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Valium for flying


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Do you know what they tend to prescribe here . Xanax? Valium or something else? I get prescribed Valium in the UK for flying so it's not just wanting to get some shut eye, which it never tends to do for me, not on 10mg anyway.

Any also know rough cost here?

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Since at most they are going to give you a couple of tablets, cost is not going to be an issue. These are controlled drugs here and have to be obtained at a hospital pharmacy, on prescription.

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Doctors wont prescribe it if you simply say you want to sleep on the plane, but will prescribe it if you are have a morbid fear of flying.

You will need to visit a doctor at a hospital as the clinic probably won't have it.

Well when I see the bucket of tablets my staff get when they have some absolute minor thing, I would guess some docs would prescribe just about anything they can....

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In the old days you could buy a box of Roche 30 X 10 mg blue ones at many drugstores in Phnom Penh Cambodia for $3.

The last time I went in '05, they were up to $6.30. The generics were 1 baht per pill.

I hear it isn't that hard to get them in BKK. Keep asking.

I swear by them for flying and will not fly without them.

I just hope the pilots aren't taking them.

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In my opinion, the best drug for fear of flying is Temazepam. It leaves me less woozy afterwards and is more effective in switching anxiety off. But apparently because of the way illegal drug dealers in Glascow, Scotland were able to transform Temazepam tablets into an injectable form which is highly addictive, the drug became much less available.

The next best is Diazepam aka Valium and probably more available. It is also very cheap in Thailand. There are also derivatives, such as Bromazepam, Lorazemam etc.

Xanax is less available probably because of the illegal market for them in the USA where it is one of the most abused prescription drugs. I don't know whether it is indeed more addictive than either temazepam or diazepam but it seems to have achieved that reputation. As I have never taken it, I cannot attest to its effectiveness personally. But as I understand it, it is more powerful than those mentioned above.

It goes without saying that you really need to be careful with any of these drugs as with continuous use they can become highly addictive. Also, be careful about using them with alcohol and other drugs. But if you use them for flying only, they can be highly effective and useful.

Edited by Sheryl
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Here is what you do Go to Christian Hospital and Have a Doctor there give it to you on prescription. They are pretty good with it for a one off time to travel as

you say for flying.

I am sure you will not have a problem I too asked one time to get it and no problem

Good luck

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You can no longer buy tramadol, tindol, tramoda in any pharmacy. The Thai FDA has made this a controlled item effective now. It would be difficult to get a Thai doctor outside a hospital to write for Valium. You would also likely have to fill Rx at a hospital as pharmacies would not have it.

An alternative is Benydryl and Melatonin. 25-50mg/12 hours benydryl and 3 mg melatonin with eyes closed, will put you to sleep. Benydryl, diphynhydramine Hcl is not just for allergic reactions but is the number one insomnia medicine on earth, and is also fairly benign on the system- safe.

Melatonin is activated by darkness. It is naturally secreted inside us at night and activated by nightfall, When eyes closed, it really helps.

Both are over the counter meds with great safety margins.

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You can no longer buy tramadol, tindol, tramoda in any pharmacy. The Thai FDA has made this a controlled item effective now. It would be difficult to get a Thai doctor outside a hospital to write for Valium. You would also likely have to fill Rx at a hospital as pharmacies would not have it.

An alternative is Benydryl and Melatonin. 25-50mg/12 hours benydryl and 3 mg melatonin with eyes closed, will put you to sleep. Benydryl, diphynhydramine Hcl is not just for allergic reactions but is the number one insomnia medicine on earth, and is also fairly benign on the system- safe.

Melatonin is activated by darkness. It is naturally secreted inside us at night and activated by nightfall, When eyes closed, it really helps.

Both are over the counter meds with great safety margins.

I've been suffering from neck problems since Christmas and have bought Tramadol in over 5 pharmacies in Chiang Mai, including PharmaChoice. Not been refused once. 50 baht for 10 x 50mg tablets.

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You can no longer buy tramadol, tindol, tramoda in any pharmacy. The Thai FDA has made this a controlled item effective now. It would be difficult to get a Thai doctor outside a hospital to write for Valium. You would also likely have to fill Rx at a hospital as pharmacies would not have it.

An alternative is Benydryl and Melatonin. 25-50mg/12 hours benydryl and 3 mg melatonin with eyes closed, will put you to sleep. Benydryl, diphynhydramine Hcl is not just for allergic reactions but is the number one insomnia medicine on earth, and is also fairly benign on the system- safe.

Melatonin is activated by darkness. It is naturally secreted inside us at night and activated by nightfall, When eyes closed, it really helps.

Both are over the counter meds with great safety margins.

I've been suffering from neck problems since Christmas and have bought Tramadol in over 5 pharmacies in Chiang Mai, including PharmaChoice. Not been refused once. 50 baht for 10 x 50mg tablets.

Fair enough!

I use tramadol for back injury. I too have gone to some pharmacies recently and some yes, some no= citing the new law. In your case, they are not driving the price up. lucky. Looking at my post, its just wrong. Better to have said:

"Soon, when the stocks are out, the new rule prohibits the sale of tramadol."

Your point noted and valid.

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The combination of melatonin with Atarax mentioned above DOES work with some people, and is completely legal. For me, melatonin always leaves a 4-hour hangover, and I pass the next morning in a bit of a daze.

Tramadol is a pain-killer for moderate levels of pain. You can buy it on its own, or mixed with paracetamol. Pure tramadol is NOT supposed to be an airplane drug or a sleeping drug, even if it makes you woosy. It is sometimes given to people who cannot take NSAID drugs like Ibuprofen for arthritis. Many drugs used for arthritis/fractures/sprains/bone-pain including Brufen, Voltarol and aspirin (huge culprit!) can rot the stomach lining. Tramadol doesn't. Pure tramadol ought to require a prescription, but it is easy to get here. It is commonly used in Spain as a pain-killer.

Rohypnol is, of course, the date-rape drug. It has a very strong amnesic effect. It comes now in waxy, tough green tablets which seem to make it harder to grind up between two spoons! Good job, too. Nasty drug.

In reply to the poster above, melatonin is available in Nana. It is legal to sell it, as it is classified as a herbal-type sleep aid. I found it in a modern pharmacy on the left side when you come out of Nana BTS and walk direction Asoke, follow the left sidewalk about 150 meters. Some sleep-doctors/labs use it, and some folks like it for jet lag because of its ability to reset brain chemistry/circadian cycles.


On a side note: people who use Viagra can now buy, in some pharmacies, the official Thai government/FDA version, known as SIDEGRA. Strength 50 mg or 100mg and way cheaper than the German or Swiss original. I can get the 100mg for 180baht a box of 4 near Nana (most people only need half a large tablet) It is exactly the same--Sildenafil (which is viagra): personally I find it more reliable than Cialis or the jelly one from India. PLEASE be careful with viagra. Cardiologists (mine included) are now prescribing it for erection problems which are commonly due to beta-blockers and other cardiac drugs, but I did hear of a elderly German guy who died in Patong last month after taking three large 100mg tablets. Viagra, funnily enough, was originally found and considered by doctors looking for anti-angina drugs, but they rejected it because it not only filled up the c.cavernosum with blood, but might also lead to blood pressure problems for some people. Also, NEVER take Viagra with Poppers (Amyl or Butyl Nitrate), even if you are looking for the ultimate erotic high. Save your heart!

Edited by Sheryl
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Caution if you are flying Etihad or Emirates. Carrying valium or Zanax without a ltter from you doctor can land you in jail. This includes valium and xanax

If you doubt it a quick google will confirm what happens if you are caught with these drugs even as a transit passenger.

I am posting this because I know so many tourists and expats fly transiting through Dubai or Ab Dhabi.

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Caution if you are flying Etihad or Emirates. Carrying valium or Zanax without a ltter from you doctor can land you in jail. This includes valium and xanax

If you doubt it a quick google will confirm what happens if you are caught with these drugs even as a transit passenger.

I am posting this because I know so many tourists and expats fly transiting through Dubai or Ab Dhabi.

Do they ask you to piss also ?


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Valium (diazepam) is one of the many members of the benzodiazepine family and was formulated by the Croatian/Polish/Jewish chemist Leo Sternbach who synthesised Librium in the 1950s. Valium was first released in 1963, and was a 'descendant' of Librium. Librium is still used today, and is preferred by some people to reduce the DTs from booze-quitting, although Ativan (another, later descendant) seems to be a good and safe drug which is well-tolerated by many people for DTs and for general anxiety. Don't forget that there is no such thing as a free lunch: people can get addicted to all of these benzo drugs after a few weeks.

Valium is essentially an anxiolytic drug, not a sleeping drug. It is a calming drug, although in the higher doses (5-10mg, depending very much on tolerance) it will relax you so much that you can get quite drowsy and drop off. Doctors will not usually prescribe it as a first-line drug for insomnia, because there are better sleeping drugs. Temazepam, mentioned above, is a much more potent sleeping drug, but in the junkie scene of the 1980s was found to be injectable and is much harder to find now. As the poster above rightly says, Temazepam is almost impossible to locate in Thailand. I have seen it only once here. My friendly pharmacist tells me that it is "not popular" in Thailand.

The most popular "pure sleeping drugs" these days are arguably the Z-drugs (Zolpidem, Zopiclone and another Z---- drug, which escapes me right now!) Zolpidem is Stilnox, which is also called Ambien or Intermezzo. It is available in some of the Sukh pharmacies, but the quality can vary. Hospitals e.g. BNH will provide the original product (Sanofi is a big French manufacturer and commonly found in official prescribing), but some hospitals have tightened up a lot and will only give you 7 or 10 pills. The big hospitals will also make you pay a lot (500-900 b for 10 pills), although the "bad" pharmacies also charge a lot (600-700 for 10 pills). Zopiclone is a very, very similar drug, but I have rarely seen it here.

A GP friend of mine in the UK will not prescribe any Z-drugs to anybody, whatever the circumstances. Ambien is so good that it's bad! It is hard to get off/quit. One much-noted effect is the capacity for sleep-walking and related somnambulant behaviours. A very small number of people can get up, eat, walk around, drive the car across town and then go back to bed without realising. The ultimate blackout--which has caused accidents and naked "misunderstandings". A very tiny number of people can also get hallucinations.

The Z drugs should only be taken when you are in bed or about to go to bed. Ambien will start to work in about 20 minutes. It can be abused by groups of people who take it and then "fight" it by not going to bed. It makes people slurry and rather uninhibited. The Australian swimming team

admitted to doing this for 'fun" one night at the Olympics or the Commonwealth Games about two years ago.

IMHO, the fastest-acting sleeping drug/sedative is Dormicum (Midazolam). It is very fast acting, even in tablet form. It is commonly used as an injection in Thailand for short procedures such as endoscopy. It has strong retroamnesiac qualities (you can't remember even swallowing the tube). However, it has a very short half-life and you can wake up again in 20-40 minutes (longer if you have a whole tablet, because tablets have to be absorbed by the gut so are always slower). Dormicum is available in at least one pharmacy I know of, but it's not cheap. 950b for 10 tabs, but half a tablet is enough for most folk.

On the subject of cheap, the common tablets like valium and ativan (and most common antibiotics, pain killers and almost anything) have generic (usually Thai-made) versions, and original (from Germany, UK etc). Generic versions may be 40%-90% cheaper. Some people say they are fine. Some people only buy the originals, to be 100% sure. I have used Thai antibiotics for minor infections, with no problems.

Most generics are "probably OK" because they are taken daily by 000s of Thai people who cannot pay 1000baht for 6 tablets, or whatever.

A lot of people ask me about paracetamol also. Let me give a few pointers:

In 7-11, paracetamol is called Sara. But,Tylenol plain, without anything added, is also paracetamol. Just paracetamol. Paracetamol is very cheap to make, which is why 7-11 charges 12 baht a pack. Don't pay 300baht for Tylenol.

Paracetamol will not make you "high" or sleepy or happy. It is completely no good for that type of abuse. With or without coca-cola. With or without beer. Those are just urban myths.

In terms of bang-for-buck, paracetamol is one of the best drugs we have. As a mild pain-killer, it is better than most people think, but it will not do much if you have a badly broken leg. As a temperature-reducer if you feel the 'flu' coming on, it is also good. Most mothers have kalpol (paracetamol liquid) for Johnny's kiddy infections, although paracetamol is not an antibiotic either, so it doesn't kill the germs which cause the earache. If the child does not settle, and is still hot, you need to get to ER or at least a clinic, because a high temperature in a young child can go up real fast.

The most bizarre thing about Para is that many people think it's a great way to kill themselves. It's awful, because even 12 tabs can kill you and 25 almost certainly will--but the worst thing is that it always takes up to a week to die. People eat 25 Para and then wait to die, but nothing happens. This is because a Para overdose slowly destroys the liver. You maybe start to feel ill on the 3rd day. You die on about day 7. Liver failure is nasty, really nasty.


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