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Army chief warns redshirt hardcore leaders of tough retaliation if force is used


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"Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?

As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

They actually built the system.

The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?


Have you any more silly questions?

OK, sweet. I, or anybody else, could not possibly dispute such brilliance.

All you need to do now is relay your staggeringly genius rebuttal to about 15 or 16 million Thai voters, convince them of your unequalled wisdom, and then the Democrats get back on with the stellar job they were doing before Thaksin so rudely interrupted them (and made them look 3rd rate)

On the last elections (2011) the popular vote difference between the two parties was more like 3 million. The Democrat party still won about 11.5 million votes. So they really don't need to "convert" all the Pheu Thai voters.

Surely once NorthernJohn informs the masses that the Democrats have the best overall ability to rule the country because - reality, then all 15 - 16 million will swarm over to the Democrats (all muttering to themselves "how did we overlook reality, how could we be so dull as to not think of reality, we may in fact be the buffalos they often claim that we are".

BTW: If a northerner votes Democrat, does it mean they're not buffalos?

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As much as I despise the red shirts and Jatuporn, it's funny to hear the army chief talk about honour.

11 coups since 1932, a couple of massacres, gross incompetence in the south, corrupt to its core with a ludicrous amount of generals with too much money to ever spend in a lifetime

If the army and police could both be reformed this country would take a gigantic step forwards but NO ONE has the balls to stand up to the army because they know the consequences are just too severe

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As much as I despise the red shirts and Jatuporn, it's funny to hear the army chief talk about honour.

11 coups since 1932, a couple of massacres, gross incompetence in the south, corrupt to its core with a ludicrous amount of generals with too much money to ever spend in a lifetime

If the army and police could both be reformed this country would take a gigantic step forwards but NO ONE has the balls to stand up to the army because they know the consequences are just too severe

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Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

Based on what?


Have you any more silly questions?

OK, sweet. I, or anybody else, could not possibly dispute such brilliance.

All you need to do now is relay your staggeringly genius rebuttal to about 15 or 16 million Thai voters, convince them of your unequalled wisdom, and then the Democrats get back on with the stellar job they were doing before Thaksin so rudely interrupted them (and made them look 3rd rate)

On the last elections (2011) the popular vote difference between the two parties was more like 3 million. The Democrat party still won about 11.5 million votes. So they really don't need to "convert" all the Pheu Thai voters.

Surely once NorthernJohn informs the masses that the Democrats have the best overall ability to rule the country because - reality, then all 15 - 16 million will swarm over to the Democrats (all muttering to themselves "how did we overlook reality, how could we be so dull as to not think of reality, we may in fact be the buffalos they often claim that we are".

BTW: If a northerner votes Democrat, does it mean they're not buffalos?

They don't have to convince all of them (or any of them, for that matter), they just need to convince enough to win. Not 15-16 million, anyway.

As for the buffalo issue - I wouldn't know, wasn't in my post. But being "honest", you probably noticed that.

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I have taken this section from a post I made in another thread today,I think it is a relevant comment on the situation.

Those aforementioned parties, Ko-Tee, Jutuporn, Thida and many others including the rank and file Red Shirt pawns in their merry red band would do well to remember these lines below from ''The Old Shikarri by Rudyard Kipling....

Go stalk the red deer (Red Shirt treasonable leaders) o'er the heather.

Ride, follow the fox (Red Shirts treasonable leaders) if you can.

But for pleasure and profit together.

Allow me the hunting of ( Ko-tee, Jutuporn and Thida to a) man.

The chase of the Human (Red Shirt treasonable leaders) the search for the soul.

To its ruin.... the hunting of (The Red Shirt treasonable leaders to a) man

Both my thanks to the late Rudyard Kipling for those lines, and my apologies for the re-editing of part of those lines to fit with the current scenario

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Looks like double standard to me. Why did the good General not say this to Mr. Suthep and his Friendly and Peaceful protesters when they tried to storm government offices, blocked right to people to vote, threatened to kidnap government officials, etc? The Good General is clearly biased.

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Looks like double standard to me. Why did the good General not say this to Mr. Suthep and his Friendly and Peaceful protesters when they tried to storm government offices, blocked right to people to vote, threatened to kidnap government officials, etc? The Good General is clearly biased.

Apples and oranges....demonstrators vs. Molotovs & M 79 grenades. C'mon. Army is the only thing that counters an all-out dictatorship by PT that seizes control over any and all political opponents, challenges and checks and balances (and they keep on trying to do exactly that). Time to bring on the coup when another rowdy corrupt band of liege lords overstep boundaries and, serve self interest and don't obey and openly refuse to obey the laws of the land.

Edited by gemini81
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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday, in the face of military provocations of him and the UDD/RS's.......A speech the pro-military and pro-amart media has very carefully avoided.

Apparently, Jatuporn sounded a warning: "the UDD would not bow to any move to destroy democracy, vowing to fight to the end."

He accused Suthep Thaugsuban and his anti-democrats "of conspiring with the ammart, or the old elite network of political patronage, to topple the elected government." And he noted that "the ammart wield influence over independent organisations under the 2007 constitution and has close ties to the military." He also "accused some senior military officers of conspiring with the ammart."

As Suthep's street support declines, Jatuporn reckoned that "the ammart will use its influence over independent organisations to apply pressure on the government." That's already happening. Jatuporn set out a "timetable" that he says the amart have for ousting the government.

Jatuporn observed: "We will never win in the ammart's arena so we will not fight on their field but in our arena, the people's field...".

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday, in the face of military provocations of him and the UDD/RS's.......A speech the pro-military and pro-amart media has very carefully avoided.

Apparently, Jatuporn sounded a warning: "the UDD would not bow to any move to destroy democracy, vowing to fight to the end."

He accused Suthep Thaugsuban and his anti-democrats "of conspiring with the ammart, or the old elite network of political patronage, to topple the elected government." And he noted that "the ammart wield influence over independent organisations under the 2007 constitution and has close ties to the military." He also "accused some senior military officers of conspiring with the ammart."

As Suthep's street support declines, Jatuporn reckoned that "the ammart will use its influence over independent organisations to apply pressure on the government." That's already happening. Jatuporn set out a "timetable" that he says the amart have for ousting the government.

Jatuporn observed: "We will never win in the ammart's arena so we will not fight on their field but in our arena, the people's field...".

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

Its not what is said; it is the behavior, the actions. The only promises this punk has ever delivered are the violent ones. Threats of violence, and the next day, there they are.

He is referring to using violence and intimidation as a means to hid feudal objectives.

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Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish.

That Suthep's comments would somehow be spun 180 degrees and he is accused of war-mongering is hardly surprising given the source of the red shirt supporting distortion.

Also, as is repeatedly shown by the red shirters is that quotes are thrown out willy nilly without links to verify what they are claiming.

If they were smart enough to have a link they would be too smart to be a red shirt.

More willy nilly throwing by red shirters without linked verification.


An unreported - by media design - speech by the leader of this major political movement, made some charges against Prayuth and the military. Something to the effect of questioning why Prayuth has all these military bunkers in BKK, and paying over 700.00 baht each soldier for this duty, at around 100 soldiers per bunker............when n fact, they are manned by only around 10 soldiers.......And what is this thing about paying soldiers 250.00 Baht for southern duty, and 700.00 baht in BKK.

This according to what I am told.....One who is Thai-language proficient only needs to refer to Jatuporn's speech on AsiaUpdate to verify if this was said, and if so, investigate it for confirmation, or otherwise.....same holds for other charges made.

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The army have shown remarkable restraint this time around. We can only hope that the red shirt rhetoric is just that.

Of course it is - they wouldn't dare take on the mighty army.

Why not?

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Viet Minh took on the French Army in Indo China.. The French Army Lost

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Vietcong took on the US Army in South Vietnam.. The American Army lost

The dish dash flip flop wearing Mujihadeen took on the Soviet Army in Afghanistan... The Russian Army Lost ( They never pacified the Mujihadeen)

The didh dash flip flop wearing Insurgents took on the entire Coalition in Iraq.... The Coalition Army withdrew ( They never ended the insurgency, it's still ongoing today, and Al Qiada still has control of Fallujah and Ramadi)

Never underestimate your enemy wink.png Many General's with proven Battle and Combat experience lost their positions due to their inability to beat a simple enemy who had little to no technology at their finger tips wink.png

You do realise that each war you mentioned there was foreign aggressors on foreign soil - when it is your own country and your own people you are fighting for, it is a whole different ball of wax. There is no way the Reds 100k/600k/whatever would take on the Thai military head to head, they would be charging stolen trucks against modern tanks - carnage for sure, but one sided too. It would start restrained on the army side, but after a few nasty events, that would change - it would be terrible, and no one in their right mind should welcome it (not saying you do of course). I don't think the Reds are organised or trained well enough (or devoted enough perhaps) to last the very long time a guerrilla war would take - there are too many hot heads - it would be carnage.

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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday, in the face of military provocations of him and the UDD/RS's.......A speech the pro-military and pro-amart media has very carefully avoided.

Apparently, Jatuporn sounded a warning: "the UDD would not bow to any move to destroy democracy, vowing to fight to the end."

He accused Suthep Thaugsuban and his anti-democrats "of conspiring with the ammart, or the old elite network of political patronage, to topple the elected government." And he noted that "the ammart wield influence over independent organisations under the 2007 constitution and has close ties to the military." He also "accused some senior military officers of conspiring with the ammart."

As Suthep's street support declines, Jatuporn reckoned that "the ammart will use its influence over independent organisations to apply pressure on the government." That's already happening. Jatuporn set out a "timetable" that he says the amart have for ousting the government.

Jatuporn observed: "We will never win in the ammart's arena so we will not fight on their field but in our arena, the people's field...".

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

So, basically, he has nothing new. Just tired old "bad amart", "bad military" propaganda.

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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

Could you wait to post your alleged information until AFTER you have a postable link or scanned transcript to post with it? These unverified, unsourced, unlinked supposed quotes are getting monotonous.

Thank you.


Edited by kuthow
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The army have shown remarkable restraint this time around. We can only hope that the red shirt rhetoric is just that.

Of course it is - they wouldn't dare take on the mighty army.

Why not?

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Viet Minh took on the French Army in Indo China.. The French Army Lost

The pyjama, tyre tubed shoe wearing Vietcong took on the US Army in South Vietnam.. The American Army lost

The dish dash flip flop wearing Mujihadeen took on the Soviet Army in Afghanistan... The Russian Army Lost ( They never pacified the Mujihadeen)

The didh dash flip flop wearing Insurgents took on the entire Coalition in Iraq.... The Coalition Army withdrew ( They never ended the insurgency, it's still ongoing today, and Al Qiada still has control of Fallujah and Ramadi)

Never underestimate your enemy wink.png Many General's with proven Battle and Combat experience lost their positions due to their inability to beat a simple enemy who had little to no technology at their finger tips wink.png

You do realise that each war you mentioned there was foreign aggressors on foreign soil - when it is your own country and your own people you are fighting for, it is a whole different ball of wax. There is no way the Reds 100k/600k/whatever would take on the Thai military head to head, they would be charging stolen trucks against modern tanks - carnage for sure, but one sided too. It would start restrained on the army side, but after a few nasty events, that would change - it would be terrible, and no one in their right mind should welcome it (not saying you do of course). I don't think the Reds are organised or trained well enough (or devoted enough perhaps) to last the very long time a guerrilla war would take - there are too many hot heads - it would be carnage.

Not quite accurate, neither the French or the Americans in South were Invaders or Aggressors, they came in in advisory roles at the bequest of the Governments at the time..

The point I was making was that don't assume that a well trained and equipped Army will run circles around indigenous personnel ;)

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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday, in the face of military provocations of him and the UDD/RS's.......A speech the pro-military and pro-amart media has very carefully avoided.

Apparently, Jatuporn sounded a warning: "the UDD would not bow to any move to destroy democracy, vowing to fight to the end."

He accused Suthep Thaugsuban and his anti-democrats "of conspiring with the ammart, or the old elite network of political patronage, to topple the elected government." And he noted that "the ammart wield influence over independent organisations under the 2007 constitution and has close ties to the military." He also "accused some senior military officers of conspiring with the ammart."

As Suthep's street support declines, Jatuporn reckoned that "the ammart will use its influence over independent organisations to apply pressure on the government." That's already happening. Jatuporn set out a "timetable" that he says the amart have for ousting the government.

Jatuporn observed: "We will never win in the ammart's arena so we will not fight on their field but in our arena, the people's field...".

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

Its not what is said; it is the behavior, the actions. The only promises this punk has ever delivered are the violent ones. Threats of violence, and the next day, there they are.

He is referring to using violence and intimidation as a means to hid feudal objectives.

I keep wondering why the PAD-Dem's hate Jatuporn so much....Their over-the-top references, in this case to a "punk", is as clear a manifestation as possible, of the saying, "me thinks they protest too much"..

I'm sure the Amart is pining away for the good ole days of 2006, when a coup was so much easier, without this huge swath of a politicized electorate to deal with, in large part due to this "punk".

Yup, he definitely refers to using violence and intimidation if the Amart tries to invalidate the votes of the electoral majority...Let there be no doubt about that....They and their so-called Independent Agencies are forewarned. Their drive to destroy this elected Government will have consequences.

My advice to them, is...#1 - to quit demonizing these political adversaries, and alienating all their voters, and figure out a way to defeat them in an election,..... and #2 - Accept and respect Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy.

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Not quite accurate, neither the French or the Americans in South were Invaders or Aggressors, they came in in advisory roles at the bequest of the Governments at the time..

The point I was making was that don't assume that a well trained and equipped Army will run circles around indigenous personnel wink.png

You do realise that each war you mentioned there was foreign aggressors on foreign soil - when it is your own country and your own people you are fighting for, it is a whole different ball of wax. There is no way the Reds 100k/600k/whatever would take on the Thai military head to head, they would be charging stolen trucks against modern tanks - carnage for sure, but one sided too. It would start restrained on the army side, but after a few nasty events, that would change - it would be terrible, and no one in their right mind should welcome it (not saying you do of course). I don't think the Reds are organised or trained well enough (or devoted enough perhaps) to last the very long time a guerrilla war would take - there are too many hot heads - it would be carnage.

I didn't say "invaders" I said foreign aggressors on foreign soil - which they all were - even if they were only the aggressor to one side (usually the majority) - and the reasons for their initial landing on that soil is here-nor-there when the guns start firing (and Agent Orange starts pouring). They were not indigenous, were not naturally adapted to jungle or desert warfare like those you listed were, did not have the cultural/natural resource of "friendly" villages etc or the trust of the common people. The Thai Army are indigenous too are they not? I do take your point about conceitism though and agree, it is never a done deal - and there are likely to be some units that swap sides or at least fair numbers of desertions (and accidental shooting of battle field commanders).

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I finally was able to glean some more information from Jatuporn's speech yesterday, in the face of military provocations of him and the UDD/RS's.......A speech the pro-military and pro-amart media has very carefully avoided.

Apparently, Jatuporn sounded a warning: "the UDD would not bow to any move to destroy democracy, vowing to fight to the end."

He accused Suthep Thaugsuban and his anti-democrats "of conspiring with the ammart, or the old elite network of political patronage, to topple the elected government." And he noted that "the ammart wield influence over independent organisations under the 2007 constitution and has close ties to the military." He also "accused some senior military officers of conspiring with the ammart."

As Suthep's street support declines, Jatuporn reckoned that "the ammart will use its influence over independent organisations to apply pressure on the government." That's already happening. Jatuporn set out a "timetable" that he says the amart have for ousting the government.

Jatuporn observed: "We will never win in the ammart's arena so we will not fight on their field but in our arena, the people's field...".

Try to obtain a transcript of this speech to verify my comments above.

Its not what is said; it is the behavior, the actions. The only promises this punk has ever delivered are the violent ones. Threats of violence, and the next day, there they are.

He is referring to using violence and intimidation as a means to hid feudal objectives.

I keep wondering why the PAD-Dem's hate Jatuporn so much....Their over-the-top references, in this case to a "punk", is as clear a manifestation as possible, of the saying, "me thinks they protest too much"..

I'm sure the Amart is pining away for the good ole days of 2006, when a coup was so much easier, without this huge swath of a politicized electorate to deal with, in large part due to this "punk".

Yup, he definitely refers to using violence and intimidation if the Amart tries to invalidate the votes of the electoral majority...Let there be no doubt about that....They and their so-called Independent Agencies are forewarned. Their drive to destroy this elected Government will have consequences.

My advice to them, is...#1 - to quit demonizing these political adversaries, and alienating all their voters, and figure out a way to defeat them in an election,..... and #2 - Accept and respect Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy.

"quit demonizing these political adversaries" - what's that saying about kettles and pots :P

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Its not what is said; it is the behavior, the actions. The only promises this punk has ever delivered are the violent ones. Threats of violence, and the next day, there they are.

He is referring to using violence and intimidation as a means to hid feudal objectives.

I keep wondering why the PAD-Dem's hate Jatuporn so much....Their over-the-top references, in this case to a "punk", is as clear a manifestation as possible, of the saying, "me thinks they protest too much"..

I'm sure the Amart is pining away for the good ole days of 2006, when a coup was so much easier, without this huge swath of a politicized electorate to deal with, in large part due to this "punk".

Yup, he definitely refers to using violence and intimidation if the Amart tries to invalidate the votes of the electoral majority...Let there be no doubt about that....They and their so-called Independent Agencies are forewarned. Their drive to destroy this elected Government will have consequences.

My advice to them, is...#1 - to quit demonizing these political adversaries, and alienating all their voters, and figure out a way to defeat them in an election,..... and #2 - Accept and respect Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy.

I think you'll find that gemini is just a poster on a forum and not PAD or Democrat, and, more than likely, not amart.

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To the UDD or red foreign supporters.

You know very well who Jatuporn is and what he represents.

Please, stop writing nonsense postings, supporting him, even if you like Yingluck and her brother.

This man will put Thailand into a bloodbath.

I understand Sutherp disturbed you from your cosy lives.

This man will oblige you to pack and go back to were you came from.

Yes we know who he is and what he represents. We also know what he is.

It is a sign of lack of morals when you have to resort to having the court jester take over the reins of power.

I think a good look at how he has ignored his mother will give you a good idea of how much he cares about people. The man is a big enough fool to have secret ambitions of becoming number one ahead of Thaksin. Just not quite foolish enough to let people know it.

They should pull his bail and try him and put him in Jail where he belongs.

Jutaporn is a bloke who returns serve.

The Reds have played a quiet game up until now.

They're slowly ramping up, just at the right time as the courts are dipping their toes into the water.

Jutaporn coming to the fore is a warning to the coup mongers.

This time the opposition to your illegal actions will be anything but meek.

Better you reconsider your foolishness, what worked before won't work again, so just pack up your tents and go home.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif what a load of codswallop if army decide to do right thing and put a sot pro red shirt nonsense then jetport will be first to flee like a rabbit as fast as he can. To think otherwise is lets say living in cloud cook land

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Is so sad that you are right. The future doesn't look good for the innocent, I hope our leaders will finally see where this road is going and find an alternative, otherwise there will only be blood.

Are leaders don't care where the road is going as long as they can stay in power and continue to syphon the treasury in to their own pockets.

The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You sir, obviously cannot read and anyone supporting you is as foolish as you and all dare tread to such wavering paths. DEMOCRACY is freedoms that VOTING in Thailand under this unscrupulous regime does not engage in. BUYING votes is not democracy. Why are you on such a bandwagon for this twaddle? Is it that you benefit from corruption too?

Neither is having guards at the polling stations making sure you vote the way the village head man tells you to. That is not Democracy either.

What has any of this got to do with the army? Maybe the army should be renamed 'the police' as they seem to think their job is what the police should be doing. The army should worry about doing the job they're paid for and not trying to usurp the police - as ineffective as they might be.

It is there job to protect the nation from separatist scum.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

Sorry but we do not all know who backs Suthep or their combined wealth. You of course are referring to the mysterious amarat. In your warped thinking you probably think they run the world. Always get a kick out of you conspiracy dreamers. In a way you are a good opening act for Jutaporn.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

We do know that he is backed by honest grass roots people.wai.gif

Where as Yingluck is backed by her criminal brother and as Prime Minister has managed to increase her family fortune 450% at his direction. the way I see it issad.png the way you and your cohorts see it issmile.png Your posts reek of it.wai.gif

It has probably taken a decrease now that he owns a lot of land he was going to sell the government for a unneeded high speed train. No matter he still counts his money in the billions and I mean American money or British pounds if you prefer.

Oh, so your insights into Yingluck being funded by Thaksin are proven facts and not theoretical or are you a ridiculous hypocrite.

As for the train, China, Malaysia and Singapore will get their much needed train link regardless of some idiots in the way in Thailand, not as much as originally planned but there will be a high speed train through Thailand. But why do you think it unnecessary? The whole world needs high speed trains, the environment is crippled by cars and motorbikes, this was the most forward thinking project Thailand has come up with in a long time and the only reason some are fighting it is for their self serving political agenda.

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"potentially" - everyone is potentially anything and everything - that is no argument - the moon was potentially cheese until we went there! Anything that is not positively proved or provable is "potentially" true - as well as "potentially" a lie!

"We all know", "Clearly", "Plainly", "Obviously" - the usual Red typing pool statement - when indeed it is nothing of the sort. What is Clear/plain/obvious is who controls the Reds and why - now that is something we DO know - and as someone who held on to power, and continues to do so from afar, a real more "potential" dictator! It is easy to call Suthep a fascist when taking his message out of context and ignoring all but a small part of it - a TEMPORARY appointed committee to remove corruption and making Thailand into a real democracy for the first time ever - which is "clearly" obfuscation and a straw-man/Aunt Sally argument.

You fail to understand the word potential.

As for Sutheps plans, he does not only want to to make a temporary appointed council but also to have them choose parliament. The reason so many think this wreaks of fascism is because the only times this has been done before in history it turned out to be just that. As for his plan to rid Thailand of corruption do you not think it a little rich that he him self and many of his party members are guilty of corruption too?

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The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

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We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

"We all know who finances the PDRC . . ."

I don't, please enlighten me with some names and facts that can be verified . . .

I wouldn't want to incriminate myself. ;)

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