecting the protestors from the cowardly bombs and gun attacks, does that make them partisan?

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i have to wonder were the pictures of the guns and ID's are..There usually ALWAYS pictures.. strange, no?

yes there are pics including his ID's weapons and ammo - I don't know how many times i have to post this link to the police page - according to the pic and the guns and ammo on the table it looks like the guy wanted to start a war.


And to all those who argue here - even if he is in the navy - it is ILLEGAL for him to carry weapons in public, it is illegal to work as a guard for a group who assembles illegally according to current laws in place and who tries illegally to topple an elected government - now caretaker government!

I don't know which part of illegal you people don't get.

Or why did you think he got arrested? These are Suthep's backers people who send out soldiers to kill they have no problem killing their own protesters to achieve their goals!

It is NOT illegal to carry weapons in public with the correct gun licence. It is not illegal to carry a weapon in your vehicle with the correct gun licence. It is not illegal to work as a guard for a protest... I don't know where you get your information from?

And Go6TV is now the "police page" really?

by the way thanks for the link to the pictures.. One of the guns certainly looked a bit rusty.....

Edited by casualbiker
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Michael Yon is reporting on his FB page that a credible source spoke to him yesterday and said that the Red Brigade/Anti PDRC are going to go on a killing spree aiming to kill as many as 500, using "bombing" quoting this as a magic number that would avoid an all out civil war, if Yingluck doesn't step down tomorow.

He also states that it will not come in the form of ground attacks, so that leaves either several VBIED's or using aircraft to drop ordnance onto protestors.. quite frankly I find what he reported quite disturbing and digusting, and it's a sure fire way to stir up the entire situation..

I agree the people need protecting, but it's simple, go home and you'll not risk being blown to bits,if that attack has any credibility, then Suthep needs to get everyone off the streets now, empty streets = No high impact attacks or casualties.

Use other means to remove Yingluck, her time is about done as it is, but IF people are stupid enough not to heed such warning s and a huge los of life happens as a result, well sorry, I'm all out of symapthy and you let Karma happen!!

Mate, you should stay away from the Chang, it's really nasty stuff.

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The fuss Gerry is they have sworn an allegiance to their King, Country and Government, and the role of the Military is supposed to be non political, it's like the SAS being used to protect Gay Rights Activists (No ofence to the Gays)

I think that's just King and Country...not government. That's how they, in theory, remain non political. I'd much rather put my life in the hands of the military than the police in this country.

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

Another fine piece of logic.

He is in the Armed Forces, he has a gun, therefore he is violent.

Yes, you use Glocks to bake cakes and souffles these days...whistling.gif

Yes if you carry a gun in your line of duty you're trained to use it through escalation of violence, nobody who carries a weapon is taught to shoot to maim,incapacitate you shoot to kill end of story, and if that's not violent enough for you then you have no idea of the role of the armed forces.

You got it all wrong. Fact is, that every professional law enforcement agency and most armies teach the use of firearms to stop and/ or incapacitate. If the attacker expires in the process, this is acceptable, if non-lethal measures are not an option. The use of firearms is therefore always a last resort.

The mere possession of a firearm, especially in the hands of a professional, in no way proves violent intent.

Edited by fstarbkk
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I was trained to shoot to kill when it came to using a firearm, Infantry soldiers and LEO's NEVER taught to shoot anywhere outside of the centre of mass mate.
Show me proof that they're taught to wound, rather than shooting centre mass please.

They use NON lethal weapons such as tazers if they want to imobalse and incapacitate, you get shot in the femoral artery you will bleed out in minutes if you wnt to "wing the guy" , so please, I do this stuff for a living, and I also train Iraqi personnel almost daily and not once in my life have I ever heard of Military or Police being taught anything less than Centre mass when it comes to shooting/discharging weapons.

You are hower correct in that the use of a weapon should be the last resort, however it also depends on the Rules of Engagament and the Rules in the use of Force.

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Cambodian Navy?

Reliable reports from UAE report crack units of the Lao clockwork submarine fleet are peddling ominously towards the denouement.

When one thinks of how lethal the equipment sold here has been its extremely fortunate it is in a mainly Buddhist nation where inability to read instructions and lack of nuclear/drone technology combined with very long weekends with the Mia Nois or despoiling national parks occupy those who may otherwise get medieaval upon your Rs

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I was trained to shoot to kill when it came to using a firearm, Infantry soldiers and LEO's NEVER taught to shoot anywhere outside of the centre of mass mate.

Show me proof that they're taught to wound, rather than shooting centre mass please.

They use NON lethal weapons such as tazers if they want to imobalse and incapacitate, you get shot in the femoral artery you will bleed out in minutes if you wnt to "wing the guy" , so please, I do this stuff for a living, and I also train Iraqi personnel almost daily and not once in my life have I ever heard of Military or Police being taught anything less than Centre mass when it comes to shooting/discharging weapons.

You are hower correct in that the use of a weapon should be the last resort, however it also depends on the Rules of Engagament and the Rules in the use of Force.

Good to hear from a professional. You are almost completely correct - BUT we were trained to shoot for center mass, not primarily to kill, but to maximize the probability of an incapacitating hit and abort an attack in progress. A subtle difference, I know, but worth keeping in mind.

A center mass hit is easier to achieve under stress and most likely to hit a major artery, causing rapid drop of blood pressure and consequently, collapse.

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Good work to the BIB - military should not be involved with this and hope he spends some time in the monkeyhouse.

Judge and Jury... do you handle Executions as well or do you out-source that to the UDD?

Last time i looked, it wasnt illegal to carry a firearm if you are licensed to do so...

Perhaps the police should focus their efforts on fighting crime instead of harrassing Military personell.

Seems like the only time the police are able to spring into action is to arrest someone related to the military.

Shame they are not so quick to find child killers, worried it was one of their own?

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The fuss Gerry is they have sworn an allegiance to their King, Country and Government, and the role of the Military is supposed to be non political, it's like the SAS being used to protect Gay Rights Activists (No ofence to the Gays)

They've sworn an oath to protect the people. The same oath the police took. Since the police aren't keeping to their oath and are not protecting the people from getting shot and blown up, someone else has to.

Nation, Religion, King, People. Nothing there about 'government'.

I think you may find that the Government will come under Nation, and as caretaker PM, which is classed as part of the Thai leadership, their oath of allegience covers protecting her too mate wink.png

They are supposed to follow orders as well, so somebody, somewhere will have a copy of the orders that authorised the SEAL's to begin protecting protestors, it really doesn't get much simpler than that, hence why The Military are NOT supposed to have political motives, if they're only accountable to themselves wink.png

When I served, I didn't care for the Politicians self serving interests, but I did my duty, and followed orders.

I somehow think that the 4th part "people", isn't even included in the oath. They are by definintion of "people", in that they are supposed to protect the "people" from invading "people", not get involved in siding with one group to Thai people over another group of Thai people.....

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