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Bought my first scooter Saturday morning, crashed 4 hrs later.


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Agree with you guys criticizing the OP for his lack of responsibility. However well all know that passing a Thai driving test isn't going to teach you to drive a car or ride a bike properly. Thais seem to ride bikes as soon as they can walk. Which I highly disapprove of. Hopefully the OP will get proper instruction either hands on or through the internet (Tons of You Tube vids) and become an accomplished rider. Instead of another drunk falung on a scooter. I am concerned however that he didn't seem shaken at all by his accident.

I never drink alcoholic drinks, so I won't have to worry about that.

Well done, i bet your mum is so proud. rolleyes.gif

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Have been thinking of doing a car trip around Thailand starting from Samui. But reading so much about the dangers in TV that i am beginning to go cold on the idea. Have been driving here a few years now and have got licences for car and motorcy, plus top insurance. But really, reading of all these accidents has me thinking again although i would love to do it.

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Met two guys in a bar a couple of years ago.

They were excited to be off to Samui the next day.

Over the course of the evening they mentioned they planned to rent bikes.

"Bikes + Samui = Death," I finally told them after MUCH deliberation and a HUGE degree of reluctance.

Stay on the beach. Take taxis. ANYTHING but rent a bike in Samui.

But what would I know, eh?

Bumped into ONE of them in MBK about ten days later.

Don't get onto one of these toy bikes unless you have been properly trained.

Wear an EXPENSIVE helmet if you DO rent one.

This is NOT a bluddy dress rehearsal for your next life.

There are NO do-overs.

(I wouldn't get on one of those things in the old country without six months of training.

I wouldn't get on one HERE for any amount of money. Yep. That's right. ANY amount.)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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I can't stop laugh here.. cheesy.gif

I think everybody that bought a scooter in Thailand had similar accidents. This remembered me years ago in Koh Mak (a small island in east thai gulf), when I was driving with my girlfriend and we fall down in a small hill.. no serious damages, but a broken finger was inevitable! Lots of funny time in thailand. enjoy your stay, I think there are no place in the world like thailand.

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I am totally amazed that the posters on here can be so supportive and complimentary on this idiot's activities! This is exactly the situation of Thai mo'cycle riders that we continuously complain of! Never ridden a bike before? No tax, insurance, road tax? Did he know which side of the road to ride on? Doubt it! Sorry, but no sympathy from here - and certainly no encouragement to "go out and be more careful!"

All the legal stuff is provided when you buy a new bike in Thailand.

You only get a hand written receipt at the time, but the other stuff all arrives in the next 6 months.

I drive on the same side of the road as everyone else (except for the Chinese tourists that don't seem bothered).

i would not be so sure. A new vehicle should have red plates to be legally insured and driven on the road. No plates = no insurance, and will be fined or seized if caugth at a traffic stop or whatelse.

I would not be so sure.

I have purchased numerous bikes and a car in Thailand, and have never been issued a red plate, rather only paperwork verifying ownership and tax & insurance compliance, which seems to satisfy the gendarmes.

Under the (unenforced) law as it has been explained to me (and shown in translation) a red plated vehicle cannot be driven after dark nor be driven out of the issuing province without written permission of the local chief of police each time.

Permanent plates often take many months to be issued.

Very funny laws & interpretations here.

When I bought the new Ninja 300, I was given a choice of Red Plate or no plate. The wife was present during the purchase and she told the dealer "no plate", I asked to explain, wanted to be sure it would be legal and was told it's ok and the dealer's paperwork with receipts will cover all the legal issues including the insurance claims (only had the receipt for it at that time). Rode it for about 3 months before the white plate with green book and all other paperwork arrived by mail. Never got pulled over but I never took it to BKK (I don't live there, hate all that traffic and have no need to go there).

I heard the same rules apply to no plate - if you bought it in one province - you can only legally ride it in that province. I never compy with that (rode it across 3-4 provinces the day I picked it up) but never got pulled over.

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Honda recommends E20 for all the bikes with PGM-F1 engines.

You are correct, the Owners Manual states E20 as an approved fuel smile.png

just because you can use e20 doesnt mean you should

its a lot more corrosive than ,benzine , gasohol 91 or 95 but it wont do any

harm within the warranty period smile.png

Is it a new conspiracy theory? Evel manufacturers are out to rip you off once the warranty expires? ;)

If the vehicle is designed to run on this particular fuel, there won't be any issues.

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Thailand makes me laugh, I rented a bike today to ride from Pattaya to Nong nooch, got stopped at roadblock and fined 200 baht for no internationallicence although I've been riding bikes for 40 years. Obviously that'll make the roads safer then!!!

The police cannot tell just by looking at you that you have 40 years experience riding bikes.

The IDL provides a Thai translation of your home country DL with the bike endorsement, so they can verify how very cool you are.


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Met two guys in a bar a couple of years ago.

They were excited to be off to Samui the next day.

Over the course of the evening they mentioned they planned to rent bikes.

"Bikes + Samui = Death," I finally told them after MUCH deliberation and a HUGE degree of reluctance.

Stay on the beach. Take taxis. ANYTHING but rent a bike in Samui.

But what would I know, eh?

Bumped into ONE of them in MBK about ten days later.

Don't get onto one of these toy bikes unless you have been properly trained.

Wear an EXPENSIVE helmet if you DO rent one.

This is NOT a bluddy dress rehearsal for your next life.

There are NO do-overs.

(I wouldn't get on one of those things in the old country without six months of training.

I wouldn't get on one HERE for any amount of money. Yep. That's right. ANY amount.)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Apparently you are not Buddhist.

This guy is on his 17th life, with the same job:


Oh... I've driven bike all around Samui and still alive, but true, death is certain regardless of if you ride a bike or not.

Edited by papa al
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Honda recommends E20 for all the bikes with PGM-F1 engines.

You are correct, the Owners Manual states E20 as an approved fuel smile.png


My 2011 CBR 250 was purchased 2nd-hand sans owners manual.

The sticker near the fuel filler indicates E10.

It is has PGM-FI.

Any Ceeber 250 owners out there with manual who can confirm for me that E20 is Honda approved for this model?



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Honda recommends E20 for all the bikes with PGM-F1 engines.

You are correct, the Owners Manual states E20 as an approved fuel smile.png


My 2011 CBR 250 was purchased 2nd-hand sans Owners manual.

The sticker near the fuel filler indicates E10.

It is has PGM-FI.

Any Ceeber 250 owners out there with manual who can confirm for me that E20 is Honda approved for this model?


attachicon.gif2011 CBR250R.png

its is aproved for use but ive still never used it

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Honda recommends E20 for all the bikes with PGM-F1 engines.

You are correct, the Owners Manual states E20 as an approved fuel smile.png

just because you can use e20 doesnt mean you should

its a lot more corrosive than ,benzine , gasohol 91 or 95 but it wont do any

harm within the warranty period smile.png

Is it a new conspiracy theory? Evel manufacturers are out to rip you off once the warranty expires? wink.png

If the vehicle is designed to run on this particular fuel, there won't be any issues.

you think any manufacturer cares what happens outside the waranty period ?

everyone with even half a brain knows that e20 is very corrosive stuff

you might save 3 thb per tank but id bet it will shorten the life becfore repairs are necessary

compared to benzine or g91/95

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^^^ You're grossly misinformed, there're vehicles that run on 85-100% ethanol fuel and they've been used for decades. (Brazil)

It is rubber that can't withstand contact with alcohol, replace rubber with cynthetic material (urethane) and the problem you're talking about disappears.

Whether manufacturers care once you're out of warranty is irrelevant but I'd believe most of them would care.

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I know of someone who pranged going into a Honda dealership recently.

The driver, a German visitor, forgot to stop and went through the plate glass window of the showroom. He left quite a bloody mess behind, and spent several days in hospital having a couple of ops to sew his leg back together.

At least the bike could be repaired in situ.

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^^^ You're grossly misinformed, there're vehicles that run on 85-100% ethanol fuel and they've been used for decades. (Brazil)

It is rubber that can't withstand contact with alcohol, replace rubber with cynthetic material (urethane) and the problem you're talking about disappears.

Whether manufacturers care once you're out of warranty is irrelevant but I'd believe most of them would care.

Yes rubber and alcohol not a good combination. I listed a post titled Fuel Facts here's the main post:

I hope to clarify better the differences in fuel as addressed by another topic Benzine vs Ethanol which has gone off on a tangent.

All fuels have a Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON). In Thailand only the RON is stated which can be 8-10 points above the MON rating which is a more accurate measurement of the combustibility and inherent energy of the fuel contained in the octane level. This is why you notice differences in gasohol and benzine from different oil companies even though they all have the same stated RON number i.e. 91/95. Therefore 91 gasohol could actually have a true octane level of only 81. Another factor to be taken into consideration is altitude so if you are living at sea level it is best to use fuel with a higher octane level because this will give you more power by being able to burn efficiently due to the extra oxygen, in the air at sea level, and not running the engine lean. Lean running makes the engine hotter and reduces it's life. The reverse is true if you are living in Chiang Mai, which is 1200m or 4000ft above sea level. Your engine will run rich reducing your BHP by up to 30% due to the diminished oxygen, although the cooler air may compensate slightly. So unless your vehicle has had your Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) retuned for higher altitude you would be better running 91 RON to maintain the stock AFR.

To complicate matters further there is an Anti-Knock Index (AKI) number which is posted in some countries which is the median between the RON and MON numbers It may also be called the Pump Octane Number (PON).

Generally speaking Benzine will NOT give you better performance over Gasohol, but your vehicle MUST be Gasohol compatible. You cannot use E20 in a regular vehicle which is Gasohol compatible ONLY E10. However Benzine is a must for European and American bikes. Most Japanese big bikes are correctly configured to run on Gasohol but always check your handbook. Most handbooks are online.

I suspect some Benzine gets tampered with in Thailand and other countries too for that matter. That's why I always get the best performance out of my bike when I fill up at a Caltex outside the Rayong refinery. They pay jack in delivery charges so messing with the Benzine isn't a priority.

Methane (Natural Gas) has a 120 RON 120MON and 120 AKI. Impressive. Propane (Cooking Gas) has a 112 RON and 97 MON again pretty impressive. Obviously NGV cars are not being tuned for performance but economy.

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^^^ thanks this was informative but it hasn't addressed the fuels' alcohol content.

As well as the BUT comes into play when we compare benzene with gasohol with alcohol with propane, methane, etc etc...

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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you think any manufacturer cares what happens outside the waranty period ?

everyone with even half a brain knows that e20 is very corrosive stuff

you might save 3 thb per tank but id bet it will shorten the life becfore repairs are necessary

compared to benzine or g91/95

actually nowadays warranty period is quite long, can be 5 yrs on cars.

manuf do all the needed research on alternative fuels.

in brazil cars run pure ethanol since 20 yrs and do not break any more than with gasoline.

it is called engineering and materials chemical research - that's all.

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Generally speaking Benzine will NOT give you better performance over Gasohol, but your vehicle MUST be Gasohol compatible.

Incorrect. Benzine gives always better performances at the same Air Fule Ratio, both in terms of power, consuption, and thermal efficiency, because it's latent heat is higher.


ethanol can produce more power but need a specific map in ECU.

Edited by paz
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^^^ thanks this was informative but it hasn't addressed the fuels' alcohol content.

As well as the BUT comes into play when we compare benzene with gasohol with alcohol with propane, methane, etc etc...

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

It should have said BTU, not BUT, love these autocorrects.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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Generally speaking Benzine will NOT give you better performance over Gasohol, but your vehicle MUST be Gasohol compatible.

Incorrect. Benzine gives always better performances at the same Air Fule Ratio, both in terms of power, consuption, and thermal efficiency, because it's latent heat is higher.


ethanol can produce more power but need a specific map in ECU.

Benzine will give more power at the same AFR but at it's optimum AFR Gasohol will give more power.Just adding more Benzine will not create more power, it will create less if the AFR is not correct. However the ideal AFR for Gasohol is richer meaning you will burn more fuel but have more power. This is why if your car is multi fuel capable you always feel more power with 100% Benzine, because usually it has been mapped to favour Benzine. Downside Benzine costs more. Some drag racers are configured to work on 100% Ethanol where power is more important than economy. Anyway here's a link to that post:


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I know of someone who pranged going into a Honda dealership recently.

The driver, a German visitor, forgot to stop and went through the plate glass window of the showroom. He left quite a bloody mess behind, and spent several days in hospital having a couple of ops to sew his leg back together.

At least the bike could be repaired in situ.

Thanks for trying to steer this back on topic. We slightly got carried away with our fuel talk.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

(185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

how are you tracking it ?

Milage between fills, using fill price at end.

So when first purchased I filled to the top, drove 185Km then filled to the top for 90bht.

I am assuming the mile-o-meter is reasonably accurate.

Amazing as I was expecting 50Km/l.

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Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

(185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

As Shurup quite rightly pointed out this post is about crashing their bikes on the first day. Please start a fuel economy post. Only time I've ever driven 50kph is on the sidewalk. If you only fill up like the Thais, 40 Baht at a time, you will get even more economy. Less weight.

Edited by ATF
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Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

(185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

As Shurup quite rightly pointed out this post is about crashing their bikes on the first day. Please start a fuel economy post. Only time I've ever driven 50kph is on the sidewalk. If you only fill up like the Thais, 50 Baht at a time, you will get even more economy. Less weight.

It's my thread, and I'll digress if I want to!

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Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

(185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

As Shurup quite rightly pointed out this post is about crashing their bikes on the first day. Please start a fuel economy post. Only time I've ever driven 50kph is on the sidewalk. If you only fill up like the Thais, 50 Baht at a time, you will get even more economy. Less weight.

It's my thread, and I'll digress if I want to!

I was just very concerned you were overspending on gas.

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