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Why Don't Christian Missionaries Tip?

Ulysses G.

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Well I guess somebody has to post it.

I take exception to the statement that Christians don't tip.

Lets say I spend quite a bit of time in a restaruant that also caters to some of the Christian Community. Or at least I spend quite a bit of time in the bar section of the restaurant. Second beer is free u no.

I get to watch a lot of these people come in eat and talk much like anybody else, and at the end of the meal the vast majority of them do leave a tip. Some of it is the folding kind that they stuff into the tip jar, but most is the rattling coin type.

I too was raised a Catholic, but must admit that it has probably been a generation since seeing the inside of a church.

Yes there are those as described in most of the posts above, but all Christians should not painted with the "generality" brush any more so than all of us older gents should be painted with the whorermonger, drunkard, pedo, brush.


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Oh not that anti semite sh*t again, anytime someone dare to speak about jews.

Who knows why the comment about black people past completely unnoticed and not remarked as racist by the same poster :o

Anyone have seen the throw up- bucket around :D

Well, the truth is I have heard thousands of times that black people do not as a group tip well. I have just heard it, I don't know, because I don't watch other people's tips and I have never worked in the restaurant industry. It is also commonly said that Canadians and Australians as a group tip poorly for cultural reasons. But, really, have never really heard any bad words about Jews not tipping, other than the anti semitic stereotypes of so called Jewish cheapness, who has????
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Oh not that anti semite sh*t again, anytime someone dare to speak about jews.

Who knows why the comment about black people past completely unnoticed and not remarked as racist by the same poster :o

Anyone have seen the throw up- bucket around :D

Well, the truth is I have heard thousands of times that black people do not as a group tip well. I have just heard it, I don't know, because I don't watch other people's tips and I have never worked in the restaurant industry. It is also commonly said that Canadians and Australians as a group tip poorly for cultural reasons. But, really, have never really heard any bad words about Jews not tipping, other than the anti semitic stereotypes of so called Jewish cheapness, who has????

I worked for tips for many years and American Jewish people - in general - are some of the most generous tippers around. I don't know about Israelis.

A lot of African Americans are quite demanding and don't tip at all and it causes a lot of resentment from people who are not racist, but don't like to serve other people without being paid properly for it.

I have never noticed Canadian tipping habits at all because - let's face it - they are just very cold Americans who say, "eh" a little too much.

Australians tended to be frugal with tips, but they did tip and they were so pleasant about it that it never bothered me. Same with the Japanese. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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To be fair, Thailand was not always a Buddhist country so I assume Buddhist missionaries must have been here at some time. I don’t think they tipped but then that was a long time ago.

I do think it would be kind of funny to see the Christian missionaries come into Dukes with a silver bowl asking for food every morning.

In a way of course this is done every Sunday. Maybe if you put a pork chop on the plate instead of a coin we could solve the tipping problem.

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I think the first post is more revealing of the OP's religious bigotry than his knowledge of Thai culture. True, you don't tip in Thai culture except for a couple of westernized areas of Thailand (farang-frequented businesses in Bangkok and ChiangMai).

I also know several groups of non-tipping Christian missionaries in Isaan who are doing some practical good in the community (medical assistance, welfare relief, etc.), and are highly respected/appreciated by the locals (Buddhists and Christians alike). They don't seem to be "scalp collectors", neither do they shove their religion down anyone's throats.

Remember, there's a lot of diversity lumped into the broad paintbrush of "Christian". It's like saying "All Brits are cheapskates." Neither accurate nor fair. My condolences to you for having run into those cretans (oh my goodness, another broad paintbrush!). But don't blame God, Christianity, and the 100 million other Christians. If you do, my diagnosis of your perception: short-sighted, IMHO.

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I like good food and I don't have any place to cook so I eat out 3 times a day....

These missionaries seem to live high-on-the-hog.

Have we got just a wee lil' bit of hypocrisy going here?

I eat out 3 times a day too, but it's because it's cheaper to do so (at 20-baht a meal in my area). In my busy schedule, it also saves me a good 2 hours a day (or more) in food preparation/clean-up. Is it possible the target you're throwing mud at might have some of the same palatable reasons?

Frankly, your rationale about yourself is pretty weak. Why not spend a couple thousand baht for a used fridge and gas ring, take a month of cooking lessons, and feel better about yourself? Then you won't have to spend your evenings sulking over in your the corner of the restaurant, fretting over the non-tipping holy rollers. Life could be so much sweeter...

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If Christian missionaries are in Thailand to do good works, that is great, but the reality is that a good number of them are sent to make conversions and "save souls" so lets not be naive about that. As such, how do they even get visas? Because that seems more a threat to Thai culture than foreigners owning a house. I never heard of a Thai monk at a Thai wat in the west actively seeking to convert Christians to Buddha.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Who cares? Religion is all fraud designed to help the weak make it through life.

Somehow I do picture Jack Nicholson's usual movie characters swaggering around with bravado statements such as that (good avatar!).

Nevertheless, strange how people with this viewpoint do a 180-degree-turn-around in a battlefield foxhole or on a deathbed. It's called an "Appointment with Reality."

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As such, how do they even get visas? Because that seems more a threat to Thai culture than foreigners owning a house.

Because the culture and government of Thailand are more committed to religious pluralism than you are, apparently. My Thai university students love having contact with westerners of different religions because of the diversity of philosophy and thought they are exposed to. You should relax your western paranoia about religion and catch the local spirit. It's liberating.

I never heard of a Thai monk at a Thai wat in the west actively seeking to convert Christians to Buddha.

Then you ain't been around buddy. I've been to a number of Thai wats in the Seattle area, all with quite active proselityzing programs. Take a Bangkok Airways flight on a Sunday morning, and catch the evangelistic Buddhist video all the passengers are subject to, willingly or not. The western farang audience is the obvious marketing target. It even ends with a Billy Graham-style "invitation." Geez.

It's the nature of religion. They all feel they have the "medicine" to cure society's ills, and are therefore not ashamed to dole it out. You seem to be quite naive on the subject.

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ThaiQuila, we're missing a few angles here on this multi-issue topic. Do gays tip straights, and vice versa? Do messianic Jews tip differently from Gentile Christians? Barnie Frank is a gay politician; how does he tip missionaries who serve him in southern Thailand, when he's with Muslim terrorists who are hosting TRT Chinese-Thai Cabinet ministers? The varieties are endless.

You guys need to get out more, and meet more missionaries. I spent many months in Chiapas, Mexico, long after my Baptist professor of religion warned us against the Jesuits. Nicest guys in the world, those Mexican Jesuit missionaries. Here's thinking of you, Padres Pablo and Diego. But doggone it, I forget how well they tipped.

I waited on tables in Austin and San Antonio when I had a powerful professional day job. The Cheapest Charlies were Hispanics; no doubt about it. And I'm a great champion of Mexican-Americans; half my grandkids are 50% M-A. But in the Denny's type of restaurants where I waited, working class Mexican-Americans had the worst tipping reputation.

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Guest endure
I worked for tips for many years and American Jewish people - in general - are some of the most generous tippers around. I don't know about Israelis.

A lot of African Americans are quite demanding and don't tip at all and it causes a lot of resentment from people who are not racist, but don't like to serve other people without being paid properly for it.

Shouldn't the 'paying properly' bit be the responsibility of their employer rather than their customers?

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Guest endure
Remember, there's a lot of diversity lumped into the broad paintbrush of "Christian". It's like saying "All Brits are cheapskates." Neither accurate nor fair. My condolences to you for having run into those cretans

Blimey! What have Greeks got to do with it? :o:D

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Do you know the difference beween a Canadian and a Canoe ??????



A canoe will tip



Where did you steal that one Gonzo?

Back in the days of selling swampland to Canadians, in Good ole Florida..

They as foreigners could buy and own swampland in Florida


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A friend of mine left an 800 baht tip to a waitress once. We were all too drunk to even think it might be a bad idea despite the waitress trying to convince us she could not accept it.

I once gave 1000 baht to a tuk tuk driver as well.

It's like that old Chaplin movie with the big company director who does not recognize bummy Chaplin when he's sober, only when he's drunk...

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ThaiQuila, we're missing a few angles here on this multi-issue topic. Do gays tip straights, and vice versa? Do messianic Jews tip differently from Gentile Christians? Barnie Frank is a gay politician; how does he tip missionaries who serve him in southern Thailand, when he's with Muslim terrorists who are hosting TRT Chinese-Thai Cabinet ministers? .

If you read Barnies Blog, you will see he is not in southern thailand with missionaries, he has ajob circumsizing elephants ..... Doesn't pay much but the tips are big. :D

Thats intended as a joke mods and missionaries. :o

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If you read Barnies Blog, you will see he is not in southern thailand with missionaries, he has ajob circumsizing elephants ..... Doesn't pay much but the tips are big. :D

Thats intended as a joke mods and missionaries. :o

Gonzo mate, you've just got to stop drinking that polish remover, they're getting worse :D

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I like good food and I don't have any place to cook so I eat out 3 times a day....

These missionaries seem to live high-on-the-hog.

Have we got just a wee lil' bit of hypocrisy going here?

I eat out 3 times a day too, but it's because it's cheaper to do so (at 20-baht a meal in my area). In my busy schedule, it also saves me a good 2 hours a day (or more) in food preparation/clean-up. Is it possible the target you're throwing mud at might have some of the same palatable reasons?

Frankly, your rationale about yourself is pretty weak. Why not spend a couple thousand baht for a used fridge and gas ring, take a month of cooking lessons, and feel better about yourself? Then you won't have to spend your evenings sulking over in your the corner of the restaurant, fretting over the non-tipping holy rollers. Life could be so much sweeter...

I'm not sure what you are babbling about.

I eat out most of the time because I am busy running a business and I can easily afford to. I don't want to cook at home.

I also tip fairly well to express my appreciation to the staff for taking care of me. IMHO, if one isn't willing to do this, one should make one's own meals or eat in a Thai or foreign fast food restaurant where the staff don't expect or depend on tips.

Supposedly religious people who take advantage of the less fortunate without compensating them for their efforts is what I call "a wee lil' bit of hypocrisy." If it isn't some sort of sin, it should be. :o

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I eat out most of the time because I am busy running a business and I can easily afford to. I don't want to cook at home. :o

Oh, now we have more information to save him from the hypocracy accusation. But those aren't the reasons you gave us.

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We're all still waiting on the OP to answer how he identifies this group as "Christian Missionaries."

I don't know who gave the below earlier answer, but it sounds like a group of left-over hippies from the 60's, or a Mormon harem from backwoods Utah. :o Not the missionaries I've seen running about Thailand.

I'd tend to suspect groups of wives, all with young children on their hips, wearing lace-hats & dull-coloured floor-length dresses.
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I eat out most of the time because I am busy running a business and I can easily afford to. I don't want to cook at home. :D

Oh, now we have more information to save him from the hypocracy accusation. But those aren't the reasons you gave us.

That because I didn't give you any "reasons". I just mentioned that I don't cook at home. :o

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1) I like good food and 2) I don't have any place to cook

so I eat out 3 times a day.

D*MN! (to quote a famous missionary).

We can read.

Two reasons.

Count 'em.

U-G. Your rebuttals are starting to look ridiculous. Quit while you're ahead! :o

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We're all still waiting on the OP to answer how he identifies this group as "Christian Missionaries."

I have lived here for many years and I know who most of them are from meeting them here and there. :D

So, what are the tell-tale signs for the rest of us? Is it the babies on the hip? :D

Dang it--I forgot already. It's the tight-wads who don't tip. :o

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I don't think anyone mentioned this, but, at least in BKK, some places work a tip into the bill. I've gone to pay a bill only to have my Thai girlfriend point out that I'd already been charged a gratuity.

I tend to tip more at little places run by the same people that work there. I figure I'm giving the money direclty to them.

Just today I kept trying to tell a lady at one inexpensive restaurant that I didn't need change, but she insisted on giving it back to me.

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1) I like good food and 2) I don't have any place to cook

so I eat out 3 times a day.


U-G. Your rebuttals are starting to look ridiculous. Quit while you're ahead! :D

Exactly what I was going to tell you.

I don't have any place to cook because I don't want to cook.

Kow jai mai? :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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We're all still waiting on the OP to answer how he identifies this group as "Christian Missionaries."

I have lived here for many years and I know who most of them are from meeting them here and there. :D

So, what are the tell-tale signs for the rest of us? Is it the babies on the hip? :D

Dang it--I forgot already. It's the tight-wads who don't tip. :o

Now you are starting to catch on. :D

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