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thailand missing opportunities by No foreign ownership


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would be nothing wrong if the falang can / could own 1 rai of land, not more, to build his house ...

rich people in bangkok & other places, want to keep their power...; they rent the land to the farmer and he pays rent and/or part of produice... win win situation for the rich who want to stay rich and do not wish to share anything

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to them they want to keep tight control.

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

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New Zealand could take a leaf out of Thailands book. Chinese money is flooding into NZ as the rich chinese realise they will need a bolt hole when China gets too polluted to live in.Coupled with no capital gains tax in NZ housing prices in the main city are sky high.Great if you are a seller, terrible if you are tying to get on the property ladder as a younger buyer

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

them they want to keep tight control.

Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

them they want to keep tight control.

Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

It's a mafia led country, and you ain't in the tribe.

that's all this is here.

if they wanted their people to be free, they would educate them and teach them english

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

them they want to keep tight control.

Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

Good gawd man, get down on your knees and prey to whatever diety you worship that the Thais see fit to allow you to come here and spend such an obscene amount every year.

I wish my facist country would grant my wife wife such ease to come to my country and spend money so freely.

No one asked you to come here, you came of your own freewill, we can leave of our own freewill, be thankful for that, at least you aint a Thai who is stuck here.

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

them they want to keep tight control.

Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

Good gawd man, get down on your knees and prey to whatever diety you worship that the Thais see fit to allow you to come here and spend such an obscene amount every year.

I wish my facist country would grant my wife wife such ease to come to my country and spend money so freely.

No one asked you to come here, you came of your own freewill, we can leave of our own freewill, be thankful for that, at least you aint a Thai who is stuck here.

Interesting point you make, about the Thai's being stuck here.

I didn't think of it from that perspective as the girl I am with doesnt want to leave, and it's semi baffling, but, it's her country, her family, her King, and that's all there is left to say.

I will see if she changes her mind after I am gone, which is within 30 days but as of now, she has zero desire to go to the USA, not even to visit

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"Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

them they want to keep tight control.

Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

Good gawd man, get down on your knees and prey to whatever diety you worship that the Thais see fit to allow you to come here and spend such an obscene amount every year.

I wish my facist country would grant my wife wife such ease to come to my country and spend money so freely.

No one asked you to come here, you came of your own freewill, we can leave of our own freewill, be thankful for that, at least you aint a Thai who is stuck here.

5800 + posts and you still feel that being part of the "If you dont like it go home" brigade is a valid answer ???.

dear dear me, how on earth did we spawn an empire.

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Too lazy to Google, but in other kingdoms, can foreigners own land in the kingdom? I thought the king "owns" all the land in a kingdom.

The Queen of England is the largest private landowner in the world. This is because every Brit or commonwealth subject actually does not own the land outright.

Don't talk <deleted>

Not that she could ever take it back but I heard of this story the other day also.

Land in the colonies has technically been leased from the crown in perpetuity. Technically, the crown owns it.

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Too lazy to Google, but in other kingdoms, can foreigners own land in the kingdom? I thought the king "owns" all the land in a kingdom.

The Queen of England is the largest private landowner in the world. This is because every Brit or commonwealth subject actually does not own the land outright.

Don't talk <deleted>
Not that she could ever take it back but I heard of this story the other day also.

Land in the colonies has technically been leased from the crown in perpetuity. Technically, the crown owns it.

Where do you get this rubbish from? or should I be asking, how can you be so stupid to believe it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Too lazy to Google, but in other kingdoms, can foreigners own land in the kingdom? I thought the king "owns" all the land in a kingdom.

The Queen of England is the largest private landowner in the world. This is because every Brit or commonwealth subject actually does not own the land outright.

Don't talk <deleted>

Not that she could ever take it back but I heard of this story the other day also.

"I heard this story the other day also" Can you tell us where you heard this story? Can you provide us with any evidence that it's true? Can you quote any law on the UK statute books that makes it so? I've heard stories that the moon is made of green cheese. Are you from the USA? Don't talk <deleted>.

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The world's primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.


good qualifier from yahoo answers

Sort of.

She has private lands that she owns, including estates/houses. However, as the living symbol of the "Crown" in 16 different countries, she can be said to own Crown Lands in these countries.

E.g., Canada, being the 2nd largest country on the planet, still has about 85% of it's lands owned by the Crown. As Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada, her Canadian Crown owns 85% of Canada. The Crown, but, not hers personally. She is also Queen of Australia, and New Zealand. Australia is a pretty big place, and also has a lot of Crown land, so, as Queen of Australia, she technically owns this land as well. As she does for Crown land in New Zealand, and so on.

Now, this is Crown land, and she is the symbol for the Crown in each place, but, it is not her personal land. It is administered, technically on her behalf, by the governments of each country. So, in effect, it is government land, or even public land, even if it technically is hers.

In addition, in Canada at least (and, presumably other countries), ALL lands are held from the Crown. Your deed does not give you exclusive ownership; it just gives you a set of specific rights to "your" land. So, in a purely legal sense, the Queen owns all of Canada (ever "private" lands). But, again, as the Crown.

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The world's primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.


good qualifier from yahoo answers

Sort of.

She has private lands that she owns, including estates/houses. However, as the living symbol of the "Crown" in 16 different countries, she can be said to own Crown Lands in these countries.

E.g., Canada, being the 2nd largest country on the planet, still has about 85% of it's lands owned by the Crown. As Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada, her Canadian Crown owns 85% of Canada. The Crown, but, not hers personally. She is also Queen of Australia, and New Zealand. Australia is a pretty big place, and also has a lot of Crown land, so, as Queen of Australia, she technically owns this land as well. As she does for Crown land in New Zealand, and so on.

Now, this is Crown land, and she is the symbol for the Crown in each place, but, it is not her personal land. It is administered, technically on her behalf, by the governments of each country. So, in effect, it is government land, or even public land, even if it technically is hers.

In addition, in Canada at least (and, presumably other countries), ALL lands are held from the Crown. Your deed does not give you exclusive ownership; it just gives you a set of specific rights to "your" land. So, in a purely legal sense, the Queen owns all of Canada (ever "private" lands). But, again, as the Crown.

In reality the Queen does not 'own' Crown Estates as the monarchy is barred by UK and Commonwealth countries law from selling Crown assets. In addition any payout of profits generated from Crown Estates in the UK, to the Queen, is limited by UK law, currently pegged at 15 percent p.a.

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Maybe you guys on about how much land the queen owns could of started a topic about it. I certainly would not be typing reams about such a lame thing as WYM does. But hey he does this on every topic in most forums. Clearly lot of time to Google crap

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By the way "technically" or not, the queen owns NO land in AU. The reference to crown is not UK crown. In any event nothing to do with individual foreign ownership in Thailand. .

Oh and "only the one forum"??? You have made over 2600 posts since renaming you member ID. IN a period of some 60approx days. Woo tthat's about 35 a day.

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Farang are rich.

Thai people poor.

If Farang allowed to buy land, there won't be land left for Thai people.

This comment is obviously from a ''Thai Person''...

i personally dont agree, but thats me...

must say lots of ''Empty Condos'' in ''Bangkok''... but cannot see prices falling, they seem to be happy just leaving them empty..

would be a worry to me, if i had invested in them...

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To Thai investors, face is much more important than ROI, they usually won't drop their price, will wait decades with zero return until the market returns to their projections.

And they can afford it, why not?

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Would you be happy if Russians buy all England? And you have no place where to go! Maybe live like a Gipsy....

Tell me!

Lots of Foreigners, including ''Russians'' buy property in the UK, especially London, and thats one of the reasons prices are so high..

But thats fine by me, as i still have property in London, so by all means let them buy.. i am all for it...

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I think the reason there is no foreign ownership in thailand is because the elites who own the vast majority of the land don't believe they would get a good ROI if they sold it to foreigners, they are probably masking more money out of the land right now

As we know in Thailand money is everything and if they powers that be thought they could make significant amounts of money by flogging land to foreigners without upsetting the peasants I am sure the law would be changed in a heart beat

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