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Suthep to call largest rally ever in Bangkok next few days


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As boring and old as this sounds, I am of two minds when it comes to Suthep's call to arms....

My initial reaction was, "Jesus Christ, not again... not another useless mob scene where nothing is accomplished and all that happens is bad traffic, more lawlessness and a few killings..."

But I also realize that Suthep has few options... acting decently will NEVER work... blocking the airport, well that is a no-go and a farmer thing to do.... maybe we should give him some suggestions along the way....

I like his determination... few would stand up to the crotch lickers in office now, so my hats off to Suthep for having the courage to do so.... his means of getting it done are less admirable...

Edited by Blackmirage2013
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Okay, let's see.... are we any closer to a resolution of our problems here in Thailand than 6 months ago?


Therefore, neither Suthep, nor the Shinawatras are our solution.

Can we all agree on that? If so, let's dump them both!


Until we have a reasonable answer, we are just jerking ourselves off and wasting time criticizing everyone but ourselves! laugh.pngclap2.gif

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Oh, Jeeze, yet Another Final Push? How many does that make now? 5? 10? More? Wish someone would give him a "final push" into a klong with the rest of the garbage.

5555 that's the best laugh I've had all day. Thanks!

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Okay, let's see.... are we any closer to a resolution of our problems here in Thailand than 6 months ago?


Therefore, neither Suthep, nor the Shinawatras are our solution.

Can we all agree on that? If so, let's dump them both!


Until we have a reasonable answer, we are just jerking ourselves off and wasting time criticizing everyone but ourselves! laugh.pngclap2.gif

That is the question and it should be left up to the voters after the government has been reformed.

To not reform it first would be a vote for on going corruption. That of course is fully backed by the PTP and the red shirts. It seems that there is a huge class of people who have been sitting back silently accepting it and all of a sudden decided they had enough.

these 6 sharing sessions open to the public could show us a whole new world. I am reserving judgment until after they are over and I hope the media reports it as it is not as one side or the other would like it to be.

I hope I am rite and they fire up the spirit of the peace loving honest citizens. That coupled with the unmasking of the Governments corruption will defiantly put the last nail in the coffin of all Thaksin Shinawatra supporters.

One of two things are liable to happen.

1 The corruption continues on but at a much reduced rate until they figure the people have gone back to sleep or

2 There is an exodus to Dubai.

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Wish I was suthep....

I'll just go round protesting and people will simply give me alms.

When that trickles, I'll tell people I'm NOW collecting funds for the farmers.

When people ask about the money, I'll say it's for hiring lawyers to sue this corrupt regime...

Either way, it's money in my bank

Dam, Wish I was him :)

Edited by desmondspencer
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yawn blink.png

they had their chance to kick her out (about 3 months ago) when they took over the Pheu Thai party headquarters and owned Bangkok!

so why block the streets for 3 months and do nothing?

I dont believe for a second that they wanna get power fairly,, coz their protests are blocking the country's daily doings.

Suthep has such a secret agenda going on, it seems plain as can be.

also: biggest protest ever?

so it means 70,000 people (approx), multiplied by whatever number they feel like.

probably they will declare that 4 million turned up!

not that I am against change... (coz this country is so obviously corrupt and needs attention)..

but I just feel the one who is leading this revolution is such a sly creature in sheeps clothing too!!

he may not be as bad a thaksins corruption,, but there is something massively shady about him too.

out of the two evils, I will happily choose suthep though!!

as with any politics (in any country) people always end up having to choose the better of two evils!

best option is to ignore politics, enjoy your life.

Frankie goes to hollywood video of "Two tribes go to war" springs to mind!!

put the leaders in a ring and let them figh it out :) Lol

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So we can expect more than 6 million people at the rally. Hang on hasn't he already had 15 final pushes? You have already played this script you toolcheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

Try coming up with something new. This is like sitting down and watching the same episode of Gilligans Island over and over and over.

Chooka, I only count 11 FINAL mass ralies that will end in the overtaking of the government, perhaps I missed a couple laugh.png I think that this cats 9 lives are about up thumbsup.gif

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This could be a useful indicator of his current level of support. Maybe if the reds could do the same that would be every more useful.

As for the 'final push' let's hope this doesn't translate to 'going over the top'.

The look in his eyes in the photo show signs of desperation. If he can generate the crowds I suspect there will me more violence. There's also been some gatherings/ rally with the RS going on lately at the CM Convention area. I hear that they are planning for something very soon. I just hope that they ( Reds) don't all go to BKK at the same time as Suthep's rally.

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Who needs Parliament when you have a "Constitutional" Court. The will of the people (parliament) is the most important in a democracy, while in Thailand, the courts are interfering and sabotaging the democracy.

First went the right to free speech and public protest. Now, it's down with the courts, eh!

Another Thaksinista with a 4th grade understanding of what's "most important in a democracy".

Edited by hawker9000
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again? Again some thousands of manipulated people on the street? Can't they see that they are only used??? I'm tired of all these "kindergarten" games. It would be surprising if the yellows would have a program waht they would make better if they are ruling the country. But for this statement I'm waiting since the beginning of these stupid rallies....

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He like more money. So he will organize a new rally so he can collect a few millions.

I bet he will do his final push at least 5 times again

you are so lie !!

he never make the money.

we collect the money for the farmer. who is stole the money from the government.

kamnan thep is have no money anymore !! he sell everything he have for the thai people !!

Thanks for taking on the role of TVF comedian. A word of warning though, after all this nonsense is over, whatever you do don't check out Suthep's wealth, or you may get the shock of your life!wink.png

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When is this freak gonna lay down and take like a man. His revolution doesn't need him because the Thai Judiciary write up Judgments the way their high and elite families tell them to.

Sure the general poisoned the water in Bangkok. Four months after that the High-So and the Dems have added a fatal injection right into the body of Thai law and disorder by telling their incompetent insider sons and lovers what to say and do in court.

Thailand needs these mega-projects in order to rise above democrat and military failures that stultified from their greed, fear and racism. together with their lack of any capability at the craft of nation building.

God help Thailand! The privileged citizens of Thailand seem to be waiting for the builders of the 'Friendship Roads' to come back and build them some free railways too.

There is an easier path, get the Shinawatra's to ask the Chinese to come and build the railways for Thailand.

After all the only leader that ever had the power and initiative to drive Thailand forward in these times of opportunity is the herculean Man-Thai, the one and only Thaksin Shinawatra clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Edited by indyuk
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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

I hope he will not succeed because he will never bring democracy , he will bring only hate and dead to this country.

I never take side to violence, but it would be good for Thailand, economy and the people, if they take him out before it get worse.

Guess a bit of lynching doesn't count, right?

Let's hope he means lynching, because that's the only way to stop this Adolf 2 !

The ones representing the law fail to bring the Suthep, nr 1 terrorist of Thailand in, so the people have to help .


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when is someone going to jail this guy and let thailand return to normal , the government was elected , try this in america and see what happens , its the rule of law and this guy is breaking all the rule's .

No, Thaksin, who was the de facto government, was not elected. Everyone knows that, many don't like the idea of a fugitive criminal in control, and Suthep, for better or for worse, has expoited the fact in grand style. Argue the fact if you want, but you're just pissing in the wind.

And I don't think the US is much in a position to lecture other countries on democratic governance these days.

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when is someone going to jail this guy and let thailand return to normal , the government was elected , try this in america and see what happens , its the rule of law and this guy is breaking all the rule's .

No, Thaksin, who was the de facto government, was not elected. Everyone knows that, many don't like the idea of a fugitive criminal in control, and Suthep, for better or for worse, has expoited the fact in grand style. Argue the fact if you want, but you're just pissing in the wind.

And I don't think the US is much in a position to lecture other countries on democratic governance these days.

No, Thaksin can not be regarded as de facto government, if at all he was merely a private adviser to his elected PM sister Yingluck

Presidents and Prime Ministers democratically elected in their countries have all non-elected private advisers to help and support them personally in creating the political activities needed for their country.

Edited by personchester
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i just booked my tciket to come to bangkok after he stopped the other rallies. Now more rallies? Might as well go to Patts

Pattaya is certainly the holiday destination of most discerning Aussies

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

a thaivisa troll says what??

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i just booked my tciket to come to bangkok after he stopped the other rallies. Now more rallies? Might as well go to Patts

Pattaya is certainly the holiday destination of most discerning Aussies

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

a thaivisa troll says what??


I didn't see that reply the other day when he made it. Lot of no hopers down that way but they are every nationality. Thing about aussies in thailand is they are everywhere and all different sorts.

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when is someone going to jail this guy and let thailand return to normal , the government was elected , try this in america and see what happens , its the rule of law and this guy is breaking all the rule's .

No, Thaksin, who was the de facto government, was not elected. Everyone knows that, many don't like the idea of a fugitive criminal in control, and Suthep, for better or for worse, has expoited the fact in grand style. Argue the fact if you want, but you're just pissing in the wind.

And I don't think the US is much in a position to lecture other countries on democratic governance these days.

No, Thaksin can not be regarded as de facto government, if at all he was merely a private adviser to his elected PM sister Yingluck

Presidents and Prime Ministers democratically elected in their countries have all non-elected private advisers to help and support them personally in creating the political activities needed for their country.

It would have been more correct to say, "actual policy-maker" rather than "de facto government", if you want to mince words. But again, it's an open secret. Everybody knows the score, tho' of course Thaksinistas can't afford to admit it. The rest of us understand, and the anti-government protesters certainly understand, and both we and they by now know much better than to expect any frankness from the reds on this issue.

So now the courts, the "finders of fact" in a democracy, have to be involved. Now all this time the reds who have been so critical of "dem's" and their alleged failure to honor the ever-loving red "majority" aspect of democracy in Thailand, and who contrived every means possible to suppress and disallow the free speech & public protest "thing", now MUST talk out the other side of their mouths about that OTHER aspect of democracy they find objectionable at the moment - the rule of law & the role of the judiciary. And in a supreme show of petulance, are even talking secession! Talk about sour grapes!

Lol. Trying to pass off Thaksin as a legitimate "political advisor"... Yeah, right. Too funny! Pretty much defines the word "euphemism". But Al Capone probably "advised" a few politicians in his day as well... ('Took them some time to get HIM behind bars, too... And hey - that was "tax evasion" - 'guess HE had some money that rightfully belonged to the govt, too!! 'Guess the plane for Dubai must've left without him though.) tongue.png

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