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New building permit for renovating house in Bangkok to fix ownership problem

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Need information. First short background info, then a couple questions at the end

  1. Bought a long term lease with 16 years left and the house on the land in Suttisarn for a small one floor townhouse (“pair” house) 20 years ago. Best deal I have ever made in my life
  2. The builder who built the house 30 years ago went bust before transferring whatever needed and formal house ownership (gammasitt ba^an) papers were never issued. I knew that before I bought it
  3. If I ever leave chao baan, then no one can ever become chao baan again = no problem because I am not going to leave
  4. I bought the land in my daughter’s name 6 years ago
  5. The neighbour has started lifting the roof of his side of the house and I can see benefit in doing the same but I can also see benefit in fixing the house ownership at the same time. Not adding 2nd floor, just lifting roof
  6. The supervisor at the Amphur advised me 16 years ago that I can fix the house ownership problem when I build a new house on the land

Questions: I suppose house ownership starts with a new building permit, then other papers can be issued from that. If that is not correct, then please advice

  1. Can a westerners name be on the building permit?
  2. Can a westerners name be on the formal house ownership paper? If not, can a minor be? Drawbacks?
  3. I am not building a new house but only renovating and changing an old one. Can this be used to request new building permit?
  4. Practical advice from someone who has gone through the process at the Kheet. Timeliness, formal cost, the extra “help each other” cost, friendliness, starting and completing job before building permit is ready? Rip-offs

Thanks in Advance


Edited by MikeyIdea
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