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Russians vs Brits


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Ive got to say the choice of clothing is interesting.

The Russians like the see through white shirts and often very bright shorts or only bathers very tight and showing too much. How far from the beach do bathers become underpants?

The Brits like to walk around with shirts off so their tattoos get to see the light of day for the first time this year! Sun glasses required!

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You're unware of mass ethnicity displacements during Soviets era then? Otherwise how can you explain this much Russians living in almost all Turkic republics that left Soviets after the fallout (Kazakhstan, Azarbaijan and others).

Besides, Crimea had massive Tatar population which were sent to exile to open living space for "Injected" russians.

We both know that there are potential powderkegs all over Europe, particularly Central Europe. 'Injected' or otherwise, they are Russians living in Crimea, along with a very important Russian naval presence - Vlad was never going to give that up without a fight. Throw in the fact that he likes to refer to Ukraine as 'little Russia' and I dont see this ending well for anyone.

Getting back to Thailand, its a long way from Moscow politically, culturally, historically and geographically : no comparison whatsoever with Ukraine.

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There might be fewer of them around soon if things escalate in Ukrain and the world starts sanctions against Russia

You could be right but sanctions probably won't happen. Too much money involved. I'm surprised the US are supporting and prepared to pledge a billion $$$ to a bunch of thugs from a coup. It's not as though the US ever meddle with internal politics of it's neighbours.

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Prefer doing business with the Russians anyday compared to any other nationality. The Russians say what they think and are honest, civil, courteous almost all of the time, compare that to the know it all bar fly, Thai visa readers from the West that think they know everything but know absolutly nothing, are rude, arrogant, dam_n right nasty people most of the time that do not appreciate any effort we go to help them. Every single Russian customer we have has said thankyou, giving small presents and taking out and paying for dinner/drinks at some of the most expensive places in Pattaya. Mr Brit/Oz/Yank whatever simply moans.....Lets hope more of them come each year, this being the best yet for us

I am thrilled to hear this. I have some friends who have been running into younger Russians, who they say are cool, hip, smart, and very pleasant. I have not met any like this yet, but am hopeful I will. I am sure in a country as large as Russia there are some, and I will encounter them soon. Personally, I prefer Brits, Aussies, Germans, Swedes, Italians, Chinese, Malaysians, and just about all others. But, like I say, I have not had the good fortune to run into any cool Russians yet. I am sure this will happen.

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Russians come with their own lunch, eventually taking the Sin out of the City and turning it to yet another boring tourist trap. The Brits at least promote the jolly debauchery this lovely hamlet at the sea is known for.

That is an interesting fact. I have spoken to bar owners and they tell me they almost never have Russian patrons. And the Russians almost never bar fine. They tend to buy bottles of beer or vodka, and bring them to the beach, or back to their rooms. And they tend to travel with their women. Same with the Chinese, to a lesser extent, I believe. So, if the Russian and Chinese numbers continue growing, does that mean there will be little or no "industry" in ten years time? It seems with the advent of the internet, and high priced escort services, and other jobs available now, that the industry is in a general state of decline anyway, does it not? Will this new group of tourists see to it that this decline continues? Will Thailand eventually become more of a family destination? That trend is in evidence everywhere I go these days.

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If there's one notable difference between the 2 groups it is that Brits go to beer bars and Go Go bars in droves and enjoy a drink and a laugh talking with the girls. With the Russians you almost never see them in beer bars or Go Go bars, why would that be?

The answer is very simple. They do want to spend any money. They buy their booze from 7-11 and drink it in their tiny condos.


They do the same to the owners of the chairs/umbrellas on the beach,sit in there chairs and pop over to a 7/11 for there beer/vodka,if I owned these chairs/umbrellas they WOULD have to buy there beer from me.

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If there's one notable difference between the 2 groups it is that Brits go to beer bars and Go Go bars in droves and enjoy a drink and a laugh talking with the girls. With the Russians you almost never see them in beer bars or Go Go bars, why would that be?

The answer is very simple. They do want to spend any money. They buy their booze from 7-11 and drink it in their tiny condos.



I can't imagine why I would care if they drink their beer in a condo or an open field.

Not my business or concern.

Russians don't cause me any grief or problems.

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I had no idea...there was so much animosity towards Brits in Thailand...My oh My...

My only comment about the Russians I have met...is they all seem to look like someone just banged their wife...and they are looking for him... the younger women are very attractive...the older ones go to the beach...wear two piece suits...and have rolls of fat...awful sight...

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Russians are arrogant and pushy

Pommies are arrogant, rude and pushy

Not all, just most I have come across..

I would rather do business with a Russian though as I would find the pommies to slimy like Indians to do business with.

What a daft, very broad statement to make.........blink.png

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Russians are arrogant and pushy

Pommies are arrogant, rude and pushy

Not all, just most I have come across..

I would rather do business with a Russian though as I would find the pommies to slimy like Indians to do business with.

What a daft, very broad statement to make.........blink.png

Not really, that's the way Aussies talk.......when they're not swigging beer. wink.png

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If there's one notable difference between the 2 groups it is that Brits go to beer bars and Go Go bars in droves and enjoy a drink and a laugh talking with the girls. With the Russians you almost never see them in beer bars or Go Go bars, why would that be?

Check out the gay bars as well.

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Prefer doing business with the Russians anyday compared to any other nationality. The Russians say what they think and are honest, civil, courteous almost all of the time, compare that to the know it all bar fly, Thai visa readers from the West that think they know everything but know absolutly nothing, are rude, arrogant, dam_n right nasty people most of the time that do not appreciate any effort we go to help them. Every single Russian customer we have has said thankyou, giving small presents and taking out and paying for dinner/drinks at some of the most expensive places in Pattaya. Mr Brit/Oz/Yank whatever simply moans.....Lets hope more of them come each year, this being the best yet for us

If you really owned a business, there is no way that you would just alienate a sizeable customer base in this manner.

If he is providing a good service nobody could care less and many would agree anyway. Nevermind the fact that the business is not identified.

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If there's one notable difference between the 2 groups it is that Brits go to beer bars and Go Go bars in droves and enjoy a drink and a laugh talking with the girls. With the Russians you almost never see them in beer bars or Go Go bars, why would that be?

Because the russians bring in their own women.

Most russians thats coming to Thailand are families, couples, couples with children etc. Most englishmen are singles coming alone to LOS. Thus you will not find a lot of russians in those places you mentioned. And you will find lots of brits. There are exeptons of course but still......

Anyhow I havent had any problems with neither russians or brits. Communication is still easier with brits....

Edited by Mangkhut
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Are you doing research for something? The reason I ask is because you have 2 posts starting out with almost the same opening line and just looking for people to comment. That is this one and the other regarding Pattaya girls vs BKK girls vs everywhere else.

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My observations are limited to my past two years filling a deck chair at Jom Tien beach for 2 weeks at a time.

I couldn't help but notice that the Brits, Americans, Germans and Aussies spent a good deal of time (including myself) with our noses in an e-book, paper back or newspaper, with occasional chit-chat between English speaking expats, and a regular card game in one corner.

The difference was that the Russians never seemed to read. They stood around and talked and talked and talked.

The only problems I saw were when two noisy Russian lads with a ghetto blaster, were asked firstly by a European guy if they'd please turn down the noise, and when they got argumentative, the tourist police moved them on.

The humorous side was watching the faces of those who came into the beach-side 7-11 store to stock up with Vodka on a Buddhist holiday. Oh dear - some unhappy folk that day. There were plenty of signs around, but not in Russian.

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If you speak real English and not that Yankee perversion then you spell it "grey".

You mean, Brummie or Geordie here in Thailand? How would that be pronounced then? Is that how these (former wink.png) Pattaya Poms spelled it? Or could they spell at all? I think the Russians will spell it "gray."

post-14882-1142393881_thumb.jpg post-14882-1142393824_thumb.jpg

post-14882-1212732133_thumb.jpg post-14882-1142394018_thumb.jpg

Yeah, gimme the Russians. Much less snide and arrogant, though equally provincial.

But, anyway, all hail Noah Webster! The intelligent revolution continues.


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another thing i noticed, i believe they usually appear to make little or no effort to speak thai for some reason

Nor do a lot of them speak hardly any English, it's Russian or nothing, to which the Thais readily comply - reminds me of what a Thai ex once told me: "Thais are like snakes, they acclimatize seemlessly with anything and anyone to get what they want."

It's worth taking a stroll down the night market in Jomtien for a demonstration of that statement: Thai vendors, all smiles, going "da, da" and even a young guy serving cocktails while jigging to Russian hip-hop.

Russians are self-centered and don't care what Thais say as long as they get what they want.

Thais are self-centered and don't care what Russians say as long as they get what they want.

They're not that different actually.

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(time was the Brits were the largest ex pat community in pattaya and thailand)

I would have thought people from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos and the Hill Tribes, some of whom were born here, as well as ethnic Chinese would out-number the Brits in Thailand ... but then typically Brits tend to dismiss such people are not real in one context or another.

You are absolutely correct infact even the Japanese are a larger expat group then brits in Thailand.

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I live in Jomtien and the Russians are anything but polite. They have not been taught that you let people in the lift out before they get in the lift. They do not socialise and very much keep within their own environment. I encounter them everyday and there are of course exception but not many.

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As a group, subject to all disclaimers etc, I would take Brits over Russians (I'm a Yank). Three behaviors I generally see from Russians that rub me the wrong way (and don't see from Brits) are: 1. Usually Russians won't hold an elevator to let you get on, even if only 6 feet away 2. Sprawl on baht buses, unaware and/or don't care if others have to stand 3. At 7-11 put one item at checkout, then go grab some more things, add to pile, then go get more and somehow think they should be ahead of you who rounded up ALL you intended to buy before going to checkout.

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No problem with either. I'm enjoying seeing a more family orientated Pattaya.

Spending most of my days at the beach I have no problem seeing these long legged 1/2 naked hot Russian ladies running around. Love the women and their aggressive nature. Its helped me keep my numbers up whilst keeping cost down lol.

Funny experience on the beach last week when an encounter I was having started to turn a little steamy. I jokingly said I might need to go and purchase a step ladder to which my new Russian hottie replied...... "Itz ok darling, we are all the same size lying down... GOLD.

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The difference I noticed is the Brits and other non-Russian residents of Pattaya tend to be single males with an average age of 60+ years and waist of 40+ inches. The demographics of visiting Russians seem to be younger with more 20+ couples and more families with children. I rarely see young british women in Pattaya, as I'm guessing most of them can be found around Koh Samui and Khao San Road as opposed to the many young Russian women you see in Pattaya. Caucasian women have always been a rarer sight then caucasian men but not in Pattaya. They tend to congregate and stick together at the Ambassador Hotel and Mimosa as their meeting point. They are seemingly unfazed by Pattaya's rudimentary song taew system and get on and off like they've being doing it for years as opposed to other westerners who you can tell apart with their wide eyed grins and I'm-not-so-sure-about-this looks. They also show a lack of apprehension when crossing 5 lanes of cars that refuse to stop for pedestrians.

All in all they seem more battle hardened and shrewd because of the cold winters and tougher life back home perhaps?

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Prefer doing business with the Russians anyday compared to any other nationality. The Russians say what they think and are honest, civil, courteous almost all of the time, compare that to the know it all bar fly, Thai visa readers from the West that think they know everything but know absolutly nothing, are rude, arrogant, dam_n right nasty people most of the time that do not appreciate any effort we go to help them. Every single Russian customer we have has said thankyou, giving small presents and taking out and paying for dinner/drinks at some of the most expensive places in Pattaya. Mr Brit/Oz/Yank whatever simply moans.....Lets hope more of them come each year, this being the best yet for us

I bet you've never done any real business,apart selling retail t-shirts, with russians!!

Your statement about russians being civil, courteous and HONEST could not be further from the truth!! Russian is willing to brake years of business relation over chance to one time rip off!! That's a fact!

Back to the topic. Both parties loud and nasty to the eye, except some younger female russians.

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The difference I noticed is the Brits and other non-Russian residents of Pattaya tend to be single males with an average age of 60+ years and waist of 40+ inches. The demographics of visiting Russians seem to be younger with more 20+ couples and more families with children. I rarely see young british women in Pattaya, as I'm guessing most of them can be found around Koh Samui and Khao San Road as opposed to the many young Russian women you see in Pattaya. Caucasian women have always been a rarer sight then caucasian men but not in Pattaya. They tend to congregate and stick together at the Ambassador Hotel and Mimosa as their meeting point. They are seemingly unfazed by Pattaya's rudimentary song taew system and get on and off like they've being doing it for years as opposed to other westerners who you can tell apart with their wide eyed grins and I'm-not-so-sure-about-this looks. They also show a lack of apprehension when crossing 5 lanes of cars that refuse to stop for pedestrians.

All in all they seem more battle hardened and shrewd because of the cold winters and tougher life back home perhaps?

Reason you don't see 60+, 40+ inch waist male russians in Thailand? They drank themselves to death in their early 50'!
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