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Thailand is swerving towards the edge of a moral, political precipice


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Very good article but these things have a habit of turning around as the next generations rebel against the failings of the last.

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The causes of the malaise have been analyzed in Lobaczewski's landmark book Political Ponerology - http://www.ponerology.com/index.html

"Snakes in Suits" is another must-read to understand the phenomenon. For a briefer version, check out the "Ponerology 101" articles on sott.net.

Most decent people will find the cure unpalatable, and so they must continue to suffer the disease.

However, understanding why the whole world is so seriously f&ckd up is a first step.

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It is only through the continual urging of Suthep that the country is kept aware of the moral even illegal decline in the present government.

Yingluck had to think about it for a couple of days before she went on Facebook more than likely had some one do it for her and said it was not rite to separate the nation. She should have been on every TV channel ten minutes after the announcement that their was a movement to do it condemning them for it.

[Now that I think about it I wonder if she even knew that her statement was posted on Facebook]

She had to wait for the Army to take action. If they had not she would have remained silent. the moral decline of the people who know better in other words have an education and continue to back this government is further indication of the moral decline here in Thailand.

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Moral & ethical values in Thailand certainly must change. The lawlessness which exists in the country is so profound that it's like a festuring boil on the end of your nose which is about to burst. The definition of 'Thai-ness' which was once the overiding factor in any situation has now diminished into something rather obscure by definition. The demise of the current administration, and its ability to govern the country to a high standard is evidently failing, and causing a major rift to occur. Unless the status quo is radically changed, the I'm afraid the future will hold an uncertainty that has never been seen before.

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have any of you read a single history book. ? be patient, death will soon come. thailand is a society built upon slaves fighting for power. even the language was created simple so it would be easy to give commands to your slaves. havent you ever wondered why the language is mainly simple tense>?

the people in this corrupt government have yet that in this day and age all their actions are recorded. there are electronic trails everywhere. and soon all the bridges they burn will be their downfall. not only for them. but their extended families also. ... because THAT is how they are trainning us to behave. dont go after the problem, go after the problems family. it wont be long now till thailand becomes a mexico. entire clubs, parties murdered all because ONE child is a son of somebody. and just like down south, when THAKSIN MURDERED nearly an entire village of muslim boys/men "accidently". look, just look at the death it is bringing. they are merely attempting to balance the scales of honor. honor which comes in the form of death is often most misused.

honestly, good people cant fight against this slime that has emerged from the greed of thai/chinese mentality. and westerners only talk the talk, and when they walk... its always in the direction of money. you have more power ... than you think.

a city full of villians. you know what happens next. if not read a history book. and if your too lazy for that, try some Marvel comics.

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"As usual, we have not had a single word of concern from Yingluck to indicate that she or her government feels the slightest sense of accountability for attacks that have slain innocent bystanders and unarmed protesters. It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

Every day you still see Suthep in a AH style yelling to the protesters, although there is a arrest warrant on him since 3 months, why they still not take him and get him to court ,

The word accountability is sure not in in the vocabulary of Suthep and his followers, he is fully accountable for the financial damage the protest caused and he is the only responsible for tearing the country down to the edge of a moral, political precipice !

why do you all keep blaming Suthep for not being arrested

Is this not the governments job to do

so you now all accept the Government can not do their jobs

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With our moral compass lost, Thailand has added its bad name to this perversion.

Decent article, but I'm just not so sure that Thailand has actually developed any moral compass in recent history. Can't lose what you never developed.

I disagree. There was a time when the Buddhist monks had real respect and authority and going to the temple meant something. That was their moral compass.

Now that has been lost to the air-conditioned shopping centres and drugs and alcohol.

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"As usual, we have not had a single word of concern from Yingluck to indicate that she or her government feels the slightest sense of accountability for attacks that have slain innocent bystanders and unarmed protesters. It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

Every day you still see Suthep in a AH style yelling to the protesters, although there is a arrest warrant on him since 3 months, why they still not take him and get him to court ,

The word accountability is sure not in in the vocabulary of Suthep and his followers, he is fully accountable for the financial damage the protest caused and he is the only responsible for tearing the country down to the edge of a moral, political precipice !

Agreed, but you are comparing a caretaker PM, the pinnacle of command in Thailand, the "boss" of "bosses" to a street thug. You are essentially saying "well if you think it is bad that the PM is unaccountable have a look at this street thug" That is an invalid comparison. Of course Suthep is unaccountable. Street thugs usually are!! PM's shouldn't be. The PM should be setting the example for the street thugs. By her example now and with reference to this OP then of course others will be unaccountable.

I might rob a bank tomorrow and then in my defense say "well this bank robber robbed a bank 2 weeks ago so I thought it was OK"

So do you suggest Suthep should set the example for yingluck?

That is PTP logic right there.

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"As usual, we have not had a single word of concern from Yingluck to indicate that she or her government feels the slightest sense of accountability for attacks that have slain innocent bystanders and unarmed protesters. It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

Every day you still see Suthep in a AH style yelling to the protesters, although there is a arrest warrant on him since 3 months, why they still not take him and get him to court ,

The word accountability is sure not in in the vocabulary of Suthep and his followers, he is fully accountable for the financial damage the protest caused and he is the only responsible for tearing the country down to the edge of a moral, political precipice !

Aren't you the ultimate tosser, an informative and true reflection of this dismal failed state and all your simple little mind can conjure is Suthep. Do you wake up every morning open the computer and attack the first story you see witthout fully reading it and proclaim "It was Suthep" Jeez get a bloody life and stay of the lao khao.

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"As usual, we have not had a single word of concern from Yingluck to indicate that she or her government feels the slightest sense of accountability for attacks that have slain innocent bystanders and unarmed protesters. It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

Every day you still see Suthep in a AH style yelling to the protesters, although there is a arrest warrant on him since 3 months, why they still not take him and get him to court ,

The word accountability is sure not in in the vocabulary of Suthep and his followers, he is fully accountable for the financial damage the protest caused and he is the only responsible for tearing the country down to the edge of a moral, political precipice !

Aren't you the ultimate tosser, an informative and true reflection of this dismal failed state and all your simple little mind can conjure is Suthep. Do you wake up every morning open the computer and attack the first story you see witthout fully reading it and proclaim "It was Suthep" Jeez get a bloody life and stay of the lao khao.

"an informative and true reflection"


It's just another another biased piece of crap pushing a dishonest story and a failed cause.

Everybody ready,



Edited by HonestQuietBob
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With our moral compass lost, Thailand has added its bad name to this perversion.

Decent article, but I'm just not so sure that Thailand has actually developed any moral compass in recent history. Can't lose what you never developed.

I disagree. There was a time when the Buddhist monks had real respect and authority and going to the temple meant something. That was their moral compass.

Now that has been lost to the air-conditioned shopping centres and drugs and alcohol.

That's what Christians used to believe until their preachers were CAUGHT in porno theaters + frequenting both female and male prostitutes + the wholesale scamming of donated funds to support extravagant lifestyles + not to mention the Catholic Priests CAUGHT with the choir boy's pants down... CAUGHT is the byword... these transgressions have been there for as long as recorded history... religion has a blemished blood tainted moral history... looking in that direction would only produce a furiously spinning non-directional compass. Nonfictional history itself proves that the idea of "the good old moral days" are but glorified myths propagated by those in power to stay in power. Or to quote Christopher Hitchens: "Religion poisons everything."

Edited by IBoldnewguy
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"It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

"It is not only that we are politically bankrupt, we are morally ruined."

Very true, but nothing new . . . morals, integrity, accountability have been sorely lacking here for years.

Well....look at any other country, which one can you find where politicians are really accountable? The best ever seen is that someone step back after loosing billions of tax payers money.

While being removed from the feeding trough might be hard for these people, they made before more money than their usual voter makes all his life. That a politicians ends in prison, or his personal wealth get confiscated is almost never seen.....

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Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

So we can agree that the explosions in Trat, Ratchaprason, Victory Monument, Banthad Thong Road, etc., etc., where the pins actually did come out and where many people died and were injured, were not the yellow thugs, but your red shirt militia friends.

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Google the author and make your own minds up whether she is entitled to preach to anybody about a moral compass.

Ignore the message and attack the messenger.

Nice try to derail the subject but still no cigar.

I made no comment on the content. merely observing that a shyster charged with criminal offences and political skulduggery is not the most obvious person to lecture others on the right moral compass.

But then I suppose if you are happy with a corrupt gangster leading a war on "corruption", it's entirely possible the irony might escape you.

I suppose it depends on which gangster you are talking about.

The convicted or the unconvicted one. At least ONE of them seems to be trying to do something about corruption whilst the other is grimly clinging on to the old corrupt ways using his clones fingernails.

A change of words to an old song spring to mind.

He's so heavy, but he's my brother.

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"As usual, we have not had a single word of concern from Yingluck to indicate that she or her government feels the slightest sense of accountability for attacks that have slain innocent bystanders and unarmed protesters. It is official - "accountability" does not exist in the vocabulary of our current governing body."

Nice yellow statement , non of the bombs that where "thrown" towards (un-armed ???) protesters exploded so the I assume the whole trowing grenades with pin still in , taped pin etc.. is the job of this yellow thug.

Non of them exploded, eh?

Thirty-eight protesters were injured when an unknown assailant lobbed a grenade at the procession led by People's Democratic Reform Committee secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban on Banthad Thong Road at noon Friday.


Guessing the one in Trat doesn't count as well.

In most counties a PM would at the very least promptly comment and condemn such violence.

Hand grenades, home made bombs and shooting at leader's houses etc. are meant, in my opinion, as intimidation. So whether they blow up or not isn't exactly the point (unless someone gets hurt, of course). If someone wanted any of them dead, he wouldn't bother with lobbing a hand grenade/home made bomb to their drive-way/garden.

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