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massing of red headed flies in trees

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This is for real, not a political statement or topic. See thumbnails. Yesterday late afternoon (24 March 2014, about 5 PM) we observed masses of large red-headed black flies lined up on tree branches that sent chills to us all, Thai and international residents, who had not ever seen this sight. Searching this forum and a Google search has not shown any discussion or image of what we hope has just been a not often observed event. No garbage, no dead animals, but thousands of flies covering branches of trees that have leaves and those where the leaves have seasonally (?) dropped. They were not moving but blended in very well, which can explain why this has not been seen before.

But when we approached to take pictures (come on guys and gals, ya, red and black flies but this is NOT a joke or needing political comments), they swarmed and no one of us was brave enough to just stand by, so we used cans of spray to keep them from us.

To rid these flies from the area, we need masses of dragon flies, praying mantises, or geckos to eat them. More likely, we will need to use a commercial spray as no one is aware of any good these pests provide. When in the house, they sound like dive bombers as each is the size of the common, small yellow bee.

Perched on branches, the flies blend into the background. Yet they swarm away when disturbed making clear close up photos very hard to take. When the sun rises (in about an hour) we will try to get better photos and post them here.

I am looking for others who have seen this, what to us is an unpleasant phenomenon, so we can understand if this is common and just not observed, or a sign that there is something very wrong in the area (seen to occupy different tree species along a path 50 m long by 20 m wide)









Maybe someone dumped some trash nearby and these are the offspring of that, one thing for sure, this too shall pass, just observe and learn.


Maybe someone dumped some trash nearby and these are the offspring of that, one thing for sure, this too shall pass, just observe and learn.

Thanks for the comment but no garbage observed or smelled, but sure, something attracted them. Now with more light we see only a dozen or so; but yes, we will observe as the day progresses to hot afternoon to see if they return. I hope they won't but....


Is this something that has already been, or are you able to see into the future, or am I living in the past. Your quoted time of event is still 7 - 8 hours in the future..... and is anyone in this area doing any serious smoking ??? If not start... as smoke usually will get rid of this type of pest.


I wouldn't worry about it all. Nature will take care of them. Birds , jingjoks, spiders, frogs all think its Christmas at the moment where you live.


Thanks Gonzo, and yes, at 7 AM I did type the incorrect date. My observation was yesterday at 5 PM but I bet you could have figured that out all by yourself, right rolleyes.gif

Merlin, a Google search shows me Fruit Flies are yellow-brown with red eyes. See thumbnail.

The pests in my yard are jet black with red eyes (see thumbnail) but sometimes green, perhaps a Christmas decoration, eh Mr. CNXBKKMan?

We brought in an entomologist from Mae Jo University who opines they are a common form of black fly often appearing in such volumes but not often seen as they are camouflaged well by budding branches. The flies could have been resting to dry their wings after the pupae stage or just resting after a large feeding, before moving on in cooler weather.

This afternoon we found they were mostly gone, perhaps thanks to a local dragon fly doing his part to rid us of the pests.

Thank you for your mostly on topic comments; a breadth of fresh air among all the usual smog in this forum.




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