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Suthep insists no election until reform starts


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Suthep insists no election until reform starts


BANGKOK: -- People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban declared last night that no new election is to be called again unless the caretaker prime minister steps down to allow the national reform to start.

Making clear of the PDRC’s stance to obstruct the new general election under the same environment in which nothing was changed and corruption and vote buying expected to become even more rampant, Suthep said “We will say no to new election unless these evil things would be removed and eradicated.”

He said the entire people will never accept such election held under the same environment which Pheu Thai dominates and controls.

He said election will be acceptable only when caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawtra steps down to pave the way for a new non-partisan prime minister to take control and form a new government and pave the way for reform.

After all these processes have finished, then election could then start, he said.

He said the PDRC would look to it that the election will be held under the clean and clear environment where the evil influence of the Thaksin regime has been eliminated from the country.

He again offered to negotiate with Ms Yingluck but that on a face-to-face meeting and must be televised live.

It must be between him and Yingluck and nobody else, Suthep said.

Mr Suthep also said that the PDRC planned what could be the biggest ever demonstration of the people on March 29 to show Ms Yingluck that the majority of the people do not want election unless reform takes place first.

If she or her caretaker government chose to stubbornly go ahead with the issuance of royal decree to hold general election, she will expect even more protest by the people, and this will bring the end to her regime faster, Suthep said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/suthep-insists-election-reform-starts/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-26

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As one of Thailand's most notoriously corrupt politicians I guess he knows a thing or two about it.

If this is true, than he will have a clue how to end corruption. It is not important what he did (or is blamed for) in the past.

What he does now is what counts.

BTW I think PTP, Yingluck and their cronies know at least much more

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As one of Thailand's most notoriously corrupt politicians I guess he knows a thing or two about it.

Where is any evidence, beside empty blabla from PTP (or their previous parties) for his corruption?

On the land reform, it is already clear that there is no trace of corruption.

I doubt that any politician in Thailand is free of corruption, so I am sure there is something with Suthep, but nothing was ever found so far and by now Thaksins layer surely check everything. That almost daily they go to court with some new charges about murder in 2010, but can't find a single case of corruption to bring to court says a lot.

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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

Step down so that the country can ben manipulated by "good people" for who knows how long without a firm date for elections? Who is going to be able to remove these 'good people' if they choose not to hold elections "when the time is right"? Be careful what you wish for Costas, my old potato

12-14 month was the time frame.....If they wouldn't hold election they would get ousted like the Shinawatras. But if you have any better idea to reform Thailand, please tell. The Shinawatras are as far from being "good people" as you can find in Thailand and surely won't make any reforms to cut themself off the feeding trough.

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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

You're another one who likes to throw around words like constitution, well under the constitution she can't step down, she has to be remain in position until after the new PM has been appointed THROUGH Elections.

Why would she step down because others want her to, it's like asking you to quit your TVF account and stop posting here wink.png

She broke already numerous other parts in the constitution. If you can't hold an election within the required time frame, she must step back. You can't be caretaker PM without election forever just because the constitution doesn't allow you to step back.

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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

You're another one who likes to throw around words like constitution, well under the constitution she can't step down, she has to be remain in position until after the new PM has been appointed THROUGH Elections.

Why would she step down because others want her to, it's like asking you to quit your TVF account and stop posting here ;)

According to PTP's own interpretation (agenda/ rhetoric) only. Where does it state that in the Constitution ? didn't the CC or EC already confirm that stepping down is a legitimate option?

Likewise, on your second point, I could give up my TVF account, and there would be no legal issue in me doing so, so if your attempt at comparison makes any sense at all, then you would mean YL could also step down..... the point is, that she will cling on regardless, anyway.

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Would appear to be a softening of the stance.

Reform must START before an election.

Exactly correct and it must be electoral reform that take place before an election, everything else can come after.

However electoral reforms can never be done by politicians for there is to much vested interest.

True electoral reforms must start with eligibility to stand for both parliament and the senate and include cabinet positions.

The idea being to keep politicians as clean as possible starting with "No person who has been convicted of a criminal offense can stand"

"Anyone who is waiting (whether or on bail or not) for a criminal charge to be heard against them shall be suspended from standing"

Should they be found not guilty the suspension is lifted.

"No one has ever been banned from politics can stand."

That would eliminate most of the ones we have now.

Also hefty jail terms for vote buying, rigging or intimidation of voters.

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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

Step down so that the country can ben manipulated by "good people" for who knows how long without a firm date for elections? Who is going to be able to remove these 'good people' if they choose not to hold elections "when the time is right"? Be careful what you wish for Costas, my old potato

12-14 month was the time frame.....If they wouldn't hold election they would get ousted like the Shinawatras. But if you have any better idea to reform Thailand, please tell. The Shinawatras are as far from being "good people" as you can find in Thailand and surely won't make any reforms to cut themself off the feeding trough.

I don't particularly care for the woman, I'd much prefer is she was replaced by the electorate, and not through a judicial or Military Coup.

There have been other suggestions, hold a referendum and let the people, not the minority but the majority decide if they'll accept the reforms first, Suthep is as stubborn as they come, as to whether he's right or not that's down to time, as to whether he'll be revered as a National Hero ( I highly doubt the Issan people would ever look upon him as such) that's again open to debate, but the truth is, many of his initial followers are sick of it all now, they've not progressed, sure they've had some forums, but stop pushing forwards ideals that are unacceptable to the majority, the PDRC movement has also dwindled, same as the support for the PTP/UDD so put it to the vote, it really doesn't get any simpler.

Let the elections run, stop acting like a spoilt child, give the current administration, IF they win, the same 12-14 months in which the reforms you so desire have to happen, or they're out on their ass.. yes, we all know they didn't do a great job, in fact it was abysmal, but they have no choice now, let the public determine who should run the country, who ever it is has 12 months to get their act together.. simple, and if they fail, then the Military step in, and have 6 months control, so that the future ruling party can have everything in place..

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"Mr Suthep also said that the PDRC planned what could be the biggest ever demonstration of the people on March 29 to show Ms Yingluck that the majority of the people do not want election unless reform takes place first."

If the majority of Thai people wanted to be ruled by a group pushing a yellow agenda, then wouldn't the simplest thing be to push for an election as soon as possible?

The fact that the "Democrats" are boycotting elections and that Suthep is trying to shut them down suggests to me that even they themselves know the majority of Thai people aren't on board with their plans to install dictatorship.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"install dictatorship"? (ridiculous)


and what is a yellow agenda?

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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

You're another one who likes to throw around words like constitution, well under the constitution she can't step down, she has to be remain in position until after the new PM has been appointed THROUGH Elections.

Why would she step down because others want her to, it's like asking you to quit your TVF account and stop posting here wink.png

She broke already numerous other parts in the constitution. If you can't hold an election within the required time frame, she must step back. You can't be caretaker PM without election forever just because the constitution doesn't allow you to step back.

I will be totally honest, I know NOTHING of the constitution, it's one of these documents that is open to interpretation as to how you read it, based on all the constitutional "experts" here..

So she failed to hold the elections within the 60 days, but the EC themselves said they were not prepared and they advised it was too soon? Surely they're both in breach of the constitution? ( think she was actually 4 days over the 60 days??)

Seems to be that everyone, including the protesters broke the same constitution by blocking the votes, and intimidating those who desired to vote..

It is very apparent that the very constitution has been blatantly disregarded by all parties, and do what they want.. I'd go as far as saying that the first reform would be sweeping changes to that very constitution would you not agree?

Suthep and Yingluck keep telling everyone it's about the people, well let the people decide, that's everyone that has a vote and a voice, let them decide.

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If she or her caretaker government chose to stubbornly go ahead with the issuance of royal decree to hold general election, she will expect even more protest by the people...

And Friday's Constitutional Court decision appears to mean that it is probably now only necessary to prevent candidate registration in one constituency, rather than 26+, as previously believed by the PDRC. Failure to have candidates in one or more constituencies is likely to result in the EC postponing elections and repeating candidate registrations across the entire country, rather than wasting time and money on elections that will be annulled because they cannot take place all on one day.

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" Abhisit's " middle road " solution - a referendum that gives the green light to reform discussions before an election - is the clear solution, that ought to be embraced by all. It remains the key proposition that actually brings the two sides together and would also defuse the crisis peacefully as well as set a path forward. "

Talk shcmaock! Reforms here will take years if not decades....have no idea how one cannot see that... we are not talking about bringing the dog in and putting the cat out... we are talking about reforms in every aspect of social structure hierarchy et al.. With the misers holding on to the old ways for dear life and until they no longer are beings... ...sure the court may rule... but it will not be the beginning of reform...it will usher out one party and bring another group into the same trough...get a clue...this is a decades long reform that is necessary... no simplistic three paragraph summation is gonna dispatch it

Edited by DirtFarmer
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Yet again he is threatening intimidation, insurrection etc. He is a very dangerous man continually getting away it with thanks to his overlords..

Reform sure, but after elections which are now essential to stabilise the country.

Each party can campaign including a stone cold promise to include reform within a certain period as part of their manifesto. Both of the main parties have had the chance in the past neither has taken it. Yes of course it's only words but it is now very important and whoever wins the election would ignore it at their peril.

What else they put in their manifestos it is up to them and then sell it to the people, let them choose.

Free unhindered elections and may the best team win.

That won't change anything.

Edited by Local Drunk
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Is this woman deaf?

I know she is dumb, but she should be able to understand what is good for her country.

Step down, Yingluck.

Step down so that the country can ben manipulated by "good people" for who knows how long without a firm date for elections? Who is going to be able to remove these 'good people' if they choose not to hold elections "when the time is right"? Be careful what you wish for Costas, my old potato

12-14 month was the time frame.....If they wouldn't hold election they would get ousted like the Shinawatras. But if you have any better idea to reform Thailand, please tell. The Shinawatras are as far from being "good people" as you can find in Thailand and surely won't make any reforms to cut themself off the feeding trough.

If they don't hold an election then what is stopping them from using the army to stay in power?

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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