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Antenna Required


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Folks I speak as an "old" antenna rigger....Assemble the mast, fit all of the guys (the wire things with the adjusting turnbuckles), using pythagoras3,4,5, rule, lay out the 2 front guys so that when the mast is about vertical or a little past it they will catch the mast...dig? Then, after you have fitted everything you want onto the mast (don't forget orientation!), lift the mast as high as you can leaving the base pinned to the ground (a couple of big sand bags should do it) and attaching the guy that is just above half way on the mast to the front of your SUV and getting the help of a couple of friends who can help with lifting the mast for the first couple of feet (the most dangerous part as too much power by the SUV will bend and break the mast) (make a drawing of how it will look before you start to lift so that everyone is au fait!) slowly reverse as you watch the mast and your friends.

Your friends move to the side guys when the mast has lifted about a third of the way and use the guys to help the mast stay straight in line with the pull! If it looks like getting out of line (you will see it move to one side or the other of the guy you are using to lift the mast) STOP!!! tell the people on the guys which way you want them to pull in order to straighten the pull....a wife or GF is good for that!

As the mast is getting close to the vertical you will find it will only take a little effort to bring it to almost the right position!

Carefully disconnect the guy from the car and terminate it {loosely} in its proper position. The mast will now be leaning slightly towards the back guy and will be able to be moved by only your hand weight on the guy wires.

Starting from the very bottom set of guys and using 2 x plumb bobs or a long spirit level straighten the mast, bringing the guys to their final tension!

Then, move up the mast, level by level, using the back guy to bring the mast straight over the last lower guy and using the two front guys to straighten the mast...........viola!

Check the tension on all of the guys on the same level...get one to what you think is the right tension and hit it with your hand or a stick, count how many beats (you'll know what I mean when you do it) in 10 seconds, go to the 2 other guys on that level and adjust the tension so that it is the same all around (too fast....slacken off, too loose....tighten). Don't for get to put a very good earth on every guy and on the base of the mast!

You wouldn't want to have your gear blow up while you're using it would you??? thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png Good luck and don't rush it!

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A little confusing... are you talking about a tall "Pole", a guy-wire "Mast", or a "Tower" that can be tilted up or possibly be climbed? Unless your interested in AM-Radio or other Long-Wave electromagnetic transmission where the tower IS the antenna -- most "Antennas" are a separate element that is mounted on a Pole, Mast or Tower structure to improve transmission/reception.

Due to the height, hopefully your neighbor gets one that's designed to handle the expected wind-load, lightning strikes and carry the mounted antenna/equipment weight.

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