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What's your family think of Thailand?


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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

20 whinging expat bar stool experts who make facile comments. Arent qualify to stay, becoming perpetual visa runners and who have made no effort to learn the language. Edited by samran
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For about a decade we (myself, brother, and our parents) made annual month long trips, as our Christmas gift to each other, to new places around the world due to neither myself or brother married with offspring and mom and dad both retired. We had done all of Central America and parts of Mexico, Spain, UK, Jordan, UAE, Oman, before the grand adventure to SE Asia.

I flew with the parents to Thailand a week earlier than my brother as he only had 3 weeks that year. Prior to going my brother had asked how we were going to deal with all the prostitution and drugs (as we had bought into the hype). Well when my brother finally met up with us his comment to me the next day was "I don't know what you've been doing this last week with mom and dad but they are loving Thailand." We went on to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam on subsequent trips always doing half the time in Thailand. When I moved to Thailand the whole family was supportive and have been over for visits. Only complaints I've ever heard are about the heat. (They came during Songkran first year I lived here).

I too share some of the complaints others have with living here, but as to being a pretty decent place for a vacation, Thailand is for sure a must see in ones life. When I return to the states many of my friends and family members are envious of the life I am leading. I try to be minimal in my criticisms of Thailand for I know everyone has complaints about where they live.

Friends and family have heard the stereotypical things about Thailand. I always throw it back to them, that all their fears or negative associations about Thailand, exist in the US too.

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They were amazed that in some bars, even the elephants go out for a drink....................rolleyes.gif

Just because they came from Ireland doesn't qualify them to make that sort of statement.............facepalm.gif

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To be completely honest, most people assume I'm here to get cheap blow jobs from the cleaning lady, or something to that effect. I'm not sure exactly what they think, and don't care.

My parents love Thailand though, have been many times, and are more understanding of my reasoning for living here versus the West. They don't like Bangkok or Issan, but absolutely love Chiang Mai, and easily see why it's always listed as one of the top 10 retirement destinations in the world. They love the Thai people, especially their smiles.

As bad as it sounds though, I'm pretty sure more people just assume I'm here for cheap and easy sex. I guess it's just one of the stereotypes you have to put up with if you want to live here.

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They thought it was a good idea that in some bars and go-gos the reason the ladies had numbers was that it was easier to remember the number than their Thai names for the tourists.

Edited for clarity

Edited by chrisinth
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My brother has a thai wife in uk, 6 years now, a very hard working lady,and adores my mum,and my mum loves her as a daughter

My younger brother is very racial so i will not comment on this long running saga of his declining brain cells

My mum adores my gf of 9 years and they chat on a weekly basis.

My son thinks that Thailand is full of katoys and hookers,he watches to much tv

All my friends love Thailand


One can pick your friends but not family

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My folks love the place. First time they came here they were a little bit hesitant as to what to expect, but they're well travelled folks, so not closed minded. Aside from meeting my in-laws for the first time (this was a year before I was married, to put it into perspective) we took them down to Hua Hin for a couple of days. Loved it! Bangkok? Loved it!

Did we take them to the "typical tourist" joints? Sure, we did the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Reclining Buddha.

But mostly we took them to places where me and my wife hang out...

2 of my 3 sisters have been here and will be back again... My other sister hasn't been up here but has no qualms about coming up here, apparently she'll be visiting this year.

They're all looking forward to coming back. But given the wife and I travel back and forth between home and Bangkok we see them all - with the exception being my oldest sister who lives in the USA - regularly enough, not sure when that will be. But the old man wants to visit Chiang Mai for a couple of days.

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

lol......this is so true. The truth can be terrible thing sometimes.....although a Thai reading the list will deny they are true

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My family thinks that Thailand is amazing with attractive places, first class kitchen, nice and peaceful people, gorgeous children and cheap prices.

When I try to tell them the truth which is not exactly same with their opinion they say: " you just don't want to take care of us if we travel there ".

So I let them think these nice dreams.

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

Dear Fat, Drunk and Stupid mate,

I would like to ask something. <deleted> are you looking for here with this attitude ???

Anyway I don't know you are fat or slim, but the drunk and stupid 100% true.

My advice: take a ticket and leave this country ASAP.

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My good mate and his partner hated it that much they cut short their holiday and flew back to Australia.

Go figure.

I guess Thais couldn't stop the crying about their leaving.

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

Dear Fat, Drunk and Stupid mate,

I would like to ask something. <deleted> are you looking for here with this attitude ???

Anyway I don't know you are fat or slim, but the drunk and stupid 100% true.

My advice: take a ticket and leave this country ASAP.

Maybe he is looking for some improvement?

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Well I just read few lines of you long message and that was enough for me. If you are a mom's or dad's boy then pack your luggage and go back but if you have respect for yourself and your life style then decide where is best for you. You have only one life and what people talk about you is not your business. No matter what someone like or dislike what you.

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"Cause those bloody b!tches that just sat with me that night in Chum phae charged me 1000baht each and I never asked them too, and they never said it was costing" Plus the foods harsh and everyone wants my money"

Your brother is brilliant...it took me years to come to this same conclusion...good for him...

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on witOf list...


Of course you are correct. My mother is visiting me now for a couple of months. She is only

really aware about #3,#6, and #8. While she is having a wonderful time that is mostly because

she has missed many -20c to -40c days in Canada this past winter and spent countless hours

in the pool and sunshine here.

Edited by Ulic
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all i get from my friends is about the "ladyboy"s it pisses me off, i say " you have been watching too much uk television," and also my daughter, all she is interested in is me leaving my money to her, christ i am going to enjoy spending it.lol !!

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

Dear Fat, Drunk and Stupid mate,

I would like to ask something. <deleted> are you looking for here with this attitude ???

Anyway I don't know you are fat or slim, but the drunk and stupid 100% true.

My advice: take a ticket and leave this country ASAP.

Did not see any attitude displayed here...

Just some simple facts...

And perhaps just like me, he is happy with all of them...

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What's your family think of Thailand?

My mother is a psychologist, she thinks the country is nice in the cool season, but considers most of the Thais to have 'severe emotional' and 'extreme repressed anger' issues.

Edited by Dave 74
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What's your family think of Thailand?

My mother is a psychologist, she thinks the country is nice in the cool season, but considers most of the Thais to have 'severe emotional' and 'extreme repressed anger' issues.

Wow your mom has met most Thais? Gee she sure gets around how many years ago did she arrive here?

Edited by thailiketoo
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My brother said, when he first heard I was coming to Thailand he had nothing but negative comments, how the place was filthy, full of hookers, drugs and theives, he was extremely negative and thats putting it mildly. I asked "oh, when did you go" he replied " I havnt and never would, not based on what I have heard and read about the place, its the bowel of Asia.

So, sometime later when I announced I had a Thai g/f and would probably marry, and live there he said I was an idiot and would live to regret it, I havnt spoken to him from that day to this.

My Mother simply said, "I wish you luck, happiness and you find whatever you are looking for, be careful stay safe" , she died a short time later and never got chance to meet my wife.

I was in a similar situation.

None of my family had anything good to say about Thailand and most told me that I`ll never make a success of my life here and will be back within 2 years. That was over 30 years ago. It was more a case of warning me about how big a mistake I am making and the impending doom and disaster that awaits me rather than anything positive to say or wishing me sincere happiness and good luck.

My parents, siblings and cousins put the word around that I was a complete bastard for leaving the family and seeking a lifestyle elsewhere. After that there were hardly any communications between us at all, except the odd letter explaining how they`re all working hard and suffering back home and what a wonderful carefree lifestyle I have living in Thailand, as if my success here was a personal affront against them.

Not one member of my immediate family has ever visited me here in Thailand and I have never returned to visit them. As far as I was concerned it was their choice. They adopted a certain attitude and that was that.

My children missed out on ever having any close relationships with my family back home, but luckily they do have loving relationships with my wife`s family over here, they`re all very close. So as far as my family are concerned, it was their loss, not ours.

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

You are meebal and I claim my 5 baht

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What's not to love about Thailand!

If one turns a blind eyed to the following of course:

1. Poor service

2. Horrific traffic

3. World class risk of death in a road accident

4. Highest risk of being murdered (Australian visitors)

5. Impossibly difficult visa regulations

6. Endemic corruption

7. A facile police force

8. Environmental degradation

9. Unplanned and illegal overdevelopment

11. Disdain towards foreigners

12. Poorly educated hosts

13. Extortion under threat of violence if one wants to visit a public beach

14. Extortion under threat of violence if one chooses not to use a taxi

15. Risk of rape or extortion if one choose to use a taxi

16. Risk of injury or death from travelling in a bus

17. Risk of injury or deat if travelling in a ferry

18. No consistency in the application of government policy

19. No accountability

20. No rights for a foreigner who has an complaint arising out of 18 or 19 above

21. Sin sot

22. Forced visa runs

23. Protests

24. Dual pricing

I am bored now...anyone want to continue on with my list...

Oh no, not you again?

I`ve read some of your other threads and posts, almost brought me to tears.

Life must be extremely hard and a struggle for you in Thailand.

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let people think by any mean and in any way they want; yes, Thailand is not a favorite for families and i b-live that it doesn't matter how people think about Thailand, as long as i know why i love the "3xB"! :D


3xB = below belly button = southern Thailand

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"Cause those bloody b!tches that just sat with me that night in Chum phae charged me 1000baht each and I never asked them too, and they never said it was costing" Plus the foods harsh and everyone wants my money"

Your brother is brilliant...it took me years to come to this same conclusion...good for him...

Yes he was really annoyed by these girls. It takes lots to get this guy worked up. Fact is he just isn't that Thai street smart which maybe it pays to be in Thailand. These girls did nothing but literally sit next to him for maybe 2 hours, then once his bill came along he questioned why it was so much for a few drinks, and the food bill was paid for by me earlier. Scammed I call it. He was really dissapointed and I don't blame him.
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