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Thai opinion: Staring into the eye of savagery


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in the reverse evolution process described by Charles Darwin. "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world."

Let's hope sooner than later. Never liked the color red.

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Darwins theory of evolution bypassed Siam.

No! No! You got it all wrong. For years man has searched for evidence of Darwin’s theory up to date they have found no hard evidence. This is because the evidence is alive and well, and belongs to a certain group of people.

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Darwins theory of evolution bypassed Siam.

so glad to see that the Nation news paper is neutral! same old trash! both sides are to blame however who overthrew a democratically elected government? who started shooting in 2010? i still have the photo's and news paper articles on mjy computer. you who have eyes SEE! you who have ears Listen! and keep out of Thai polotics, it is deadly and does not concern you! if you don't like it leave or get in the middle and yell fire and see what happens.

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Well for decades the poor everywhere in Thailand have had their human and economic rights trampled on by various political, social, and economic elites of various political stripes. Grassroots movements for economic, social, and environmental rights have been suppressed by violence and their leaders usually "disappeared." All this with very little useful condemnation or resistance from the educated middle-class and elites of Bangkok. Hence it's hardly surprising that these people who have had nothing but a diet of violence feed to them by Thai society react and lash out in the same manner against their perceived enemies.

And instead of some toff writer for The Nation calling them monkeys (de-evolved humans) maybe he/she [one never knows with these Thai names] should be leading a drive to protect their right to one-person one-vote!

It's not a "diet of violence" that's been fed to them, it's a government that openly states it will defy the law. This is bound to make certain people of certain intellect think that they too are above the law.

Do you think any of the attackers was perhaps autistic and thus couldn't be held responsible for his behaviour? Oh, no, although you want to excuse these barbaric thugs, you don't think autism is a real disability, do you?

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Darwins theory of evolution bypassed Siam.

No! No! You got it all wrong. For years man has searched for evidence of Darwin’s theory up to date they have found no hard evidence. This is because the evidence is alive and well, and belongs to a certain group of people.

I am interested to know what group of people you are referring to.

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The same people that call the attackers of this monk "galahs" which is more a description suited to a group of kids with water paint all over themselves while playing in the back yard. Of course this is to downplay the gravity of the crime committed and is the only sign of admission of guilt one would receive from there supporters. "Galahs" a bunch of scallywags that got a bit playful in their eyes. They are very very quick to back that up with the usual "But the monk brought it on himself" excuse. Then the accusations fly of him being a PDRC supporter, not a real monk, that he attacked the red shirts first…Stories that are more mystical and imaginative than J.R.Tolkiens could possible conjure and is more suited to children's nursery rhyme books than on a "grown ups" political forum.

When the OP states these "humans" as savages he does not mention the supporters that stand on the side lines that defend them. I think they are just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Without their support these savages would not be so emboldened and they would dissolve quicker than an aspirin in water.

The supporters in the "beat the war drum" supporting terrorism and clapping and cheering upon hearing the "good news" in Trat is a true window into the wretched souls of these people. These supporters. These fanatics that denounce the very thing they have become. One thing can be guaranteed after guaging the reactions of these "supporters" is that my children will be shielded from this hatred and blind fanatical devotion and celebration of death, evil and wanton destruction that the red shirts embrace like a new born infant to her mothers teat.

What is worse? The savage or the supporter and defender of savages. My children will be taught to avoid both.

Excellent post,could only disagree with one point.These people do not have souls,they the devil incarnate.

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The same people that call the attackers of this monk "galahs" which is more a description suited to a group of kids with water paint all over themselves while playing in the back yard. Of course this is to downplay the gravity of the crime committed and is the only sign of admission of guilt one would receive from there supporters. "Galahs" a bunch of scallywags that got a bit playful in their eyes. They are very very quick to back that up with the usual "But the monk brought it on himself" excuse. Then the accusations fly of him being a PDRC supporter, not a real monk, that he attacked the red shirts first…Stories that are more mystical and imaginative than J.R.Tolkiens could possible conjure and is more suited to children's nursery rhyme books than on a "grown ups" political forum.

When the OP states these "humans" as savages he does not mention the supporters that stand on the side lines that defend them. I think they are just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Without their support these savages would not be so emboldened and they would dissolve quicker than an aspirin in water.

The supporters in the "beat the war drum" supporting terrorism and clapping and cheering upon hearing the "good news" in Trat is a true window into the wretched souls of these people. These supporters. These fanatics that denounce the very thing they have become. One thing can be guaranteed after guaging the reactions of these "supporters" is that my children will be shielded from this hatred and blind fanatical devotion and celebration of death, evil and wanton destruction that the red shirts embrace like a new born infant to her mothers teat.

What is worse? The savage or the supporter and defender of savages. My children will be taught to avoid both.

Excellent post,could only disagree with one point.These people do not have souls,they the devil incarnate.

They have souls, but they have been twisted by their leaders.

Good souls originally, but now souls sold to the devil, some never even knowing the sale was made.

As bad as their actions, it is hard not to also feel sorry for them in their horribly manipulated states of being.

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It appears to me from the OP that we haven't reverted to savages in the true primal sense. It appears that we recognize colour coding and that red indicates the savage side.

Whereas I hold nothing but revulsion for the people involved in the monk incident, I am having difficulty remembering such a one sided article as this with reference to today's politics.


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Darwins theory of evolution bypassed Siam.

so glad to see that the Nation news paper is neutral! same old trash! both sides are to blame however who overthrew a democratically elected government? who started shooting in 2010? i still have the photo's and news paper articles on mjy computer. you who have eyes SEE! you who have ears Listen! and keep out of Thai polotics, it is deadly and does not concern you! if you don't like it leave or get in the middle and yell fire and see what happens.

I think I must have put my "thick" head on when I got up this morning,because I don't understand your response.Can you help me out please and use words with one syllable in any fururer reoponses.P.S. I am mentally challenged,or pre PC days a bit thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In China Red is seen as the color of riches, power and the good life...

in the reverse evolution process described by Charles Darwin. "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world."

Let's hope sooner than later. Never liked the color red.
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Wow, talk about a fevered anti-Red Shirt diatribe...I am not sure of the specifics of this case, but the frenzied, zealous and inflamed rhetoric of this article clearly is over the top.....A classic case of "Me thinks he protests too much".

This article delves into historical events to contextualization them in support of its' basic intentions to diabolize and villify the UDD/RS's, so it is not off-topic to do likewise.

Even invoking one of the 2010 R'song protest actions, and ignoring the coupist provocations of negating their votes and another one of their selected Govts. As if these protesters were anarchic, acting out in a political vacuum, and totally unprovoked...Just bad, bad people basically.

In this instance, one-sidedly referencing when protesters sought to determine of there were snipers in that bastion of PAD-Dem, anti-protest location of Chulalongkorn Hospital. Everyone knows the hatred of the medical establishment had for Thaksin, and by extension, for those protesters..........That protest was a conflict between a coup-rooted administration and those opposed, and this hospital administration was an element of one side......same as currently. I am told Chulalongkorn University is the nerve center for the coup-mongers, providing comfort and material support to them using the Universities considerable resources. Even involving something called a 'war room'.

Jumping on some isolated events as in this article to demonize the Red Shirts while ignoring many excesses of the current coup-mongers and their extremist actions, is seen for what it is......This writer could just as easily have written such a heated and frenzied article about any number of coup-monger actions of late, but those are deep-sixed for the most part.For example, torturing a guy for several days, then tying a guy's hands and feet and throwing him over a bridge, or Popcorn guys firing at unarmed people....No savagery there? Those are but two examples among many.

What's your opinion on WATERBOARDING by the US and the CIA holding cells here in Thailand? Just curious.

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The same people that call the attackers of this monk "galahs" which is more a description suited to a group of kids with water paint all over themselves while playing in the back yard. Of course this is to downplay the gravity of the crime committed and is the only sign of admission of guilt one would receive from there supporters. "Galahs" a bunch of scallywags that got a bit playful in their eyes. They are very very quick to back that up with the usual "But the monk brought it on himself" excuse. Then the accusations fly of him being a PDRC supporter, not a real monk, that he attacked the red shirts first…Stories that are more mystical and imaginative than J.R.Tolkiens could possible conjure and is more suited to children's nursery rhyme books than on a "grown ups" political forum.

When the OP states these "humans" as savages he does not mention the supporters that stand on the side lines that defend them. I think they are just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Without their support these savages would not be so emboldened and they would dissolve quicker than an aspirin in water.

The supporters in the "beat the war drum" supporting terrorism and clapping and cheering upon hearing the "good news" in Trat is a true window into the wretched souls of these people. These supporters. These fanatics that denounce the very thing they have become. One thing can be guaranteed after guaging the reactions of these "supporters" is that my children will be shielded from this hatred and blind fanatical devotion and celebration of death, evil and wanton destruction that the red shirts embrace like a new born infant to her mothers teat.

What is worse? The savage or the supporter and defender of savages. My children will be taught to avoid both.

Excellent post,could only disagree with one point.These people do not have souls,they the devil incarnate.

They have souls, but they have been twisted by their leaders.

Good souls originally, but now souls sold to the devil, some never even knowing the sale was made.

As bad as their actions, it is hard not to also feel sorry for them in their horribly manipulated states of being.

I suppose you could apply that logic to the Germans.

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Bravo Nation biggrin.png

Good to see some venom. However for you red types ... remember The PDRC beating to death a cab driver is not savagery ..... The PDRC torching a bus and burning a looter alive is not, I repeat not savagery. Suthep ordering the army to shoot to kill (2010) and putting down 90 reds (a lot more unconfirmed) IS NOT SAVAGERY!

And The Nation will not publish slander that says it is. That is all

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It appears to me from the OP that we haven't reverted to savages in the true primal sense. It appears that we recognize colour coding and that red indicates the savage side.

Whereas I hold nothing but revulsion for the people involved in the monk incident, I am having difficulty remembering such a one sided article as this with reference to today's politics.


It does seem to be biased, but how else could the writer have written it? How could she have phrased it otherwise? Is there a redshirt side to the story? Do you honestly think so in this case?

How about, not articles, but Yinluck's speeches? They are full of bias, but also have outright lies.

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The same people that call the attackers of this monk "galahs" which is more a description suited to a group of kids with water paint all over themselves while playing in the back yard. Of course this is to downplay the gravity of the crime committed and is the only sign of admission of guilt one would receive from there supporters. "Galahs" a bunch of scallywags that got a bit playful in their eyes. They are very very quick to back that up with the usual "But the monk brought it on himself" excuse. Then the accusations fly of him being a PDRC supporter, not a real monk, that he attacked the red shirts first…Stories that are more mystical and imaginative than J.R.Tolkiens could possible conjure and is more suited to children's nursery rhyme books than on a "grown ups" political forum.

When the OP states these "humans" as savages he does not mention the supporters that stand on the side lines that defend them. I think they are just as dangerous if not more dangerous. Without their support these savages would not be so emboldened and they would dissolve quicker than an aspirin in water.

The supporters in the "beat the war drum" supporting terrorism and clapping and cheering upon hearing the "good news" in Trat is a true window into the wretched souls of these people. These supporters. These fanatics that denounce the very thing they have become. One thing can be guaranteed after guaging the reactions of these "supporters" is that my children will be shielded from this hatred and blind fanatical devotion and celebration of death, evil and wanton destruction that the red shirts embrace like a new born infant to her mothers teat.

What is worse? The savage or the supporter and defender of savages. My children will be taught to avoid both.

Excellent post,could only disagree with one point.These people do not have souls,they the devil incarnate.

They have souls, but they have been twisted by their leaders.

Good souls originally, but now souls sold to the devil, some never even knowing the sale was made.

As bad as their actions, it is hard not to also feel sorry for them in their horribly manipulated states of being.

I suppose you could apply that logic to the Germans.

It's not at all about logic... it's about their lack of logic and unquestioning devotion and obsequious servitude to their masters.

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