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Pheu Thai seeks UN chief's help against 'anti-democratic' forces


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Pheu Thai seeks UN chief's help against 'anti-democratic' forces
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The ruling Pheu Thai Party has written to the United Nations chief, asking him to condemn an "undemocratic conspiracy" by conservative and anti-democratic forces in Thai society.

In its letter, Pheu Thai told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that the failure by "the conservatives and their anti-democracy conspirators" to respect the will of the people expressed during a free and fair election was the root cause of Thailand's ongoing political conflict.

"We appeal to you to monitor the situations in Thailand closely to prevent and condemn the undemocratic conspiracy and to support free and fair election so that [the] process of democratisation in Thailand continues and 65 million Thais can determine the course of their future to ensure that Thailand remains a strong member of the UN and global community," it said.

Pheu Thai accused those involved in the alleged conspiracy of having destroyed democracy and the rule of law. "By this letter, we, members of Pheu Thai Party, wish to keep you informed of the alarming political development in Thailand and the violations of laws and infringement of human rights by the privileged conspirators and privileged anti-government protesters.".

The letter, in which the party's name is misspelled as "Phue Thai", also accused the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies of siding with Pheu Thai's enemies in a bid to "get rid of our side" and the government of Yingluck Shinawatra.

Pheu Thai claimed it has had to endure "countless instances of double standard and injustice". It also said, "Will the so-called 'judicial coup' be brought back Never before has the provision of the Constitution been so unlawfully and without legal basis applied in cases against our side."

The letter questioned the fairness of cases against Pheu Thai and other political parties linked to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. "Several decisions of the Constitutional Court and the independent organs under the Constitution are unlawful, undemocratic and unjust," it said.

It said demands by the anti-government protesters are undemocratic and "the reform is just a disguise to acquire power without going through the election. They want to freeze Thailand for their own vested interests."

Pheu Thai members yesterday wore black to protest at the court ruling.

Bhum Jai Thai Party leader Anutin Charnvirakul said yesterday that many parties - not just Pheu Thai - would oppose a non-elected prime minister.

Meanwhile, Nuttawut Saikuar, a red-shirt leader and Cabinet member, yesterday claimed that there were eight candidates to become a non-elected PM: Privy Council member Palakorn Suwannarat, former defence minister Prawit Wongsuwan, ex-PM Anand Panyarachun, former Bank of Thailand governor MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, former finance minister Somkid Jatusripitak, former foreign ministers Surakiart Sathirathai and Arsa Sarasin, and businessman Vikrom Kromadit. He cited sources from politics and the media that Palakorn was top candidate.

-- The Nation 2014-03-25

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It's purely a "morale booster" letter for the MP's and rank and file. The UN will take no notice whatsoever other than pissing themselves laughing at the mess they've got themselves into by their own design.

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I'm not sure that these people would really want to hear what Ban Ki-moon has to say about PTP - he's not that stupid or ill informed - the fact that he says nothing should be loud and clear but I very much doubt that the people involved would grasp the concept of international politics where silence or neutrality is actually condemnation

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what can the UN say

but wait till things settle down and hold a new election

which is exactly what is happening now

So in Yinglucks speech to the Thai people will she now say

If anything goes wrong we will go to forigner for her, as they are better at understanding than Thai people

That will really make the Thais in my wifes village happy

Every time I try to help I get the

what would you know, you not Thai, only Thai understand look

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Unfortunately the idea has some merit if you are somewhere else , both the PTP and the UN lack credibility, so a good partnership is possible , however when the UN tells the PTP what needs to be done they will possibly dispute the information and take the UN to the constitution court.coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When there is blood on the streets, those who chose to look the other way or tied the Governments hands, should take a good long look at themselves and reflect on their actions/ inactions.

There's already blood on the streets, the PTP controlled police are working at solving the crimes as I write.

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When there is blood on the streets, those who chose to look the other way or tied the Governments hands, should take a good long look at themselves and reflect on their actions/ inactions.

Choosing to look the other way? One must assume you are referring to the RTP, right?

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People wany to knpw how much of a laugh the ptp are they just need to read this, it is one giant dummy spit and totally embarrasing for the entire thai populace. These idiots are that pathetic they are now crying to the the UN that it isnt fair, they have been caught with their fingers in the cookie jar and want to blame everyone else except themselves, even the courts. As effie would say, "how embarrasment".w00t.gif

Edited by seajae
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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

I totally agree.

I personally cringed all the way through reading it.

This is an absolute humiliation for the nation of Thailand.

He expects BKM and the UN to stand up and fight their corner? That is the most hilarious part of the lot.

I think they have been watching the Ukraine problems too closely and thought they could get interference from the superpowers to come down in support for them, but the reluctance from the west to issue anything other than a stock 'off the shelf' reply using the all too generic statement of 'Please adhere to the mechanisms of democracy and the rule of law' that they fire back at most countries they can't be arsed with smile.png

I doubt very much that BKM will comment on the so called 'dark forces' of the independent organizations such as the constitutional court and the NACC, if anything he will receive briefing about what is happening with that sector if he already doesn't realize already.

If anything he will probably send a private message back to PTP telling them to observe and respect these agencies.... Then go ahead and issue his 'off the shelf' statement.

What a total joke the PTP has made out of Thailand. The people ought to be outraged.

The real 'dark forces' in action are clearly seen in a recent video of the savage beating of a monk, and had the police or others not intervened, he surely would be dead today. (as pointed out by honourable member 'GeorgeO'.

I have shared that video on my facebook to help bring attention to these idiots who support the government to people in the west and have urged them to share it, which a few already have.... If we all share it, then it could go very viral in the west... wake them up a bit.

Edited by SpermBank
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When there is blood on the streets, those who chose to look the other way or tied the Governments hands, should take a good long look at themselves and reflect on their actions/ inactions.

I have extreme trouble understanding what you are saying

Where crimes are committed you are saying don't blame the those that committed the crimes but blame those that are clueless or aren't interested in stopping them including the Police and the government - I'm sorry but if I hold a gun to your head and pull the trigger you have only myself to blame

and as for looking the other way it is blatantly obvious over the last 4 months - the score is currently 21-1 and no suspects for the 21 ...........go figure

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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

I totally agree.

I personally cringed all the way through reading it.

This is an absolute humiliation for the nation of Thailand.

He expects BKM and the UN to stand up and fight their corner? That is the most hilarious part of the lot.

I think they have been watching the Ukraine problems too closely and thought they could get interference from the superpowers to come down in support for them, but the reluctance from the west to issue anything other than a stock 'off the shelf' reply using the all too generic statement of 'Please adhere to the mechanisms of democracy and the rule of law' that they fire back at most countries they can't be arsed with smile.png

I doubt very much that BKM will comment on the so called 'dark forces' of the independent organizations such as the constitutional court and the NACC, if anything he will receive briefing about what is happening with that sector if he already doesn't realize already.

If anything he will probably send a private message back to PTP telling them to observe and respect these agencies.... Then go ahead and issue his 'off the shelf' statement.

What a total joke the PTP has made out of Thailand. The people ought to be outraged.

I can see it now - Ban Ki-moon Thida charlerm Tarit Surapong Pingpong Pangyapung Sillypong Stupidping and Jutaporn on a redshirt stage all chanting together.......happydays the UN are coming lol

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A knife we can used for cooking or robbing, computer we can used it for knowledge or scamming ,a word democracy we can used for served the citizen or looking for own profit it's depend how we used the 'tools' if we used it on the right path surely the whole nation will be happy but misused for 20-30% up front the country in disaster . UN chairman should analyse the real reason behind and by not just reading the book from cover.

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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

Well Mr. Ban just supported the coup in Ukraine....So it shows clearly that he supports what America is tell him to support.

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"Pheu Thai accused those involved in the alleged conspiracy of having destroyed democracy and the rule of law."

Sounds more accurate like this:

' Pheu Thai involved in conspiracy having destroyed the rule of law. '

This scurvy crew can't even MAKE laws without breaking the law to do it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Dear Police Lieutenant Colonel Sergeant Major Poppadom,

First I have to fix Ukraine, Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Syria ..............

Maybe you can fix for yourself please.

Best wishes, hugs to Squidgy,

Mr Moon.

I think it should read

"Maybe you can stop acting like spoiled little children and try having an intelligent debate amongst yourselves before wasting the UN's time. Best wishes..."

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

Yes it was Thaksin back in....................oh yes, 2003. In reply to the UNHCR who said they would send officials to observe Thai police conduct during the "war on drugs". The rest of that soundbite is

"I am not worried about any UN visit to Thailand on this issue. A UN envoy can come any time to make observations"

Totally rivetting and absolutely damning whistling.gif , I'm sure, but relevance to this topic - a big fat round zero.

But feel free to wheel this old saying out every time there is a mention of the PTP and the UN in one sentence - I look forward to the many varied ways this soundbite can be used to imply............well something, anyway. coffee1.gif

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Phua Thai is so funny...

If the UN comes to really help Thailand, they will show the Corruption Red Card to the government, and they will place this posters into hospitals, schools, etc





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I'm not sure that these people would really want to hear what Ban Ki-moon has to say about PTP - he's not that stupid or ill informed - the fact that he says nothing should be loud and clear but I very much doubt that the people involved would grasp the concept of international politics where silence or neutrality is actually condemnation

He hasn't said anything about the PTP. That is because he already knows that the problem is the PDRC

While he recognizes the complexity of the situation and that some chose not to participate in the election, the Secretary-General is concerned that a number of Thai people were not able to exercise their right to vote,” said a note to correspondents issued by Mr. Ban’s spokesperson last evening.

Noting that the UN chief is closely following the developments in Thailand, the note reiterated Mr. Ban’s call for political differences to be solved through dialogue and in the best interest of the Thai people.

Any action that undermines democratic processes and hinder the democratic right of the Thai people cannot be condoned,” said the note, adding that the Secretary-General encourages all Thais and political leaders in particular to move towards a political solution based on dialogue, compromise and respect for democratic principles.


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Shooting themselves in the knee

"We appeal to you to monitor the situations in Thailand closely to prevent and condemn the undemocratic conspiracy"

Are they not afraid the UN will monitor the situations in Thailand closely and find that the government and the leading party IS the undemocratic conspiracy?

"and to support free and fair election so that [the] process of democratisation in Thailand continues"

Are they not afraid that really free (means the voters get neutral information) and democratic elections might result in real democratisation and PTP loosing ?

Are they not afraid that

"65 million Thais will determine the course of their future to ensure that Thailand becomes a strong member of the UN and global community,"

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When there is blood on the streets, those who chose to look the other way or tied the Governments hands, should take a good long look at themselves and reflect on their actions/ inactions.

When there is blood on the streets, those who commit the violence are responsible.

I get the impression that you would believe that if a shop is robbed it's the fault of the shop owner for opening the shop in the first place.

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