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Yingluck urges foes to hold off on legal salvoes


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This lady is really demented.

How pathetic is it if you dare ask for legal mercy while you behave like a criminal and while your self righteousness drags the whole country into the (financial) abyss? Worst still, there are idiots (binjalin seems to be proudly one of them) who pity this witch!

Acting criminal ??? Please give facts.

Dragging the country into abyss, That is exactly what Suthep is doing, and even worse, if they don't stop him, there will not be much left of Thailand.

Why you call people who not follow your opinion idiots ? and even even post by name, you should be ashamed.

It is very sad to read there are still IDIOTS who love Suthep and his violent thugs !

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

The legal nonsense is self-inflicted through her family's blatant attempts to flout the law to steal the entire cookie jar while granting themselves amnesty. How much of that loan would have ended up in Shincorporated pockets, if it had gone ahead without scrutiny of expenditure?

The immunity covers discussions, not acts of corruption or negligence. Politicians are not above the law.

WRONG anything decided or discussed in PARLIAMENT or by an MP or by a Minister gets immunity in just about every democracy or the Courts would be full like here:

Functional immunity arises from customary international law and treaty law and confers immunities on those performing acts of state (usually a foreign official). Any person who in performing an act of state commits a criminal offence is immune from prosecution. This is so even after the person ceases to perform acts of state. Thus it is a type of immunity limited in the acts to which it attaches (acts of state) but will only end if the state itself ceases to exist. This type of immunity is based on respect for sovereign equality and state dignity.


I refer you to the constitution - Parliamentary privilege covers what is said in Parliamentary discussions. Ministers or MPs are not granted immunity for criminal acts they perform during the course of their other duties, though prosecution has to wait until the session comes to an end.

The info you've quoted appears to concern diplomatic privileges - eg. a Thai official committing an offence while on assignment in another country. In practice some countries or some courts may not honour this (Thailand is one of them).

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Yingluck urges foes to hold off on legal salvoes

Has she urged the red mobs to hold off on the shit salvoes at the NACC? I think not. Surely there are no double standards in her administration.

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How can she humiliate herself in public like this? How would you like to be one of her followers and try and put up an optimistic front after seeing all this? She seems to be asking for a "Time Out." Does she have absolutely no experience with the way real people must face problems?

Being a hi-so, elite Thai from an extremely wealthy family I would venture the answer to your question is probably 'No'.

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I'm sorry to say that it's all a show. Just one big drama for her, tears and all. Just to enrage her supporters to do her bidding without thought, "look the yellows made her cry! Get the yellows!". Give me a break, I hope everything ends soon like everyone is saying, but I don't have as much faith as everyone else.

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Yingluck you are in head of the more corrupt government in the History of Thailand, perhaps you was manipulated by people around you, but like all political people around the world show your responsability, resign !

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"If you are going to use laws to hunt us down every day, how can we find peace in this country?" she asked with a strained voice."

don' break them

OK now I will read the rest of the article.

Well that was a waste of time. The women needs help and I don't mean political advice. She should get out of it. Obviously she is not fit to govern.

"Today we can't proceed with the rice distribution, even though it's lawful. It is obstructed, so how can farmers receive their money? If it becomes a legal case, the money won't be paid to farmers because the case will still be in progress. We will have to wait till it's finished. That means farmers will get paid even later," she said."

Like the money was due months ago and if their is a legal case it is with in the last week. That 2.2 trillion baht was not to cover the loss of money to the rice scheme. She should have paid that before she stepped down. It was due for about two months.

I wonder where she has the money top pay it with.

Why can they not proceed with the distribution of the rice it would help to pay for it. Maybe they are asking more than the world market is willing to pay. That has nothing to do with the Thai farmers seeking to get their money.

Edited by northernjohn
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Yingluck just doesn't get it.

" I believe the checks and balances in society will condemn those who have bad intentions. They won't be able to live in society. This is better than using legal tools and procedures to create deep divisions,'' she said. "

Those who try to circumvent their way through this minefield of words won't be able to do it. It doesn't make sense. How can checks and balances work if people don't use the legal tools to access them ? In what Robert Lewis Stevenson world does dropping all legal action end up helping checks and balances ? This is the most that we have heard from Yingluck in some time, and it's pretty scary. All of a sudden it makes sense why she avoids inquiries and testimony - she doesn't make sense. But what she is doing with great clarity is criticizing the independent agencies, and so she ends up undermining the very system of law she purports to uphold. And like Thaksin - it's all wrapped up with her, and how she is being wronged. Even the veiled threats slipped in surreptitiously are Thaksin through and through - when she talks of those who are bullied fighting back. Perhaps Yingluck should address some comments as to what the UDD are doing in their attempts to stop the NACC from functioning. How exactly does that jive with what she is saying ? Citizen Yingluck - do us all a favour. Do your talking to the NACC. Allow the justice system to proceed.

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While it might appear that independent organisations were not being fair to the government, she said she would like to ask for understanding since the government had good intentions.

Those few remaining independent organisations that PTP hasn't bought out?

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" "This cycle will not end. If we have compassion and forgiveness and leave space for others to stand, I believe the checks and balances in society will condemn those who have bad intentions. They won't be able to live in society. This is better than using legal tools and procedures to create deep divisions,'' she said."

Wrong. The law should be used prosecute the guilty. If you have broken the law then you face the consequences. Enough of this "Let me off, or I'll make sure things get worse" BS. If you are innocent, go to court, if not then go to gaol.

Isn't it strange how this special relationship with the law seems to run in the Shinawatre family... Blood really tells, doesn't it?

Is it time to start the where-will-she-run-to lottery yet? I somehow don't think it'll be Dubai. The Big Red One (apologies to the military unit) probably already not exactly at the top of her hit parade. If Hillary gets elected, she could probably stay in the Lincoln bedroom (if Bill's not using it...). But that's still a few years off, and I doubt Michele would be all that welcoming in the meantime tho' Barack probably wouldn't mind a bit (they did seem to be getting along pretty darn well during his visit in 2012 - some wonderful pics in the Daily Mail Online back on 18NOV2012.)

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

true...but when have you ever seen Yingluck in Parliament??

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

true...but when have you ever seen Yingluck in Parliament??

I don't recall. I wasn't aware that she had been. I haven't seen the details so I can't comment.

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

true...but when have you ever seen Yingluck in Parliament??

haha but you get the point :)

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While it might appear that independent organisations were not being fair to the government, she said she would like to ask for understanding since the government had good intentions.

Those few remaining independent organisations that PTP hasn't bought out?

Or cut the budget for, e.g. 60% cut for the NACC.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

true...but when have you ever seen Yingluck in Parliament??

haha but you get the point smile.png


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