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So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months. Now he is stuck, i will fly to Cambodia this week and give him money so he can get back to his home country, all his belongings are still in Bangkok and he has a 12 month rental agreement on a condo with 4 months still to run.

What a mess, Just a warning to you guys who are in the same position, next time you wanna go out of the country just remember you wont be back for a while. :o

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So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months.
What happened to your friend seems rather unusual and I cannot but wonder whether, when asked to pay the fine, he might have done or said something disrespectful to upset the immigration official.

I guess you will get the full story when you next meet your friend.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Would tend to agree as being a bit unusual.

Got/had a couple of friends who overstayed 2-3-4 years and more and all got back in onced they had settled up on their visa situations.

So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months.
What happened to your friend seems rather unusual and I cannot but wonder whether, when asked to pay the fine, he might have done or said something disrespectful to upset the immigration official.

I guess you will get the full story when you next meet your friend.



Unless some new directive is out, overstay max didn't previously mean automatic black list.


A blacklist for any stay fine of the max 20k was reported here but attempt to confirm at a border crossing resulted in a post that they had not heard of any such policy.


so it would appear we have a newly initiated policy more harsh than than a previously implemented one... or perhaps known by it's more common Thai word, "crackdown"...

what's the next one? improperly documented teachers?


It seems like your friend just tried to do a border-run, meaning that he tried to pass straight back into Thailand through that same immigration checkpoint (and probably officer) through which he left just a few minutes before...

He most likely wouldn't have had any problem if he had travelled abroad for a couple of days (Penang, Pnom Penh,...) and then returned...

Anyway, 9 weeks is plain stupid...


This is not a big problem.

If you friend can return to Thailand via Phnom Penh - air -then I don't envisgae any problem.

You don't get blacklisted just for overstaying your visa - no matter how long the overstay may be.

Normally, when you pay your overstay fine, the immigration officers want to see an out-going air ticket. This incident was no different!

May I asked which bordercrossing and which operator yr friend used?

Will try to verify what has caused his blacklisting.

It was Poi Pet he traveled there by public bus and when he went to the passport control the girl behind the counter passed him on to an officer just behind her, he payed the B20,000 and was then escorted to a seperate office where he was prosesed, after about 2 hours he got his passport back (with stamp stating persona non grata) along with a document stating he was unable to return to Thailand for 12 months. The immigration officer told him that it was a new policy that was introduced this month. When my friend asked what he was meant to do about his girlfriend and property in Bangkok the guy replied, 'welcome to Cambodia' and laughed.

When my friend asked what he was meant to do about his girlfriend and property in Bangkok the guy replied, 'welcome to Cambodia' and laughed.

Letting a Thai get the upper hand is not a smart thing to do. Like letting your teenager make decisions for the family. Stuuuuuupid!!

When my friend asked what he was meant to do about his girlfriend and property in Bangkok the guy replied, 'welcome to Cambodia' and laughed.

Letting a Thai get the upper hand is not a smart thing to do. Like letting your teenager make decisions for the family. Stuuuuuupid!!

The Thai people have the upper hand the moment you enter the country, try living here a while you will find out. :o


I do not know what has caused the blacklisting of your friend.

Checked with various Immigartion officials and they all re-cfmd that this situation is not officially announced yet or implemented.

Any decision to grant entry ,extention of stay or change of visa status is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Officer .

I do not know how to help yr friend ,but you can give Phil, the guy who runs thaivisarun a call , he is expert on legal issues.

Thanks, but no need to warn us. The Rules & Regs are quite easy to follow. SOM NAM NA methinks!

What a prick , dont forget you break the law everytime you go with a prostitute


Thanks, but no need to warn us. The Rules & Regs are quite easy to follow. SOM NAM NA methinks!

What a prick , dont forget you break the law everytime you go with a prostitute

Assuming of course that he does... :o

totster :D


When the fine went from 200 baht per day of overstay, to the present rate of 500 baht per day, the maximum fine remained at 20,000 baht. Thus, the number of days to reach the maximum fine went from 100 days to 40 days.

How many cases did we know, previously, of people who exceeded the 100 days? Most of these were considered flagarant, over-the-top abusers. Well, the bureaucrats may still feel that any stay over the maximum is over the top, even though it's only 40 days.

Perhaps now, people who overstay 41 or 59 days are in the same category as those who overstay for years. And when the monetary limit has been reached, the enforcers are prone to go to the next level of punishment. It makes sense to me, who's a retired bureaucrat.

So, let's warn our friends not to overstay at all, but in any event, don't overstay even 39 days if you need to stay in the kingdom.

And since we're all sinners of one sort or another, can we please avoid the sanctimonious but hypocritical stone-throwing inside our glass houses? :o


another typical TV post.

anecdote/hearsay, followed by someone saying som nan na, followed by endless ungrounded speculation.

I do not know what has caused the blacklisting of your friend.

Checked with various Immigartion officials and they all re-cfmd that this situation is not officially announced yet or implemented.

Any decision to grant entry ,extention of stay or change of visa status is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Officer .

I do not know how to help yr friend ,but you can give Phil, the guy who runs thaivisarun a call , he is expert on legal issues.

Talked to Phil already, he said most probably there was something else apart from 9 weeks overstay, so anything else that you didn't tell us Khun English Noodles?

Thanks, but no need to warn us. The Rules & Regs are quite easy to follow. SOM NAM NA methinks!

What a prick , dont forget you break the law everytime you go with a prostitute

I never pay a lady for sex,but I give big tips.Does that make it legal? :o:D:D:D:D

another typical TV post.

anecdote/hearsay, followed by someone saying som nan na, followed by endless ungrounded speculation.

And I thought I was alone in observing the same flight patterns with the same pilots over and over ad naseum :o

...ad naseum
I don’t mind Latin, but for your information it’s “ad nauseam



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Well i have been to cambodia to visit my friend and give him his credit cards and other essentials.

When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.

The immigration officer then went out of his way to implement his full power in the situation and my friend got the boot.

Now my friend is to apply for a new passport and try to re-enter.

I will keep you informed.


Well i have been to cambodia to visit my friend and give him his credit cards and other essentials.

When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.

The immigration officer then went out of his way to implement his full power in the situation and my friend got the boot.

Now my friend is to apply for a new passport and try to re-enter.

I will keep you informed.


And the computers they have don‘t recognize this after re-entry?


Well i have been to cambodia to visit my friend and give him his credit cards and other essentials.

When he paid the fine of B20,000 and was recieving his reciept he called the immigration officer an 'Ass hole' under his breath (thinking the guy would not understand) but he did.

The immigration officer then went out of his way to implement his full power in the situation and my friend got the boot.

Now my friend is to apply for a new passport and try to re-enter.

I will keep you informed.


And the computers they have don‘t recognize this after re-entry?

I am just keeping you informed of the situation, If he can get back in or not is not my problem, but i will let you know either way. :o

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