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Redshirts beating a Buddhist monk in Nonthaburi [video]


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It's a real pity they don't have fireplaces in Thailand then, when these people are in their old age they could sit by the fire with their grandchildren on their knees and tell the story of how they and another 100 or so men fought in the big war against a lone Monk way back in 2014. They could sit and reminisce on those wonderful days with pride in their voices.

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The PRDC mob is no better. Like elsewhere in SE Asia, a lot of young men that will never miss a chance to hand out some mob justice.

Oh, so that makes this assault ok then?

I did neither say, nor imply, that.

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It looks like a staged Thai photo. But if a monk steps in to political protest, it seems reasonable that if he can't do the time, he shouldn't do the crime.

Does the video look staged?

If anyone steps out of a taxi and complains that the road is blocked, do they deserve to be beaten up?

Sent from my phone...

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Totally unacceptable and I hope they are rounded up and serve a heavy sentence. When are both sides going to realise that violence is not the answer? Round up all the tugs from both sides and throw them into the same cell.

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Are you all insane?
too many stupid comments.
Yes I know that it is wrong to kick or engage in violence against the budha monks. But when we saw coming over to the other side. What did or said budha monk since everyone was pissed off?
He said something that made red-shirts to believe that budha monk was from the yellow camp

something about why everyone close the road trafic here and if you are thai citycent then you know why.....

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Quite incredible, posts from Yme, sms747, Rich Teacher, moonao, xminator and binjalin seem to be condoning the actions

of these vicious thugs.


Might I also assume that Yme, sms747, Rich Teacher, moonao, xminator and binjalin would also be in the front row cheering the murder of

innocent children?

YED Edited by Artisi
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He is not a monk, just a yellow shirt ruining the name of Buddhism, playing politics and wearing a yellow robe. An absolute disgrace.

He shouldnt be beaten though, he should be disrobed, named and shamed.

I agree - violence on ANY side should be condemned, however...

'berating them for their actions and making other impolite remarks to the activists'

is provocation and not the business of any genuine monk

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He is not a monk, just a yellow shirt ruining the name of Buddhism, playing politics and wearing a yellow robe. An absolute disgrace.

He shouldnt be beaten though, he should be disrobed, named and shamed.

I agree - violence on ANY side should be condemned, however...

'berating them for their actions and making other impolite remarks to the activists'

is provocation and not the business of any genuine monk

"violence on any side should be condemned ... except for red shirts beating up monks ... that's OK".

Looks like you've just been added to the "Pathetic" list.

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The picture here is just to perfect it looks staged , the identities of all person's in this photo should be confirmed before any judgment is made . if the photo is real and not staged then the person's involved should be arrested .

Try watching the video if you think this was staged for publicity reasons. And no doubt there will be no arrests.

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redshirt scum....anyone going to defend that...sad.png

Actually, there are a number of low-life's that like to troll on here that will probably; soon as they set up a new account.

I was thinking the same thing. You know it's coming. No excuse ever for rat packing a Monk. They get all pumped up about beating an old peace loving man. There is a special place in Hell for all those scumbags. They just better hope if I am there I am not their pitboss.

I did not see any red shirts, I must be colour blind.

No. Just illiterate. Try learning to read.

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As Buddhist , Buddha teaching us to respect Buddha, Sangha and Dharmma . To injure or hurt Sangha ( Monks ) is a great sins, This sin cannot be forgiven and punish in hell forever. For those red please ask for forgiveness or the consequence will be heavy.

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He is not a monk, just a yellow shirt ruining the name of Buddhism, playing politics and wearing a yellow robe. An absolute disgrace.

He shouldnt be beaten though, he should be disrobed, named and shamed.

I agree - violence on ANY side should be condemned, however...

'berating them for their actions and making other impolite remarks to the activists'

is provocation and not the business of any genuine monk

"violence on any side should be condemned ... except for red shirts beating up monks ... that's OK".

Looks like you've just been added to the "Pathetic" list.

I didn't say that - don't make up things and tell lies - my posts, always, condemn violence by ANY side

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I agree - violence on ANY side should be condemned, however...

'berating them for their actions and making other impolite remarks to the activists'

is provocation and not the business of any genuine monk

"violence on any side should be condemned ... except for red shirts beating up monks ... that's OK".

Looks like you've just been added to the "Pathetic" list.

I didn't say that - don't make up things and tell lies - my posts, always, condemn violence by ANY side

"however ... is provocation" ... that indicates that it was OK to beat him up because he provoked them.

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well I just watched this video on the news and all I can say is that it shows the world just how small the appendiges on redshirts and their supporters really are. Anyone that can condone/appologize for this is truly pathetic. The amount of reds that had to get in there and punch/kick this monk was humiliating for anyone that considers themselves a human being, these reds are lower than animals and resemble cave men more than so called people. Is it any wonder people claim that they are stupid when they act like this and the ptp simply stand by and cheer them on. As for those trying to compare it to the protest guards, this is on video, so far there has not been any reliable evidence shown to support any claims against the guards, only what is claimed, strange that we see all the evidence of the reds on video etc and nothing is done but when they have only heresay on the protesters, arrest warrants are issued. Even when the police are right in the thick of the action they arrest no one, anyone care to explain why they refuse to do their jobs as the law stipulates wqhen reds are involved...........

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The PRDC mob is no better. Like elsewhere in SE Asia, a lot of young men that will never miss a chance to hand out some mob justice.

Oh, so that makes this assault ok then?

I did neither say, nor imply, that.

You may not have said it, but the way I read it, the implication was there. Apologies if I misunderstood your post.

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I agree - violence on ANY side should be condemned, however...

'berating them for their actions and making other impolite remarks to the activists'

is provocation and not the business of any genuine monk

"violence on any side should be condemned ... except for red shirts beating up monks ... that's OK".

Looks like you've just been added to the "Pathetic" list.

I didn't say that - don't make up things and tell lies - my posts, always, condemn violence by ANY side

"however ... is provocation" ... that indicates that it was OK to beat him up because he provoked them.

argumentum ad hominem

I never said it nor implied it - apologize

Edited by binjalin
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