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Taking the law into their own hands: Thai editorial


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Taking the law into their own hands

The Nation

Our caretaker government seems to think winning an election gives it the right to flout the courts' authority; that's not how democracy works

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul told Cabinet members on Tuesday that his ministry had issued an international statement on the recent Constitutional Court verdict. The court had voided the February 2 election because it was held on different days in different places, contrary to the Constitution.

The ministry's statement, said Surapong, explained that the ruling did not take into account the electorate's wishes and thus subverted the rights of the more than 20 million people who did vote. The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

The content of the statement is similar to that of the letter sent to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon by politicians from the ruling Pheu Thai Party.

Their letter asked Ban to condemn an "undemocratic conspiracy" by conservative and anti-democratic forces in Thai society. It accused the Constitutional Court and the other independent agencies of siding with Pheu Thai's enemies in a bid to "get rid of our side" and the government of Yingluck Shinawatra. "Several decisions of the Constitutional Court and the independent organs under the Constitution are unlawful, undemocratic and unjust," said the letter, which was made public the day before the Foreign Ministry released its statement.

While Pheu Thai's letter comes as no surprise, the same cannot be said for the ministry's statement. In contrast to political parties and activist groups, the ministry is a state agency and as such is supposed to remain politically neutral. Its authority should not become a political weapon aimed at perceived enemies.

It was quite acceptable for Pheu Thai members to write to the UN chief. However, it was inappropriate for the Foreign Ministry to take a similar stance against the Constitutional Court, which is part of the check-and-balance mechanism enshrined in the three branches of government - administrative, legislative and judicial.

The release of the statement has sparked suspicion of political intervention. The minister reported that "some ministry officials" objected to releasing any such statement because they are close to senior bureaucrats who side with the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee.

Politicians like to boast of their democratic credentials as elected public representatives, even though, in reality, many are no such thing, having come to power by buying votes in one form or another. Some lawmakers consider themselves superior to judges, pointing out that the judiciary is not elected.

However, winning an election does not give politicians the right to do anything they wish. Being elected is not a licence to break the law or deny the authority of the courts.

Like everyone else, politicians have a duty to respect the rule of law, just as the courts have an obligation to interpret and apply the law. These same politicians happily use these same courts to sue their enemies and they often win favourable rulings. They must simply accept the fact that, if they lose a game, they cannot blame the referee.

-- The Nation 2014-03-26

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The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

Careful. If the internetional community were to start looking into, and speaking out, about the situitation in Thailand, this government might well find themselves in the hotseat.

There is absolutely no way Surapong is qualified, on any level, to be Foreign Minister, or minister of anything, except perhaps the hong nam. He is a national disgrace.

Agreed; here in Land of Scams very few positions are a result of being qualified. This is extremely evident in some of the statements (not to mention behavior- decree) made by government “leaders.” And yes to many of us the various statements/ mindset is laughable , but specifically pathetic. Some of the statements by e.g. Education “ministers” over the years is mind-boggling. Oh and let’s not forget the statements from Transportation “gurus.” Hel, no wonder there are so many smiling people …. AMUSING Thailand. Sad.

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The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

Careful. If the internetional community were to start looking into, and speaking out, about the situitation in Thailand, this government might well find themselves in the hotseat.

There is absolutely no way Surapong is qualified, on any level, to be Foreign Minister, or minister of anything, except perhaps the hong nam. He is a national disgrace.

I believe this Gov is already in the hotseat and only trying to get the world to support their parties views

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Taking the law into their own hands"

I'm glad I'm not trying to "normalize the abnormal" with respect to this judiciary, as PAD-Dem's self-servingly try to do, in the face of historical facts to the contrary....It is a tough argument.

The fact that huge segments of the electoral majority reject these courts for that history and demonstrated bias is fact. That alone should be evidence enough, of an abnormal state-of-being..

What other normal Democratic country has a majority electorate doing that.

That said, I notice in arguing that "abnormal is normal', they also take another swipe at Politicians, which alone suggests the anti-democratic slant of this writer.......Anti-democrats have a problem getting their head around the notion that Politicians, for all their Asian imperfections, represent voters.

It is another reason they see nothing wrong with exercising Opposition via Independent Organizations and the Judiciary instead of Parliament. The fact that Parliament is blocked because of their actions, understandably does not concern anti-democrats...In fact anyone condoning this, identify themselves as such.

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Ah, Thailand... such challenges. Corruption and elitism have stunted your growth, the masses have woken up to their power, the rich and Bangkok elite have their backs to the wall, the inmates are running the asylum, and we are in a box canyon, with no way clear for an out. The Constitutional Court is made up of whom? Is it representative? Who appointed these people? And sure, the government and opposition both 'buy' votes, but the majority's choice is clear. Democracy? It's limits are tested here, and Thailand is stuck. What will result? So the NACC indicts the PM, she refuses to step down, The CC steps in, she still refuses to step down, and the military... sits on its hands, leaving us where. Or what happens? If I didn't live here, this would be an interesting Economist article. I do, though, and it is less than amusing. I hope the powers that be, on both sides, can figure out some compromise, some way to stop it all from going further down the drain.

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Thaksin on the Lam, founds a party to get himself an amnesty for his criminal convictions and enlists 'Lerm, a man with many years of experience in matters of accountability to the law.

When things don't go their way they dream up the campaign line 'Judicial Coup'.

Thaksin and the thugs he hires to do his bidding simply do not see themselves as subject to the law of the land.

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Preposterous editorial dribble and propaganda.

Did caretaker DPM and MoFA Surapong make the 'international statement' or didn't he? Is that the content or not? If he did and it is, then he is an imbecile and brings derision on Thailand through the incompetence of the government having him represent Thailand in the international arena. BTW, what foreign government is not laughing behind Thailand's back for having a no-experience PM that is directed from abroad, via Skype, by a fugitive, convicted felon. Take the wool off your eyes and stop being a Thaksin sheep.

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The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

Careful. If the internetional community were to start looking into, and speaking out, about the situitation in Thailand, this government might well find themselves in the hotseat.

There is absolutely no way Surapong is qualified, on any level, to be Foreign Minister, or minister of anything, except perhaps the hong nam. He is a national disgrace.

Actually the PTP stands out for incompetent ministers. Could anyone name a few democrats that are as stupid as the PTP their ministers. It also reflects itself in people supporting the PTP usually also less bright as those who support the right side biggrin.png

Just a few examples of PTP finest

- Charmlem (alcoholic)

- Plopsadrop (trying to get water to flow faster with propellers and other crazy idea's)

- Kitiriat (probably misspelled but minister of white and black lies)

- Surapong (no further explaining needed)

- Yingluck (just a pretty puppet to her brother)

I wonder how anyone with half a brain can support those..

Honestly what have the Dem's ever accomplished?

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The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

Careful. If the internetional community were to start looking into, and speaking out, about the situitation in Thailand, this government might well find themselves in the hotseat.

There is absolutely no way Surapong is qualified, on any level, to be Foreign Minister, or minister of anything, except perhaps the hong nam. He is a national disgrace.

Actually the PTP stands out for incompetent ministers. Could anyone name a few democrats that are as stupid as the PTP their ministers. It also reflects itself in people supporting the PTP usually also less bright as those who support the right side biggrin.png

Just a few examples of PTP finest

- Charmlem (alcoholic)

- Plopsadrop (trying to get water to flow faster with propellers and other crazy idea's)

- Kitiriat (probably misspelled but minister of white and black lies)

- Surapong (no further explaining needed)

- Yingluck (just a pretty puppet to her brother)

I wonder how anyone with half a brain can support those..

Honestly what have the Dem's ever accomplished?

If you really do want to know, then before you post again you should look these things up.

Lets start with increasing the age of free education from 12 to 15 then putting together an education reform package which I see is being revitalized by the education ministry right now, that is spite of it being dumped by PT in favor of tablets when they came into office.

Then there is their financial performance, in times of international downturn and in spite of Thaksins red riots and the Cambodian incursion they still managed a 10% growth in the time they were in office.

There was their farm support scheme that helped the farmers but didn't break the bank or cause all the other negative effects of the rice pledging.

The leveling off and slight drop in corruption in spite of having to take on the parasite parties to form a Govt.

Making health care free by dumping the 30 b which was costing more to administer than it was bringing in, reinstated by PT because it was Thaksins idea.

Will that do for now ?

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The statement called for the international community to monitor the situation in Thailand for signs of an "undemocratic process".

Careful. If the internetional community were to start looking into, and speaking out, about the situitation in Thailand, this government might well find themselves in the hotseat.

There is absolutely no way Surapong is qualified, on any level, to be Foreign Minister, or minister of anything, except perhaps the hong nam. He is a national disgrace.

I am sorry to have to disagree with completely when you say that Surapong is not qualified for anything.

He has the 3rd highest qualifications in the government.

The first would have been Thaksins wife but they divorced.

The 2nd highest is the current PM who is Thaksin's sister.

The 3rd highest is Surapong who is Thaksins cousin and therefore still family.

With that qualification what else does he need?

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