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Pheu Thai seeks UN chief's help against 'anti-democratic' forces


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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

The Secretary General is accepted by most as the de facto Father of all Nations on Earth. President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarded the UN The Secretary General's function as 'The Moderator of the World's Nations'.

Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General is widely regarded as the Most Trustworthy and effective UN Secretary General since the end of the second World War.

Well, luckily Thaksin was not referring to Mr. Moon in 2004

2003, rubl, 2003


When you're right you're right. Indeed my mistake, thanks for correcting.

Actually it would seem k. Thaksin said such on the 3rd or 4th of March 2003 and retracted the next day saying he 'overreacted a bit'

"On February 24, 2003, just over three weeks into the drug war, the United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Asma Jahangir, expressed deep concern at reports of more than 100 deaths in Thailand in connection with a crackdown on the drug trade.22 In fact, Thailands Interior Ministry had the day before reported the deaths of 993 suspects, 977 of which they attributed to gangland killings.23 Jahangir called for strict limits on the use of lethal force by police, consistent with international law, as well as prompt, transparent, and independent investigations into each individual death. Prime Minister Thaksin retorted, Do not worry about this. The U.N. is not my father. We as a U.N. member must follow international regulations. Do not ask too much. There is no problem. They can come and investigate.24"


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The ruling Pheu Thai Party has written to the United Nations chief, asking him to condemn an "undemocratic conspiracy" by conservative and anti-democratic forces in Thai society.

I expect the courier has already picked up the addendum to the origional letter which includes the following information and is about to be delivered to the UN chief.

My Dear UN Chief,

Can you also please condemn the undemocratic conspiracy by this group of people? By making this additional request we at the Pheu Thai Party are demonstrating we uphold democracy to the highest standard and insure there are no double standards in our adminstration.

Red shirts to "hunt down" six members of the NACC.

Red shirts demolish Army security checkpoint near NACC.

A monk was beaten up by red shirt pro-government supporters.

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The letter, in which the party's name is misspelled as "Phue Thai"

Just about sums up the level of professionalism, if one can't even spell their own name correctly.

There is no such thing as a "correct" transliteration of Thai. For example, Esan, Isaan, etc. I'm sure he can spell it properly in Thai script.

Spot on visionchaser45. Another example of no such thing as a "correct" transliteration of Thai is brother and husband. Example: No, no Darling he is not my husband, he is my brother.

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