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"earl Has To Die!"

fatter than harry

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I've been driving around Phuket for six months now with a dixie chicks cassette stuck in my stereo. I know that never has a band from the US had a more apt name for crusing the streets of Thailand, however I'm repeatedly frustrated in my efforts to change the tape as I can't find anything better here in Phuket - by better I mean original artists, not air brushed copies of Ellon Jon sings the Hitz.

I have to make a trip to Bangkok this weekend and am asking, nay pleading for any assistance in my search to replace the D. Chicks tape in my car - my god I'm having dreams about the song "Earl has to die!", and I find that when I go to use my bathroom I'm two stepping all the way there :o

Its so wrong. I need to know of any places I can get myself along to that sell cassettes with real music on them.

I know tapes are old hat but I think I've tried almost everywhere in Phuket with no luck, it's not like asking for 8 tracks or anything......<sniff>

Please help, cos I'm feeling the need to buy those snakeskin cowboy boots I see in the shop on my way home from work and that will be the end!

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  • 5 weeks later...

The chicks have gone!

Ahhhh, the joys of retail therapy! I was up in Bangkok again these past few days and I bummed around Siam Centre for five hours, being a blackbelt window shopper starved of action this came easy.

I spent half an hour in Asia Books looking for Keith Moon's Autobiography (not in yet) but in the looking for it I picked up two beauty books (Roscoe - William Kennedy and Cryptonomicon - Neal Stepehnson (one of my top 5 books of all time, lent to a friend, never to be seen again) Then I went into CD Warehouse, I remebered it as Tower records a few years back? Anyways, what a treasure trove of music - I picked up The commodores Machine Gun CD for 275 baht, surely the funk bargin of the century, incidentally a CD which I lent to a friend a while back......I need to get friends with better 'returning stuff' qualities.

To cut to the chase, they had a wall a whole wall of cassettes, I have replaced those d@mnable Dixie Chicks with Norah Jones! Hooray, I can now update my forum profile accordingly!

Thanks for your advice, CD Warehouse gets two big thumbs, it gets no better than that!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The chicks have gone!

Ahhhh, the joys of retail therapy! I was up in Bangkok again these past few days and I bummed around Siam Centre for five hours, being a blackbelt window shopper starved of action this came easy.

I spent half an hour in Asia Books looking for Keith Moon's Autobiography (not in yet) but in the looking for it I picked up two beauty books (Roscoe - William Kennedy and Cryptonomicon - Neal Stepehnson (one of my top 5 books of all time, lent to a friend, never to be seen again) Then I went into CD Warehouse, I remebered it as Tower records a few years back? Anyways, what a treasure trove of music - I picked up The commodores Machine Gun CD for 275 baht, surely the funk bargin of the century, incidentally a CD which I lent to a friend a while back......I need to get friends with better 'returning stuff' qualities.

To cut to the chase, they had a wall a whole wall of cassettes, I have replaced those d@mnable Dixie Chicks with Norah Jones! Hooray, I can now update my forum profile accordingly!

Thanks for your advice, CD Warehouse gets two big thumbs, it gets no better than that!

It is 2004 FTH ... take the leap :o

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