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Paltrow-Martin split. Another celeb couple that put themselves before their children


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Make me sick.

Sad, for the kids.


Another celebrity couple that think children are just for Christmas.

What is wrong with people? What impact does this separation have on the children?

Too seduced with their own stardom, celebrity and importance that they don't really give sh*t about what the kids think. Do bleeding shows on cooking chicken and sh**t, yeah, better stay in the limelight. sad.png

I know, my parents split up when up I was a kid and the legacy doesn't die with time. Robbed of a Father that really should have given damn but followed his groin to satisfy his own needs. I ended up in the care of the Police cos my father didn't give a sh*t.

Left with a mother that tried to kill herself when my brothers and I came home from school.

I hate these people that think kids are a commodity.

I have 2 kids and I will stay with my wife until I die, I make an effort keep our family together. In times of stress and turmoil, the reward at the end of the day is priceless than simply walking away.

If you have children, you owe them your life, you made them, they came to you. The least you can do is give them your all. I will never do what my parents did to me.

Anyway, these rich and famous people make me sick the way they treat the children this way. I suppose the world is f**ked up.

I can happily say that I will stay with my lovely (Thai) wife until I die, we owe it to our family. If you don't make an effort, you are doomed.

These celebrity types are all the same, so stuck up their own a$$'s - disgusting.

Rant over.

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I hear you...my father did a runner on my mother, who then struggled to raise me as a single parent. She did her best and gave it her all and I'll always be grateful to her. However, the lack of any paternal influence and guidance in my upbringing continues to have its affects.

Point of order: Shouldn't this be in the World News or Family subforum?

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You don't know anything about the relationship between these to people, so no right to judge them.

I for one think that two people, that would otherwise not want to be married to each other anymore, should not stay together just for the kids.

Sooner or later frustations will show, which will be apparent to the kids, with all consequences from that.

It's all about how you organize and handle the divorce and life after it. How do you split the assets and who stays with who

and who visits who and how often, how do both parents still contribute to the upbringing of the kids, etc.

Do you show your kids you can still communicate in a normal and friendly manner, or do you show fighting, hate and anger?

Sadly, as I said in another thread, most divorces are not amicable.

I think these two celebs can work it out well for all involved.

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