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Necromancer arrested for alleged sexual assaults in Pathum Thani


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The women will of course claim they were "coerced" into having sex. However I have a hard time trying to imagine just how the hell they could be "forced" to do it.

But, I don't actually see the word "rape" used anywhere, so Bluespunk, you are putting words in their mouth here...

It is common Thai folklore knowledge that having sex with a witch-doctor is part of the ทำเสน่ห์ ritual. The women knew very well what's involved.

The magical charm potion they're after is called "ยาแฝด".

It's also correct to refer him as a "necromancer" because some of the other potions that he is able to concoct is a so called น้ำมันพราย which involves ingredients from corpses.

How can coercing someone into sex not be considered rape?

The guy is a scumbag, worthless charlatan rapist piece of crud. Nothing more, probably less.

The guy is a scumbag, worthless charlatan


but rape? no... he tricked and deceived

It's rape. He coerced her. Not tricked. Not deceived. Coerced.

language, language... he tricked her

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hey.. maybe the guy believe in what he does.. some really do, even more crazy !

here is the last news in thai here : http://www.dailynews.co.th/Content/regional/222988/

here is the guy website www.akaravak.com

very cosy ambiance, chill out almost ^^^lol

Have a look at this video from him >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wITCdy-N0rw

he can make magic tricks with a "lingam" ^^

Edited by Zendo
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Nobody but you have been using the word "rape".

Even the girls themselves didn't use this word. If it was "rape" then they obviously would have used the word.

But whatever man, who really cares whatever you think in your head.

At least I think.

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He also "coerced" guys to screw his apprentices and recorded it.. is that a rape too ?

edit : He just got released by the police , his wife too.. they just payed 200.000 bahts , easy !

Yes it is rape.

ask them.. i am not sure they share your point of view ^^

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He also "coerced" guys to screw his apprentices and recorded it.. is that a rape too ?

edit : He just got released by the police , his wife too.. they just payed 200.000 bahts , easy !

Yes it is rape.

ask them.. i am not sure they share your point of view ^^

Ask the woman who was raped.

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Nobody but you have been using the word "rape".

Even the girls themselves didn't use this word. If it was "rape" then they obviously would have used the word.

But whatever man, who really cares whatever you think in your head.

At least I think.

doubtful knowing your postings in other threads - you are a judgmental crusader with little 'thinking' going into the mix but lots of immature emotional outbursts

you are a legend in your own mind no doubt

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These literalist, word-stretching morality commissars are the worst.

It's an identity exercise.

They pop up EVERYWHERE

They seek to destroy any precision that remains in the language and replace it with Neuro-linguistic ravings which they scramble around to refashion into meaningless jibber-jabber.

Once they feel they have fomented a satisfactory level of religious fervour and hysteria, they go on to institutionalize their smug ignorant mutterings with imaginary legitimacy, and quasi-religiosity.

Science? precision? Accuracy ?? Who needs 'em, eh ? When you have a room full of these sensitive types in touch with their feelings.

For these zealots, church just ain't over till all the snakes are back in the bag.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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Nobody but you have been using the word "rape".

Even the girls themselves didn't use this word. If it was "rape" then they obviously would have used the word.

But whatever man, who really cares whatever you think in your head.

At least I think.

doubtful knowing your postings in other threads - you are a judgmental crusader with little 'thinking' going into the mix but lots of immature emotional outbursts

you are a legend in your own mind no doubt

Oh dear, did I hit a nerve.

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Is it really a case of rape, if a woman agrees to have sex, believing for whatsoever stupid reason to benefit from the act and even pays for this "service"?

"She was also allegedly instructed to give him some money and coerced into having sex with him."

Coerced equals rape.

Collins English Dictionary:

Coerce: v , Force, Compel,Coercion,Coercive

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The guy is apparently one of these charismatic pigs but that fact will not factor in.

I can't believe the number of people on these sites who think that the dictionary is the last word on complex issues.

Sorry there Bluespunk but a dictionary will only give you a denotative meaning for a word. (Look THAT word up)

The actual term will be described in law.

Law is derived from society's needs to regulate destructive behaviour.

Anyway, Thais do not take the crime of rape all that seriously.

You are just doing your "white man's burden" routine here.

"What's that?" you ask.

It's the foreign visitor's attitude that his host country would be vastly improved if his hosts ran the place like they do 'over 'ome.

Like I said, the guy's a pig and a charlatan.

You might however be able to raise a mob in a university women's studies department back home but you can forget about making this stick as rape. None too few of this douchebag's male contemporaries will be asking themselves how they can get hooked up like this.

He may even be having a giggle with any uniformed buddies he has.

And if he has committed other crimes, clear-cut crimes, he will be tried for them.

If being a douchebag were a crime here . . . . . , , well . . . . .

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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The guy is apparently one of these charismatic pigs but that fact will not factor in.

I can't believe the number of people on these sites who think that the dictionary is the last word on complex issues.

The dictionary will give you a denotative meaning for a word.

The actual term will be described in law. Law is derived from society's needs to regulate destructive behaviour.

Thais do not take the crime of rape all that seriously.

You are just doing your "white man's burden" routine here. "What's that?" you ask.

It's the foreign visitor's attitude that his host country would be vastly improved if his hosts ran the place like they do 'over 'ome.

Like I said, the guys a pig and a charlatan.

You might be able to raise a mob in the women's studies department back home but you can forget about making this stick as rape.

None too few of this douchebag's contemporaries will be asking themselves how they can get hooked up like this.

And if he has committed other crimes, clear cut crimes, he will be tried for them.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Yes, his crime is the far more vague and harder to define "exploitation of a vulnerable person." If a person is so psychologically fragile that they believe some shady little guy can cure them, find them true love or make them rich, they are clearly vulnerable to any type of scam. He is exploiting their vulnerability for sexual and financial reasons, but this is the fault of the Government for allowing "lone nuts" to hold private one-on-one appointments with women or children, and to couch this meeting as having beneficial medical or profit incentives for the customer. If you are claiming to cure somebody or make them wealthy and more desireable, you need legal certification based on the scientific proof that you can provide these services and that they are effective. Anything less is a scam.

I personally believe in God, but that is my business, I never tried to convert anybody and if they asked me to cure them or make them beautiful and rich, I would laugh till my ears popped. Having a spiritual nature is fine, but until there is concrete evidence that a person's spirit can perform these magical events, it can not be classed as a trade or given certification. The Government should treat this "magician" the same as any other unqualified and unlicensed tradesman, who takes money but provides a shoddy and dangerous service.

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The women should also be arrested for stupidity.

And so should you, if not for stupidity so for thinking your voice should be heard.

Defending ignorance are we?

Better ask your neighborhood shaman or soothsayer about what you should say on your next post. Be aware when he turns out the lights and starts lighting candles. That smell is not incense, it's cologne. Such fools.

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If it was rape, then the women themselves would have used this word.

So, the policed already asked them, but they told they were "coerced" (whatever they exactly meant by that word..)

Also, keep in mind that they probably used another Thai word which was again translated to English "coerced". So unless they used the Thai word "ข่มขืน" it is per Thai definition NOT A RAPE!

This "coerced" may have it's own meaning in English, but whatever Thai word it was translated from, definitely does not mean or imply rape!

Also, I don't really see much different from what the Thai witch doctors are able to provide than for example faithfully believing in a book which is supposed to have been written thousands of years ago, in an almighty "god" and virgin birth and all that mumbo jumbo.

"Shamanism" and "animism" is after all also an ancient form of worship (religion). So one should not judge other religions if oneself believe in a religion.

Edited by Mole
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The sex is part of the complete ritual for the magic to work.

The women would actually have expected the sex, otherwise the rituals would have not been complete and magic not worked fully.

Could it perhaps to entice some farang to send her more money?? The bar girls are also the group of people who tends to be the most superstitious and believe in these rituals.

The fact that the women were willing to do this magic ritual shows they had no good intentions, so they have no sympathy from me (nor from most Thais) whatsoever.

Before you try to pretend to be a white knight and scream "rape", get some elementary knowledge about Thai folklore.

In the eyes of Thais, the blackmailing part was unacceptable and what got him arrested.

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If it was rape, then the women themselves would have used this word.

So, the policed already asked them, but they told they were "coerced" (whatever they exactly meant by that word..)

Also, keep in mind that they probably used another Thai word which was again translated to English "coerced". So unless they used the Thai word "ข่มขืน" it is per Thai definition NOT A RAPE!

This "coerced" may have it's own meaning in English, but whatever Thai word it was translated from, definitely does not mean or imply rape!

Also, I don't really see much different from what the Thai witch doctors are able to provide than for example faithfully believing in a book which is supposed to have been written thousands of years ago, in an almighty "god" and virgin birth and all that mumbo jumbo.

"Shamanism" and "animism" is after all also an ancient form of worship (religion). So one should not judge other religions if oneself believe in a religion.

that's my point about language - rape would be called rape - it wasn't

it was this horny charlatan who trick and abused his position to get his wicked way - a cad! but he did not use violence, blackmail nor drugs as far as is known (at the initial encounter) - just trickery and promises of 'magical gains'

after he used blackmail about their sexual 'trysts' and he should be totally slammed and punished for that the greedy bugger

Edited by binjalin
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Would it not be safe to say that to a greater or lesser degree, there's a little bit of the necromancer in us all ;-)

Now his other crimes . . . . . . the most serious of which seems to be his failure to cut "the lads" into his game are gonna cost him a few hundred thou.

But THIS douchebag and thousands like him are what passes for psychotherapists here. (Not psychologists or psychiatrists . . . . . . *psychotherapists*

Back in the Old Country these guys with their "unconventional therapies" get themselves into this kind of trouble ALL the time.

The Thai variety, especially this hillbilly variety, are a dime a dozen here.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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The guy is apparently one of these charismatic pigs but that fact will not factor in.

I can't believe the number of people on these sites who think that the dictionary is the last word on complex issues.

The dictionary will give you a denotative meaning for a word.

The actual term will be described in law. Law is derived from society's needs to regulate destructive behaviour.

Thais do not take the crime of rape all that seriously.

You are just doing your "white man's burden" routine here. "What's that?" you ask.

It's the foreign visitor's attitude that his host country would be vastly improved if his hosts ran the place like they do 'over 'ome.

Like I said, the guys a pig and a charlatan.

You might be able to raise a mob in the women's studies department back home but you can forget about making this stick as rape.

None too few of this douchebag's contemporaries will be asking themselves how they can get hooked up like this.

And if he has committed other crimes, clear cut crimes, he will be tried for them.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Yes, his crime is the far more vague and harder to define "exploitation of a vulnerable person." If a person is so psychologically fragile that they believe some shady little guy can cure them, find them true love or make them rich, they are clearly vulnerable to any type of scam. He is exploiting their vulnerability for sexual and financial reasons, but this is the fault of the Government for allowing "lone nuts" to hold private one-on-one appointments with women or children, and to couch this meeting as having beneficial medical or profit incentives for the customer. If you are claiming to cure somebody or make them wealthy and more desireable, you need legal certification based on the scientific proof that you can provide these services and that they are effective. Anything less is a scam.

I personally believe in God, but that is my business, I never tried to convert anybody and if they asked me to cure them or make them beautiful and rich, I would laugh till my ears popped. Having a spiritual nature is fine, but

I feel ya there, yunla.

But, c'mon.

Aren't you falling into the old "white man's burden" thingie just a little. With your " until there is concrete evidence that a person's spirit can perform these magical events, it can not be classed as a trade or given certification. The Government should treat this "magician" the same as any other unqualified and unlicensed tradesman, who takes money but provides a shoddy and dangerous service." ???

Who ya gonna call . . . . . The Better Business Bureau ? Ghostbusters ?

The closest thing Thailand has for this is Khun Paveena and as this sleazeball ooga-booga Terdsak took the opportunity to use the news coverage of the bust to LECTURE HER she actually seemed a little uncomfortable in that role.

This might fly in an environment that is sealed hermetically in women's studies claptrap.

Not here.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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The women should also be arrested for stupidity.

As should you.

Don't even go there fool. Unless you were one of these ignorant victims? In that case, then I'm sorry. I'm surprised you can even read.

There used to be a guy sat in a market stall near where I live doing card readings, they came in droves to hear the bull he came off with - all for the tidy sum of 500baht a pop, people are gullible for this shit and unfortunately it's mostly woman, happens in the west too with fortune tellers although in the west there's no sexual abuse involved, it's unfortunate but there are believers in this crap willing to do anything that might give them a better chance than the competition - sad very sad

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Is it really a case of rape, if a woman agrees to have sex, believing for whatsoever stupid reason to benefit from the act and even pays for this "service"?

"She was also allegedly instructed to give him some money and coerced into having sex with him."

Coerced equals rape.

Sorry to be pedantic but depends on the circumstances and the translators choice of the word coerce.

If she was coerced i.e. intimidated,threatened, blackmailed or extorted into sex, then its rape.

If she believed that having sex was part of the ritual and went willingly in the full knowledge that sex would take place then it would be hard to prove rape. She sought him out and knowingly paid for a service which she knew would include having intercourse. By her actions she gave both tacit and explicit consent.

If she had gone for a ceremony of some sort, which didn't usually or as a matter of common knowledge include sexual intercourse, and the shaman had tried to induce her to have sex on the grounds that this would make whatever work, then that might be interpreted as psychological coercion and therefore rape by some judges.

This Shaman may be a distasteful scheming manipulator of the gullible but an awful lot of people believe this type of thing and not just in Thailand. I don't know how much of this goes on and how often women in Thailand agree to sex as part of making the magic work. No doubt if common and openly known it will form part of his defense.

He would likely get roasted in most Western countries' courts but here, well, we shall see.

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The sex is part of the complete ritual for the magic to work.

The women would actually have expected the sex, otherwise the rituals would have not been complete and magic not worked fully.

Could it perhaps to entice some farang to send her more money?? The bar girls are also the group of people who tends to be the most superstitious and believe in these rituals.

The fact that the women were willing to do this magic ritual shows they had no good intentions, so they have no sympathy from me (nor from most Thais) whatsoever.

Before you try to pretend to be a white knight and scream "rape", get some elementary knowledge about Thai folklore.

In the eyes of Thais, the blackmailing part was unacceptable and what got him arrested.

Interesting comments. I know several farangs who married ex bar girls. They all worked near one another. They all have the same small tattoo. Wifey explained that when these girls met a suitable farang they all went to some place to do some "black magic" up country to make the farang love them and always look after them.

I have no idea what the ritual entailed. This was a minority but all the other Thai ladies were very wary of this and didn't want to talk about it.

Not saying the girls who did this were bad - just that they believed this superstition and luck was needed to get a better life.

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This supersition is very common here and everywhere else, even on catholic contries where it is "prohibited" by the religion which brought LIGHT into darkness ages.. on their opinion of course.

Anyway all the rituals here involve Spirits: how to get attention from them so they can protect you, give you help in life or anything else, there are good spirits and bad spirits, but if you can find a Thai that does not believe in "PII" I want to meet him or her, I'll be glad to have a good talk with such an enlighted mind ! Even monks are so down to that.. amazing because that is not buddhism at all, all the spirits (taras) are only representation of your own tweaked mind and exists only in your head, but bouddha is dead long time ago, we can make him say what suits us the most, same for Jesus etc..

Best Regards to all, even to the "believers" in whatsoever they want to believe in.

In my opinion shamanism, religion etc.. are just for KIDS in spirituality, once you grow up you don't need these kind of crutch and can live your life with open eyes, but that needs a lots of courage to get out of the crowd and the "cultural jail".

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I feel ya there, yunla.

But, c'mon.

Aren't you falling into the old "white man's burden" thingie just a little. With your " until there is concrete evidence that a person's spirit can perform these magical events, it can not be classed as a trade or given certification. The Government should treat this "magician" the same as any other unqualified and unlicensed tradesman, who takes money but provides a shoddy and dangerous service." ???

Who ya gonna call . . . . . The Better Business Bureau ? Ghostbusters ?

The closest thing Thailand has for this is Khun Paveena and as this sleazeball ooga-booga Terdsak took the opportunity to use the news coverage of the bust to LECTURE HER she actually seemed a little uncomfortable in that role.

This might fly in an environment that is sealed hermetically in women's studies claptrap.

Not here.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Well my post is in the context of the OP with a woman being essentially duped into sexual acts with this man. He is not a doctor or an accountant etc. and so he can not claim to cure people or help people with their finances. If he makes that claim he should prove it, and if successful his practice should be certified as legit. It is mainly a protective measure, to stop people being conned. Some people fall for the Prince Bububu emails and send thousands of dollars to help the Prince, on the promise he will make them incredibly wealthy when he regains his throne. Society has to protect people from scams, that is especially true of some gullible senior citizens and children. For example a person like this necromancer, I would want children and OAPs protected from people like this, but there is no way to do that if there is no regulation of unlicensed quackademics and charlatans.

It is also different in f.ex the Amazon shamanic tribes, most of their medicine and ritual is for the tribe itself, and abuse of status would receive tribal retribution. But if it is not a close and harmonious tribe, and just some random guy in a shed somewhere who claims he can cure you with potions or by sexual acts, that is just a cheap and nasty scam for which there is often no retribution.

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Religious belief of any kind is an autonomous relationship between you and the divine being in question, and does not require the addition of a third party - be that Priest, Rabbi, Mullah or any representative of the paganistic beliefs. Adding a third party opens up the opportunity for exploitation of your beliefs, be that financial or sexual or military exploitation.

Blessed be our protestant brothers and sisters.

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