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Red shirts demolish Army security checkpoint near NACC


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The reds are trying to provoke a coup or a civil war whatever. These reds belong to the same group that beat the monk up. They are happy to carry out this type of violence against the army, safe in the knowledge that precedent gives them big payouts for injury and mega payouts to the family for death, 7 Mill wasn't it.

Where are the police? Where is the response from the army (difficult, look what happened last time they defended themselves from attack, the law suits will still be ongoing in a decade) where is the press conference held by the PM and Def Minister and the Internal Security Minister? Oh Thailand such a beautiful place run by some of the ugliest and most corrupt of people in the world.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Do you not realise that many soldiers in Isan are likely to refuse to fight against the reds if push comes to shove?

Look at the army's choice of units to suppress the 2010 crackdown. Look at how Prayuth has not launched a coup yet despite clearly wanting to.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You obviously have no idea of the brutality of he brainwashing training of new recruits. They will kill anyone if ordered. It's a conscript army and discipline is exceedingly strict compared to an all volunteer army. Don't count on any insurrection within the ranks. Unit commanders, on the other hand have been identified as to loyalty and contingency plans have been drawn up. There is no history of individual soldiers rebelling and scant history of unit commanders failing to fall in line.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Do you not realise that many soldiers in Isan are likely to refuse to fight against the reds if push comes to shove?

Look at the army's choice of units to suppress the 2010 crackdown. Look at how Prayuth has not launched a coup yet despite clearly wanting to.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You obviously have no idea of the brutality of he brainwashing training of new recruits. They will kill anyone if ordered. It's a conscript army and discipline is exceedingly strict compared to an all volunteer army. Don't count on any insurrection within the ranks. Unit commanders, on the other hand have been identified as to loyalty and contingency plans have been drawn up. There is no history of individual soldiers rebelling and scant history of unit commanders failing to fall in line.

What are you talking about. They had to sift through the ranks last time to find who could quell the reds in bangkok. Suppress the whole country?

Oh puleeze.

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I think the nicest thing that has happened since this recent round of ugly and childish factionalism kicked off, was when the Army put all those lovely flowerpots all around the bunkers. This was done to reassure and relax people. I thought it was very nice. Maybe the reds just hate flowers.

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And some 'intellectual heavyweights' continually criticize Thai army for being heavy handed. Get some perspective. Try demolishing U.S or British Army security checkpoint mate and see what happens. It seems to me that Jatuporn and his followers want blood to be spilled once again.

U could say the same about police hq or checkpoints, but whatever. Still wrong and should b condemned by all leaders.

My personal feeling is that prayuth doesnt have a unified army killing machine as many claim. We see navy and possibly othets freelancing with the PDRC. Its not hard to imagine army defectors taking their weapons with them. Guerilla warfare doesnt need numbers, just people willing to do violence and die for their cause. The reds have quite successfully made this out to be a battle for democracy.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

And occupied by Issan troops loyal to Thaksin. Or has nobody bothered to look up where the majority of conscripts and personnel in the armed forces come from. 2/3rds from the north and east. Bangkokians and southerners make up a very small minority.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We are talking about school leavers here in general. Who had little chance to avoid going in(lottery) These kids are not loyal to Thaksin in general they couldn't give a toss.

You are telling me only one third are from the rest of Thailand. So in an election 66% red--33% other ??? ha ha.

May I call you cricket and leave out the true name.giggle.gif --no malice intended

lol, cricket sounds just fine. Look up the stats though, you'll be very surprised.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Many countries have going on demonstrations, mass protests and antagonistic mobs fighting each other.

Usually Police takes care of keeping the Law and Order.

On rare occasions Army gets involved to prevent mob overrunning the Police.

Only in Thailand Mob rules the day. I can visualize the picture:

Maj. Gen. : " Here is your post. No guns, no ammo. You are to guard it with your life... until the Mob comes. Than you become Mobile..."

Only in Thailand...

It is either this scenario, or the Gen. Staff of Thai Army is planning OPs like this one... Why? Beats me. If Army wanted a coup they don't need any more excuses.

Is there anybody up there who understands that this country becomes an International Joke?

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The Army had guns, why didn't they defend themselves? Usual Thai craven behaviour ...

Keep calm and check your facts. The soldiers at these checkpoints are NOT armed.....

That's right, and the reason they are allowed to display the Red Cross signs.

If those are taken down then be warned.

The Red Cross sign has been taken down from the checkpoint at Wat Mongkut (besides the UN/Makhawan Bridge) but I believe that this is because someone complained that the army was not allowed to display the Red Cross sign without express authorization from the Red Cross.

Nevertheless, I have seen no weapons inside, just a collection of teddy bears sitting in a row (a gift from their children). Now the soldiers are wearing an arm band with the Red Cross symbol. I guess that they are allowed to wear that arm band if they are medical team.

I cross some words with them every day (not about politics or their mission, just casual conversation). They are very nice guys, and their presence is very much appreciated by the neighborhood.

Edited by MGP
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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

A bit over-dramatic today, aren't we?

NO. time will tell the PM is supposed to be in control of the PTP. if she cannot rein in these nutters then she will have more problems than she has already.

unless these reds back off, street fights on a massive scale. Who wants mega problems?? T.S. because he is losing the fight and he is encouraging it all, the leader of the nutters,,,, and the PM is doing what--nothing.

Yingluck is caretaker PM and in a political party called the PTP. The UDD on the other hand is not a political party and Yingluck has no influence over it whatsoever. The UDD has their own leader and he is called Jatuporn. Jatuporn is not a caretaker PM and does not have any influence over the PTP.

Now do you understand?

WoW how stupid can I get ??? And all along I thought they were all under one parasol !!

BUT how is it that Thaksin controls the reds--we all know he has funded them, they acted for him in the 2010 red siege. The red support at election time and after.

Jutaporn was selected for cabinet position by the SHINS serving in her/his government, is a spokesperson for the government on many occasions.

I think you are on something to suggest otherwise, fancy posting something like this, unbelievable.

I forgot though the PM is not responsible for anything, attending meetings, mainly shopping trips and opening OTOP events. You are a waste of time in reality especially now after this post.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

And occupied by Issan troops loyal to Thaksin. Or has nobody bothered to look up where the majority of conscripts and personnel in the armed forces come from. 2/3rds from the north and east. Bangkokians and southerners make up a very small minority.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We are talking about school leavers here in general. Who had little chance to avoid going in(lottery) These kids are not loyal to Thaksin in general they couldn't give a toss.

You are telling me only one third are from the rest of Thailand. So in an election 66% red--33% other ??? ha ha.

May I call you cricket and leave out the true name.giggle.gif --no malice intended

lol, cricket sounds just fine. Look up the stats though, you'll be very surprised.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Did do that and ???? You said the north and east, The north and the north east are a different set of figures. I live in Udon classed as the Nth /E Chiang Mai, is classed as Nth/W. East/eastern seaboard/ sort of puts Pattaya and the like together with Buriram which is Cambodia style

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If the red rouge want it, beg and gag for it; time for the soldiers to arm themselves as soldiers should. Red shirts wanna come play with fire again- then come and get burned. They never learn.

Most of these people are the ones that love slaughter, organize dog fights, chicken fights, kill wild life with catapults, go to gigs on M/Cycles armed with knives, drink local whiskey, Where do they work ?? surely not at Big C, 7-11, internet cafe's, sorry but more than likely--SELF EMPLOYED example taking cattle to water holes, scraping beer money together in the village mixing sand and cement, then getting in a pick-up paid expenses to BKK, to cause as much havoc as possible.

This is not aimed at decent local people in rural areas, but the elements that are recruited from the same environment. Selected by a local village red -head man.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

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" As a result, the Army had to relocate the checkpoint from the spot"

An useless police force and an army that let their bunkers be overrun by Redshirt terrorists, and this we pay taxes for!

I would not expect too much from an army incapable to prevent the theft of truckloads of their weapons from their arms depots.

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With March 29 being "D day" for yingluck to defend herself we can expect to see a lot more tactical terrorist movement within Bangkok over the coming 4 days. Nattawut, Jatuporn and Ko Tee (the terrorists version of the 3 stooges). It cannot be understated that the UDD stance has focused in on independent agencies that will feel the wrath of the PTP terrorist wings extremely violent practices in the future. This OP highlights a prelude of things to come. The terrorists are setting the stage so to speak. It is these same terrorists that burnt coffins and threw feaces at the court only days earlier so to join the dots here does not need more than a second grade education and Maj Gen Wara Boonyasit is well aware that when these dots are joined it spells blood, terror, disrespect of the rule of law and anarchy. (All terrorist comfort words)

It is nice to see the army restrain themselves for this latest blatant attempt by the terrorists to set up their "front lines" , but rest assured if they have free rain like they did in 2010 then this situation will rupture in spectacular fashion. The army need to show restraint yet must not let the terrorist disrespect the rule of law and certainly not let them hold Bangkok hostage lest Jatuporn get his wish of "The sky will be red, red with blood"

Trying times ahead. The law, the army and 15 principles of democracy vs the terrorists and 1 principle of democracy. One cannot help but hear the silence from yinluck today and this will be replicated in the coming days with not a word to denounce the developments that will drive Thailand to a bloody future.

The international community will not judge yingluck on what she said. They will judge her on what she didn't say.

Though Yingluck learned a lesson from Abhisit. She is NOT involved with CAPO, so she is more distanced from any problems there.

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" As a result, the Army had to relocate the checkpoint from the spot"

An useless police force and an army that let their bunkers be overrun by Redshirt terrorists, and this we pay taxes for!

How many unarmed soldiers do you think would have been at the check point ? 4 or 5 at the most.

How do you expect them to stop a mob of red thugs who turn up ?

They were right to move away and let the thugs have the bunker, if they hadn't they would have undoubtedly been beaten up and possibly killed.

These types have already shown they are ready to bash anyone who they think might oppose them, even monks.

This is just another provocation in Thaksins desperate moves to get the army to stage a coup.

The army should have called the police ...... 911

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" As a result, the Army had to relocate the checkpoint from the spot"

An useless police force and an army that let their bunkers be overrun by Redshirt terrorists, and this we pay taxes for!

How many unarmed soldiers do you think would have been at the check point ? 4 or 5 at the most.

How do you expect them to stop a mob of red thugs who turn up ?

They were right to move away and let the thugs have the bunker, if they hadn't they would have undoubtedly been beaten up and possibly killed.

These types have already shown they are ready to bash anyone who they think might oppose them, even monks.

This is just another provocation in Thaksins desperate moves to get the army to stage a coup.

The army should have called the police ...... 911


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If the red rouge want it, beg and gag for it; time for the soldiers to arm themselves as soldiers should. Red shirts wanna come play with fire again- then come and get burned. They never learn.

Most of these people are the ones that love slaughter, organize dog fights, chicken fights, kill wild life with catapults, go to gigs on M/Cycles armed with knives, drink local whiskey, Where do they work ?? surely not at Big C, 7-11, internet cafe's, sorry but more than likely--SELF EMPLOYED example taking cattle to water holes, scraping beer money together in the village mixing sand and cement, then getting in a pick-up paid expenses to BKK, to cause as much havoc as possible.

This is not aimed at decent local people in rural areas, but the elements that are recruited from the same environment. Selected by a local village red -head man.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

With respect, no, strike that, no respect deserved or intended, your diatribe about categorising red shirts as loving slaughter is typical old style PAD demonising and just as off topic.

Listen to yourself, "going to gigs on motorcycles armed with knives and drinking the local whiskey", Employment prospects according to you, only Big C, 7 - 11 or internet cafes, but wait , it's worse than that, they're, I can hardly bring myself to write the words, they're, SELF EMPLOYED !!

If this was the UK I suppose you would have written to the Daily Mail, but being in Thailand, (you are here , aren't you?) you vent off on this forum.

Give it a rest.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Yes they have some lovely bases. Pssst, want to know a secret? The majority of people posted there are from Issan. Want to know another secret?

Many of them come from families who support the PTP. Want to know another secret? During the 2010 troubles, those units were kept out of Bangkok because there was a concern they would not be effective. Even the regular army units in Bangkok exercised restraint. Suthep and Abhisit had to wait for the Royal Guard units to take over in Bangkok before they could attack the protestors.

Yea, so, I don't think anyone is going to be hunted to the far corners of Issan . However, I'll be out with some of the boys next week. I can ask them if they would be willing to hunt down their family members, if you want. I'm sure I'll get a few laughs.

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Does anybody ever think, how the Thai army fight in the South? Scarcely isn't it? Especially we have minister of defense only stay up North

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

There is nothing to fight in the south. Most of the attacks are IEDs or clandestine.

If you are trying to call the Thai soldiers cowards, you are very wrong. My friend had to deactivate some of those IEDS. He did it with no protective gear. His unit has been ambushed and he has lost friends. One of my friends went home in a plastic container because that's all that was left of him. So, please don't denigrate those people. .

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Thailand has raised protests to a whole new level where you can tell opposing parties by the color of the clothes they wear, by the whistles they blow, and by the Thai flag colors they wear. People in red shirts attack army checkpoint - those are the PTP party. People with yellow shirts, whistles, and/or Thai flag colors on their clothes attack people in shopping malls - those are the PDRC party. How simple it is to find blame in this country. (sarcasm)

But seriously.

What is the Army's authority now being deployed in Bangkok? Previously, it refused to deploy for the lack of a State of Emergency. When the State of Emergency was issued, the military refused to deploy as it claimed the police were responsible for protecting the public. When the police failed repeatedly to stop or deter violence, the Army unilaterally deployed using their concern for protection of PDRC protesters as its authority. But there is no martial law in effect and the military refuses to declare martial law. If one is concerned about the constitution, the continued Army deployment should be questioned as to whether it is violating the Consitution. Or is the Constitution really a discretionary tool that can be manipulated by those who hold real power in Thailand?

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This is very sad.

Thanks to the checkpoints of the unarmed Royal Thai Army, the street where I live (close to Makhawan Bridge) is a safer place to be. Not 100% free of attacks, but at least the coward terrorist are not attacking during the day.

They are providing a security to the citizens that the Police is not offering, they are very kind with the neighbours (and vice-versa), and they are also equipped with emergency medical aid support.

This is an image of the Red Shirts dismounting the checkpoints


That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

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This is very sad.

Thanks to the checkpoints of the unarmed Royal Thai Army, the street where I live (close to Makhawan Bridge) is a safer place to be. Not 100% free of attacks, but at least the coward terrorist are not attacking during the day.

They are providing a security to the citizens that the Police is not offering, they are very kind with the neighbours (and vice-versa), and they are also equipped with emergency medical aid support.

This is an image of the Red Shirts dismounting the checkpoints


That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

Since you are so in tune with the Red Shirts perhaps you could explain the motives or justification for dismantling the checkpoint?

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This is very sad.

Thanks to the checkpoints of the unarmed Royal Thai Army, the street where I live (close to Makhawan Bridge) is a safer place to be. Not 100% free of attacks, but at least the coward terrorist are not attacking during the day.

They are providing a security to the citizens that the Police is not offering, they are very kind with the neighbours (and vice-versa), and they are also equipped with emergency medical aid support.

This is an image of the Red Shirts dismounting the checkpoints


That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

And what is your point? I don't mind if you don't like the words that I choose, but what are you trying to say? Are you trying to justify the dismantling? Do you have some problem with the weakness of that particular checkpoint?. Most of them are protected with a wall of sandbags - perhaps they already removed them. Anyway, why is that detail so relevant to you?

Edited by MGP
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says a lot about the army doesn't it?

I guess since the red shirts got away with it this time,

why not keep doing it?

Who and where is the defense minister and why is something

not being done about it?

The head puppet wears red, I seem to remember something about being a soldier

and dying on the field of democracy. The puppet can't even stand up for her own,

too many strings attached. sad.png

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This is very sad.

Thanks to the checkpoints of the unarmed Royal Thai Army, the street where I live (close to Makhawan Bridge) is a safer place to be. Not 100% free of attacks, but at least the coward terrorist are not attacking during the day.

They are providing a security to the citizens that the Police is not offering, they are very kind with the neighbours (and vice-versa), and they are also equipped with emergency medical aid support.

This is an image of the Red Shirts dismounting the checkpoints


That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

looks like a federal offense to me. Isn't this destroying government property?

Try that in a developed country and see what happens.

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Thailand has raised protests to a whole new level where you can tell opposing parties by the color of the clothes they wear, by the whistles they blow, and by the Thai flag colors they wear. People in red shirts attack army checkpoint - those are the PTP party. People with yellow shirts, whistles, and/or Thai flag colors on their clothes attack people in shopping malls - those are the PDRC party. How simple it is to find blame in this country. (sarcasm)

But seriously.

What is the Army's authority now being deployed in Bangkok? Previously, it refused to deploy for the lack of a State of Emergency. When the State of Emergency was issued, the military refused to deploy as it claimed the police were responsible for protecting the public. When the police failed repeatedly to stop or deter violence, the Army unilaterally deployed using their concern for protection of PDRC protesters as its authority. But there is no martial law in effect and the military refuses to declare martial law. If one is concerned about the constitution, the continued Army deployment should be questioned as to whether it is violating the Consitution. Or is the Constitution really a discretionary tool that can be manipulated by those who hold real power in Thailand?

What is actually under question ?

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The only sensible Thai I've met was a guy selling T-shirts Red in front and Yellow on the back.

He said it was a life saving device on BKK roads in case of skirmishes with Police or Army.

The T-shirts in Red and Yellow stripes are also good as camouflage confusing Army, Police, people and Gov't.

BTW, what was the name of that miserable French (farang) criminal from Phuket flanked by four brave proud coppers? Beh-Beh-Beh?... Ahh, Goat!

Now we all know what makes Thailand being laughed at.

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