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14 killed, 40 hurt in Prachin Buri bus-truck crash


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"The students, aged around 10 to 14 years old, were heading to the resort city of Pattaya from the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima."

Does anybody knows from which school they were?

Which school organised the trip?

it is a normal excursion which is done by a lot of schools at this time of year. it is not just one school. it is organized by the education dept. I assume. the children like to go for the trip and they return on Friday. it is sad when an accident like this happens

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Well i can understand their attitude.....................did'nt you notice, the ones recording it are young Thai men, say no more!

Different cultures different thinking but I guess they did not consider that the driver of the pu could have been one of their family members. I bet they wouldn't find that half as funny. PU driver should have figured it and backed off to avoid the inevitable. Looks like the truck driver was poed thinking that initially the pu driver was too slow in the fast lane etc etc.

Edited by dude123
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As it happened at 05.00 this morning..

They must have left Korat at around 02.00 am.....

Driving a tour bus through such a busy industrial area with heavy trucks driving all night looks like bringing children at high risk for encountering overworked drivers who fall asleep at their wheel.

Just for the sake of saving one hotel overnight stay...

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No standard + No control + No safety + No authority + No implementation or respect of laws and regulations + Mai pen rai attitude.

Total laxism and anarchy!

Accidents, scams every single day on the news.

Maybe they should implement censorship on all negative news as it gives a bad image to the country.

RIP to the innocent victims in this avoidable tragedy. I hope the ijured make a speedy recovery.

The fact is that news of this tragedy and all the other daily occurences will not reach beyond these shores. It is a sad reflection of Thai society in general that a tragedy such as this will barely penetrate their collective consciousness. I hope I am wrong and there is a nationwide demand for changes to be urgently made.

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This video has been making the rounds this week, kinda pinpoints truck drivers attitudes towards safe driving.

Do they have the registration number - if yes, time for a police visit -- 5555555

Agree I hope they got him as I can see a number of serious indictable offences there. The guy is a lunatic. I have seen some crazy dangerous driving on Thai roads by this wins hands down.

Obviously the truck driver in this video does not want to the let the pickup past. It is one of the strangest videos I have ever seen. My wife always tells me thai drivers are crazy, but what happened in this video can't be considered normal can it?

Another thing I can't understand is that the people recording this seem to think it's funny that the truck driver ran the guy off the road into a ditch......really? This is supposed to be considered funny in thailand? No concern for the well being of the driver in the ditch?

He could be on drugs to keep him awake.

This is why I am not ashamed to say I am very defensive (possibly overly defensive by some people standards) but when I see a heavy vehicle travelling quickly coming up behind, I simply pull over to the far lane. Let them get on with it is what I say. These truck drivers drive by different totally different standards and I would rather give them as a wide berth as possible.

Edited by Asiantravel
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An accident like this could bring down a government in Australia.

Bring down the Government?

I don't recall any government being brought down by either the Kempsey or Cowper bus smashes and they were just a few weeks apart and a couple of hundred kms apart, in the same state of Australia. There was 56 killed and 63 injured in those two crashes.

At the time of those accidents the state government was Liberal and remained until mid 95 and the federal government didn't topple, that was a federal labour government that lasted to 1996.

I don't recall any other time in history where this has happened either.

I think you are getting a little excited, it is understandable, after all it's terrible when people die like this, it's so unnecessary and avoidable.

My thoughts go with the families of the deceased and I hope the injured make speedy recoveries.

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He could be on drugs to keep him awake.

This is why I am not ashamed to say I am very defensive (possibly overly defensive by some people standards) but when I see a heavy vehicle travelling quickly coming up behind, I simply pull over to the far lane. Let them get on with it is what I say. These truck drivers drive by different totally different standards and I would rather give them as a wide berth as possible.

Me too, life is way more simple that way.

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Obviously the truck driver in this video does not want to the let the pickup past. It is one of the strangest videos I have ever seen. My wife always tells me thai drivers are crazy, but what happened in this video can't be considered normal can it?

Another thing I can't understand is that the people recording this seem to think it's funny that the truck driver ran the guy off the road into a ditch......really? This is supposed to be considered funny in thailand? No concern for the well being of the driver in the ditch?

He could be on drugs to keep him awake.

This is why I am not ashamed to say I am very defensive (possibly overly defensive by some people standards) but when I see a heavy vehicle travelling quickly coming up behind, I simply pull over to the far lane. Let them get on with it is what I say. These truck drivers drive by different totally different standards and I would rather give them as a wide berth as possible.

Defensive, very - I take the attitude that every driver is trying to kill me and I drive accordingly.

Me too, especially when riding my motorbike in Summer. Seen too many deaths firsthand to even think about anything else other than riding safely.

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Someone fell asleep at the wheel again ...

How many of these accidents have to happen before they learn ?

They will never learn while the Thai/Buddhist belief system tells them these accidents are preordained and cannot be avoided. Better education might be the answer. A long road to travel there.

RIP the unfortunate soles of yet another avoidable tragedy.

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So if we are to believe the stastistics,this leaves us another 56 people to die today on the road to tally up with the annual figure,obviously it does not work like that but,i wonder is there ever a day, in los that is fatality free,now that really would be knews. But what a sad and probablly preventable tragedy.

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The part of 304 that goes through the mountains always manages to scare me shitless. Trucks in bad repair crawling up and blocking the lane, crazy drivers passing them and another batch driving down the opposite direction with the speed of light. I wonder if this happened there.

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Sad.. oh so Sad..

But, its like everything else in life, ''Education''.... and sadly , there is no ''Education'' regarding Driving in Thailand...

Mega Scary, out there, but the ''Thais'' just take it in there stride, and they dont bat an eyelid, when stuff like this happens..

While we all are in shock... , Love living here, but thats one thing that freaks me out.... Life is cheap....


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Someone fell asleep at the wheel again ...

How many of these accidents have to happen before they learn ?

Looks like it was on the 304 in the mountains, what happens frequently there is when large vehicles go down hills they try to build up as much momentum as possible then when they start climbing the hill, they don't want to lose any of it so they will cut onto the other side of the road to avoid slowing down for other vehicles. Oncoming vehicles usually pull into the hard shoulder to avoid head on collisions but large oncoming vehicles can't always fit. It's such an infuriating practice because when they collide it causes so much traffic which can leave you stuck in the mountains for hours.

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Lost control of the bus - more likely completely devoid of any common sense. Has the driver survived, from the pictures would seem likely - any charges - probably not - back into another bus tomorrow none the wiser of that he has done, mai pben reai.

Im so happy you Artisi are not a police officer. You like to find the guilty party on the spot with no evidence what so ever. Wise up.

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This video has been making the rounds this week, kinda pinpoints truck drivers attitudes towards safe driving.

Christ, it's like a rerun of the Steven Spielberg classic, 'Duel'.

Hope the victim got the registration number of the head case who was driving the truck.

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What strickens me more ( and of course the deaths of anybody, but students in particular who have lived only a short time) is the lack of sensitivity by the police.

Parents are in shock, mourning, grief, and not understanding.

We have one officer confirming 'the brakes failed' (in one report), and then another officer confirming 'the driver lost control of the pedals'.

(is that what he said, after he turned the blasting music off, on a drip, and down from his Yaba trip?)

<deleted>. It takes days to establish brake failure..... not 5 hours, and I bet the coach hasn't even been moved yet.

Establish the facts BIB, before you let bent, corrupt, idiotic, useless officers make comment!

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These types of things are an unwanted part of all of our lives as expats here and most certainly attributes to the growth of our white hair. Visa runs come to mind. Its a truly sad situation that Thailand is 2nd in the world as far as traffic danger and yet the government is so backed up with its own corruption that the safety and lives of everyone inside the boarders of Thailand comes 2nd as well. I don't get it! In the states we have patrol cars posted everywhere... patrolling. Everywhere! Maybe if they had cops out patrolling the roads and turning on their Cherries and Berries (blue and red roof mounted lights) actually pulling over people for traffic violations, all of us could rest easier at night. Then the back-handers might have a better chance of being phased out because the cops that hit better quotas for writing tickets each month out on the road curtailing dangerous driving and general NONSENSE on the road, they would make better salaries and maybe even get royal cash bonuses from HM himself for protecting Thailand and Thai people. It's just a matter of implementation. That's the real ball buster. It would so easy to establish this as a rule and norm!whistling.gif

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This country is an absolute disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves. Everyday from my condo,l see bus(coach) drivers cutting across double lines on a dangerous bend by 2 -3 meters. Where are the police andfines. Hit them with a 1,000 Bt (not 100 or 200)fine and they will make sure they do not cut the corner again. Where is the policing. I watched 3 policeman spending their night fining working Thais who sell food on the street. These same keystone cops do not have the stomach to go and fight real crime.

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