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Thai PM summoned by anti-graft panel


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That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


Sir you´r so full of s*it I suggest you take something for constipation, it will be good for you.

kikomans information selection is obviously very limited. He refuses read articles like this because this come directly from Yinglucks DPM's

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/651849-well-beat-corruption-new-minister/ New Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan said yesterday he was highly motivated to plug corruption loopholes in the rice-pledging scheme -

Kittiratt admits corruptions found in rice-pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 10 August 2012 (NNT) – Finance Minister Kittiratt Na Ranong has admitted that there have been reports of corruption in the government’s rice-pledging scheme.

Mr Kittiratt said the arrest of the suspects alleged for corruption in the rice-pledging scheme in the Northeast is a good thing. He believed there are more corruption cases that have not been reported. He also stated that he had never promised that the program would totally be be free of corruption . http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/576379-kittiratt-admits-corruptions-found-in-rice-pledging-scheme-thailand/

Cabinet approves budget for police to keep price-pledging scheme transparent

BANGKOK, 30 January 2013 (NNT)-The Cabinet has approved a budget of 157 million baht to be paid to police officials who are hired to watch for dodgy dealers taking part in the government’s rice pledging scheme. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/615622-cabinet-approves-bt157m-for-police-to-keep-price-pledging-scheme-transparent/

Clearly fake reports!!!thumbsup.gif

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YET. Who said that investigation is complete and all outstanding charges have been laid?

Remember that the person being investigated reduced funding to the organisation investigating her by some 60%, so delays are inevitable. Hopefully, one of the side effects of that might be that her sentences don't run concurrently.

For some reason JR I think some people are not concerned about their pay cheques, don't know where that idea came from. Just like the handful of happy campers aren't worried about their pay cheques, sorry I mean wage or cash daily, some sites are paying up to 750-1000 a day now. Hope all and sundry don't need the health insurance, certainly won't have the problem of coughing up the 30 baht if some crazed moron does a number on people. No the department is fully covered on this one, they want the prem and she will find it hard not to show up sooner or later..

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have no idea what you are trying to convey. If you are claiming that protesters are being paid to attend, could you pass along some evidence, and location of best paying sites.

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The World has just experienced the worst ever banking crisis which brought countries to their financial knees and saddled ordinary citizens with enormous debt

Warnings were given to heads of state, Presidents and Prime Ministers well in advance of the impending financial implosion but, as far as it can be evidenced, not one of them acted to avert the monetary disaster

How many of these all powerful men and women have been brought to book for 'negligence', stripped of their positions and banned from involvement in politics for several years?

If Yingluck is considered 'negligent' for her failure to heed warnings regarding abuses of the rice pledging scheme then most of the World's leaders are similarly culpable

That is why certain small players might be found guilty of financial corruption, the top of the pyramid is likely to remain unscathed

Yingluck will not be found guilty

It was the Great USofA who plunged nearly the entire world into recession and where is Bush Jnr or Blair now? Not guilty of anything, not a single damned quarter, nor penny. This does not preclude that Yingluck should be found not guilty, rather a reminder to posters here that no government is perfect. Yingluck maybe the head, but who is turning her neck.....ahh we all know the answer. But let's ignore what the USA allowed and government polies benefited from and focus on a developing country and blame their administrator for all of Thailand's wrong decisions, for as sure as eggs the US is not benefitting in one way or another. If they were not, ying would be long gone...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Cowardly to the core, like the whole rotten, corrupt group of inbred mutants that is the Shinawatra family. GET OUT NOW and never come back. Go to your puppet master in Dubai and you can both rot there together.

Are you Thai? If not, you must have very strong ties to Thailand to be so passionate; or did the Shinawatras do something to you or your family personally?

It's good to vent sometimes, isn't it?

He is simply stating what the Shinawatra's stand for and is revealing his opinion as to what they should do, that's all!!

Why do you have a problem with this - I don't, as I feel the same way about this disgusting parasitic family!!

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That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


Look here:

There is no "corruption charge" per se, it is broken down into several offenses, like graft, abuse of power, malfeasance, negligence, nepotism etc., some can be broken down further. The rule of thumb is that if you use the power of office for anything else but for the benefit of the nation, then you are corrupt.

To make things even clearer, let's look at "stupidity", this can be broken down as well: commenting without thinking, never looking at the big picture, extreme bias, emotion overruling reason etc., I'm sure you get my drift.

You mean stupidity like in believing anything Suthep says? And believing the NACC, CC, courts and any other government institution (including RTP and RTA) are objective in this fight?

Edited by HUAHIN62
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YET. Who said that investigation is complete and all outstanding charges have been laid?

Remember that the person being investigated reduced funding to the organisation investigating her by some 60%, so delays are inevitable. Hopefully, one of the side effects of that might be that her sentences don't run concurrently.

For some reason JR I think some people are not concerned about their pay cheques, don't know where that idea came from. Just like the handful of happy campers aren't worried about their pay cheques, sorry I mean wage or cash daily, some sites are paying up to 750-1000 a day now. Hope all and sundry don't need the health insurance, certainly won't have the problem of coughing up the 30 baht if some crazed moron does a number on people. No the department is fully covered on this one, they want the prem and she will find it hard not to show up sooner or later..

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have no idea what you are trying to convey. If you are claiming that protesters are being paid to attend, could you pass along some evidence, and location of best paying sites.
Cool, JR, if you have any Thai relatives in need of some money that you may not be forking out to already, just ask them to go and register with the guards opposite the RTP Hospital. PM me if you have trouble as I have one cousin, two Aunts and a step brother staying there right NOW. No probs bro and we can take along the phone and video that as well. Maybe your family will be more then willing to film the evidence then mine. As I won't fork out the cash and nor do I agree with what Suthep is doing, sincerely though put my words and myself to the test and then you can come back and tell the rest of TV what I already know to be a fact for a section of my extended family. Its as easy as PM me and 1,2,3! Game over as it's true and please I beg of you let me show you....?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If found guilty she could face a five-year ban from politics.

is that it - a five year ban from politics?! bet she's looking forward to being found guilty so she has an excuse for getting out of the mess she's created.

or is it incomplete reporting?

Please don't blame Yingluck for this mess. Blame her brother. And blame cultural attitudes because she has to listened to her brother and do as she is bid. That's the way it is in Thai families.

Cultural issues aside and acquiescence to big bruv in Dubai (more like Burma or Laos now, nice and close to the border) Yinglack is an adult, a mother, has a brain presumably, knows right from wrong presumably and knows when she is on the fiddle, presumably.

If she was not so Third World and not bound by these pathetic antique cultural mores that were discarded by civilised Western countries centuries ago, she would stand up to her brother and say 'No you aren't going to use me for your personal vendetta against my country just because you are still smarting from being bested and you can't let go'.

He's ruined his sister's life, bought her into disrepute (although I doubt she was kicking and screaming) and once the insane old megalomaniac gets over himself and gets a life, all will return to 'normal' (an oxymoron for Thailand anyway)

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If found guilty she could face a five-year ban from politics.

is that it - a five year ban from politics?! bet she's looking forward to being found guilty so she has an excuse for getting out of the mess she's created.

or is it incomplete reporting?

Please don't blame Yingluck for this mess. Blame her brother. And blame cultural attitudes because she has to listened to her brother and do as she is bid. That's the way it is in Thai families.

Cultural issues aside and acquiescence to big bruv in Dubai (more like Burma or Laos now, nice and close to the border) Yinglack is an adult, a mother, has a brain presumably, knows right from wrong presumably and knows when she is on the fiddle, presumably.

If she was not so Third World and not bound by these pathetic antique cultural mores that were discarded by civilised Western countries centuries ago, she would stand up to her brother and say 'No you aren't going to use me for your personal vendetta against my country just because you are still smarting from being bested and you can't let go'.

He's ruined his sister's life, bought her into disrepute (although I doubt she was kicking and screaming) and once the insane old megalomaniac gets over himself and gets a life, all will return to 'normal' (an oxymoron for Thailand anyway)

Mysteriously disappearing has no doubt crept into the equation..... Like many other so called traitors to this LOS's.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


Look here:

There is no "corruption charge" per se, it is broken down into several offenses, like graft, abuse of power, malfeasance, negligence, nepotism etc., some can be broken down further. The rule of thumb is that if you use the power of office for anything else but for the benefit of the nation, then you are corrupt.

To make things even clearer, let's look at "stupidity", this can be broken down as well: commenting without thinking, never looking at the big picture, extreme bias, emotion overruling reason etc., I'm sure you get my drift.

You mean stupidity like in believing anything Suthep says? And believing the NACC, CC, courts and any other government institution (including RTP and RTA) are objective in this fight?

No...I mean stupidity like in being so narrow-minded in your views that everything in your mindset is red vs. yellow, Suthep vs. Yingluck, to the exclusivity of everything else and extrapolating this mentality onto everyone you encounter (I am generalizing)

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The World has just experienced the worst ever banking crisis which brought countries to their financial knees and saddled ordinary citizens with enormous debt

Warnings were given to heads of state, Presidents and Prime Ministers well in advance of the impending financial implosion but, as far as it can be evidenced, not one of them acted to avert the monetary disaster

How many of these all powerful men and women have been brought to book for 'negligence', stripped of their positions and banned from involvement in politics for several years?

If Yingluck is considered 'negligent' for her failure to heed warnings regarding abuses of the rice pledging scheme then most of the World's leaders are similarly culpable

That is why certain small players might be found guilty of financial corruption, the top of the pyramid is likely to remain unscathed

Yingluck will not be found guilty

you fail to realize that the Gov's you are talking to did not set the banking policies (although they may have turned a blind eye to them). I this case the rice scheme was the brainchild (or brainlesschild) of this corrupt administration. They set it up to rape and pillage the country and that is exactly what they have done. The charges will start with the path of least resistance ie. negligence and will surely follow up with corruption charges for many, hopefully all the way to the top.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."

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The Bangkok Post is citing some sources claiming to know of how 60 Billion have been siphoned out of the scheme into Hong Kong bank accounts.

Probably a simple and honest mistake like the one whereby Thaksin accidentally gave his maids, butlers and Chauffeurs millions of shares - quite rightly so, the court declared Thaksin innocent, after all we all make mistakes like this, don't we, I mean its easily done - you should appreciate that when he was transferring his shares to someone he was thinking that his butler Chai Surapong brought him an impressive breakfast that morning and he put his name down instead of the one he intended to and then on the next one his Maid was wearing a nice dress and her name accidently got put on some more transfer documents???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."

No, these cases where tried while he was in Thailand I wish they tried his other cases in absentia, because now it looks like he is going to get off because of the statue of limitations.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."

No, these cases where tried while he was in Thailand I wish they tried his other cases in absentia, because now it looks like he is going to get off because of the statue of limitations.
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Mysteriously disappearing has no doubt crept into the equation..... Like many other so called traitors to this LOS's.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, her whereabouts haven't escaped my attention ...

I think there are a number of reasons for her running up north -

1 It's 'home' and when things get tough, we all like to be in a familiar place

2 It helps consolidate her position and for an egotist like her (as are all the Shins), she'll feel psychologically 'better' after the battering and mauling she's had over the last few months. I doubt she'll come south again for a long time.

3 School term ends soon and her kids exams will be over. Then they'll be able to get north to see mummy and be told 'Hey kids, how about a nice long holiday in the sun? I've heard the schools in Dubai are really good'.

4 She's as close as the border as she can be to be doing a flit to sunnier climes and NACC, rice pledging etc, can go stuff themselves.

Nice dream, let's hope it comes true.

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The only rich and powerful person found and sentenced in the history of Thailand was TS, in a land where everyone is up to their neck in corruption. The second person likely to be found guilty is YS.

I have no doubt they are guilty, but the very fact that it will literally be only these 2 persons in a whole sea of corruption over the past 50 years shows how politicized and impartial these courts are. By all means she should be jailed (along with 100's of others), but you must have your head up your ass to honestly believe these are not politically motivated charges rather than deep desire to enforce the law by the courts.

If you have no doubt that they are guilty, what does the motivation have to do with it? Should political criminals be given a free pass because their accusers are politicians?

If she had increased NACC funding by 60% rather than reducing it by that amount, there may be others facing similar charges right now. Of course, the NACC didn't need all that money because the amnesty would reduce their workload to near zero. STOP Corruption (Prosecution)!

It's mindboggling but entirely inline with Taksin's SOP. They announce nice things, in this case an anti corruption campaign. The next second they cut the budget by 60% for the NACC! How about the poor Ombudsman? Or ignoring the Auditor-General or any other independent organization that's supposed to provide checks & balances. They don't want any of that!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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When will taksin be free of his charges?

Difficult to say as there were so many of them and if he is still in power it's unlikely they will ever be brought to court. The conviction will be harder to dodge though as absconding could possibly mean extra jail time once again depending on who is in power.

That's the key, power, and holding on to it. And that's why his sister has been ordered to hang on until the bitter end.

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The next two or so weeks could be very interesting...if she loses the Caretaker position, then what?

Then the caretaker government appoints a new PM.

Isn't it the Senate that has to do that?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


I guess the money just vaporized then Klikoman.


If you have no noticed many farlang live in a parallel universe

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No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."


Do you still want to go on the money collecting tour JR you have not responded as of yet .... This is no a bait rather a fact finding procedure, please tell me when you are available and we can go for a walk to collect our cash from Suthep..... I'm waiting brother.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No shocks there, has any rich powerful person in Thailand. Ever been accountable. Or punished?

Yes Thaksin was sentenced to 2 years in the dungeons! He escaped and went in exile, hoping he could buy/intimidate his way out of his situation.

So far: the more he digs, the deeper his hole.

Wasn't he tried in absentia? In which case there would be no "escape."


Absentee? Wasn't he granted a passport to LEGALLY leave the country? Let's leave it to the courts shall we! Just as corrupt as the man himself....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


If she's found guilty of negligence a corruption charge may follow depending on the outcome, which will be heard separately by the court that covers political crimes. The former can see her stripped of office, the latter will involve jail time.

Why do you have to twist simple facts to fit in with your warped ideology? Honestly it just amazes me that anyone who has lived in Thailand for any length of time could be so jaw-droppingly stupid as to think the rice scheme is corruption free.

The fact that the most basic inventory and sales stars are a rigidly defined area of doubt and uncertainty should ring deafening alarm bells.

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