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Missing MH 370: Stolen Austrian passport used by Iranian teenage migrant


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A number of off-topic posts have been deleted along with inflammatory posts and replies. The thread isn't about football and the geography lesson has been given and further posts will be deleted.

Stolen passports are a common modus operandi for people smuggling. It's interesting that the authorities at one point said the photos matched the passengers. It's hard to replace a photo on a passport and I doubt the 19 year old Iranian looks like the Austrian guy. How old was the Austrian, by the way?

Usually the immigration are involved in the smuggling operation. There role can be rather passive, but they grease the wheel that makes sure the person goes through immigration unimpeded. The passenger transits countries that are unlikely to catch them until they get to their destination. Remember, most countries don't care who is transiting, but they do care who actually enters their country.

Terrorists would be very unlikely to use a stolen passport. It's too risky and the chances of getting caught are too high. It's the people smugglers that know how this works.

Malaysian authorities have some answering to do. This is how a lot of the people headed to Australia arrive by air.

On a more serious note, what happens with regard to any financial settlement for this young man's family? Do they receive compensation?

In many countries, there is no compensation as a result of taking part in an illegal activity.

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On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

CNN is American and in America 'Asian' means East Asian; e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc..

Whilst in the UK 'Asian' means South Asian; e.g. Indian, Pakistani etc..

In both countries, someone from Iran would be described as 'Middle Eastern.'

Malaysia Airlines MH370: Stolen passports 'no terror link'

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I just want to say that I called it!

Posted 2014-03-09 16:46:52

The stolen passports could mean something but mean completely nothing. Malaysia lets anyone cross their borders with few questions. Kuala Lumpur is a human trafficking hub. Who knows what these guys were involved in.

Then again, they might have been Iranian terrorists. Didn't the Iranian terrorists who blew off their own legs in Bangkok spend time in Pattaya before their failed mission?

The guys who blew their legs off in On Nut didn't look like the Mujahideen either...

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Hahaha, what a story !

1. To come to Kuala-Lumpur and then to fly to Beinjing in purpose to reach Germany???

2. "His mother, who was waiting for him to reach Frankfurt". She was waiting him in Iran, of course. But....such a meaningful sentense ))

3. Who will believe to Malaysian investigators, who's country has a frienship with Iran..


you really are a plonker, what a dip shit!!!!!

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4 Days and no sign of the wreckage? What if there is no wreckage? With all of those Islands in the S. Pacific used during WW II with airfields and some of those airfields being long, perhaps long enough to land a 777 and also take off on one if the runway were brought up to date with repairs, what if people of bad intents hijacked the plane, flew below the radar to one of these Islands and "disposed" of the passengers?

Then they repaint the plane and fit it with a nuke and ship in the remaining amount of Jet Fuel for it to reach it's destination - the West Coast of the US.

It would be hard to pull off as they would likely have to fly below the radar the entire trip to avoid detection to avoid being shot down by US military.

Just a theory that hasn't been floated in the media yet as no wreckage has been found in a vast but relatively small search area.

No distress call, no nothing from the cockpit and an explosion would likely have been seen, even by satellite and would have left parts of the fuselage and wings scattered all over a wide area of the far South Gulf of Thailand between Viet Nam and Kota Bharu.

Just throwing it out there. Perhaps it went down in the thick swamps and jungles of Viet Nam at night and no one saw it.

If so, it might be under several feet of mud, swamp and saw-grass like the ValuJet that went down in the Everglades in 1996?, but that doesn't explain the lack of radio communications unless we had a "Payne Stewart" type of event which is unlikely since the 777 has so many back-up redundancies that it would have made it unlikely.

Then there is another theory. Aliens. j/k

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Tracking the flight and monitoring on board events is VERY SIMPLE.

For years, I have been advocating the Transmission of all the information that is recorded in the "Black"...ORANGE BOXES.

It could be encoded and transmitted to the Carrier's ground stations and over-written with up dated material every 30 minutes, same as happens with the existing on-board recordings. Then there would be no great problem in obtaining vital information before the Black/Orange Boxes are located.

Maybe NOW someone in "Aviation Authority" somewhere, will take notice.

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On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

Iran is located in the Middle East which is part of Western Asia, not Africa.
You seem to have missed the twist.
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You must have been absent from school the day of the particular geography lesson. IRAN IS IN ASIA "FACT'

Anything else you want top know about which countries being where? coffee1.gif

On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

Iran is located in the Middle East which is part of Western Asia, not Africa.
Why can't you understand sarcasm?

Don't worry. I've got bitten twice on this lately. The trick is to put an emoticon showing humor behind it, I think. Some people don't know it's sarcasm unless you write it on their forehead with a felt tip pen. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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Sorry. I've got bitten twice on this lately. The trick is to put an emoticon showing humor behind it, I think. Some people don't know it's sarcasm unless you write it on their forehead with a felt tip pen. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

They wouldn't see the sarcasm on the end of their nose. no chance on their forehead . Thanks for the tip regarding the emoticongiggle.gifbiggrin.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.giflaugh.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Interesting that Malaysia is defending the two imposters traveling under false passports. If the two imposters were North Koreans seeking to immigrate to Europe then I would find the story believable.

However, it’s a bit like how Australians think when they see two-aboriginal people driving a Mercedes; automatically they think ‘’Thieves”. They same thing goes for when the only two Iranians traveling together on an Aircraft are discovered to have fake passports belonging to other nationalities, and it just so happens the Aircraft has gone missing too; automatically you think ” Terrorists”.

Would you care to offer something to support your comments on how Australians think when they see two Aboriginals driving a Mercedes please? For the record, I am not Australian. Many thanks. Delh

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If you will notice...that the two photos have the exact same legs, feet and luggage! Whoever photo shopped this did not do a very good job! blink.png

And not to mention a white line on the photo on the left between the upper half of the body and the lower half, that clearly shows 2 different halves stuck together. Have to question why the Malaysian officials would dummy the photo like that, and in a way so blatantly obvious and that is about as good as a 7 year old trying to do it in 15 seconds. Maybe they felt they had to have full body photos and they did not have one for the photo on the left, so they cut and taped?? It makes them lose credibility and makes them look very unprofessional.

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At any point... I think there will be a couple of stories coming out of this... I wouldn't be surprised(whether it be the mass terroism or some wannabe terroist) blew up the plane..given that there was no distress calls... i guess its time to pull out the sub's and sound the "diving" alarm... find that "lil ole black box"

They should learn to cloud drive those black boxes. with all this satelite technology out there... a doable situation.. anyone want to start a new biz?

Edited by cmiuc
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At any point... I think there will be a couple of stories coming out of this... I wouldn't be surprised(whether it be the mass terroism or some wannabe terroist) blew up the plane..given that there was no distress calls... i guess its time to pull out the sub's and sound the "diving" alarm... find that "lil ole black box"

They should learn to cloud drive those black boxes. with all this satelite technology out there... a doable situation.. anyone want to start a new biz?

some of the planes have black box detectors onboard

specifically the two usa planes which cover 1500 or 2500 square miles an hour ive read

and possibly some of the other aircraft have them as well

they must be thousands of miles in the wrong area completely and i dont see how that could

happen and avoid everyone elses radar in am area already under great military surveilance

from multiple nations ......

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On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

You must have been absent from school the day of the particular geography lesson. IRAN IS IN ASIA "FACT'

Anything else you want top know about which countries being where? coffee1.gif

Sarcasm's lost on you!

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Are they saying Mario Balotelli set off fireworks in the toilet?

one of the airline spokespersons was quoted or misquoted as saying " do you know a footballer by the name of mario baritelli ? "

not sure if he said it in english or it was mistranslated but i think he meant an italian can be any colour/race ,not that the actual italian/stolen passport guy who boarded looks like mario balotelli ........

still a really shitty and careless press release to put out when theres hundreds of famalies who still dont know what happened to their loved ones ......

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Hahaha, what a story !

1. To come to Kuala-Lumpur and then to fly to Beinjing in purpose to reach Germany???

2. "His mother, who was waiting for him to reach Frankfurt". She was waiting him in Iran, of course. But....such a meaningful sentense ))

3. Who will believe to Malaysian investigators, who's country has a frienship with Iran..

Don't mean to be unkind but your conclusions are based on one report which only tells in part what is already known.

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On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

You must have been absent from school the day of the particular geography lesson. IRAN IS IN ASIA "FACT'

Anything else you want top know about which countries being where? coffee1.gif

Thanks for clarifying that for us John.

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"One suspect on missing jet is Iranian, no terror link: Malaysia"

I don't buy this comment, all Khomeini followers are possible terrorists, especially one with a stolen and fake passport. coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

neither of these photshopped goons look anything like mario batotelli :

why would the airline give out such misleading info just yesterday ??

Don't believe anything of the bs Malaysia airline publishes, cover up Iranian passengers with fake passports and told the news some days ago they where non Asians, what are they trying to achieve with all this lying?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

you are wrong, according to wikipeda: Islamic Republic of Iran since 1980, is a country in Western Asia

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

On CNN they still repôrts that the users of the false passports were not Asian men...

Iran is of course situated in Africa

They look Middle Eastern to me !

Islamic Republic of Iran since 1980, is a country in Western Asia

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Fine, now we know a young Iranian was onboard with fake passport, but where the hell is the plane???

How does a jumbo disappear without a trace ?

It's entering x files territory, may be they should consider that as well

Time for Scully and Molder to open the x-files again?

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