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Thailand to protest Fox News over flight MH370 criticism


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As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

This would be a true picture of the world if it was not for our western laws. In the US many times a cop is right behind the ambulance to issue citations valued a several hundred $s otherwise we would do the same. The scumbags that the the fools are voting for in the US seem more important.

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I love it when the left get their panties in a bind over Fox news, the only organization that gives an opposing viewpoint among the sea of left-leaning media outlets that are apologists for the Obama Admin and left-leaning organizations throughout the world. and gets more viewers!!..LOVE IT!!

I love it when you rednecks get all self-righteous. It's absolutely hilarious.

I think your definition of self righteous is misplaced. My definition would be the closed-minded persons who refuse to listen to an alternative point of view. The daily dose of pablum that the left-dominated media spews should prompt a clear-thinking individual to listen to another POV

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My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

I agree with the first part of your comment. However an IQ of 247 would indicate insanity. Also, a really intelligent person would not waste the time to read or comments in this forum. (I may be one of the few exceptions. So instead of drinking alcohol in the morning I check on the majority of retired/retarded farts in Pattaya. The western world has figured out that is cheaper to send the retards to Pattaya then to store them in an insane asylum at home) Any questions anyone???

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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Today Mr. Sek Wannamethee, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the Ministry will send an official letter to Fox News headquarters detailing Thailand's displeasure at Ms. Susteren's remarks.

"She should not have hastily drawn up conclusion, or criticism, or comments without studying all the facts," Mr. Sek said, "Such action will also affect the credibility of Fox News, which is a leading news organisation in the US"

What if, dear k. Sek, after studying all the facts, it had come to light that Thai officials deliberately withheld that information in order to sell it at a high price, which is after all what Thai officials do? Being called "jerk", "lame", "pathetic" and "inept" is not so bad by comparison...

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The jerky part is really only the unprofessional, off-hand remark "nobody asked us". But that's in Lin with the aura of entitlement that high ranking Thai military feels (or anyone in a uniform). Technically, it can't be expected that a blip on the radar would give immediate concern that relates it to a missing plane that was supposed to be hundreds of km away. Such things take time to find, same as the satellite pictures took days to review before suspicious objects were found far down south.

Thai military needs a press spokesman, that's about the only sound conclusion I find. Top level brass going live on camera is bound to look like jerks, anywhere.

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Im assuming any information from military radar is confidential and not normally released to the public.

Before we jump to conclusions (like the reporter) how do we know that the Thai military did not already share it with their Malaysian counterparts and everything was kept hush hush until the Malaysian government was ready to divulge the half truth?

Blame who you want Fox News, but at the end of the day the Malaysians will have to hunt for clues, glean information from others and ultimately inform the world of what happened. Those words are meant for nothing more then faux caring and sensationalism.

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I knew this would happen. Thai authorities just can't take the truth. Imagine going public and saying that the Thai Police is corrupt. The Chief of Police would meet the Press, deny it was true, and sue the person who said it as s/he had damaged their reputation. After the interview the Police spokesperson would then drive away in his Ferrari.

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My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

Hahaha. Living up to your avatar's subtle humour I see. Unfortunately, most, if not all, Fox fans will not get your sarcasm and actually believe you. Never mind.

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As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

I have seen Thai drivers make way for ambulances on many occasions.

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Much as I hate to say it but Fox is right.

They often are. Because of politics, the left do their best to marginalize Fox News by smearing them and dishonestly quoting them out of context, but the truth is that they are often the only major news source in the USA who are actually doing their job. The founding fathers of the USA wanted a press that would keep the government in line, not spin and cover up for them like the MSM do most of the time now for the present administration. Greta got this right and much of the time, on many issues, her colleagues at Fox do too.

And you know this to be true because....... Fox News told you!

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Watching FoxNews in Pattaya.

I'm absolutely no fan of that channel but I'll say that their present coverage of the MH370 is top notch.

As for Greta's opinion that's exactly what I personally had thought when I first heard that the RTAF had not come forward right away with their radar info. I suspect a latent anti-Malaysia sentiment...

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As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

I have seen Thai drivers make way for ambulances on many occasions.

Then you are the luckiest man alive. Please shoot some video next time it happens. In the meantime, buy lottery tickets.

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Much as I hate to say it but Fox is right.

They often are. Because of politics, the left do their best to marginalize Fox News by smearing them and dishonestly quoting them out of context, but the truth is that they are often the only major news source in the USA who are actually doing their job. The founding fathers of the USA wanted a press that would keep the government in line, not spin and cover up for them like the MSM do most of the time now for the present administration. Greta got this right and much of the time, on many issues, her colleagues at Fox do too.

And you know this to be true because....... Fox News told you!

Anyone who actually examines the evidence knows it. It is called critical thinking.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

I have seen Thai drivers make way for ambulances on many occasions.

Me too. In fact last week in Pattaya I witnessed the infamous jetski mafia Thais stopping the traffic on Beach Road to allow the ambulance through, and doing their best to assist a farang who looked like he had had a heart attack on the beach.

The facts never seem to stop the myths about Thais perpetuating.

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While I can't stand Fox News as "Fair and Balanced" may be their slogan but it isn't their practice, this woman is not a reporter and not a journalist. She is a lawyer who is a commentator. These are her opinions whether true or not....... whistling.gif

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Whilst I have to agree with the sentiments that Fox News is actually an oxymoron, the woman does speak the truth (albeit in the typically eloquent Fox fashion, ie referring to all Thais as 'jerks'). The Thai excuse that 'nobody asked us' is as typical as it is embarrassing. It really gives the world the impression that Thai radar operators are sitting sedated manning their posts and the guys in charge either surfing porn or are actually at home doing other things.

You would imagine that anyone involved in the aviation industry in Thailand would be aware and listening, and all workplace chat and banter would be about MH370, and that if the foocking 777 aircraft flew across their foocking radar screens they might actually act on the information, and immediately tell the world "we saw it pass here" ......

But, TiT. The operators probably are sedated and the boss probably was at home doing other things.

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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png

"She reported the facts"

She reported the facts that were available to her, no necessarily the same as "the facts".

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My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

I agree with the first part of your comment. However an IQ of 247 would indicate insanity. Also, a really intelligent person would not waste the time to read or comments in this forum. (I may be one of the few exceptions. So instead of drinking alcohol in the morning I check on the majority of retired/retarded farts in Pattaya. The western world has figured out that is cheaper to send the retards to Pattaya then to store them in an insane asylum at home) Any questions anyone???

My IQ is 320 and I still do not understand anything??

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So in response to the accusation that Thailand unnecessarily delayed radar evidence that showed MH730 turned back to Malaysia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send an official letter to Fox News headquarters detailing Thailand's displeasure at Ms. Susteren's remarks. OUCH, a letter! That will show FOX how Thailand is resolved to AVOID BLAME.

How about detailing why such a long delay in letting multi-national researchers know that the area they're searching at the costs of millions of dollars and to the anxiety of families is the WRONG AREA? It looks like the Foreign Ministry has adopted CPMO tactics - speak loudly and carry a small stick (or more often lose the stick).

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The truth is in the telling MH 370 turned around back to KL, it then banked right dropped altitude and flew over Butterworth a Malaysian airforce base, then climbed to 35000, what's wrong with that , just another plane in restricted airspace over Malaysia, so what was the Malaysian's doing besides sleeping , a unidentified plane flew over one of their key bases and no fighter aircraft went up to check, don't forget that MH 370 had its systems turned off , do Thai have to monitor all aircraft between China and Australia just to keep Fox news happy and Greta ,well stone me crows the sensation of sensations BS, anyway the search at that time concentrated in the Gulf of Thailand and the STH China Sea.bah.gif

It beggars belief that an unidentified aircraft crosses a country's airspace without a challenge of any kind.

Many commentators have alluded to the fact that some countries have been careful over the comments, information etc they release in the interests of their own national security so their radar and defence capability remains secret'

What has Malaysia told the world about their air defences ?

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I love it when the left get their panties in a bind over Fox news, the only organization that gives an opposing viewpoint among the sea of left-leaning media outlets that are apologists for the Obama Admin and left-leaning organizations throughout the world. and gets more viewers!!..LOVE IT!!

More viewers? Just goes to show the number of trailer trash high-school dropouts there are, and how long the breaks are between WWF shows.

Are you telling me manmade global warming isn't a socialist conspiracy and that Adam and Eve didn't ride dinosaurs? Lordie.

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What would you call a country that sits and watches the whole world virtually, sailing around the Gulf of Thailand for a week before making know that it had spotted the plane? The fact is acknowledged that the plane flew over the Thailand south and it either wasn't picked up by miitary radar or they picked it up and didn't report, "because nobody asked" while their allies were using very expensive assets to search in the Thai backyard.

If for once you took the time to actually read the reports of this incident you would know that the RTAF said the plane they referred to did not enter Thai airspace.

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Someone should have advised Mr. Sek Wannamethee that Fox News is just a right-wing, red-neck joke that exists solely for the benefit of trailer park inhabitants who want to appear to be worldly in between watching professional wrestling matches and cartoons, and is not really a "leading news organisation"

Everyone has a right to their opinion and this woman aired hers. She's part of a sensationalist "news" agency, not a diplomatic agency, albeit the core fact of the delayed information was true.

1. You got to admit they didn't blame it on Obama....that's a first.

2. What's wrong with cartoons?

3. Somtam hasn't been mentioned, how long must we wait?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Edited by cheeryble
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Someone should take FOX new to task over the disgusting way they have repoerted on this terrible incident.

I watched Hannity last week only becuase they were covering the missing flight.

He kept trying and trying to ram it down his guests throats that the pilots had gone rogue.

Luckily they were more sensible than him.

Every one can have a theory but he has his own agenda.

I suppose he knows who shot JFK

The relatives of the pilots should be up in arms over his comments.

Nothing is proven yet just sensationalist shitty journalism.

Lets just pray they find the plane and put an end to what is a terrible tragedy.

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Well Greta prob should have centered on the Thai Air Force's pathetic response than Thailand as a whole. However other than that she was quite correct with her conclusions.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Are you sure? She may have been reading other news from Thailand as well.

Don't forget that she comes from a country where they have a vote.

I see the good 'doctor' is back, never missing an opportunity to turn the thread into something else...!!

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