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Military personnel are being paid as bodyguards ISOC


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Protest guards acting independently

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Military personnel are being paid as bodyguards to protect the anti-government movement's core leaders, but this is not armed forces policy, Internal Security Operations Command spokesman Col Banphot Poonpien said.

Naval Special Warfare Command personnel were not only moonlighting as bodyguards, but were also serving criminal organisations after quitting the military.

He was speaking yesterday in response to Tuesday's arrest by police of two naval command officers, who have been charged with carrying firearms. Pol Maj-General Thirirat Nongharnphithak said the men admitted to serving as bodyguards for leaders of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

"There are more in-depth details that I would like to keep confidential, but there are indications about a large number of military personnel serving as bodyguards for PDRC leaders," he said.

A source said around 60 Navy seals had quit to work as private security contractors or bodyguards. Some of them had been protecting Suthep Thaugsuban since his tenure as a deputy PM in the previous government.

-- The Nation 2014-02-28

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


Well where else would war weapons come from Tesco Lotus.

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


So will evidence be provided to support these accusations, people be arrested, charged and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

No, I thought not. Just the police accusing the military again. Trying to provoke a response? The man in Dubai must be thinking hard again.

Like to see the police do their job, protect all members of society and not just those who happen to support the Shins.

What happened to the 4 reds caught with guns and grenades, the woman caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters, the off duty policeman who was caught after shooting at protesters from the back of a motor bike?

The Shins are no more supporters of a free society than any wannabee dictator or have you forgotten their attacks on free speech already?

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Ah! That explains a lot. Still, the Military has a lot to answer for as mentioned by others already. Or is this another way the commanding officers wash their hands of responsibility? Why did it take so long for them to come out in the open about this? Perhaps - it was too embarrassing to admit it in the first place. Now that the cat is out of the bag - there is nothing else they can do but say those dudes were moonlighting?? Get Real!!!

If those are ex-military personnel, then do they still have the right to bear weapons of war? Or would they be prosecuted as civilians?

Edited by toybits
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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?

Yes, but the court won't let the police arest him for lack of evidence.


The Navy Seals they keep arresting, it's one thing that they're Navy, but quite another that they're armed with military weapons. Are the walky talkies the PDRC and their guards carry military too?

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


So will evidence be provided to support these accusations, people be arrested, charged and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

No, I thought not. Just the police accusing the military again. Trying to provoke a response? The man in Dubai must be thinking hard again.

Like to see the police do their job, protect all members of society and not just those who happen to support the Shins.

What happened to the 4 reds caught with guns and grenades, the woman caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters, the off duty policeman who was caught after shooting at protesters from the back of a motor bike?

The Shins are no more supporters of a free society than any wannabee dictator or have you forgotten their attacks on free speech already?

The military are different then the every day citizen, they are protectors of Thailand against all deemed to be enemies of Thailand, they take an oath of loyalty to the King and the nation. Therefore they are to be held to an higher standard of conduct.

As they are soldiers 24/7, their action while in uniform or not, military discipline is demanded they are in the service to the nation until their enlistment expires The Commanding Officer hold a responsibility for the action of his men, if so many stated number (60) are employed by PDRC then if he is not aware of what they are doing," he should" and that would be negligence, those other people you mentioned look up what the law states.


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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


How often do red shirt supporters say that a coup wouldn't work now because so many soldiers come from red shirt areas? Don't those people have access to guns and grenades as well?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


Well where else would war weapons come from Tesco Lotus.

To me I know it comes from the military as so many members of the military have been implicated in support of the protesters. Now they have been caught red handed, in actions as mafia hit man attempted assassination of a red shirt leader.

Confessed to be employed as security guards for PDRC as that security has been involved in the beating of police man, dragging a young Thai women off the streets of Thailand, intimidating her and holding her against her will, while being paid by the country as members of the military!

The Commanding officer of both groups of arrested navy seals offered an alibi for the first three arrested and tried to blame Cambodians for the misdeeds of the men in his command.

The most damning rumors are that military mercenaries were used to ambush the police, and are responsible for the death of two policeman and four protesters, never thought they would confess to their participation on the behalf of the protesters.


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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?


I you're interested,there is some dam_n good footage for Popcorn guy's group, from one of the blogs worth reading.

Also something I've never seen anywhere else on the news, so this is likely the first place anyone has ever pointed it out in an English language source:


This man's band says "Ratchasid Navy Seal'

That is the group of Navy Seals mentioned in this photo.

So not only are they paid guards, they identify themselves as seals while doing it.

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For those who are still on active duty, how are they allowed to leave their duty station for an extended period of time without the approval of their COs? And for those on active duty, there is no policy prohibiting involvement with individuals who have been charged with sedition? Truly, truly amazing.

Of course, there are more details that he would rather keep confidential. So much for transparency and fighting corruption.

A common military scam sees conscripts in the final months of their service leave their ATM cards and bank books with their commanding officers. Their pay automatically goes into their accounts and is withdrawn by the commander. In return, the recruits are not required to turn up for work (often there are not enough barracks for them all) and can take on whatever non-military work they can find for which they do not need a civilian ID (they had to turn these in for military IDs). Moonlighting in security work would be one option for which they at least have some training. Huge numbers of personnel are therefore ready to serve the nation on paper, and being paid for it, but are otherwise phantom soldiers. It would be disingenuous to think there were no similar scams among regular (non-conscript) troops.

Perhaps Thai Visa comments would be more enlightening if they were based on information rather than emotion.

Doesn't surprise me, however there's a huge difference between recruits and members of the Naval Special Warfare Unit (Thai Navy SEAL's) kind of like comparing a medical student in their first year to that of a surgeon ;)

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Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


How often do red shirt supporters say that a coup wouldn't work now because so many soldiers come from red shirt areas? Don't those people have access to guns and grenades as well?

Obviously you have never been in the military and do not know that the military knows where all of the weapons are, When you are in the military you are not given guns for you to carry around 24/7 when the weapons are not in use they are locked down.

I believe you are talking about apples and oranges, in a civil war, members of the military will choose what side they choose to fight with, as happens in all civil wars. Soldier would refusal orders to kill their own people,

Again Soldiers do not have guns on then while their off duty or when involved in activities that do not require weapons, and do not have access to those weapons when off duty!


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The Thai military has no control over their weapons even when the staff are on duty or not. You see them riding on motorcycles going home or where they are going OFF base. And this includes the police too.

That is not factual, the military only use arms when it is required, when not require the weapons are locked down! If they have weapons off base, they are not off duty!

The police is a different story, they are mostly armed all the time (with the service side arm (hand guns) but all the heavy weapons are locked down until the need arises to use them!


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Has the popcorn bag shooter been identified yet?


I you're interested,there is some dam_n good footage for Popcorn guy's group, from one of the blogs worth reading.

Also something I've never seen anywhere else on the news, so this is likely the first place anyone has ever pointed it out in an English language source:


This man's band says "Ratchasid Navy Seal'

That is the group of Navy Seals mentioned in this photo.

So not only are they paid guards, they identify themselves as seals while doing it.

And I have match for his face, man I love Facebook. Again another first for ThaiVisa I assume since nobody else has pointed this out anyhere else I've seen:


The scarf always means something, it's how they identify themselves so they don't shoot each other by accident. This is the RAJASIT Navy seal scarf.

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Obviously you have never been in the military and do not know that the military knows where all of the weapons are, When you are in the military you are not given guns for you to carry around 24/7 when the weapons are not in use they are locked down.

I believe you are talking about apples and oranges, in a civil war, members of the military will choose what side they choose to fight with, as happens in all civil wars. Soldier would refusal orders to kill their own people,

Again Soldiers do not have guns on then while their off duty or when involved in activities that do not require weapons, and do not have access to those weapons when off duty!


No. I haven't been in the military.

But thanks for clarifying that the bodyguards don't have access to military weapons while they're guarding PCAD.

edit: (deleted "it's not")

Edited by whybother
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Police & military men have always been moonlighting as bodyguards & security. As for kiko who seriously thinks the military know exactly where all their weapons are at any one time, I would say he is quite deluded in this & just about everything he writes when spouting innuendo as fact.

Edited by Valentine
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For those who are still on active duty, how are they allowed to leave their duty station for an extended period of time without the approval of their COs? And for those on active duty, there is no policy prohibiting involvement with individuals who have been charged with sedition? Truly, truly amazing.

Of course, there are more details that he would rather keep confidential. So much for transparency and fighting corruption.

A common military scam sees conscripts in the final months of their service leave their ATM cards and bank books with their commanding officers. Their pay automatically goes into their accounts and is withdrawn by the commander. In return, the recruits are not required to turn up for work (often there are not enough barracks for them all) and can take on whatever non-military work they can find for which they do not need a civilian ID (they had to turn these in for military IDs). Moonlighting in security work would be one option for which they at least have some training. Huge numbers of personnel are therefore ready to serve the nation on paper, and being paid for it, but are otherwise phantom soldiers. It would be disingenuous to think there were no similar scams among regular (non-conscript) troops.

Perhaps Thai Visa comments would be more enlightening if they were based on information rather than emotion.

Ok, how do you explain the close restriction of personnel to bases in the PTP support regions? It seems that there may be one rule for personnel at some bases associated with units not recruited from presumed PTP supporting regions.

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