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Thai Tv silly noises


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Today's Tv.com silly noise complaining about Thailand.

As I cant understand what they saying

then just turn off the sound. Substitute your own soundtrack by playing music or whatever.

Silly noise sorted.


Sorry attempt at trying to be funny. Fail

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

If we sat down and drank a beer together and you get out of line, guaranteed in real life I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So shad up with the don't insult me stuff and shut your vagina cheeks.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

you obviously don't know me son shine you may find you get more than you bargained for lol ive spent the last 25 years of my life in the fight game, worked the doors on some of the worst places in england unbelievable threatening violence because you cant hold a debate because your wrong lol

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Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

If we sat down and drank a beer together and you get out of line, guaranteed in real life I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So shad up with the don't insult me stuff and shut your vagina cheeks.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

you obviously don't know me son shine you may find you get more than you bargained for lol ive spent the last 25 years of my life in the fight game, worked the doors on some of the worst places in england unbelievable threatening violence because you cant hold a debate because your wrong lol

I didn't threading violence. I said I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So please shut your cherry pie. Go ahead and make up your war stories about the toughest alley ways and royal rumbles of the bar scene. Yawn

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It's no different from the Three Stooges, who were quite popular in their time.

Well I guess there is a difference. The Stooges became old hat [read: no longer profitable] 60 years ago, but Thai soaps are still going strong. Why that is, I'm not sure. I can understand the idea that, after a long day's work, you might occasionally need some type of candy-coated entertainment that's not too deep and thus gives your mental faculties a rest. A guy in an obviously fake gorilla suit seems to fit that bill.

But what I can't understand is watching this day after day, week after week. At some point (for me that's about the 4-minute mark) the slapstick becomes old and I need to switch my brain back on again.

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When I was a teenager I watched rubbish like Monty Python and things like the following were on prime time tv.

Makes Thai soaps seem normal.

I hope you were sarcastic and gave it a 'like'.

If I misunderstood you, - cancel my 'like'.biggrin.png

(Always loved Monty Python. Never liked Benny Hill)

Edited by ABCer
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Silly noises have been used in the lowest common denominator comedies for many decades aroind the world.

The problem with the noises on Thai tv is the sheer frequency of them. On some shows barely 10 seconds will pass without some inane noise.

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The wife just came into my room in her nightie. I had a sort of 'light jazz/happy days' tune in me head but she only told me to take the dog out for a walk...I still grabbed me knob and played her a tune on my 'willy guitar' and that did the job of having her tell me to act my age....but I may get some later if I turn out some Maiden...

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It's no different from the Three Stooges, who were quite popular in their time.

Well I guess there is a difference. The Stooges became old hat [read: no longer profitable] 60 years ago, but Thai soaps are still going strong. Why that is, I'm not sure. I can understand the idea that, after a long day's work, you might occasionally need some type of candy-coated entertainment that's not too deep and thus gives your mental faculties a rest. A guy in an obviously fake gorilla suit seems to fit that bill.

But what I can't understand is watching this day after day, week after week. At some point (for me that's about the 4-minute mark) the slapstick becomes old and I need to switch my brain back on again.

You wrote, " The Stooges became old hat [read: no longer profitable] 60 years ago."

Link to Three Stooges movie 2012.


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Today's Tv.com silly noise complaining about Thailand.

As I cant understand what they saying

then just turn off the sound. Substitute your own soundtrack by playing music or whatever.

Silly noise sorted.


Sorry attempt at trying to be funny. Fail

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

On the contrary, totally serious. Pass! smile.png

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The Stooges became old hat [read: no longer profitable] 60 years ago...

Link to Three Stooges movie 2012.


Worldwide gross: $55 million.

Production budget: $30 million.

I bet Fox Films was hoping to net a heck of a lot more than $15 million. Maybe that sounds like a lot to you and me, but I don't think that would be considered a big money maker these days. I guess we'll know for sure when the sequel gets made.

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